I had the honor by letter of the
26th inst to apply to your Grace,
for 3 months extension of leave of absence to witness the completion
of arrangements to improve
Victoria Harbour: and Your Grace by order
of the
10h Novr was pleased to decide that 2 months was sufficient
for the purpose, which has proved to be the case, inasmuch as all the
arangements are now complete, and it is understood that the vessel
which carries the machinery will sail
the first week in January. I
now very respectfully Petition Your Grace for a month or 6 weeks
additional leave on Personal grounds, viz. that I am to be married on
2nd of January. I would add that the entire leave as yet granted
is 11 months, occupied in the Public Serivce, and that I ought, in
either event to arrive in the Colony considerably in advance of the
machinery and Engineers.