I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of a Despatch from
Lyons enclosing copies of a correspondence between his Lordship and
Seward relative to an alleged attempt to fit out a Privateer at
Van Couver Island for the service of the Confederate States.
I have no means of judging of the authority due to these rumours,
but you will not fail to use every effort in your power to prevent any
Privateers or Vessels of War being fitted out from
Van Couver Island and
British Columbia for the service of either of the belligerents.
With reference to my Circular Instruction of the
16th of May, and
to your reply of the
20th of August 1861, I cannot doubt that you have
already felt the propriety of this course, but, adverting to the recent
rumours on the subject, I have thought
it right not to omit repeating
directions to you to adhere strictly to the duties of neutrality and to
prevent the unlawful equipment at a British Port of any vessel destined
for Warlike purposes.