I have the Honor to forward herewith Copy of a Letter addressed to me
Mr Young the Colonial Secretary, applying for leave of absence
for Twelve months to enable him to proceed to England upon Private
affairs, and to obtain relaxation after continuous employment in the
Public Service in these Colonies for a period of nearly Seven years.
2. I laid this application before The Executive Council and they
concurred with me in deeming
Mr Young to be entitled to this
indulgence after his long and uninterrupted service; and
I therefore
Mr Young the required leave of absence, but, upon the
condition, that it should not take effect until convenient after the
arrival of my Successor. In respect to this point
Mr Young stated
to me his reasons for making the application at the present period,
instead of deferring it until after my Successor had assumed the
Administration of affairs. They appeared to me quite satisfactory
and related exclusively to personal considerations connected with his
3. In forwarding this application I think it but just—
Mr Young
having been employed so much under my own eye—to bear my testimony
to the unremitting nature of his
labours in transacting with only an
inexperienced and insufficient Staff the complicated business arising
out of the organization of all the Departments in two Infant
Colonies. He has hitherto had no leave of absence, and for some time
past I feared that the failure in his health, which was apparent,
would compel him to seek change and quiet.