14th April 1864
My Lord Duke,
I have the honor to submit the following Statement for Your information.
2. When I arrived in this Colony on the 25th March I found on reference to the Estimates for the Year 1864 (which had only just passed the Local Legislature) that all provision of whatever kind under the head of "Governor" had been omitted. There was no Public Residence for the Governor and no provision made for a temporary one.
3. As the Legislative Assembly was still sitting I thought it expedient, withtheManuscript image the advice of my Executive Council to bring the subject formally under their notice.
4. This I did by a message on the 2nd of April covering the copy of a Despatch addressed to me while in England by Sir F. Rogers dated 26th September 1863, pointing out the proper course for me to pursue. My message, the Despatch, and Reply of the Legislative Assembly will be found herewith marked No. 2.
5. I at the same time sent a message to the Legislative Assembly communicating a Despatch from Sir F. Rogers, dated 11th September 1863, in reply to my application for a Private Secretary. A copy of my Message, the Despatch and Reply of the LegislativeAssemblyManuscript image Assembly, will also be found herewith, marked No. 3.
6. This ended my communication with the Legislative Assembly on these subjects; not so however on the part of the Public and the Press, who were almost unanimous in their expression of disapproval of the action of the Legislative Assembly.
7. The matter finally culminated in a Public Meeting called by the Mayor of Victoria, on the 11th Instant, when the Resolutions—Marked No. 4—were adopted and presented to me on the following day.
8. I cannot better conclude this Statement than by transmitting Extracts from every newspaper publishedinManuscript image in the Colony commenting upon the whole proceeding, which you will find herewith marked No. 5.
9. Your Grace will observe that the Honble The Speaker of the House of Assembly, attended the Public Meeting, which is a circumstance I think to be regretted.
10. From this Short Statement, Your Grace will be enabled to judge in how far the action of the Legislative Assembly, in these matters, represents the opinions and wishes of the People of the Colony, in whose loyalty and intelligence I have full confidence. I must however add in conclusion that my own replies and remarkstoManuscript image to the Deputations are very incorrectly reported.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces very obedient
humble Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
I always expected a ferment on a change of Governors. The atmosphere of Victoria will be clearer after a storm or two & the departure of Sir J.D. for England. You should know that the Ho: of Assembly is composed of late H.B.Co folks. They form one party—the outside people are the other and the opposition. This House was elected last year. It sits for 4 years. Governor Kennedy must be the best judge, being on the spot, whether public opinion will support him if he resorts to dissolution. I think that the firm tone of the S.S. desph of the 30 Apl will help to strengthen the Governor's position; & that the public, if not the House of [one line cut off microfilm] & moderate Civil List for the payment of the [one word cut off microfilm] Officers in exchange for the Crown Revenues—in requiring the Colony to provide a house for the Governor, & give him a Priv: Secy the S. State has done no more than what is fair towards the Colony, & usual in such cases. The tone of Mr Kennedy's answers indicate that he will not lose his temper or let himself be dragged into a personal difference with the Assembly.
ABd 13 June
Mr Fortescue
There are indications of a bad spirit in this little Colony. For the present it may perhaps be deemed enough to acknowledge the receipt of this despatch, and to express regret that the House of Assembly had not returned more favorable answers to his Messages in which he pointed out to them the want of a residence for the Governor and alsoManuscript image of a Private Secretary to assist him in the proper performance of his duties.
TFE 14 June
And refer him to desp. of April 30.
CF 15
See 5480.
EC 15
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5470, 5471, 5480 Vancouver Island. Despatches concerning the refusal of the Ho: of Assembly to provide the Governor with a residence, and a Private Secy.
Dft ansrs not yet prepared in consequence of the arrival of the Govrs desph 5725 - communicating further intelligence as to the proceedings of the House on the Civil List question. 5725 expresses the Governor's views as to the separation of V. Couver Isld and B. Columbia from under one Governor. OnManuscript image which point it will be well to see what Governor Douglas says—vide his despatch 2905/64.
ABd 23 June/64
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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"Colony of Vancouver Island. Estimates for the Year 1864."
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Kennedy to House of Assembly, 2 April 1864, enclosing copy of a letter from Frederic Rogers of the Colonial Office, asking them to consider making some provision for a governor's residence.
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Rogers to Kennedy, 16 September 1863, advising that he would have to apply to the legislature to make provision for his residence.
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Copy, House of Assembly to Kennedy, 8 April 1864, declining to provide any funds for a residence "until the result of an Address lately transmitted to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies be known."
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Kennedy to House of Assembly, 2 April 1864, enclosing copy of a letter from Rogers, asking them to make provision for the salary and passage expense of his private secretary.
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Rogers to Kennedy, 11 September 1863, directing him to apply to the legislature for the salary of his secretary.
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Rogers to Kennedy, 6 January 1864, advising that as the colony possesses a representative assembly, the passage money of his private secretary could not be defrayed from Imperial funds.
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House of Assembly to Kennedy, 8 April 1864, declining to entertain the question "until such time as the question of the Transfer of Crown Lands shall come before the Legislature in answer to Resolutions already forwarded to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies."
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Thomas Harris, W.J. McDonald, George Cruickshank, and A.D. Bell, to Kennedy, 12 April 1864, expressing the support of the people of Victoria as voiced at a public meeting, and their opposition to the attitude of the House.
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Newspaper clippings from The Daily Chronicle (5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 April 1864); The British Colonist (5, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 April 1864); The Evening Express (31 March, 9, 12 and 13 April 1864); and The British Columbian (13 April 1864) reporting on the questions at issue between Kennedy and the House of Assembly, the public meeting on the question, and related concerns (18 pages).
Kennedy, Arthur to Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes 14 April 1864, CO 305:22, no. 5470, 101. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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