No. 53
Consequent upon the discovery of gold in the
Sooke District I have
Mr Richard Golledge, Clerk in the Treasurer's Office as
Acting Gold Commissioner, he being the best available officer I had
for that service.
I have not yet fixed any amount of remuneration beyond his present
salary with the exception of allowing
his his actual expenses, reserving
this for future consideration.
Mr Golledge's temporary appointment will of course involve the
additional salary for an Officer to fill his place during his absence
from the Treasury.
I have also the honor to inform you that I appointed
Mr Charles J.
Hughes, a resident of
Victoria, to the office of Acting Stipendiary
Magistrate at
Sooke Harbour. This gentleman who was well esteemed
and of good capacity, for some unknown cause committed
suicide suicide in a
most deliberate manner immediately on his arrival there.
I have to beg for your sanction
for these temporary appointments.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Other documents included in the file