No. 61
I have the honor to inform you that I have appointed
Mr Thomas L.
Wood to be Acting Attorney General vice Cary resigned, subject to
your approval.
I have selected
Mr Wood solely on public grounds as the best man
available. He is highly respectable in private life, a highly
respected Member of the local Bar, and his
appointment I believe to
be entirely approved of by the public.
I think it is inexpedient that I should recommend the permanent
appointment of
Mr Wood or any one else till the Legislature has made
provision for the salary of an Attorney General. When that is done I
will have some suggestions to offer for your consideration as to the
conditions on which the office should be held.
I have the honor to be
Your very obedient Servant,
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Cardwell
I think that this
shd be approved. You will find in 9635 a
remonstrance from
Mr Ring, but I feel no doubt that you will uphold
the Governor's liberty of excercising his own judgment in the selection
of the person he thinks best for the Public Service.
Other documents included in the file