The materials are not sufficient for a precis. The following are the
cases which I had in my mind when I made the remark which has
Mr Cardwell's attention.

o 1 Commencing in
1859 I find that there was a certain
Mr C.A.
Anderson who was Collector of Customs in
V.C.I. Embezzlement took
place in his Office, & he was dismissed for carelessness & remissness
in the care of his Dep
o 2 In /
61 Mr Nagle, Harbor Master, was dismissed for alleged
o 3 In /
62 Mr D'Ewes, the Acting Port Master of
absconded. He was a public and private defaulter.
o] 4 In the same year
Mr G.T. Gordon, the Treasurer embezzled
the public money. He was tried, was imprisoned, & escaped. I
believe he was allowed to walk off without any attempt to detain him.
o] 5 Finally
Mr Cary, the Attorney
Genl, having resigned his
Office, is charged with speculation, running into debt, & practices
the reverse of honest.