No. 104, Miscellaneous
Referring to my Despatch N
o 100 of
3rd December 1864, I have the
honor to request that I may be supplied with copies of any Rules or
Regulations which may have been laid down for the discipline and
management of the Metropolitan Police Force or any other information
which may be considered useful
for for the management of the Police Force
in this Colony.
I regret to say that this Force is greatly deficient in that
systematic and detailed organization which is so necessary to the
efficiency of such a body, and in arranging the details of which it
is in my opinion most desirable to have the benefit of practical
I would earnestly request that the information sought may be
furnished as early as may be convenient.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Apply to the Commissioners of Police?
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
Richard Mayne,
21 February 1865, forwarding copy of
the despatch and asking that the desired information be forwarded
without delay.