I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of
Mr Fortescue's Despatch
of the
4h Instant, conveying your request that I will, for the
reasons stated, formally resign the Vice-Admirals Commission issued
to me on my appointment to my late Government of
Vancouver's Island.
In compliance with such requirement I beg to tender
my resignation of
the Office of Vice Admiral of the Colony of
Vancouver's Island and
its Dependencies, and I hereby resign all powers, rights, or
privileges conferred on me or entrusted to me by such Commission
issued to me as aforesaid, save and except in so far as relates to
any act or thing heretofore done by virtue of the said office.
The Commission itself I have left behind me in
Vancouver's Island,
but, if it be required, I will cause it to be returned from thence
so soon as may be practicable.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Right Honorable Edward Cardwell MP
&c &c &c
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
See also 6976
B. Columbia. These Letters contain a full surrender of
the Office of Vice Admiral in both Colonies. With regard to the
question of the Commissions you thought it best in the case of S
Helene that the present Governor should be directed to send home the
In the present case
Sir J. Douglas mentions having left the
Commissions at
Van Couvers Island, and offers to send for them. It
is just possible that they may be with his private Papers. Either he
might be asked to send for them, or he might be informed that in the
event of their having been left deposited in the Archives of the
Govt the Secy of State
wd direct the
Govr to send them home.
Draft. Ask him to take steps for causing them to be returned at his
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to
28 July 1864, asking that he take the
necessary steps to ensure the return of the Vice Admiralty Commission
Vancouver Island.