With reference to my despatch No. 63 of the
11th of May 1859
British Columbia) in which I left it to you to determine the proportion
in which the Colonies of
Vancouver Island and
British Columbia should
respectively contribute towards the expense of the erection of the
Lighthouses in
Fucas Straits and
Esquimalt Harbour, I have
the the honor to
transmit to you the enclosed statement, which has been received from the
Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, of the sums expended
in this Country and of the sums advanced to the Government of
Island on account of the Works of these Lighthouses amounting to
As these advances have been made by the
Imperial Government on the condition that one half of the sums advanced should be
repaid by the colonies of
British Columbia and
Island, I have to request that you will cause the sum of £6246-19-10 to be repaid to her
Majesty's Paymaster General in the proper proportions by the two colonies.