No. 2, Miscellaneous
1. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch N
1st November 1864 informing me that you had received from the
Hudson's Bay Company the copy of an Information filed by the Attorney
General of
Vancouver Island against that Company praying that the
sales of certain public lands alleged by
them to have been made prior
to the Agreement with Her Majesty's Government of
February 1862 may
be set aside and requesting an explanation from me on the subject.
2. In reply thereto I beg to enclose a copy of correspondence on
this subject
Acting Colonial Secretary to Acting Attorney General,
3rd September
Acting Attorney General,
6th September 1864.
Acting Colonial Secretary,
9th September 1864.
Acting Attorney General,
6th October 1864.
Mr J.D. Pemberton,
17th October 1864.
which explains itself and will supply the information you require.
3. You will observe that this suit, the terms of which were from
time to time amended, was instituted by my Predecessor
so far back as
May 1861.
4. I did not possess the requisite knowledge of this much debated
subject, nor did I feel justified in interfering with the action of
the Attorney General instructed by my Predecessor till
Mr Cary
resigned office on the
22nd August 1864 when I called upon the
Acting Attorney General,
Mr Wood, in a letter dated
9th September
1864 for a statement of the object of the suit so long pending, and
received his reply (herewith) dated
October 6th 1864 which conveys
all the information I can at present offer.
5. You will further observe that this letter of the Acting Attorney
General was transmitted by me to
Mr J.D. Pemberton, late Surveyor
General, in whose name the suit was instituted, for his remarks,
which will be found herewith in a confidential letter dated
October 1864.
6. The Minute of the Acting Attorney General on
Mr Pemberton's
letter dated
14th November 1864 I laid before my Executive Council
when a decision in accordance with his recommendation was come to
Minute of Executive Council, 28th November 1864.
and the suit abandoned.
7. The subsequent letters named in the margin (herewith)
Acting Attorney General, 1st December 1864 and Enclosures.
Minute of Executive Council, 28th December 1864.
will, with the Council Minute thereon, bring the proceedings up to
the present date.
8. It is very difficult to deal with a part only of this large and
complicated question, and the difficulty is greatly increased by the
absence of my Predecessor, and
Mr Young, Colonial Secretary,
appear to have conducted much of this and other business verbally.
9. The action of the local Legislature has rendered it compulsory
upon me to lay the question as a whole before you, and which I
purpose to do as early as possible. In the mean time I do not think
the Hudson's Bay Company can sustain injury or inconvenience from the
last step I have been advised to take. I have no intention of
pressing the suit proposed in the letter of the
Pearkes and
Green (and approved by the Attorney General) dated
3rd December till
I receive your instructions.
10. The subject of my Despatch of this date, No 1, is a branch of
this matter.
11. You may be sure that I will not lend my sanction to any hasty or
partisan proceeding against the Hudson's Bay Company.
12. I feel confident that the Hudson's Bay Company would disclaim
any proceeding by whomsoever taken which could in any way compromise
their deservedly high character, but at the same time I lean to the
opinion that the proverbial bitterness of a family quarrel which
unhappily existed between the Gentlemen who represented the Hudson's
Bay Company and the Crown prior to my arrival here unconsciously led
both into errors of judgment which has resulted in great
complications and mischief to the Colony, and which nothing but a
Court of Law, a Special Commission, or Arbitration can
now correct.
Of these I would for the interests of all parties recommend
arbitration. Two honorable and unbiassed men with power to take
evidence on oath and call for papers could settle the questions at
little cost of time or money. It is one of those subjects on which a
correspondence may be kept up for years without any result.
13. I have no desire to shrink from any responsibility Her Majesty's
Government may please to put upon me, but I think as Governor
of this
Colony where impartiality is all-important, it would for numerous
reasons be inexpedient to make me judge in a matter which has
elicited such bitter partisan feeling among the whole community.
14. I should be less likely to afford satisfaction inasmuch as the
Gentlemen employed by and representing the Hudson's Bay Company in
this Colony have shown a very persistent and unmistakeable hostility
my administration from a period anterior to my arrival.
15. You will observe that the suit in question was commenced against
the Hudson's Bay Company in May 1861, and that it was abandoned some
months before I received your Despatch now under reply.
16. For what reasons the Hudson's Bay Company abstained from
bringing it under the notice of the Secretary of State during my
Predecessor's term of Office which expired in March 1864 is a matter
I cannot explain.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Henry Wakeford, Acting Colonial Secretary, to
L. Wood, Acting Attorney General,
3 September 1864, asking that all
available documents relating to certain disputes between the colony
and the Hudson's Bay Company be forwarded.
Wood to
6 September 1864, responding to his memorandum
with an explanation of the present state of the proposed conveyance
of public lands by the Hudson's Bay Company to the crown.
Wakeford to
9 September 1864, approving the recommendation
concerning the deed of conveyance, and asking for a "clear statement
of the object of the suit against the Hudson Bay Company and of the
position, in which it is at present."
Wood to
6 October 1864, detailing the background and
current status of the dispute between the crown and the company
(eleven pages).
J.D. Pemberton to
17 October 1864, responding to the
letter from
Wood to
Wakeford of
6 October 1864 with a suggestion that
legal action be suspended in favour of arbitration, with extended
explanation. This letter was referred for comment by
31 October 1864, to which
Wood replied,
14 November 1864,
advising that the company be asked for an account
of land sales previous to
January 1862.
"Extract from Minutes of Executive Council,
28th November
1864," approving the suggestion to ask the company for information
as noted above, signed by
Wood to
21 December 1864, forwarding
various correspondence between solicitors for the crown and for the
company relating to the suit pending between the two parties.
Pearkes and
Green to
W.T. Drake,
3 December 1864, advising that
the government wished to drop the suit in view of the execution of
the Indenture of
1862 and, with a view to carrying out the objects of
that agreement, asking for information relating to land sales made by
the company prior to
1862 of property occupied by them prior to
with explanation.
Drake to
Pearkes and
17 December 1864, declining to
supply the information requested as the company felt the agreement
signed and carried out by them in
January 1862 constituted a final
settlement between themselves and the crown.
"Extract from Minutes of Executive Council,
28th December
1864," responding to the refusal of the company with a suggestion that
legal action be taken "to compel the disclosure of the information
sought," signed by
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners,
8 March 1865, forwarding
copy of correspondence relating to the land dispute between the crown
and the Hudson's Bay Company for their observations and suggestions.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Cardwell, Edward
Cary, Attorney General George Hunter
Drake, M. W. Tyrwhitt
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Green, Sebright
Kennedy, Arthur
Pearkes, George
Pemberton, Joseph Despard
Wakeford, Henry
Wood, Thomas Lett
Young, William Alexander George
Places in this document
Vancouver Island