No. 18, Separate
Referring to my Despatch N
o 16 of the
21st instant I have the honor
to enclose a copy of a letter received from
Governor Seymour this day
which is the only reply I have yet received to my confidential letter
27th February 1865 transmitted in the before mentioned Despatch.
My letter of the
20th March,
of the reply to which I now enclose a
copy, was a private letter (of which I kept no copy) to
Seymour reminding him that I did not feel justified in delaying the
transmission of the Resolutions of the
Vancouver Island Legislative
Assembly on the subject of Union with
British Columbia waiting his
reply to my letter of the
27th February.
I have received no other communication on the subject from
Seymour since writing my letter of the
27th February.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Seymour to
23 March 1865, referring to the issue of
union and advising that he intended to "watch the turn of events and
direct them quietly" in view of his colony's current opposition to