1. It
wd seem that
Mr Williams was only required by the Supreme
Court to produce the money entrusted to him when it was wanted—no
rules being laid down respect
g custody. That he kept an account at
Macdonald's Bank
This Bank has failed: & the Principals or Managers have fled.
wh he paid his official receipts & out of which he paid all his
official payments—that he overdrew this account & endeavoured to
satisfy the banker by placing in his hands—as the banker says by way
of security, but as he says merely by way of deposit—an unendorsed
official cheque (to order) for $3020, that this

led to enquiry, in
the course of
wh Judge Cameron intervened & recovered from the bank
the cheque
wh as it happened the Registrar had no business to retain
either officially or privately.
I do not see that there is anything to be done beyond referring to
the dphes of 18 & 19 Augt.