No. 68, Miscellaneous
I have the honor to transmit the copy of a Report from the leader of
an exploring party together with a rough sketch of the locality from
which he writes.
Upwards of one hundred
people have gone to
Clayoquot Sound, on the
West Coast of the Island in search of gold.
I will keep you informed of the proceedings of the party and the
prospects of the miners, as well as of the measures I may find it
necessary to adopt.
Leech River diggings are supporting a small number of miners, and
a considerable number of Chinamen who are content with small gains.
I am persevering in the exploration of the Island under great
difficulties and discouragement, in the conviction that the discovery
of a gold field would render
Vancouver Island a most valuable
Mr Buttle the leader of the expedition is an ex-non-commissioned
officer of the Royal Engineers, and may be relied upon as strictly
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Sketch map of the region being explored, showing the site of
a gold discovery at
Bear River.
Other documents included in the file