These letters have been recovered from the wreck of the mail packet
Brother Jonathan" and here received by me this day from

consul at
San Francisco.
Governor Seymour proceeds to England by this Mail it is I presume
unnecessary for me to enlarge upon the subject of Your letter to him.
I should however wish to state that I can see no more difficulty in
Cariboo from "
Victoria," than from "
New Westminster"—if
that condition be necessary to Union of the Colonies.
I think it is obvious that on whatever condition Union may be
decided upon, the longer it is deferred, the more numerous and serious

the obstacles will become.
I feel confident that a just and impartial administration of the
Govt of the United Colonies, would soon reconcile the small private
interests which are now opposed to union.
Governor Seymour has been staying with me awaiting the arrival of
the mail steamer, and I had no hesitation in handing him the copy of your
private letter the original of which he informs me he has not received.
I have the honor
to be,
Sir, Your very faithful
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
I suppose we do not yet fully know all that
Mr Seymour has to say on
the subject of a Union of the two Countries; and in the absence of any
objections which he may offer to the measure a certain amount of
diffidence may be entertained by us in coming to a conclusion. But
Govr S. has no stronger reasons to adduce against joining the 2
Colonies than those he has advanced in his despatches I must confess
that I, for one, can see nothing but harm in postponing the event.
With the aid of the telegraph & good Justices of the Peace up the Country
Govt may be conducted without difficulty at
New Westminster.