Offices of the Crown Agents for the Colonies,
Spring Gardens, London, S.W.
February 16 1865
I transmit to you the Enclosed letter, in original, from the Colonial
Treasurer of
Vancouver Island, stating that under the authority of
the Governor of that Colony he had drawn a bill at 30 days sight for
the sum of One thousand pounds sterling, in favor of the Bank of
British North America, on account of the "
Vancouver Island Road and
Harbour (£40,000) Loan," and I have to apply for
Cardwell Secretary
Cardwell's authority for accepting the same, although the balance in
the hands of the Crown Agents in favor of the Government of that
Colony is only £471:7:2.
I have written by the Mail leaving this Country this evening to the
Colonial Secretary bringing to the notice of the local Government the
state of their Account.