Moody to Under-Secretary of State
14h January 1865
To enable me satisfactorily to afford the information desired respecting "Defences for Esquimalt Harbour Vancouvers Island" I should feel greatly obliged if you would do me the honour to obtain from the Colony a Copy of the Lands and Works Department Survey of the Surrounding neighbourhood on a large Scale.
Mr Pearse the present Acting Surveyor General made a very good Survey of it, and if H.E. Governor KennedywouldManuscript image would direct that the few most prominent points for future military occupation be again carefully revised in Plan; the Features of the Ground sketched in detail (large scale—scale to be shown in yards) and a few levels taken to show relative Commands of each point in connection with the others and all in reference to the level of the Sea, it would be of the greatest assistance. In fact without the above information, any observations or suggestions of mine could be of but little value.
I was in hopes that Copies of such plans might now be in the Colonial Office. The Nautical Survey which I possess is excellent and of great value for the special services it is intended to meetandManuscript image and it also contains some altitudes of Prominent Land Features, but it does not meet what is now requisite as to showing accurately and fully in detail the Features of the Ground.
The Governor was formerly in the Army, and will not only know what would be useful to me but I trust would even from old associations be disposed to take a very special interest in causing the information to be fully supplied.
The ground all around the Naval Reserve and the Village of Esquimalt; the low ridge over looking the Naval Reserve (formerly the Hospital); the remarkable Rocky Hill overlooking that lower Ridge and the Harbour as well as "out to sea"; thehighManuscript image high ground to N.E. on the left of the road to Victoria which high ground again commands this Rocky Hill and overlooks the upper end of Constance Cove and the present Naval Hospital are perhaps the most leading Features on that side. A low sort of Ridge that partially shelters Belmont House from the Sea and the higher ground above, known as Pic Nic Hill (I believe) are the principal features on the opposite side of the Harbour.
Inskip Island should be carefully "sketched in"—it is so small it might be "contoured." This Island ought to be in the hands of the Colonial Govt and so ought the remarkable Rocky Hill above alluded to. The "lower Ridge" overlooking the Naval StoreHousesManuscript image Houses is already possessed by the Admiralty.
At the same time that these Plans are forwarded I would suggest to H.E. the Governor that similar plans be sent home showing, with observed altitudes, the ground on the East of Victoria—more especially the small Rocky Hill near the Sandy Beach West of Foul Bay (the Hill overlooks the present Attorney General's House). Also the mass of Rocky Hill at Gonsalo Point also the high Sea Coast ground continuing Eastwards round to Oak Bay and Mr Tod's Farm inclusive.
Nearer the town covering it from the East and entirely command:ingManuscript image :ing it is a Rocky elevated Mass of Ground running from about the late Attorney General's House to & past the House of the Present Surveyor General. This latter House stands on the eastern brow of it.
H.E. Governor Kennedy will at once recognize the Position, and the important part it might have to play in the future History of Victoria if attacked and defended "in Force" on both sides. A good sketch of it (to scale) is desirable.
I have the honour to be
Yr most obedient Sert
R.C. Moody
Col. R.E.
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
I apprehend we should send a copy of this Letter to Govr Kennedy & request him to take the necessary steps for supplying the desired informn.
When recd it strikes me that we shd properly send the infn to the War Office, by whom Colonel Moody is employed on this service.
ABd 19/1
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I have found in the Office several copies of a Surveyor's Map of the Country round Esquimalt. I therefore append the accompanying draft of a letter to Coll Moody.
TFE 20 Jany
Other documents included in the file
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Elliot to Moody, 24 January 1865, forwarding maps of the country around Esquimalt and Victoria harbours, with explanation.
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement to Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester 14 January 1865, CO 305:27, no. 464, 364. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)