No. 22
I have on several late occasions brought under your notice the fact
that the Legislative Assembly had struck out of the annual Estimate
submitted to them, the salaries for Private Secretary and Auditor,
£350 and £247 respectively. They have also reduced the establishment
of Colonial Secretary to one clerk
who who is also "Clerk to the
Legislative Council." I am therefore when the Council is in Session,
left without the services of Colonial Secretary or clerical
assistance of any kind.
I have thus been reduced to the alternative of shutting up my office
and allowing public office to fall into arrear and confusion, or
retaining the services of
Mr Wakeford as Private Secretary.
I have no disinclination for labour, nor any desire to require others
to do that which it is
possible possible to do for myself, but in the present
case it would be physically impossible for me to perform even the
clerical labour of my office. Much of this is connected with Crown
Lands, and Crown Revenues, and I therefore feel justified pending
your decision to charge
Mr Wakeford's salary at the rate of £350 per
annum against the Crown Revenue under the terms of your Despatch
"Separate" dated
12th October 1865. I have the less hesitation in
doing this inasmuch as the Acting Surveyor General's salary which you
authorized me to pay from the Crown Funds has been voted from General
You will observe from the accompanying letter from
Mr Wakeford that
he will continue to perform the duties of Auditor in the belief that
he will be ultimately remunerated for his services.
The proposal of the Legislative Assembly to transfer the audit
of of the
Public Accounts to
their own Clerk of whose qualifications and fitness for an
office of high trust I have no knowledge is one that I could not
accede to and for which I would not render myself responsible.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Add this to the Collection of Correspondence on the misdeeds of
V.C.I. which has been printed?
Under the circes approve the payment of £350 per ann: to
Mr Wakeford
out of Crown Revenue.
Send down with Arrear List. Put by?
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Henry Wakeford to
9 March 1866, describing how he came
to audit the accounts of the colony and declining to relinquish "the
half finished task which I have undertaken" despite the fact his
salary had been disallowed.