Title: Geological sketch of the south east of Vancouver Island and part of the coast of the Gulf of Georgia.
Title: South east of Vancouver Island and part of the coast of the Gulf of Georgia.
Author: British North American Exploring Expedition
Subject: Vancouver Island (B.C.) -- Maps; Georgia, Strait of (B.C. and Wash.) -- Maps; Gulf Islands (B.C.) -- Maps; British North American Exploring Expedition; British Columbia -- Discovery and exploration.
Subject: British Columbia, 1863
Identifier (repository): CO
Identifier (repoNumber): 6
Identifier (repoVol): 369
Identifier (libFileName): CO6-36 (9)
Identifier (penfoldNum): 413
Identifier (doc_id): CO6-36 (9)
Date: 1863
Funder: Funded by a Canadian Council of Archives, Archival Community Digitization Program.
Publisher: Edward Stanford Ltd.
Publisher: National Archives of the UK.
Identifier (CONTENTdm): oai:contentdm.library.uvic.ca:collection5/220
48N / 124W-123W