The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia
Schema, documentation and guidelines
Martin Holmes
Gord Lyall
Lily Maase
Kim Shortreed

Table of contents

1. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia

Welcome to the Colonial Despatches project. This document provides detailed guidelines for editors, programmers, maintainers and research assistants working on the project.

2. Using the Subversion Repository

We keep all our XML file and related documents in a Subversion Repository. This is a version-control system that ensures that every version of every file can be retrieved if necessary, and prevents one person from inadvertently overwriting changes to a file made by someone else.

Subversion runs on one of our HCMC servers. In order to use it, you will need to install a Subversion client on your computer, and also learn a couple of simple command-line commands. Subversion is usually abbreviated to ‘svn’.

2.1. Installing a Subversion client

How you will do this depends on which operating system you are using.

2.1.1. Windows

Obtain a command-line client from CollabNet ( Registration is required to download the program, but there is no cost. Make sure to download the correct version; there are versions for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. Once the program is downloaded, install it by double-clicking the downloaded installer and following its instructions.

2.1.2. Macintosh

  • Open a terminal.
  • Type:
    xcode-select --install
  • Press return.

Note that MacOSX updates have sometimes broken the svn install, so you may need to go through the above steps again if svn stops working.

2.1.3. Linux

Subversion is installed as part of a regular desktop on most Linux distributions.

If you do not have subversion on your Linux:

  • Open a terminal.
  • Type:
    sudo apt-get install subversion
  • Press return and answer "y" to questions about space.

2.2. Checking out the repository for the first time

Once your subversion client is installed, the first thing we need to do is to check out the repository. To do this, you need to open a terminal window:

  • On Windows, click on the Start menu and type cmd into the search box.
  • On a Mac, select Terminal from the Utilities folder in Applications.
  • On Linux, press Control + Alt + T.

Now we'll check that svn is installed and working. Type svn checkout and press return. If the terminal responses that there are Not enough arguments provided, then svn is working OK.

Now we'll create a directory for our project files:

mkdir coldesp

And now we've created that directory, we'll navigate into it:

cd coldesp

And now we'll check out the files from the repository into our directory. Make sure you don't forget the space and period at the end of this command:

svn checkout .

Don't forget the final period.

2.3. Using SVN in your daily work

These are the basic rules when you're working with svn:

Before you start work, update your local files:

  • Open a terminal
  • cd coldesp
  • svn update

You can leave the terminal open while you work. Then, when you're ready to commit your changes:

  • svn update
    (again, just in case anything else has been committed by someone else)
  • svn commit -m "A message explaining the changes you have made"

That's basically it. If you see any warnings or error messages from svn, check that you're in the right folder in your terminal. You may also see error messages if two people have been editing the same file at the same time, and Subversion needs you to make a decision about whose changes should be kept.

2.4. Tips for using the terminal

Finding out where you are right now:


Moving up the tree one level:

cd ../

List files in a folder:


List files in a folder with full information:

ls -al

3. XML Terminology

For an introduction to XML please see the w3schools tutorial here. The two main components of XML that you should know are elements and attributes.

4. Working with Oxygen

Your encoding work will all be done in the Oxygen XML Editor. When you install Oxygen, there are lots of applications that come with it: Oxygen Author, Oxygen Developer, Compare Files, Compare Directories and others. But the one you want to work with is always Oxygen XML Editor, which has the blue icon with the red cross on it. Here's how to get started:

  1. Open the Oxygen XML Editor.
  2. Click on Project / Open Project...
  3. Navigate to the coldesp folder in your home directory.
  4. Choose the file coldesp.xpr.

You should see a tree of folders and files down the left of your Oxygen editor. This includes all the files in the project. You can ignore most of them. The folder that matters is the trunk/xml folder, where all the TEI files and schemas are kept.

4.1. Validate your files before upload

This is important: always validate any and all XML files in Oxygen before uploading them to the repository in Terminal/SVN. Get into the habit of saving your files often (Ctrl + S on your keyboard), and validating often (Ctrl + Shift + V on your keyboard).

To validate the file upon which you are currently working, use the following keyboard command: Ctrl + Shift + V. Alternatively, click on the validate button in Oxygen's toolbar. The button looks like this:

To validate multiple files, (1) open Oxygen's built-in file browser, (2) select the folder you want, and (3) select Validate. Here's a screenshot of the process:

4.2. Oxygen code templates

Our Oxygen project file has a number of useful keyboard shortcuts built into it, which you can use to speed up your encoding. Generally speaking, to use these, you select some text in the editor, then press the keystroke shortcut shown in the table below. The table uses the following key names:

M1 represents the Command key on MacOS X, and the Ctrl key on other platforms.
M2 represents the Shift key.
M3 represents the Option key on MacOS X, and the Alt key on other platforms.
M4 represents the Ctrl key on MacOS X, and is undefined on other platforms.
Name Description Result Keystroke
ColDesp: Curly apostrophe Curly apostrophe “${caret}${selection}” M1 M3 M2 QUOTE
ColDesp: Name tag tag for names of people <name key="${caret}">${selection}</name> M1 M3 N
ColDesp: New person Mark-up for new person entry in personography <person xml:id="${caret}"><!-- added by INITIALS; 0000-00-00 --><persName type="unavailable"> <surname></surname>, <forename></forename></persName> <!--<birth when="1111-11-11"></birth>--> <!--<death when="1111-11-11"></death>--> <note> <p></p> <p><listBibl> <bibl>1. </bibl> </listBibl></p> </note> </person> M1 M3 1
ColDesp: New place Mark-up for a new place entry in places <place xml:id="${caret}"><!-- Added by INITIALS; 0000-00-00 --> <placeName>NAME</placeName> <location type="path"><geo></geo></location> <desc></desc> <desc> <listBibl> <bibl>1. </bibl> </listBibl> </desc> <!-- <name type="place" key="KEY">NAME</name> --> </place> M1 M3 3
ColDesp: New vessel Mark-up for a new vessel entry in vessels <item xml:id="${caret}"><!-- Added by INITIALS; 0000-00-00 --> <label><name type="vessel" key="KEY">VESSEL NAME</name></label> <p></p> </item> M1 M3 2
ColDesp: Place tag tag for a place <name type="place" key="${caret}">${selection}</name> M1 M3 P
ColDesp: q tag wrap selected text in a q tag <q>${selection}</q> M1 M3 Q
ColDesp: superscript tag Superscript for suffixes such as "st" and "th" <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">${selection}${caret}</hi> M1 M3 S
ColDesp: Vessel tag tag for a vessel <name type="vessel" key="${caret}">${selection}</name> M1 M3 V
ColDesp: £ sign "£" sign £ M1 M3 4

5. Prepare Images for the Colonial Despatches Website

5.1. Background

We need to produce three sizes of each image for all of the pages in the online collection: a thumbnail (60px wide), a medium-sized one (800px wide), and a full-sized image (size varies). Also the images we receive, usually shot as two-page spreads, get split and saved as either recto or verso.

Readers can view these images in a couple of ways. The thumbnail images appear to the right of the digital versions, or transcriptions, of the letter.

On the website, we place the images of the actual letters next to their corresponding content in the digital transcriptions, so that readers can easily compare our transcriptions with the originals.

If readers click on the thumbnail image they will be linked to the second way to view the images, in the “MS images” browser.

The MS (manuscript) images browser has basic features for now, but it allows readers to jump around in the image collection, and then dive back into the digital transcription of a given letter. Finally, on the home page of the website, we provide readers with an index page for all of the manuscript images.

5.1.1. Where we get our images

“Images” refers to photographs of the original letters, which we receive in several forms. Typically, Chris Petter (now retired), at UVic's McPherson Library, ordered digital images from places such as Library and Archives Canada (LAC), among other sources. These images arrive, on a portable hard drive, as digital scans of LAC's archival reels, or microfilm.

Typically, each frame of the reel captures two pages at once, as they are photographs of an open book that contains the despatches. We separate, crop, and when necessary, optimize the images, and then save them as either recto or verso, with an appropriate file name. On occasion, we have used the library’s film scanner to produce our own scans, which you can read about below.

5.2. Step by Step: Prepare Images for the Website

Please read through all of these steps and the FAQ section below before you begin tackle this process.

After you have read everything in this section, come back and refer to the step-by-step portion as you proceed. These steps will direct you on how to find appropriate images, place copies on your desktop, process the images, and create multiple sizes of each image.

  1. Find a reel of images to process from the Coldesp Image Inventory. To find a reel that requires processing, review the ‘images produced’ column and look for a cell with a value of zero. In the ‘notes’ column write your initials and the date you started processing the images.
  2. On your desktop, create a new folder called ‘RawImages’ and a folder with the name of the collection you are working on. The name of the collection can be found in the image inventory consisting of the ‘group,’ ‘series,’ and ‘volume’ information. (See below)
  3. If we were to process the first row (row 2) of the images the folder name would be co_305_01. NOTE: all lower case and there are NO spaces, use underscores instead and two digits for the volume number, so ‘01’ NOT ‘1.’
  4. Inside your collection folder create another folder called ‘jpg_full_size.’ This is the folder that you will place your processed images in.
  5. So to recap: you should now have on your desktop a ‘RawImages’ folder and a collections folder named something like ‘co_305_01’ which has a ‘jpg_full_size’ folder inside of it. Now we need to get your raw images...
  6. Raw images are found on the ‘sftp’ server at s If you don’t have permission to access this directory, please talk to the HCMC staff or ask the Despatches team to retrieve the needed files for you. You will find the correct reel where your raw images are located by looking at the ‘reel-folder’ column in the images inventory. Often the collection will start somewhere in the middle of a reel, if there’s no note about what the file name of the image is that starts the collection in the image inventory you will have to just scan the contents of the reel until you find the first page.
  7. Copy the images to your machine by placing them in your ‘RawImages’ folder. NOTE: sometimes a collection is recorded across two reels, if this is the case then please make copies of the raw images from both reels.
  8. Open Shotwell and select File > Import from folder. Select your ‘RawImages’ folder and ‘import in place.’
  9. Oddly, Shotwell presents images counterintuitively to most image manipulation software. Your first image will appear at the bottom-right corner (see below). And you will move from right to left heading up as you work through the images. Not sure why this is, but some things are better left a mystery.
  10. Typically, you will want to straighten the image, crop, and possibly adjust the saturation or contrast. You’ll find your image adjustment tools at the bottom of the Shotwell window. Once you’ve completed your adjustments, it’s time to export your image.
  11. You’ll be exporting your image to your ‘jpg_full_size’ folder, in the collections folder. To export your image go to File > Export. Be sure to give your file the correct name. NOTE: you may see a pop-up that asks you to accept all current size and quality settings. Click OK to confirm the settings.
  12. Don’t forget to save backups of your work frequently. For more information see Should I make backups of my processed images?
  13. For details on cropping please see the FAQ below. For proper file naming see the rename section.

5.3. FAQ on Preparing Images With Shotwell

5.3.1. What if I want to undo my changes?

Press “Ctrl”+“z” (undo last change) to revert any unwanted changes. This shortcut works for Shotwell, the file-saving dialogue, and most software programs.

5.3.2. How do I know what to trim and what to keep?

As a general rule, we try to keep any features that might be of interest to archivists, scholars, or other users of the site. For example, in the image below we keep the tab and the spectral archivist's finger:

However, we always crop away the little slip of paper, called the archival-data slip, next to the page image. It’s redundant, as our digital records incorporate this information already.

You will find special cases, where it’s unclear what to trim or keep. As always, consult the Despatches team if you are uncertain.

5.3.3. How do I know what to rename my files?

Our image filenames derive from the front page of the archival images, which appear in every collection in some form or another, plus the addition of enough decimal places to accommodate even the largest image collection within a given repository. Here is an example of the first page from a collection, with fancy graphics:

As you might guess from the example above, the file name for the next image, the “back” of the page or the verso, would be co_305_01_00001v.jpg. The number then changes with the next recto image (“front”), which would be co_305_01_00002r.jpg, followed by co_305_01_00002v.jpg, and so on.

5.3.4. Is there an efficient way to name the files?

The following answer concerns the “Export...” dialogue in Shotwell. To make this process faster, for all proceeding images, click on one of the existing renamed images in the “collection” folder. Your new filename will inherit whatever filename you click on. Then, all you have to do is change the number(s) or letters (the “v” or “r”).

Here are some more details on how this process works:
  1. After clicking ‘Export...’ and navigating to your ‘collection’ folder, you will find the first image named co_305_01_00001r.jpg.
  2. To rename your second image, click on co_305_01_00001r.jpg in the ‘collection’ folder. The ‘filename’ should now become co_305_01_00001r.jpg. Changing the letter ‘r’ to ‘v’ will rename the second image to co_305_01_00001v.jpg.
  3. To rename the third image, you have two options (depending on your preference):
    • Select the first image name, co_305_01_00001r.jpg, and change the number ‘1’ to ‘2.’ Or...
    • Select the second image, co_305_01_00001v.jpg, and change ‘1v’ to ‘2r.’
    Both options will give you the following result: co_305_01_00002r.jpg.

TIP: In the Shotwell export window make sure you’re viewing your “jpg_full_size” folder as a list and click the “modified” column to make the most recent file show at the top. That way when you are naming your next file you can click on the top file and either replace the “r” with a “v” or add a new number with an “r.” You’ll be creating hundreds of files, you don’t want to have to scroll to the bottom to name each file.

5.3.5. What happens to the filenames when I move beyond single digits?

The number of digits in the filenames eventually increases from single digits to double digits, to triple digits, etc. It’s important that you remember to take away one zero in the file name each time the number of digits increases as in the examples below:

  • co_305_01_00001r.jpg
  • co_305_01_00010r.jpg
  • co_305_01_00100r.jpg
  • co_305_01_01000r.jpg

5.3.6. What do I do with duplicates at the ends and beginnings of reels?

Problem: In the raw/archival image files, you encounter a “CONTINUED ON NEXT FILM” image, followed by a “CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS FILM” image, followed by another archival record sheet, followed by a duplicate image from the previous reel.

Solution: Incorporate all but the duplicate image, as in the example below:

Note: the order of the recto/verso images can change from collection to collection. For example, the image prior to the “CONTINUED ON NEXT FILM” image could end on a verso. This would change the “CONTINUED ON NEXT FILM” image to an “r” and the “CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS FILM” image to an “rx,” and the archival record sheet to a “v.” Easy peasy.

5.3.7. Should I include the “end of volume” slide?

Yes. This should be the last slide in every collection (nearly all collections contain this page). Straighten, crop, and name it as you would any other file. It doesn’t matter, either way, if this slide ends up being a recto or a verso.

5.3.8. Any tips for newbies?

Cropping images may seem like a simple and fast process, however it’s very easy to make mistakes, especially ones that may cost you more time to fix than it did to process the images in the first place. Here are some tips that may help you avoid making those mistakes, in no particular order:

  • Take your time! If you rush, you may skip images, misname them, or process the same one twice.
  • Take ‘brain breaks’ as needed, or at least once per hour, as they curb mental fatigue. Check Facebook, tell a colleague a work-appropriate joke, drink some water, eat a snack, or go outside and verbally chastise first-year students.
  • Before you crop an image, jump ahead one image to make sure it has no following duplicate.
  • Use your keyboard’s arrow keys to navigate through images in Shotwell.
  • Double-check your work frequently. At first, check every 10 to 20 images to make sure you (1) are happy with how they are cropped, and (2) that they are named properly. Compare your images with the raw image files to make sure that your images follow the correct order. If you screw up, say, image 30 of 300, then every image from 30 onwards will have to be renamed!

5.3.9. Should I make backups of my processed images?

Yes. This step is essential. Backups can be stored in several ways. Ideally, you should have your files in three locations: (1) on your work computer, (2) stored on the “Coldesp” server (see below), and (3) in another location, such as a datakey, or a non-Coldesp server, such as your private account, which every UVic student gets by default.

To be able to backup your images on the Coldesp server, ask Martin to create a folder for you. Have him or another Despatches colleague show you how to access said folder with an FTP client of some kind. At the end of your shift, copy your “RawImages” folder into these backup locations. It goes without saying that the loss of hundreds of your hard-earned, processed images would, in a word, suck.

5.3.10. How do I handle recto/verso sequence problems?

Problem: In the archival images, you encounter a single-page image that disorders your naming sequence, whereby the proceeding image would become a recto, when it should be a verso.

Solution: Add an “x” to the end of the name of the single-page document. For example, if the file preceding the single-page document is named co_305_02_00096r.jpg, the out-of-sequence page becomes co_305_02_00096rx.jpg, and the following image would resume the sequence as co_305_02_00096v.jpg.

Sometimes, you will find very wonky sequence problems. Always consult your Despatches colleagues for help whenever you are not 100 per cent certain as to how to proceed.

Here’s an example of an archival placeholder that disrupts the recto/verso order:

Note: notice that the page numbers in the original document appear on the top-right corner of the recto pages (00641r and 00642r).

5.3.11. How do I double-check my work?

Once you’ve processed all the images in a given batch, and they’re all sitting there, smiling back at you from within the collections folder, you need to make sure that your collection is perfect. In any image viewer, browse through the whole collection folder, start to finish, and make sure everything is where it should be.

An easy way to do this is to use the page number stamps, usually located at the top-right of each recto page, as your guide.

Use these page stamp numbers to count from one to the final image in the collection. If you skip a number, or see the same number twice, then you have reason to investigate.

5.3.12. I screwed up the order of my images, now what?

Problem: you realize that you made a mistake in your image collection. For example, you accidentally added the same image, or images, twice. You then delete the copy or copies, and now your filename order is screwy. Now all the images after the deleted file(s) are one number ahead, and there’s hundreds of them to change...

Solution: KRename to the rescue!

KRename is a filename editor for Ubuntu (Linux). We have used KRename to excellent effect, though the processes involved can be rather complicated, and should not be attempted without guidance from someone in the know. Please seek technical support from a Despatches colleague, one who has used KRename before, prior to using this program.

Here are some KRename scripts we have used:
  • [$1;12]###{13;1}r
  • [$1;07]###{97;1}r
  • [$1;5]30_#####{1;1}r
  • [$1;5]32_#####{466;1}r
  • [$1;6]_14_#####{185;1}r
  • [$1;9]#####{10;1}r

If you’re uncomfortable with this process please contact the Despatches team. They’ll be more than happy to help you sort it out.

5.3.13. Am I slower than everyone else at this?

Probably not. We’d rather you go slow and steady than race along and make mistakes. At first, it might take you four hours to produce 40-50 images. With practise, your robot genes will kick in, and you’ll soon tickle the team record of over 200 images in a seven-hour shift.

5.3.14. Adding data to the inventory

Once you’ve processed all your images, please count the number of new images that you created and add that number to the “Images Produced” column in the Coldesp Image Inventory. Also, don’t forget to change your note from [initials, date] “started working” to your new date of completion and add “complete.”

5.4. Create Three Sizes of the Images for the Website Using Image Resize Script

We create three sizes of the images you prepared by running a short Bash script developed by the Despatches team.

  1. You’ll find the script on the SFTP server at s You need an FTP client to access this address (pre-installed on the HCMC Linux computers). For your PC you can use a freeware FTP client such as FileZilla. The script is called ‘’ Make a copy and save it to your desktop (ideally beside your collection folder with a proper name, e.g. ‘co_305_01’).
  2. Make sure the script is executable. There are two ways to do this: a) right-click on the script, go to Properties > Permissions and toggle on ‘allow executing file as program’; or b) open a terminal window, make sure you are in the desktop (cd Desktop), and type: ‘chmod u+x’ (without the quotation marks), then hit enter. See the two examples below:
  3. To run the script use the terminal (once again make sure you are at your desktop). Type ‘./’ (no quotations) and hit enter.
  4. You’ll be prompted to confirm the name of your collections folder. Enter the name of the folder (no typos or the script won’t find the folder) and hit enter.
  5. Ta Dah! The script will have now made two more sets of your images. One size at 60 pixels called thumbnails and another at 800 pixels. These will all be inside your collections folder.

5.4.1. How to package and deliver your images for upload to the Despatches site

This section assumes that you have FTP access to the “coldesp” server, and that you have a folder on the “coldesp” server, which contains your current work. Martin is the chap who uploads all of the images to the website proper. FYI: all the images for the site are stored in “coldesp/www/jpg_scans,” which contains three folders, one for each size of image.

  1. By now, you should have three folders on your desktop, one for each size of image. Ensure that each of your three sizes of web-ready images are in separate folders, and named as follows: ‘jpg_full_size,’ ‘jpg_800,’ and ‘jpg_thumbnail.’
  2. Place your three folders into a single folder, which you should name in such a way that it would make sense to you, or someone else, later. For example, ‘co_6_27_web_ready_images’ tells you everything you need to know. Here’s a picture to help you out with this whole process:
  3. Upload your folder full of images to your personal folder on the ‘coldesp’ server.
  4. IMPORTANT: Once your pictures are uploaded, set the permissions to allow read/write access to the ‘group.’ Be sure to set the permissions recursively (to all the files within all the folders).
    • To set file permissions in Nautilus (Ubuntu’s default file browser), right-click on a folder, then navigate to ‘properties’ > choose the ‘permissions’ tab > and under the heading of ‘group,’ set the ‘folder access’ drop-down selector to ‘create and delete files’; then, under the same heading, set the ‘file access’ drop-down menu to ‘read and write.’ Finally, click on the ‘Apply Permissions to Enclosed Files’ button to commit your changes.
    • How to set permissions in Filezilla, should you use it instead.
  5. Make backups of your files in your prefered location(s).
  6. Email Martin to notify him that you have new images to upload to the site. As a courtesy, in your email tell him the ‘filepath’ to the files. For example, ‘coldesp/yourfolder/co_6_27_web_ready_images.’

5.5. Digitize Microfilm Reels

Rarely, and to complete a given collection or year’s worth of images, we might have to digitize our own images from a microfilm reel. Chris Petter, the head archivist at the library (now retired), would order whatever microfilms we might need. The Microform Centre at UVic's McPherson library has a microfilm scanner, the features of which are too complex to address here, but if you ever have to scan microfilm, follow these general rules:

  • Make your scans in greyscale, NOT black and white.
  • Save your files as as 300 DPI JPEGs, as in ‘image.jpg.’
  • Name your microfilm scans/images appropriate to their collection of origin. Talk to your Despatches colleagues about how to do this.
  • Add your images to the ‘archive’ folder (in the ‘coldesp’ folder), and in the appropriate place. Again, consult your Despatches colleagues about how to do this, and for how to name the folder appropriately.

6. Markup or “Tagging” Guide

6.1. Introduction

This section provides details on how to markup, or tag, the various content in the XML files. We add to this section each time we encounter a novel problem, and agree on an appropriate solution. Some issues remain open, of course.

We also try to keep things in alphabetical order, by heading, to give this otherwise amorphous mass of words some sort of shape. Most of us use “Ctrl + f” on the keyboard, and then search for the term we want. This method is an easy way to jump around in this guide

6.2. Additions

According to the TEI guidelines, additions are letters, words, or phrases inserted in the text by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. You may see them in the despatches as words or phrases hovering above or below the regular text line, often with an “^” or “‸” inserted by the author to indicate its intended location.

Here’s the code to handle the floating or out-of-line text, using the example word “that”:
<add place="above">that</add>
Note that the place attribute indicates the location of the inserted word or words relative to the main line of text. In the above case, the word “that” is inserted “above” the main line of text. You could use other placements as well, such as “bottom,” “margin,” “bottom opposite,” and so on. Here’s an example of each, still using the word “that”:
<add place="bottom">that</add>
<add place="margin">that</add>
<add place="bottom opposite">that</add>

See Martin for guidance on all of this, or for more options for location attributes.

Here’s an example of a “subscript caret” (‸):

Add the following HTML code to the XML document, wherever you want the caret to appear (you can copy and paste from below):

Add the caret code before or after the word, as it appears in the handwritten document.

In the case of the example image above, where the caret is before the added word “that,” the full code should look like this in your XML document:
<choice>  <sic><add place="above">that</add>  </sic>  <corr>that</corr> </choice>

Note that the <choice>, <sic>, and <corr> tags are added in the above example. We add these tags so that we can choose to display the addition-word as either (1) part of the main line of text, our current default, or (2) as it is in the actual letter, floating away from the main text line.

A superscript caret (^) can be used as per usual in Oxygen.

6.3. Ampersands

XML views ampersands as pure evil! Fine, as code. So, if you have to use an “&” it will appear as invalid. You must use the following text instead wherever an ampersand appears:

Note: ampersands can sometimes appear in longer links. These instances must also be corrected so that your document is valid and the link isn’t broken.

6.4. <biblScope> and <pb> Tags: for page beginnings, or Page Linking

We need a way to line up the XML files with the images of the pages they represent. Since the XML document often represents the content of many scanned pages, we need to show the online reader when a page change occurs in the digital, or online, text. We start the whole shebang with a <biblScope> tag, as this tag links the digital document to the first page of a given letter.

6.4.1. <biblScope> tags

This tag places the first page of a letter’s image at the beginning of the digital version. The code for the tag looks like this:
<biblScope type="startPageImage"  facs="folder of images here/individual image here">repeat individual image link here</biblScope>
Here’s a blank code example, which you can copy/paste into your XML document. Make sure you change all the necessary details so that the image points to the right place!
<biblScope type="startPageImage"  facs="co_?_?/co_?_?_00000r.jpg">co_?_?_00000r.jpg</biblScope>
Here’s what the whole thing looks like in an actual example. Note that the <biblScope> tag appears between the <date> and <series> tags as descendants of the <sourceDesc>.
<sourceDesc>  <bibl>   <idno type="repository">CO</idno>   <idno type="coNumber">305</idno>   <idno type="coVol">6</idno>   <idno type="page">46</idno>   <idno type="coRegistration">6875</idno>   <idno type="received">received 23 July</idno>   <idno type="despatchNo">3</idno>   <date when="1855-05-16">1855</date>   <biblScope type="startPageImage"    facs="co_305_06_00047r.jpg">co_305_06_00047r.jpg</biblScope>   <series>V.I.</series>   <note>Transcribed from microfilm archives, marked up in Waterloo Script, then transformed into TEI P5 XML.</note>  </bibl> </sourceDesc>

6.4.2. <pb> tags

We use <pb> (page beginning) tags to indicate the beginning of a new page in the document. At the same time, we use the @facs attribute we link to the original image.

On the website, the page beginnings are indicated by the thumbnail images in the right margin. Users can click on the thumbnails and go to a larger, readable version (the 800px size) and click on the 800px image to see the full-sized version. So, really, what the following code does is decide where to place the thumbnail image relative to the digital text.

Below is the code for the <pb> tags. You can use this example as a blank template.
<pb n="co_?_?/co_?_?_00000r.jpg"/>
Here’s an example of an actual <pb> tag in action!
... is ready to receive and consider the Draft of such a Grant as the Company would desire to receive of lands belonging to the British<pb n="co_305_01/co_305_01_00052v.jpg"/> Crown...

In the above example, we can see that the last word on one page of this despatch was “British,” then we indicate that the page “breaks” with the <pb> tag, which is followed by the first word on the following page: “Crown.”

We can also see that the content within the <pb> tag breaks down as follows:
<pb n="foldername here/fileneame here"/>

IMPORTANT: page beginning tags always refer to, or introduce, the following page. Also, It is a “self-closing” tag. There’s no need for a closed, or </pb>, tag.

6.5. <biblScope> and <pb> FAQ

6.5.1. How do I tag catchwords?

Catchwords appear in most correspondences longer than one page, including minutes. Catchwords indicate a change of page by repeating the final word on the page at the start of the following one.

Arguably, this system is better for loose sheet collections than page numbers, which could confuse recipients. Imagine if there were multiple letters in a given packet, each with its own page three, it could be difficult and slow to repair the order if they got mixed up. But, catchwords are unique to the content of each correspondence. So, all you need to do is match the words to match the page order.

Here’s the the XML version of the above example:
… of which Your Grace is far better able to judge, than I to represent; but I may add that there is much reason to fear that unless her Majesty’s Government <fw type="catchword"  style="text-align: right;">authorise</fw> <pb n="co_60_08/co_60_08_00020r.jpg"/> authorise me to take the initiation in this great work, the Country may be found with religious teachers supported by the...

And, here’s how the text will appear on the website:

Below is a catchword template:
<fw type="catchword"  style="text-align: right;">catchword here</fw> Here are some catchword rules we’ve adopted over the years

  1. Catchwords always get placed before <pb> tags.
  2. Place the opening <fw> tag directly after the last word on the page, with no spaces:
    • WRONG: Majesty's Government <fw type="catchword" style="text-align: right;">
    • RIGHT: Majesty's Government<fw type="catchword" style="text-align: right;">
  3. Do not place spaces within the catchword tag:
    • WRONG: <fw type="catchword" style="text-align: right;"> authorise </fw>
    • RIGHT: <fw type="catchword" style="text-align: right;">authorise</fw>
  4. Leave no space between the closed </fw> tag and the <pb> tag:
    • WRONG: authorise</fw> <pb n="co_60_08/co_60_08_00020r.jpg"/>
    • RIGHT: authorise</fw> <pb n="co_60_08/co_60_08_00020r.jpg"/>
  5. Finally, and just to drive you crazier, you do leave a space, the one that occurs naturally in the text, after the <pb> tag:
    • WRONG: <pb n="co_60_08/co_60_08_00020r.jpg"/>authorise
    • RIGHT: <pb n="co_60_08/co_60_08_00020r.jpg"/> authorise What if a catchword occurs right after the end of a paragraph?

Occasionally, a catchword will appear after the final paragraph on a given page, making the catchword the first word of the beginning of the paragraph on the following page. In all such instances, place <fw> tags (and the <pb> tag!) between the closing </p> tag and the opening <p> tag of the next paragraph, as in the following example from an actual XML document:
<p> … a toll on goods carried from <name type="placekey="new_westminster">New Westminster</name>.</p> <fw type="catchword"  rend="text-align: right;">I</fw> <pb n="rg7_g8c_09/rg7_g8c_09_00100v.jpg"/> <p>I enclose for your information...</p> What if a catchword doesn’t drop below the line?

This section is for cases where a word is repeated at the beginning of the next page, but does not drop below the line on the previous page like a normal catchword, as in the following example:

Treat and tag these just as you would a regular catchword.

6.5.2. How do I know where to place the <pb> tags?

Place the <pb> tags true to where they appear in the image of the despatch. If a page beginnings halfway through a paragraph, then place it accordingly. Or, if a given paragraph happens to coincide with a page’s end, then place the <pb> tag after the closed </p> tag. To do otherwise would be to subvert our goal of tagging for content as it actually appears. Chat with your Despatches colleagues when you are in doubt about where to place the tags.

6.5.3. How do we render page numbers between pages?

These instances are rare, and usually appear in transcriptions of newsprint clippings, as in the following example:

In the above case, you can see that the number interrupts the text, right in the middle of a paragraph. In cases like this, we still use an <fw> tag, the same one we use for catchwords. However, we change the type attribute’s value to “pageNum” as in the following example:
<fw type="pageNum"  rend="text-align:center;">7</fw> <p>...absolute lords and proprietors of the same...</p>

6.5.4. How do we render letters or other marks between pages?

As with numbers, other marks between pages are also a rare case, as seen in the following example:

And, as with numbers, these marks require an <fw> tag, the same one we use for catchwords. However, we change the type attribute’s value to “sig” as in the following example:
<fw type="sigrend="text-align:center;">C</fw>

Note that the rend attribute contains a CSS value of “text-align:center;” in order to make the “C” appear as it does in the letter: centred relative to the paragraph. Also note that the spelling of “center” in CSS is different than in our guidelines.

6.5.5. How do I add <pb> tags to the minutes?

Always place the <pb> tag to the right of the <div type="minute_entry"> tag, as in this example:
<div type="minutes">  <div type="minute_entry">   <pb n="co_305_02/co_305_02_00166v.jpg"/>   <ab>Put by?</ab>  </div> </div>

Note: the minutes can sometimes span multiple pages. In this case, add <pb> tags as you would to a despatch, that is, wherever you see a page beginning in the actual document. This one can sometimes be tricky, as the minutes can jump around from page to page, or skip pages. If you’re unsure as to how to tag something, consult your Despatches colleagues.

6.5.6. How do I add <pb> tags to the enclosures?

Always place the <pb> tag to the right of the <div type="enclosure_entry"> tag, as in the following example:
<div type="enclosure_list">  <div type="enclosure_entry">   <pb n="co_305_02/co_305_02_00038r.jpg"/>   <ab>Copy, <name key="blanshard">Blanshard</name> to <name key="helmcken_js">John Sebastian Helmcken</name>, <date when="1850-06-22">22 June 1850</date>, appointing...</ab>  </div> </div>

Note: we rarely have transcriptions of the enclosures. Mostly, you use these tags to indicate the start page of a given enclosure. If we do have a transcribed enclosure, then you add <pb> tags as you would to a despatch, that is, wherever you see a page beginning in the actual document.

6.5.7. How do I add <pb> tags to the other files?

Always place the <pb> tag to the right of the <div type="other_entry"> tag, as in the following example:
<div type="other_files">  <div type="other_entry">   <pb n="co_305_02/co_305_02_00055r.jpg"/>   <ab>Draft reply, <name key="grey_hg">Grey</name> to <name key="blanshard">Blanshard</name>, No. 7, <date when="1851-04-03">3 April 1851</date>. <!-- .cm on top both 2726 &amp;amp; 2727 noted - this is answer to both. -->   </ab>  </div> </div>

Note: we rarely have transcriptions of the “other files.” As with the enclosures, these tags indicate the start page of a given “other file.” If an “other file” is transcribed, then you add <pb> tags as you would to a despatch, that is, wherever you see a page beginning in the actual document.

6.5.8. What if the pages are out of order?

We handle this one on a case-by-case basis. But, as a general rule, we order everything as it appears in the image collection. To do otherwise—that is, impose an arbitrary order—introduces the risk of human error. Also, if we do need to order things differently in the future, it will be easier to do so starting from a consistent base order.

The archival images are far from from perfect. Occasionally, for example, minutes are cut off, or could appear several pages later, after an entirely new letter, or even as a set of enclosures. Enclosures could also appear before or behind the despatch to which they are associated. Web-based documents, like our Despatches site, are vital to stitching these different threads together.

So, a bend to the general rule is required in cases where documents have migrated out of order. For example, if a given letter's minutes are half-way through then jump ahead ten pages, so be it. You will, on the website, see this discrepancy reflected in your <pb> tags. Each case of disorder is unique and requires attention to detail. If you find documents out of order, or are confused as to how to proceed, discuss each case with your Despatches colleagues.

6.5.9. What if there are miscellaneous documents toward the end of the reel?

From time to time, a given collection of images will have miscellaneous files added toward the end, just before the “index” page but after all the despatches.

Jim and his team indexed these “random” files as “other files,” and placed a list of them at the end of the final file in a given collection. To indicate that this was done, you will usually find an editorial note, such as the following example from file B63078.scx: [The following is a collection of miscellaneous document inserted at the conclusion of the despatches for 1863:]

If you do not find a note as above, then please add one! See the example below for what this would look like in XML form.

As to what to do, just add your <pb> tags as you would for any other file. Ensure that the order of the list of “other entries” reflects the order of the images, as in the following example:
<div type="other_files">  <ab>   <lb/>   <lb/> [The following is a collection of miscellaneous documents inserted at the conclusion of the despatches for <date when="1863">1863</date>:] <lb/>   <lb/>  </ab>  <div type="other_entry">   <pb n="co_60_16/co_60_16_00370.jpg"/>   <ab>John Lindley to Newcastle, <date when="1863-03-18">18 March 1863</date>, forwarding a copy of a letter concerning British Columbia. [Taken in entirety in correspondence.]</ab>  </div>  <div type="other_entry">   <pb n="co_60_16/co_60_16_00371.jpg"/>   <ab>Extract enclosed with Lindley letter above, no salutation or signature, <date when="1863-01-11">11 January 1863</date>, supporting the existing government in British Columbia as just and effective and discussing at length various aspects of the colonial situation. [Taken in entirety in correspondence.]</ab>  </div> </div>

6.6. Asterisks, daggers, and more!

This section covers marks intended to link bits of text. These can take a surprising diversity of forms!

6.6.1. Asterisks

These come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. A basic asterisk (*) can be added to your XML document with the keyboard [shift + 8]. We use the basic asterisk to indicate all asterisks in the despatches.

6.6.2. Daggers

Daggers function, essentially, as asterisks do: to indicate a footnote. Daggers point to a second footnote, when an asterisk is already used.

Here’s an image of a dagger, from the collection. The dagger rests above the “3”:

Here’s an image of the footnote to which the dagger refers:

If you need to represent the dagger in your XML document, then copy/paste the following symbol as needed: †

6.6.3. Dotted cross

Here's a rare one, usually used to indicate the continuance of text across a page fold:

If you need to represent the dotted cross in your XML document, then copy/paste the following as needed: ⁜

6.7. CSS in Your XML Document

Thanks to Martin, we now use CSS to define layout elements within the despatches—this applies to such things as centring text, italics, tables, and the like. CSS allows for far greater freedom and fine-tuning.

6.7.1. CSS: general application

We place CSS elements inside style tags, as in the following example:
<fw type="pageNum"  rend="text-align:center;">2</fw>

Things are set up in such a way that, via the XSLT transformation, rend tags containing CSS will be displayed appropriately on the HTML pages, i.e., the Despatches website.

6.7.2. CSS: block quotations

See the Blockquotes section for CMOS’s rules for block quotes. Arguably, our method is a bit of a cheat in that we should be handling blockquotes with a blockquote tag. However, the CSS approach gives us more flexibility. The following style looks good, so we’ll stick with it for now. Also, please note that we place the blockquote text within a <p> tag.
<p>  <hi style="padding-left:20px; display:block;">blockquote text will appear here</hi> </p>

6.7.3. CSS: bold text

<hi style="font-weight: bold;">bold text will appear here</hi>

6.7.4. CSS: centre text

<hi style="text-align:center;">1301 N. America</hi>

Note that within the tag the american spelling for “center” is used.

6.7.5. CSS: italic text

<hi style="font-style:italic;">intended italic content here</hi>

6.7.6. CSS: list

The template below can be used for regular or numbered lists within the body text of the Despatches XML document.
<list type="ordered"  style="list-style-type: none;">  <item n="1">item here</item>  <item n="2">item here</item>  <item n="3">item here</item> </list>

6.7.7. CSS: multiple rules in one tag (a rulesheet)

Perhaps you wish to, as in the example above, centre your text, but also affect other changes, such as italics. As in the example below, add the desired elements, separated by semicolons:
<fw type="pageNum"  rend="text-align:center; font-style:italic;">2</fw> CSS: superscript

<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">superscript text</hi> CSS: superscript_underscore

<hi style="text-decoration: underline; vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">superscript underscore text</hi> CSS: underline

<hi style="text-decoration: underline;">underlined text</hi>

6.8. Date Tags

When you find a date within a document, first check where it occurs in the code. If it occurs within an <idno> tag, do not tag it! An instance of a date could include the year, month, and day (5 March 1847), the year and the month (April 1859), or just the year (1862).

A tagged date must contain at least a year, or the schema will list it as an error. If you find a day or month without a year, you must use your research skills to deduce the year, or ask a Despatches colleague for help.

The whole date may include a phrase such as the “16th of September, in 1862;” however, the whole date does not include noun phrases such as “The Preemption Amendment Act 1861.”

Generally, dates will appear formatted as “5 March 1847,” “9th November last,” or “19/4/62.” When tagged, the format of the date within the code always remains the same: year-month-day. When writing bios, please always use the format “5 March 1847,” note that “th” is not used after the “5.” Here are some examples:
<date when="1847-03-05">5 March 1847</date>
<date when="1846-11-09">9<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">th</hi>November last</date> <!-- Note: the date tag wraps around the word “last.” The “last” is part of the content related to the date. -->
<date when="1862-04-19">19/4/62</date>

Finally, if you make a mistake in your date attribute value, the stuff between the quotes, the schema will mark it as an error. For example, if you enter <date when="1862-06-31">1862-06-31</date>, a validation error will result because June does not have 31 days, at least in this universe.

6.8.1. Examples of confusing date tags, and how we deal with them

<date when="1861-06-02">2<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">nd</hi> June last</date>
<date when="1861-10-15">15th</date> and <date when="1861-10-21">21st of October last</date>
the <date when="1859-03-10">tenth Instant</date>
the <date when="1859-02-15">15<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">th</hi> </date>
As a general rule, we tag words only specifically associated with a given date. For example, this means that we usually do not tag the “the” in “the 15th Ultimo.” We base this on the TEI’s following example:
Given on the <date when="1977-06-12">Twelfth Day</date>

However, we may need to tag the “the” in some rare cases for the sake of clarity. Consult your Despatches colleagues as needed.

6.8.2. cert or certainty attribute

We use this attribute rarely. In simple terms, use this attribute in a date when you are not certain of its accuracy. The cert attribute allows for for values: “high,” “low,” “medium,” and “unknown.”

Dates that lack a year or a month often pose a challenge, and can sometimes remain uncertain. Consult with your Despatches colleagues. Only after these measures should you add a cert attribute.

Here’s an example of one in use:
<date when="1863-01-26cert="high">26 Jany</date>

6.8.3. Ranges, with from and to

Date ranges commonly turn up within the despatches: they use a modified <date> tag. Instead of when, they use from and to. When tagging a date range, select the whole date range phrase, as in the following example:
Should … your drafts on the amount which will be voted by Parliament for the service of the Colony for the year <date from="1862to="1863">1862-63</date>.

6.8.4. Non-consecutive ranges

Some ranges will have an “and” between dates, as in “the 9th and 16th of July.” We treat these as two separate dates and use the when attribute, as in the following example:
<date when="1862-07-09">9th</date> and <date when="1862-07-16">16th of July</date>.

6.8.5. Ultimo [month before] and instant [present month]

Ultimo and instant are Latin terms. Often, you will find them in their abbreviated forms, such as Ult. and Inst.

Ultimo refers to the month before, and instant refers to the present month. These ones can be tricky to tag at times. When in doubt, consult your Despatches comrades. Here’s a couple of examples from the files:
Since we had last the pleasure of addressing you on the <date when="1846-08-11">11<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">th</hi> Ult<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">o</hi> </date> this Settlement
In reply to your letter of the <date when="1849-09-22">22<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">d</hi> Instant</date>;

Note that the words Instant and Ultimo are included inside the date tags. This is because they refer to the month, and it would be redundant to have the month outside the date tag. (Example: October 3, 1850 Ultimo = redundant.)

NOTE: If there’s a period after an abbreviated Inst. or Ult., that period is included inside the date tags. The only exception to this rule is if the period also indicates the end of the sentence.

<date when="1859-04-25">25<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">th</hi> Ult.</date>, enclosing copies…
<date when="1858-01-06">6<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">th</hi> Inst</date>. Your statement that…

6.8.6. notBefore and notAfter tags

You can use these attributes in cases where the information present is too sparse to make even a vague conclusion about a given date. For example, an author may write that an event in question occurred in sometime in “either 1853 or 1854,” in this case, you could add the following attributes:
either <date notBefore="1853notAfter="1854">1853 or 1854</date>

The above example is one among many variations. Consult with your Despatches colleagues if you are unsure as to how to handle a given date.

6.8.7. Dates in the minutes and sad little numbers all alone

Minutes occur at the end of the primary correspondence and are often added by other authors. Minutes present a challenge to tagging dates because they are easily missed.

Authors sometimes used a non-standard abbreviation or just a single number. For example, “26 Jany” or “27” refer to the 26th and 27th of January. To establish the year, you must deduce it from the chronological sequence started at the opening of the letter. Always look at the end of the document for minutes. Dates often hide in the minutes and are extremely hard to find once missed.

Here’s an example from an actual letter, which illustrates that lonely numbers at the ends of minutes are actually dates:
<closer>  <signed>   <name key="blackwood_aj"> AB<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">d</hi>   </name>   <date when="1853-08-26"> 26 August </date>  </signed>  <signed>   <name key="elliot_tf"> TFE </name>   <date when="1853-08-26"> 26/8 </date>  </signed>  <signed>   <name key="peel_f"> FP </name>   <date when="1853-08-26"> 26 </date>  </signed>  <signed>   <name key="newcastle"> N </name>   <date when="1853-08-27"> 27 </date>  </signed> </closer>

6.8.8. Dates in the general sense: no fixed date

For example, the author might write that a thing is to be done “on the 15th day of every February.” So, we do not have a specific year! In this case, we use a hyphen to indicate the missing date information, as in the following example:
… and are recommmenced about <date from="--02-15to="--02-28">the middle or end of February...</date>
In the above case, the date happens to need from and to. Here’s a short list of examples from the TEI guidelines on the subject:
<date when="--09-11">9/11</date>
<date when="--09">September</date>
<date when="---11">Eleventh of the month</date>

6.8.9. Separating dates from signatures in a <closer> tag

This section assumes that you are familiar with how to tag dates and people. Often, despatch authors sign/initial and date on separate lines. In cases where they do not, we display them online as if they had for the sake of readability and consistency. For example, in the following image, Blackwood has initialed and dated on the same line:

On the website, it should look like this:



Please note that when a <date> tag appears outside a <closer> tag, say inside a <p> tag, the <date> tag will not force a carriage return.

6.8.10. Dates inside <ref type=”co_ref”> tags: DO NOT TAG!

It’s redundant to tag dates within the <ref type="co_ref"> tags. Do not tag these dates. This tag generally appears after the open <opener> tag, as in the following example:
<opener>  <ref type="co_ref">9801, CO 60/11, p. 18; received 2 November</ref> </opener>

So, in the above example, you would ignore “2 November.”

6.9. Task Checklist for XML Transcription

This list can and should be used as a task checklist for each XML transcription. Hopefully, by working through this list, you will have completed all that is required to markup and edit a given correspondence. The list will grow and change as needed.

  1. Insert your three initials and a date [yyyy-mm-dd] within a comment, and place the comment just before the <teiHeader> tag, as in the following example:
    <!-- KSS edit, 2013-09-16-->
  2. Add abstract placeholder after the closed </publicationStmt> tag:
    <!-- abstract begins ======================= --><notesStmt>  <note>Content not yet available.</note> </notesStmt> <!-- abstract ends ======================== -->
  3. Delete the superfluous head tag and contents that appear between the <div type> and <opener> tags, as in the following example, in which everything in the <head> tag should be deleted (including the tag):
    <div type="public_offices">  <head>Ward to Hawes (Parliamentary Under-Secretary)</head> </div>
    Note: we remove this tag and its contents as the information in question appears already in the teiHeader.
  4. Add some format the document to (1) demarcate content sections, and (2) make it easier to read long, complex files. You can add the following comments where required; you would be surprised at what a difference this makes:
    <!-- despatch ==================================== --> <!-- minutes ==================================== --> <!-- other files =================================== --> <!-- enclosures =================================== --> <!-- marginalia =================================== -->
  5. Add a couple of carriage returns between the sections you added (see #4, above), and add a carriage return between paragraphs if this makes things easier to read. As long as space out paragraphs and other sections to make the XML as readable as possible.
  6. Remove double space bar spaces between sentences, using find/replace.
  7. Compare your xml file's transcription to the scan of the original letter; make the required changes.

6.9.1. First Nations <fn> tags

Mentions of First Peoples range in the despatches from pointed and detailed to vague and confusing. Starting in 1852, we’ve begun to tag all mentions of First Peoples with the following tag:
<name type="fn"/>
as in the following example:
<name type="fn">Newitty Indians</name>

In the way that we have created biography and placename entries, we hope to one day provide a rich database for First Peoples, by tagging all instances of First Peoples’ presence in a similar manner.

Adding Context: Often, Colonial Officials were very vague when referencing the activities of First Nations groups. For example, they will simply say “Indians” or “the Northern Tribes.” If this is the case please add some context within the <name> tag. For example:
<name type="fn">Indians will freely give information to trading vessels</name>
and NOT
<name type="fn">Indians</name>

6.9.2. Insert space

If you need a set space in a line, like        so. You need to insert the following XML code (without spaces):

& # 1 6 0 ;

Use it as many time is a row as you need.

6.9.3. Line break hyphens, and the like

This section discusses how to handle words that are broken, with a hyphen or similar punctuation, where the remainder of the broken word carries on to the line below, or to the next page. As in the following example:

As you can see, the word in question is “proposal.” We want to markup the hyphen and the line break, but not render it online, in other words, we will “regularize” it in the online version.

To do this we need to use a <choice> tag so that if we choose to later, we can display the original, or the content in the <orig> tag. For now, though, our “choice” is to show the regularized version, or, the content in the <reg> tag. Please refer to the following example, taken from the image above:
On Her Majesty's behalf, to my <choice>  <orig>propo-<lb/>sal</orig>  <reg>proposal</reg> </choice> that certain lands in Vancouver's...

When we choose to display the above online in the regularized format, it will look like this:

On Her Majesty's behalf, to my proposal that certain lands in Vancouver's...

But, if we choose to show the original format, it will look like this:

On Her Majesty's behalf, to my propo-

sal that certain lands in Vancouver's...

One of the beauties about the orig/reg display option is that we can configure things so that the reader can toggle between each view.

Note that there’s no content between in the <reg> tags. This is not necessarily going to be the case in every instance. If you are unsure as to how to handle a tricky line break word, space, hyphen, or similar symbol, notify your colleagues.

6.9.4. Links: external (to pages outside the Despatches site)

This format is used to link to a webpage that is outside of the Despatches website, such as a bibliographic entry.
<ref type="external"  target="">linked content</ref>

6.9.5. Links: internal (to other Despatches documents)

This format is used to link to another despatch, or page on the Despatches website.
<ref type="doccRef="V465HB03.scx">linked content</ref>

NOTE: When you add internal links with the text of "this despatch"—as in According to this despatch—make sure that the correspondence in question is, in fact, a despatch, and not another type of correspondence. When in doubt, view the letter in question on the website, which shows you the type of correspondence it is, as in the following example:

6.9.6. Marginalia

Marginalia appears in many of the letters. It is as diverse in location as it is in content. As far as coding it goes, in simple terms, we organize all the marginalia in one place (the end of the XML file), then we place a unique link (a <ref> tag) in the code to reflect where it would show up in the actual letter, or as close as we can get.

In the XML document, all the marginalia content should appear collected together after all the other sections of content, but before the closing <body> tag (at the end).

Here’s an example of a complete marginalia entry:
<!-- marginalia ==================================== --><div type="marginalia">  <div type="marginalisxml:id="marg1">   <ab>Note to Sir John Pelly 21 Septr</ab>  </div> </div> <!-- marginalia ends =============================== -->
Once you’ve entered the marginalia as above, you need to indicate its placement within the body of text. To do this, place the following code as close as possible to where the marginalia occurs in the letter:
<ref target="#marg1"/>

NOTE: You can add as many marginal notes (“marginalis”) as you like by adding the same number to both the marginalia entry and the “#marg” referent. For example, “marg2” in the marginalia entry appears where “#marg2” is placed the body text, “marg3” appears where “#marg3” is placed, and so on.

Here’s an example of what this looks like:
<!-- marginalia ==================================== --><div type="marginalia">  <div type="marginalisxml:id="marg1">   <ab>Note to Sir John Pelly 21 Septr</ab>  </div>  <div type="marginalisxml:id="marg2">   <ab>I thought he wanted elf-shaped cookies for lunch?</ab>  </div>  <div type="marginalisxml:id="marg3">   <ab>He said that he would darn my socks. So far, I still have holes.</ab>  </div> </div> <!-- marginalia ends =============================== -->
So, this means that somewhere in the body of the letter we should find these three tags:
<ref target="#marg1"/> <ref target="#marg2"/> <ref target="#marg3"/>
FYI only: Here’s an example of a rather complex chunk of marginalia, in which a <note> tag has been added within the <marginalis> tag:
<!-- marginalia =============================== --><div type="marginalia">  <div type="marginalisxml:id="marg1">   <ab>    <note xml:id="V52101_1">This text is located in the left margin and runs perpendicular to the main body text. See image scan.</note>Copy <unclear>to... / ...</unclear>    <lb/>    <unclear>...</unclear> with <name key="pelly">Pelly</name>    <hi style="text-decoration: underline;">3779</hi>    <lb/> Copy to Foreign Office<lb/><unclear>w<hi style="verticla-align: super; font-size: 80%; text-decoration: underline;">th</hi>...</unclear> Hudsons Bay Compy } 18 May / 52<lb/> Ansd 27 Sept / 52 — 5.<lb/>    <unclear>...</unclear> with <unclear>...</unclear>    <hi style="text-decoration: underline;">3778</hi>   </ab>  </div> </div> <!-- marginalia ends ============================= -->

6.9.7. Misplaced addressee information

From time to time, the author of a given despatch places the addressee information at the bottom of the first page of the despatch. In these cases, we place it at the end of the digital despatch, but make a note (at the end of the addressee paragraph) as to where it appears in the original despatch.

Example as follows:
<closer>  <name type="addressee">To the Right Hon<hi style="superscript">le</hi>   <lb/> The <name key="grey_hg">Earl Grey</name>   <lb/> &amp;c &amp;c &amp;c.</name>  <note>This addressee information appears at the foot of the first page of the despatch.</note> </closer>

6.9.8. Missing documents

From time to time, despatches go missing, or are placed elsewhere in the colonial volumes. Most cases of absent files require a unique approach. The following represents the quirks we have encountered thus far, and how we handled them. Missing despatch

“Missing despatch” refers to instances where it’s clear, either from Jim's notes (which is often the case) or from the content, that a despatch is intended or supposed to be present as part of the collection.

  1. If the despatch is missing we still need to place an opening page image in the header (in the <biblScope type="startPageImage"> tag). Please default to the first transcribed page. For example, if the despatch is gone, but the transcription begins with the minutes, then place the first page of the minutes in the <biblScope type="startPageImage"> tag.
  2. Notation is required in order to tell the online reader that the despatch is missing. We indicate this in two ways.
    • Indicate in [square brackets] the item thought missing from the volume, and be sure to wrap your statement in a <supplied> tag, as in the example below.
    • Provide notation to indicate to the reader that the document is missing, again, as in the example below.
      <supplied reason="missing">[Despatch from Blanshard to Grey.]<note xml:id="V49000A_1">This document is missing from the Colonial Office volume.</note> </supplied>
      FYI: For full examples see the following XML files: V49000A & V485HB07. No despatch (enclosures only)

“No despatch” refers to instances where it’s clear that no letter or correspondence is associated with a given set of documents. For example, at the end of some of the volumes there might be a collection bundled together under a heading, such as “Parliamentary Papers,” or “Treasury,” and so on. Usually, we treat these bundles as we would enclosures, and, more often than not, Jim of his team have provided a descriptive paragraph for each.

  1. In cases where we have only enclosures, we still need to place an opening page image in the header (in the <biblScope type="startPageImage"> tag). Please default to the first page in the enclosures.
  2. Notation is required in order to tell the online reader that only enclosures appear in this file. We do so by providing notation to indicate to the reader that only enclosures are present, as in the example below:

    [This file contains only enclosures, which appear in a collection entitled “Parliamentary Papers.” They are presented here in the order in which they appear in the Colonial volume.]

    FYI: For full examples see the following XML file: V495PA04. Missing image scan

This section refers to instances where you have a transcription, but can’t find an associated image scan with which to proof it. Possibly, Jim and his team had transcribed it from elsewhere. Or, as is likely the case, we haven’t received or uploaded the images associated with the file in question. This is usually due to the images for a given year appearing in an alternative collection, such as the National Archives Canada (NAC).

In these cases you are advised to take the following approach:

  • Clean up the XML as best you can.
  • Markup, as usual, the place, people, and vessel names, where present.
  • Write the abstract, but leave the following comment after the opening <noteStmt> tag: ‘The following despatch has not yet been vetted against its corresponding image scan, which was not available at the time of this writing, [yyyy-mm-dd].’
Here’s a (shortened) example from the collection:
<!-- abstract begins ======================== --><notesStmt> <!-- ksw note: the following despatch has not yet been vetted against its corresponding image scan, which was not available at the time of this writing, 2009-12-18. -->  <note>   <name key="grey_hg">Grey</name> writes <name key="blanshard">Blanshard</name> to [...].</note> </notesStmt> <!-- abstract ends ========================= -->

6.9.9. Multiple page image collections for one XML file

This section presumes that you have a firm knowledge of all things <biblScope> and <pb> as this situation is a little tricky. In cases where we have an image of a letterbook copy and an original copy of a given correspondence, we privilege the original, and comment out the letterbook-related tagging (see example below).

Please note that, typically, the letterbook versions of the correspondence appear in the 398/1 and 410/1 collections, at least as of this writing. This potentially complicated process is best illustrated by way of example, in which all text is black except the markup for the original documents’ metadata and content appears in blue, the markup for the letterbooks’ metadata and content appears in red, and the green to indicate new comment for document revisions:

As you can see, we comment out the former tags, rather than delete them. This allows us to ‘awaken’ them in some fashion, should we choose to in the future. We place the old image referent in parentheses, however, to indicate to readers that a given file is based on an alternative image collection, as in the following example taken from above:

NAC, RG7, G8C/6, p. 156 (CO 398/1, p. 87)

Ask a team member to supply you with a copy of the “Double-image Gumbo” the text file which is an assortment of useful text that can be dragged into the XML document during this process. You’ll need to change the data from despatch to despatch accordingly. For example, changing <idno type="page">??? </idno> to <idno type="page">156</idno>.”

If there aren’t any source images for the original documents, make a comment that explains that we only have the letterbook copy and proceed with <pb> tags as you would normally. Or, conversely, if we only have original images and no letterbook, do the opposite (but in this case we likely don’t have a transcribed XML which means we need to create one and that’s an entirely different story… this doesn’t happen often, thankfully). Add formerly missed enclosures to an XML file

This section addresses the problem of what to do when you find an enclosure, or “other file,” that Jim’s team failed to add to the XML file. We put this section here as, most of the time, you will find missed files when you replace a letterbook transcription with an original (described in the section above).

Jim and his team likely missed a given enclosure because they were working from letterbook copies (the “CO 398” file family in our image collection).

Here’s the steps, with an example to follow:

  • <Add a div type="other_files"> </div> tag. IMPORTANT: place this tag before the closed </body> tag, otherwise your content will appear outside the “body” of the text, which is bad.
  • Within the <div type="other_files"> </div> tag, add a <div type="other_entry"> </div> tag.
  • Add your <pb> tag to the right of the open <div type="other_entry"> tag. See example screenshot below.
  • Within the <div type="other_entry"> </div> tag, add an <ab> </ab> tag. This tag will contain your content. Think of it as analogous to a <p> tag.
  • Read through the letter as you will have to summarize its contents!
  • Final step? Imitate the format and phrasing in the following example:
    <ab>  <name key="elliot_tf">Elliot</name> to <name key="hamilton_ga">Hamilton</name>, <date when="1863-03-04">4 March 1863</date>, forwarding copy of the despatch and recommending payment of the bill. </ab>
Here’s an example from the letters:
<div type="other_files">  <div type="other_entry">   <pb n="co_60_15/co_60-15-00024r.jpg"/>   <ab>    <name key="elliot_tf">Elliot</name> to <name key="hamilton_ga">G.A. Hamilton</name>, <date when="1863-03-04">4 March 1863</date>, Treasury, forwarding copy of the despatch and recommending payment of the bill. </ab>  </div> </div>

6.9.10. Duplicate content in separate XML files (originals versus letterbook copies)

This section addresses the relatively rare case in which we have two XML files that contain the same content, and what we do about it:

  • Keep both files
  • Make a note in each that the other file exists

In general terms, we could delete the letterbook copy, and may decide to do this eventually. For now, though, it makes sense to keep both files, as it’s reasonably quick to add notes to each file. As of this writing, 1859 is the only year that contains both original and letterbook versions as separate files.

Example files: B597063 and V597063. Note the content of the notes in each, and the placement of the note tags in each of the XML files.

6.9.11. Notes

This section assumes that you are familiar with notes, and how to add them to your XML content.

In order for notes to be displayed properly on the website, the XML needs to be coded with an “xml:id,” as in the following example:
<note xml:id="V465HB01_1">note content here</note>

For the “xml:id” value, please use the despatch that you’re currently working with, an underscore, then a unique number, as shown in the above example. What to tag, or not, in notes

First, some background. On the Despatches website, notes appears as a pop-up over the area that corresponds to the note button.

In addition, the notes in the pop-ups appear, as “footnotes,” at the bottom of the page.

  • Names
  • Places
  • Vessels
  • Dates

Do not tag the following:

  1. Anything that is already part of a link (any content within a <ref> tag of any kind), as in the following example:
    In the example above, note that ‘Douglas’ has been incorrectly tagged (it appears with a dashed underline) in what is already a link (the green text). So, if you were to click on ‘Douglas’—the link within the link—things break and get screwy, as the site is not setup to handle links within links. In the XML code the incorrect code looks like this:
    <ref type="doccRef="B58001.scx#B00101">12719, CO 60/1, <name key="douglas_j">Douglas</name> to Lytton</ref>.
  2. Bibliographic information within <note> tags. For example, this citation appears within a <note> tag in the B58008.scx file: <title level="m">The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 14 & 15 Victoria</title>. 1851 (London: Her Majesty's Printers, 1851). Notice that ‘Victoria’ and ‘London’ do not have tags, as they’re part of the reference, not the content of the despatch.

6.9.12. Okina: the Hawaiʻian character

Not quite an apostrophe, not quite a left-facing single quote, the ʻokina serves as a glottal-stop indicator in Hawaiʻian. The Unicode character is U+02BB and the HTML Entity (decimal) is as follows:


For more see this link.

6.9.13. Quotation marks: superfluous occurrences

This section refers to an instance in which the author quotes someone else with quotation marks, and it’s clear as to where the quote begins and ends, however, the author has added an open quote on each quoted line. Here’s a good example as it would appear in the despatch actual:

Now I understand Mr Stephen to be of opinion that to give the Company "a
"new interest & title in Land in these
"regions would be said to be an attempt
"to prolong beyond 1859" (when the present...

We’ll hide the superfluous quotes for the sake of readability, and to reduce confusion, but we’ll tag them in such a way that we can display them should we wish to, as follows:
Now I understand <name key="stephen_j">M<hi style="superscript_underscore">r</hi> Stephen</name> to be of opinion that to give the Company "a <choice>  <orig>"</orig>  <reg/> </choice>new interest &amp; title in Land in these <choice>  <orig>"</orig>  <reg/> </choice>regions would be said to be an attempt <choice>  <orig>"</orig>  <reg/> </choice>to prolong beyond 1859" (when the present ...

Note: Regular quotations will still use <q> and <soCalled> tags.

6.9.14. Sex attribute

This attribute is a way in which we handle whether or not a given person is male, female, or gender neutral. We use these tags so that researchers can obtain data on all of the women, men, or people who are gender neutral. For now, this attribute has been applied to women only, and in the biography files. Here’s an example from the 1860 biographies file:
<person xml:id="holroydsex="2"> <!-- KSS, 2011-09-13 -->  <persName>   <surname>Holroyd</surname>  </persName> <!--<birth when="1111-11-11"></birth>--> <!--<death when="1111-11-11"></death>-->  <note>   <p>Content not yet available.</p>  </note> <!-- ksw note: source: --> </person>

For sex values we use The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO/IEC 5218.

The four codes specified in ISO/IEC 5218 are:

  • 0 = not known
  • 1 = male
  • 2 = female
  • 9 = not applicable

NOTE: The numeric value of “2” for women means that they’re worth twice as much as a man.

6.9.15. Scribal filler

We need a way to handle the more bizarre and arcane textual marks produced by the various cursive eccentricities of the despatch authors. One in particular gave us recent trouble (see image below):

Rather than download and install a whole new TEI module, we used a wave dash, with an accompanying note, as seen in the following example:
<note xml:id="v465HB02_2">This is a scribal filler, likely used to denote the continuation of a given paragraph. This representation is approximate; see corresponding image scan for the original mark.</note>

Here’s a wave dash that you can copy: 〜

6.9.16. Horizontal line extension

This one is used generally at the end of sentences. It seems to serve, in the despatches at least, the purpose of a period and a dash simultaneously, as in this example:

Add this HTML entity to your XML document as needed:

Please note that some browsers display this as an underscore ( _. )

6.9.17. To [sic] or not to [sic]

It may be appropriate, in some cases, to use [sic] to indicate what you see as a clear error in meaning or word choice. Always run your [sic] moves past your colleagues for approval and discussion. We also need to indicate the correction in order to give the reader the choice. As it stands, we follow the TEI Guidelines on such cases, which states the following:

It’s also possible, using the <choice> and <corr> elements, to provide a corrected reading:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <choice>  <sic>we can</sic>  <corr>can we</corr> </choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
It’s also possible to indicate the level of confidence one has in a given editorial change. We may want to consider the following as an option:
An <choice>  <corr cert="high">Autumn</corr>  <sic>Antony</sic> </choice> it was, That grew the more by reaping
Further reading on apparent errors can be found here.
When a correction is made using these tags, indicate your responsibility for it using your initials:
This is <choice>  <sic>probly</sic>  <corr resp="mdh">probably</corr> </choice> wrong.

Normal TEI practice would use a hash (#) before the resp attribute and point it at a full person reference in the header of the file, but for the moment we'll keep in simple and just use initials. At some point, we'll probably start building a list of bios for the people involved with the project, and we can easily transform hashless initials into hash pointers then (when there's something to link to).

It may be appropriate, in some cases, to use [sic] to indicate what you see as a clear error in meaning or word choice. Always run your [sic] moves past your colleagues for approval and discussion. We also need to indicate the correction in order to give the reader the choice. As it stands, we follow the TEI Guidelines on such cases, which states the following:

It’s also possible, using the <choice> and <corr> elements, to provide a corrected reading:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <choice>  <sic>we can</sic>  <corr>can we</corr> </choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
It’s also possible to indicate the level of confidence one has in a given editorial change. We may want to consider the following as an option:
An <choice>  <corr cert="high">Autumn</corr>  <sic>Antony</sic> </choice> it was, That grew the more by reaping

Further reading on apparent errors can be found here.

When a correction is made using these tags, indicate your responsibility for it using your initials:
This is <choice>  <sic>probly</sic>  <corr resp="mdh">probably</corr> </choice> wrong.

Normal TEI practice would use a hash# before the resp attribute and point it at a full person reference in the header of the file, but for the moment we'll keep in simple and just use initials. At some point, we'll probably start building a list of bios for the people involved with the project, and we can easily transform hashless initials into hash pointers then (when there's something to link to).

6.9.18. Strange strings, funny tags, and other legacy issues

This section is for examples of strange tags and the like, which occurred when we transformed the old digital collection from Waterloo script to XML. In simple terms, think of these instances as ghosts in the code. We handle them on a case-by-case basis. Please add to this list as you encounter new quirks.
<note xml:id="B00501n="B5800501"/>
Keep the tag above as is. Our <note> tags don’t look like them. These are leftovers from the notation that Jim and his team added to, mostly, the 1858 despatches. These don’t seem to break the site (the notes work online) so we’ll leave them as is for now. Last count: over 600 instances, mostly in the 1858 files.
<milestone unit="sectionrend=".in -10 +0"/>

Ignore <milestone> tags. We see these <milestone> tags from time to time, and in various forms. Generally, they mark instances of tables, or table-like things. Please leave them alone. We’ll use them at some point, even if it’s to replace them with proper XML tables.

6.9.19. Superscript and abbreviation conundrums

Often, the despatch authors abbreviate to save space and ink, and to annoy you personally.

In so doing, they can be a little ham-handed in their cursive when it comes to indicating distinctly whether they intend a superscript, an abbreviation, a superscripted period, or an underlined superscript. As a general rule, we try to represent the text as closely as possible. So here’s a list of some common confusers, and how to handle them:

(1) Text is clearly smaller and floating above the usual cursive line, usually at the end of a word: use only a superscript tag.
<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">content here</hi>
Example: Govr
(2) Text is clearly smaller and floating above the usual cursive line, but it has a single line or dot below it: this is likely to indicate a line, or underscore, under the superscript. The author intends to make it clear to the reader the presence of a superscript, so we reproduce this as follows:
<hi style="text-decoration: underline; vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">content here</hi>
Example: Govr
(3) Similar to (2), but it’s clear that the single dot is to the right of the superscripted letter or letters, and in line, or thereabouts, with the main text: this is likely a period to indicate an abbreviation, so follow this example (note that the period is to the outside of the superscript tag):
Gov<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">r</hi>.
Example: Govr.
(4) Similar to (3), but the period is on the same level as the superscript: place the period inside the superscript tag in order to superscript the period, as in the following example:
Gov<hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">r.</hi>
Example: Govr.

(5) Text is clearly smaller and floating above the usual cursive line, but it has two lines or dots below it, or a dot and line in an unclear order or location: use your judgment, based on the examples above.

Of course, many intentions are possible. Likely, though, two lines, dots, or marks, in any configuration are meant to indicate an underscored superscript, followed by period to indicate an abbreviation. When in doubt ask for a second opinion.

6.9.20. Transcribed minutes on “enclosures” and on “other files”

Note that transcribed minutes that appear on enclosures will not be within a <div type="minutes">, they will appear only as <div type="minute_entry">; we so because we want the minutes to appear online as though they’re under the “Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)” divider.

  • If the transcribed minutes appear on the first page, then DO NOT insert a <pb> tag.
  • If the transcribed minutes occur on subsequent pages, then insert a <pb> tag that links to the page that contains the minutes; if, in these minutes, the text covers multiple pages, then insert <pb> tags at each page beginning, as you would for the despatch letters.

6.9.21. type=unavailable vs. incomplete

This value is added to people, place, or vessel entries that are either incomplete or unavailable. Here’s the current meaning for each:

  • unavailable means that we’ve added no information to the entry, just its name, place name, or vessel name, respectively.
  • incomplete means that we’ve added cursory information to a given entry, but it reads as unfinished, and therefore needs more research and content.
In the biography entries, use the following tags:
<persName type="unavailable"/>
<persName type="incomplete"/>
In the places entries, use the following tags:
<placeName type="unavailable"/>
<placeName type="incomplete"/>
In the vessel entries, note that things change slightly, and the attribute value has to be added as a “subtype” to be valid:
<name type="vesselsubtype="unavailable"  key="alexandra"/>
<name type="vesselsubtype="incomplete"  key="alexandra"/>

6.9.22. Unclear tag

This tag is used to handle text that’s too garbled or difficult to make out. Typically, since Jim and his crew were so good at transcribing the original text, you’ll end up using this tag infrequently. Should you need it, it’s as follows:
<unclear>content here</unclear>

6.9.23. Wavy or squiggly lines and underlines

This situation is a little tricky and should be handled on a case-by-case basis. Here’s an example of a need for squiggly lines:

The Unicode name for squiggly lines is “wavy low line.”

Copy this symbol to your XML document as needed: ﹏

Remember that each “﹏” will only fill the width of one character space. It takes quite a few to make a line!

7. Colonial Despatches Style Guide

7.1. Abbreviations

Currently, the only abbreviation for organizations that we use is HBC (Hudson’s Bay Company). CMOS recommends that less familiar abbreviations aren’t to be used unless the word appears more than five times (see CMOS 10.3).

We use abbreviations for metric (km, m, cm) and write out imperial (mile, foot, inch). We do not, however, use an abbreviation for “street.”

CMOS recommends that periods are generally not to be used in abbreviations (see CMOS 10.4). Periods are only used in abbreviations that end in a lower case letter (vol., a.m., p.m., Mr., Ms.), except for measurements.

Here are some examples:

  • a 29 m long, 303-tonne sloop
  • Mr. President
  • The river is 236 km long.
  • 100 kmh (kilometres per hour)
  • He lived on Scott Street.

7.1.1. Abbreviations: spaces between them

Names use spaces. From CMOS 10.12:

Initials standing for given names are followed by a period and a space. A period is normally used even if the middle initial does not stand for a name (as in Harry S. Truman).

  • Roger W. Shugg
  • P. D. James
  • M. F. K. Fisher

If an entire name is abbreviated, spaces and periods are usually omitted.

  • FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
  • MJ (Michael Jordan)


  • H.D. (pen name for Hilda Doolittle, with periods but no space between initials because it’s a special case)

7.1.2. Abbreviations of provinces, territories, and states

Provinces, territories, and states are spelled out in text. Abbreviations may be used in bibliographies using the two-letter postal abbreviations (see CMOS 10.28).

In running text, spell out “British Columbia” as a noun; reserve “BC” for the adjective form only (see CMOS 10.32). We don’t place periods around “BC” either (see CMOS 10.4).

7.2. Oxford/Serial Comma

Oxford, or serial, commas are used in all Despatches writing. We do so to avoid ambiguity, as CMOS 6.19 suggests.

Oxford/serial commas are used “when a conjunction joins the last two elements in a series of three or more.” The comma is placed before the conjunction. For example, “she posted pictures of her parents, the president, and the vice president.”

7.3. Punctuation Inside or Outside of Quotation Marks?

Punctuation like periods and commas go inside of quotation marks, while punctuation like question marks and exclamation marks go either inside or outside depending on the content of the quote.

See CMOS 6.1 for a comprehensive table of where punctuation is placed in relation to quotation marks.

7.4. Blockquotes

Chicago differs from MLA in this respect in that MLA calls for blockquotes for quotes over four lines in length. CMOS, however, advises blockquotes for a hundred words or more (at least six to eight lines of text in a typical manuscript), unless “quotations are being compared or otherwise used as entities in themselves” (see CMOS 13.10).

The latter instance is a judgment call, of course, and if you’re unsure, please consult your Despatches colleagues.

Finally, see the CSS: block quotations section for how to tag your blockquotes in XML.

7.5. Preferred Spelling

Use Canadian spelling in all cases except for “despatch” (not “dispatch”). Below is a word list to help you with the correct spelling for Despatches. Please consult your Despatches colleagues if you think a word should be added to the list.

Remember, correct spelling includes correct capitalization and hyphen use. When in doubt, here’s a reliable source for Canadian spellings: The Canadian Oxford Dictionary (requires login on a computer outside of the library). Luke Mastin’s Canadian, British and American Spelling website is also a helpful tool, but make sure to double-check the preferences on the website against the COD or this list since there are a few inconsistencies.



  • Aboriginal
  • abridgement
  • acknowledge, acknowledgement
  • advertise
  • adviser
  • aesthetic
  • aging
  • airplane
  • aluminum
  • amid (not amidst)
  • among (not amongst)
  • amortize, amortization
  • amphitheatre
  • analogue
  • analyze
  • anemia, anemic
  • appetizer
  • arbour
  • archaeology
  • ardour
  • armour, armoured
  • artifact
  • authorize
  • axe


  • balk
  • bandana
  • banister
  • baptize
  • barrelled, barrelling
  • BC Genesis
  • behaviour
  • behoove
  • belabour
  • blond
  • brunette
  • burned (not burnt)
  • by-product


  • calibre
  • cancel, cancelled, cancelling, cancellation
  • candour
  • capitalize, capitalization
  • catalogue
  • categorize, categorization
  • centimetre
  • centre, centred, centring
  • checkered
  • cheque (form of payment)
  • cipher
  • civilize, civilization
  • clamour
  • clangour
  • co-author
  • colonize
  • colour, colouring, coloured
  • commercialize
  • compel, compelled, compelling
  • computerize
  • co-op, co-operative education
  • co-opt
  • counsel, counsellor (an adviser), counselling
  • councillor (a member of a council)
  • counter-attack
  • cozy
  • criticize
  • crueller, cruellest
  • crystalline
  • crystallize
  • curb
  • customize


  • defence
  • demeanour
  • demoralize
  • dependant (noun), dependent (adjective)
  • despatch
  • dialled, dialling
  • dialogue
  • diarrhea
  • digitize
  • disc (recording), disk (computers)
  • dishevelled
  • distil
  • double-check
  • draft
  • dreamed (not dreamt)
  • duelled, duelling
  • dwelled (not dwelt)


  • e-book
  • economize
  • email
  • empathize
  • emphasize
  • enamour
  • encyclopedia
  • endeavour
  • enrol, enrolled, enrolling, enrolment
  • ensure (make certain)
  • enthral, enthrallment
  • equalled, equalling
  • ethnic


  • familiarize
  • favour, favourite, favourable
  • fervour
  • fibre
  • filename
  • finalize
  • First Nation
  • flavour
  • flutist
  • focused, focusing
  • forever
  • fuel, fuelled, fuelling
  • fulfill, fulfilled, fulfilment, fulfilling
  • funnelled, funnelling
  • furor


  • galvanize
  • gauge
  • generalize
  • glamour
  • goodbye
  • grey
  • gruelling


  • harbour
  • harmonize
  • HBC (Hudson’s Bay Company)
  • hemorrhage
  • hireable
  • home page
  • honour, honourable, honoured, honorary
  • hospitalize
  • humour, humorous
  • hypnotize
  • hypothesize


  • idolize
  • immortalize
  • imperilled, imperilling
  • industrialize, industrialization
  • Indigenous
  • initialize, initialization
  • initialled, initialling
  • inquire, inquiry
  • install, installment, installation, installing
  • instill
  • institutionalize
  • insure (secure payment of)
  • Internet


  • jeweller, jewellery
  • journalize
  • judgment


  • kidnapped
  • kilogram
  • kilometre
  • kneeled (not knelt)


  • labelled, labelling
  • labour, labourer, laborious
  • leaned (not leant)
  • learned (not learnt)
  • leaped (not leapt)
  • legalize
  • levelled, levelling
  • libellous
  • licence (noun), license (verb)
  • likeable
  • line break
  • litre
  • liquefy
  • lower case
  • lustre


  • macabre
  • manoeuver
  • marshal
  • marvel, marvelled, marvelous
  • maximize
  • meagre
  • medallist
  • memorialize
  • memorize
  • mesmerize
  • metre
  • militarize
  • milimetre
  • minimize
  • misdemeanour
  • mobilize
  • modelled, modelling
  • mould
  • moustache
  • movable


  • nameable
  • neighbour, neighbourhood
  • neutralize


  • odour, odorous
  • offence, offensive
  • online
  • optimize
  • organize, organization


  • panelled, panelling, panellist
  • parallel, paralleled, parallelling
  • parlour
  • peddler
  • per cent
  • personalize
  • phony
  • plow
  • polarize
  • practice (noun, adjective), practise (verb)
  • pre-eminent
  • pre-exist
  • pre-war
  • prioritize
  • program, programmed
  • propeller
  • pulverize
  • pummelled, pummelling
  • pyjamas


  • queue, queueing


  • raccoon
  • rancour
  • racquet (sports equipment)
  • rateable
  • re-educate
  • re-elect
  • re-enter, re-entry
  • re-examine
  • realize, realized, realization
  • recognize
  • revelled, revelling
  • rigour, rigorous
  • route, routing
  • rumour


  • sabre
  • sanitize
  • saviour
  • savour, savoury
  • sceptre
  • scrutinize
  • sensationalize
  • shrivelled, shrivelling
  • signal, signalled, signalling
  • sizeable
  • skeptical
  • skilful
  • smelled (not smelt)
  • smoulder
  • sombre
  • space bar
  • specialize, specialization, specialty
  • spectre
  • spelled (not spelt)
  • spilled (not spilt)
  • splendour
  • spoiled (not spoilt)
  • squalor
  • stabilize
  • standardize, standardization
  • sterilize
  • story (tale), storey (floor of building)
  • stylized
  • succour
  • summarize
  • symbolize
  • sympathize
  • synthesize


  • terrorize
  • theatre
  • tonne (metric), ton (imperial)
  • total, totalled, totalling
  • toward
  • tranquility
  • tranquilize
  • travel, travelled, traveller, travelling
  • tremor
  • tumour
  • tunnelled, tunnelling


  • unionize
  • upside down (adverb, adjective), upside-down (attributive adjective)
  • utilize (but you should just use “use,” see a list of things Kim Blank hates)


  • valour, valorous
  • vapour
  • vice-president
  • vigour, vigorous
  • visualize, visualization


  • wagon
  • web page, website
  • while (not whilst)
  • wilful
  • work team
  • worshipped



  • yogurt


7.6. Capitalization

7.6.1. Capitalization of cities, towns, forts, and political divisions

Words like empire, confederation, province, fort, and town are capitalized when they follow a proper name and are used as an accepted part of the name. When preceding the name, such terms are usually capitalized in names of countries but lower case in entities below the national level (see CMOS 8.51).

Examples (add more as they occur):

  • the province of Ontario
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony; the colony at Massachusetts Bay
  • the Indiana Territory; the territory of Indiana
  • the Northwest Territory; the Old Northwest
  • New York City; the city of New York
  • the British Empire; the empire

When a specific government body or organization is meant rather than the place, the government body is also capitalized—for example, he worked for the Province of Ontario (see CMOS 8.52).

7.6.2. Capitalization of directions

Compass points are not capitalized when they are used to explain directions such as “to the north of Vancouver” or “eastern Canada.” However, compass points are capitalized when they refer to places such as “North Vancouver” or “East Canada” (see CMOS 8.47). Further examples include the following: “he went to the West Coast for his holiday,” but “he went to British Columbia's west coast.”

7.6.3. Capitalization of ethnic and other national groups (Indigenous, Aboriginal, First Nations)

Ethnic and national groups are capitalized. Adjectives associated with these names are also capitalized (see CMOS 8.38 and the UVic Style Guide Section 5.2).

7.6.4. Capitalization of military and other titles

As for military titles, we’ve settled on CMOS's approach to this matter: “in formal academic prose, most such titles are capitalized only when used as part of a person’s name” (see CMOS 8.24).

Some pertinent examples are as follows, as taken from CMOS 8.24:

  • the admiral; Chester W. Nimitz, fleet admiral; Admiral Nimitz, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet; the captain; Captain Frances LeClaire, company commander
  • the sergeant; Sergeant Carleton C. Singer; a noncommissioned officer (NCO)
  • the British general; General Sir Guy Carleton, British commander in New York City; General Carleton.

As for other titles, such as nobility, CMOS states the following:

Unlike most of the titles mentioned in the previous paragraphs, titles of nobility do not denote offices (such as that of a president or an admiral). Whether inherited or conferred, they form an integral and, with rare exceptions, permanent part of a person’s name and are therefore usually capitalized. The generic element in a title, however (duke, earl, etc.), is lowercased when used alone as a short form of the name.

Some pertinent examples are as follows, as taken from CMOS 8.32:

  • the prince; Prince Charles; the Prince of Wales
  • the duke; the duchess; the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
  • the marquess; the Marquess of Bath
  • Lord Bath; the earl; the Earl of Shaftesbury; Lord Shaftesbury; Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th (or seventh) Earl of Shaftesbury; previous earls of Shaftesbury.

See CMOS 8.32 for more, particularly on the differences with British usage.

7.6.5. Capitalization of places

Names of places, including mountains, rivers, islands, etc., are capitalized. In cases where terms like “mountain,” “ocean,” and “river” are included in the name of the place they are capitalized as well. See CMOS 8.47 to 8.58 for clarification.


  • the Pacific Station
  • Bamfield Inlet
  • the Gulf
  • Greater Victoria
  • the City of Victoria
  • the metropolitan area
  • the United States
  • the republic
  • the Union
  • the river Fraser
  • Fraser River
  • London Bridge
  • the Pyramids
  • the Egyptian pyramids
  • the West Wing

7.6.6. Capitalization of political parties

Official names of political parties and organizations are capitalized. Words like “party,” “union,” and “movement” are capitalized as well if they are included in the name of the political party or organization. See CMOS 8.66 for clarification.


  • Whigs [except when used as as adjective, as in, ‘he behaved whiggishly.’]
  • Tories
  • the Democratic Party
  • democratic nations
  • Loyalist(s)

7.6.7. Capitalization at the start of quotations

Capitalization within quoted material can be changed to suit the context (within reason). These changes can be made “silently,” that is, they don’t require square brackets to indicate that a change has been made since the meaning and word choice of the quoted material remains the same. See CMOS 13.18 and 13.7 point three for clarification.

Example: After his stint in politics, and, with his children either abroad or “leading frivolous lives,” Dunsmuir retreated to a solitary life on his estate at Hatley Park.

7.7. Comma with City Plus Province/State

When following the name of a city, whether spelled out or abbreviated, the names of states, provinces, and territories are enclosed in commas (see CMOS 10.29). For example: Victoria, BC, is a nice city.

7.8. Periods in a List

Periods should only be used at the end of a bullet or list point if the point contains a full sentence. If the point is a phrase then a period is not used.

7.9. Hyphens

Hyphens are tricky--CMOS provides a comprehensive hyphenation table that can be used to answer most questions. Here are a few common issues of proper hyphenation:

  • Canada-US border (not Canada/US border)
  • 4 km wide river (not 4-km-wide river)

7.10. Newspaper Titles

Omit the “the” from newspaper titles. For example, write the British Colonist not The British Colonist. See CMOS 14.193 for more.

Don’t forget to italicize newspaper titles. Be sure to wrap them in a <title> tag, as in the following example:
edition of the <title level="j">British Colonist</title> gives notice
Note: as stated above, “the” is left outside of the <title> tag.

7.11. Numbers: to Write Out or Not?

Spell out numbers from zero through nine, use a numeral for 10 and above (see CMOS 9.3).

Try to avoid starting a sentence with a number. If you have to, spell out the number that starts the sentence (see CMOS 9.5).

When an abbreviation is used for a unit of measure (i.e. km, m, cm), then the quantity must always be expressed by a numeral (see CMOS 9.16).

7.11.1. Words versus monetary symbols and numerals

Isolated references to amounts of money are spelled out for whole numbers of one hundred or less (see CMOS 9.2 and 9.3).


  • Correct: $100,000
  • Correct: Ten dollars

  • Incorrect: 100,000 dollars
  • Incorrect: $10

7.12. Possessives and Attributives

CMOS has changed the convention of correct singular form possessives (see CMOS 7.17). For example, instead of “Douglas’ letter” it’s now “Douglas’s letter.” This rule includes nouns that end in a silent “s,” such as “Descartes’s three dreams” (see CMOS 7.18).

Note: plural possessives continue as before with an apostrophe alone. For example, “the Lincolns’ marriage.”

7.13. Roman for Latin Words and Abbreviations

Unlike most words in a foreign language, commonly used Latin words and abbreviations should not be italicized.

Examples: Ibid., et al., ca., passim

However, sic should be italicized due to its distinct use in quotations. For example, “mindful of what has been done here by we [sic] as agents of principle” (see CMOS 7.55).

7.14. Ships and Other Named Vessels

Names of ships and vessels are capitalized and italicized. The word “ship,” or other vessel types, should not be used in cases where the abbreviations USS (United States ship) or HMS (Her or His Majesty’s ship) precede the name of the vessel. These abbreviations aren’t italicized either.

Some examples from CMOS 8.116:

  • Mars global surveyor; Mars polar lander; Phoenix Mars lander; Phoenix
  • the space shuttle Discovery
  • the Spirit of St. Louis
  • HMS Frolic; the British ship Frolic
  • SS United States; the United States
  • USS SC-530; the US ship SC-530

7.15. Speeds

As ever, we list speeds in metric. Here’s an example:

Knots (ship speed measurement) should be converted to “kmh” (kilometres per hour), as in 22 kmh.

7.16. XML Style Preferences

7.16.1. <soCalled> and <q> tags

<soCalled> elements are used for nicknames, scare quotes, terms in Indigenous languages, and informal event names (e.g. Pig War). <q> elements are used to replace quotation marks around quotes. <q> elements can also be nested in instances where there’s a quote within a quote.

Company and store names do not have quotation marks around them. The same rule applies for instances of Her Majesty and places (unless an informal name is used).

Here’s some examples of <q> elements:
Unfortunately, the area was leased to the Hudson’s Bay Company at the time and the Colonial Office could not <q>undertake to say on which terms land shall be offered in that island</q> and declined his request.
his body was found with <q>a Bag Containing Gold Dust value 69 Dollars and 50 Cents--In Silver Coin One Dollar &amp; 85 Cents and a <q>Colt Revolver</q>,</q>
Here’s some examples of <soCalled> tags used to indicate informal terms/names:
However, in 1856, Walker did become president of Nicaragua and implemented an <soCalled>Americanization</soCalled> program to encourage U.S. citizens to immigrate there.
The water boundary issue resulted in what is now known as the <soCalled>Pig War.</soCalled>
Here’s an example of the <soCalled> tag used for a term in an Indigenous language. Note that the tag is used around the term and its English translation:
The Lummi named the area <soCalled>what-coom</soCalled>, or <soCalled>noisy, rumbling water</soCalled>, in reference to a waterfall near Bellingham Bay.

7.16.2. Canadian vs. American spelling in tags

Note that tags often use American spelling preferences. While we use Canadian spelling like in “centre” throughout running text, “center” needs to be used when marking up text in Oxygen.

For example:
<hi style="text-align:center;">He stood in the centre of the crowd.</hi>

7.17. In-text Date Format

For dates within the text of our writing we break from CMOS and use MLA "humanistic" style of formatting which is integer of day, month spelled out, and integer for year.

15 June 1859

7.18. Writing Tips

(For a streamlined version of this section and workflow directions specific to the Professional Communication Directed Reading program please see the Colonial Despatches Directed Reading document.)

Since there are so many authors working on the Despatches website, we want to keep the writing consistent. With this in mind, here’s a working list to consider when you begin writing:

  • Know the difference between (1) direct quotation, (2) paraphrasing, and (3) summary. Honestly, if you’re shaky on any of this then you should probably not write anything until you have it dialed in.
  • Write in present tense. That is, ‘Douglas writes,’ not ‘Douglas wrote.’ For more information see CMOS 5.129.
  • Avoid the passive voice. If you don’t know what passive voice is, read CMOS 5.118.
  • Avoid gerunds. If you don’t know what a gerund is, read CMOS 5.112.
  • Over the years, UVic's Kim Blank has accrued a list of the things Kim Blank hates. Mostly, we hate the same things.
  • Use last names when you refer to a person after their full name has been mentioned once already. For example, write ‘Douglas reports that’ not ‘Governor Douglas’ or ‘James Douglas’ after the first instance of ‘Governor James Douglas.’
  • For the most part, use Canadian spelling, eh. See the Preferred Spelling section for a detailed list.
  • Avoid parenthetical interjections (like this), use commas, em dashes, or rework the sentence.
  • Do NOT put double spaces between sentences! And don’t use double returns between paragraphs.

8. Chicago-Style Citations

8.1. Our Reference System: Chicago-Style Endnotes

When website readers click on tagged person, place, or vessel, a pop-up note appears, in order to provide for the reader further context. These pop-up notes are well-researched mini essays of a sort, and cited as one would an academic essay. However, these pop-ups are neither truly notes nor essays exactly, so we treat them as Chicago-style “notes,” as this is the closest definition we can all agree upon.

When in doubt about anything to do with this decision, refer to your Despatches colleagues or refer to the CMOS website as needed.

8.2. Notation Numbers

Each notation number should have a corresponding endnote at the end of the entry. Here is what a typical note looks like on the website (circled in red):

The notation numbers in a given entry should appear in numerical order from top to bottom. Numbers are to be placed to the right of the period, and any other punctuation, e.g. outside quotation marks. No notation number mid-sentence please. Colonial Despatches prefers all notations at the end of sentences (indicating more than one source if necessary).

XML code placeholder for a number:
<bibl corresp="#xml:id_b_corresponding number here">  <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">number goes here</hi> </bibl>
Example from the V60 bios:
<bibl corresp="#allison_b_3">  <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">3</hi> </bibl>

8.3. Basic Endnotes

Each endnote should have a corresponding number notation in the entry. We use this system as it makes for improved readability, as opposed to, say, MLA, in which each reference requires a parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence. This latter system can look pretty cluttered in such a small chunk of text. These endnotes will have corresponding <bibl> tags that link to the note in the text by using a unique xml:id in the form shown below, with the note content inside.

XML code placeholder for an endnote:
<bibl xml:id="xml:id here_b_number of endnote here"/>
Example from the V60 bios:
<bibl xml:id="allison_b_3">3. <ref type="doccRef="B60070.scx">Douglas to Newcastle</ref>, 3 August 1860, 9346, CO 60/8, p. 2.</bibl>

8.3.1. Examples of Endnotes

A couple notes: please place <ref> tags inside <title> tags.
Trailing punctiation is placed after the closing <title> tags. Book and monograph example

<bibl xml:id="carrall_ww_b_8">8. Tom Snyders and Jennifer O'Rourke, <title level="m">Namely Vancouver: The Hidden History of Vancouver Place Names</title>, (Vancouver, BC: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2001), 57.</bibl> Journal article example

<bibl xml:id="onslow_b_4">4. Barry M. Gough, <title level="a">   <ref type="external"    target="">The British Reoccupation and Colonization of the Falkland Islands</ref>  </title>, <title level="m">Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies</title>, 22 (Summer 1990): 271-272.</bibl> Despatch example

<bibl xml:id="pike_b_4">4. <ref type="doccRef="V635AD01.scx">Paget to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)</ref>, 29 June 1863, 6392, CO 305/21, p. 3.</bibl> Newspaper example

<bibl xml:id="parker_cs_b_2">2. <title level="a">   <ref type="external"    target="">Obituary</ref>  </title>, <title level="j">Daily Telegraph</title>, 21 June 1910, 9.</bibl> Website source examples Web page, with author
<bibl xml:id="africa_b_1">1. S. Swiggum, <title level="a">   <ref type="external"    target="">Ship Descriptions - A</ref>  </title>, <title level="m">The Ships List</title>.</bibl>

This is what the above example looks like on the website: Web page, no author
<bibl xml:id="alarm_b_2">2. <title level="a">   <ref type="external"    target="">Alarm</ref>  </title>, <title level="m">Index of 19th Century Naval Vessels</title>.</bibl>

This is what the above example looks like on the website: Web page, PDF
In the following example, we have a PDF link, that links to a PDF that has page numbers:
<bibl xml:id="bruce_b_1">1. <title level="a">   <ref type="external"    target="">Hervey/Bruce Papers</ref>  </title>, <title level="m">Public Record Office of Northern Ireland</title>, 15.</bibl> Online Dictionary or Biography

In the following example, we have an online dictionary or biography:
<bibl xml:id="chesson_fw_b_1">1. H.C. Swaisland, <title level="a">   <ref type="external"    target="">Chesson, Frederick William</ref>  </title>, <title level="j">Oxford Dictionary of National Biography</title>.</bibl>

8.3.2. Archival sources

For archival material, we use a format based off of Chicago style. Begin with the name of the archive, followed by the title of the document, marked up with <title level="u">, then add the additional document information.

Below is an example from the Library and Archives Canada (LAC). Note that
<bibl xml:id="shrapnel_h_b_1">1. LAC, <title level="u">Commissions of Henry Needham Scrope Shrapnel</title>, MG 24 F 113, Vol 3, File 1.</bibl>

8.3.3. Multiple citations

Note that we don’t include the pop-up content in the following example. It’s presumed that the notation numbers are added correctly.
<listBibl>  <bibl xml:id="smith_w_b_1">1. Hubert Howe Bancroft, <title level="m">The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Volume XXXII. The History of British Columbia. 1792-1887</title>, (San Francisco: The History Company, Publishers, 1887), 617.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="smith_w_b_2">2. Milton, William Fitzwilliam, viscount, <title level="m">A History of the San Juan Water Boundary Question, As Affecting the Division of Territory between Great Britain and the United States</title>, (London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, 1869), 256-257.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="smith_w_b_3">3. <ref type="doccRef="V59031.scx">Douglas to Lytton</ref>, 8 August 1859, 9570, CO 305/11, p. 29.</bibl> </listBibl>

8.3.4. Multiple citations in one note

Always use one number to indicate multiple sources, but add a semicolon between the sources in the <bibl> entry, as in the following example:
<bibl xml:id="anderson_d_b_4">4. S. Van Kirk, <title level="m">Women in Fur Trade Society in Western Canada, 1670-1870</title>, (Winnipeg: Watson &amp; Dwyer Pub., 1980), 220-30; F. Pannekoek, <title level="m">A Snug Little Flock: The Social Origins of the Riel Resistance, 1869-70</title>, (Winnipeg: Watson &amp; Dwyer Pub., 1991), 119-59.</bibl>

Here’s an example of what it will look like on the website (note that the double source is number four):

8.3.5. Multiple and repeating citations

We don’t use short forms of sources when they repeat since it’s less work to simply copy/paste the reference. Note that we don’t include the pop-up content in the example below. It’s presumed that the notation numbers are added correctly.
<listBibl>  <bibl xml:id="shrapnel_b_1">1. <ref type="doccRef="B606S01.scx">Shrapnel to Newcastle</ref>, 4 April 1860, 3586, CO 60/9, p.386; <ref type="doccRef="B606S02.scx">Shrapnel to Newcastle</ref>, 5 April 1860, 3872, CO 60/9, p.388.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="shrapnel_b_2">2. <ref type="doccRef="B606S02.scx">Shrapnel to Newcastle</ref>, 5 April 1860, 3872, CO 60/9, p.388.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="shrapnel_b_3">3. Ibid.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="shrapnel_b_4">4. <title level="a">    <ref type="external"     target="">Artifact Backgrounder: Shrapnel Bullets</ref>   </title>, <title level="m">Canadian War Museum</title>; John Sweetman, <title level="a">    <ref type="external"     target="">Shrapnel, Henry</ref>   </title>, <title level="m">Oxford Dictionary of National Biography</title>.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="shrapnel_b_5">5. Ibid.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="shrapnel_b_6">6. John Sweetman, <title level="a">    <ref type="external"     target="">Shrapnel, Henry</ref>   </title>, <title level="m">Oxford Dictionary of National Biography</title>.</bibl>  <bibl xml:id="shrapnel_b_7">7. Ibid.</bibl> </listBibl>

9. Abstracts

Abstracts are brief summaries of individual despatches, as well as the minutes, enclosures, and other documents that occasionally accompany them. Abstracts are helpful research tools that give viewers a sense of the main topics of a given despatch and allow them to see if it aligns with their research or interests without having to read the entire despatch.

Abstracts are notoriously difficult to write because they require a close reading of the documents, an understanding of their relevance to the collection as a whole, and their historical importance. Abstracts are highly subjective: what might seem important to one of us might not be to others on the team. It is important that we work together on the more complex documents, or whenever we have doubt about what to include, or not, in our summaries.

There are two ways to access the abstracts on the Colonial Despatches website:

1. Select the ‘browse’ link in the main menu, where the despatches are ordered by year, and continue to navigate to a despatch of a specific date:

2. Select the ‘Abstract’ link at the top of a given despatch:

9.1. Required Skills

This section assumes that you have knowledge of the following:

  • How to tag content.
  • How to use the SVN repository, that is, commit your changes to the database.
  • A detailed understanding of the Colonial Despatches website and its various sections.
  • Familiarity with the structure and elements of a transcribed despatch as it appears on the Colonial Despatches website, as well as the minutes, enclosures, and other documents that accompany it.
  • Proficiency in Oxygen (XML editor)- and a firm knowledge of the code and tags you will use during the markup process.
  • An intermediate to advanced knowledge of 19th-century BC history.

9.2. Writing Abstracts

Use Google Docs to draft your abstracts and share this document with your fellow editors, and ensure that they have permissions to edit the file. Darth Google is evil, but Google Docs allow for comments and feedback across platforms and editors. If you don’t know how to work in Google Docs, then consult your Despatches colleagues who do.

As with all writing for this project, it’s essential that you take a look at the Style Guide section of this document before you begin. But we also have a special abstract style guide below as well with some more specific conventions.

9.2.1. Before you write abstracts Read the content (!)

It’s very important to read the entire despatch, as well as the attached minutes, enclosures, and other documents, before you attempt to write your abstract. Because certain topics tend to be the subject of multiple despatches, it’s helpful to read the abstracts of the preceding despatch (or despatches) and, if time permits, those of the previous year, in order to give you a better understanding of the topics of your current despatch.

After you have read the despatch and all attached minutes, documents, and enclosures, you may want to go through them again and take notes in order to get a basic framework for your abstract. It’s a good idea to write the first draft of your abstract on Google Docs and then copy/paste your content into the XML file once you or a Despatches colleague has proofread it. Audience and voice

The target audience of the Colonial Despatches website is students, teachers, Indigenous scholars, professors, researchers, other members of the academic community, history buffs, and lawyers.

As an academic site, all original written work, whether it be abstracts, biographies, and vessel or place entries, should be written to university-level academic writing standards. Concision and clarity are key. The main goal of an abstract is to summarize despatch content with a purpose to inform, so please refrain from personal comments or observations—this can be the most difficult part!

Remember that the role of the abstract is to describe what is being communicated, not what you or anyone else thinks about the communication. Think of yourself as a reporter, describing what you see.

For voice, please apply the following:

  • Use present tense. For example, use “Douglas relates concerns about funds for roads,” and not “Douglas related concerns.”
  • Avoid passive voice. For example, “Douglas instructs the HBC to sell their Victoria properties,” and not “The HBC is instructed by Douglas to sell their Victoria properties.”
  • Avoid gerunds. Gerunds are formed by adding “-ing” to a verb, for example: “sleeping,” “drawing,” “swimming.” But, they are not the “-ing” verb forms that you see in the present or past continuous tense. They look the same, but gerunds are actually verb forms used as nouns. We avoid them because they can cause confusion, especially in cases where a gerund could be mistaken for a participle.
  • Concision reigns. Please read this Purdue Writing Lab page on Concision and Dr. Kim Bank’s Wordiness, Wordiness, Wordiness List, bookmark the latter.
  • Repeat names to avoid confusion. For example, we could write that “Lytton informs Douglas that his wig is, like, so eighteenth-century,” but it is not entirely clear as to whom the “he” refers. In cases such as this, please repeat the name: “Lytton informs Douglas that Douglas’s wig is, like, so eighteenth-century.”
  • Finally, write something that you would actually want to read. Word count

The word count of an abstract will vary with the length of the despatch. In most cases, use one paragraph for all content; however, if you have particularly long documents, then you may need to write multiple paragraphs.

Smaller despatches should require only a few sentences. The word count for abstracts of large despatches should not exceed roughly 200 words—anything over 200 words likely requires revision. As for every rule, we expect exceptions, so if you’re stuck, or unsure that you have captured the nature of the correspondence, please re-read the document(s) to see if you can omit anything and still retain the main topics and overall purpose for the correspondence. When in doubt, consult your colleagues.

9.2.2. Despatch structure walk-through

Colonial Despatches correspondence often contains three types of communication: (1) the original despatch or letter, (2) minutes, and (3) attached documents (enclosures or other files).

The following sections discuss what to include from each part of the correspondence file: The despatch, letter, or main correspondence

Include the following, where applicable, in your abstracts:

  • In the first sentence, include the author of the correspondence, the addressee if necessary, and the topic(s) of the communication. (For further writing instructions see the Abstract Style Guide)
  • You may include other people, places, and subjects, important to the correspondence, thereafter.
  • In a strange quirk of fate, the longer documents are often easier to summarize than the shorter ones. Consult your Despatches colleagues as needed. The minutes

We indicate to the reader already the number of minutes in a given correspondence.

Typically, we ignore minutes that discuss administrative procedures, such as “Put by,” or “Send to Treasury.” However, should the minutes contain discussions, decisions, or content of importance or of note, then please summarize them as you would an original correspondence.

If you do include minute correspondence in your abstract, you can consult Gord's list of Colonial Office staff and consultants, which is roughly ordered in a hierarchy of the positions and who held them when, to get a better sense of who may be instructing whom and when a staff member may likely be asking a question even though they make no use of a question mark. Currently, it can be found here. Enclosures and other files and attachments

We indicate to the reader already the number of attached documents in a given correspondence.

“Enclosures” are documents enclosed with the main document. “Other files” are included in the file or are associated with a given correspondence, but aren’t considered part of the enclosures. For example, let's say a despatch encloses a list of land owners on Vancouver Island. The Colonial Office receives this correspondence, makes notes all over it (minutes), and sends it on to the Treasury, but, for the sake of reference, adds a map to the file. The list of landowners would be the “enclosure,” but the map would be an “other file.”

Jim's team designated whether or not given correspondence was either an “enclosure” or an “other file,” and this convention is reflected in the tags we use to designate each in the XML code. These codes are <div type="enclosure_entry"> and <div type="other_entry">, respectively.

Sometimes, “enclosures” can be misidentified as “other files,” and vice versa. To get around this issue while describing the “enclosure” or “other file,” we use “document” as a catch-all term. A “document” could be an “enclosure” or an “other file,” so we're covered in terms of accurate language, without having to go back to the file later and make corrections should, say, an “enclosure” turn out to be an “other file,” or the reverse.

As a general approach, if the enclosures/attachments reflect the correspondences' content, then we will ignore them in our summaries. In this sense, we assume that readers who see, say, that a letter has 5 enclosures, will expect to find that the enclosures pertain to the letter’s subject. However, if the enclosure/attachments are somehow very different in subject, and interesting to you, or provide further context to the historical significance of the despatch, then mention them.

For the enclosures and other files, use an opener such as “One of the included documents…” or “Included documents describe...”

In other words, keep it active, keep it safe. And, if anything above seems unclear, please consult your Despatches colleagues. Transcibed enclosures and attachments

The number of transcribed documents will be listed in the header metadata. Therefore, it is not necessary to make any special mention of transcribed enclosures. Treatment of these will fall under same guidelines and untranscribed enclosures. If the enclosed or attached document is of significance and adds to the reader's unserstanding of the despatch, a brief description of its contents makes sense. If not, the enclosure can be ignored. How to incorporate quotes from the correspondence

Think of the abstracts as miniature essays, and incorporate quotes as you would for a university paper. In other words, put quotation marks around anything you pull, verbatim, from the despatches! Here is an example. In this despatch, Douglas writes the following:

I am happy to inform your Lordship that nothing has occurred to disturb the tranquility of the Settlements on this Island

If we summarized this line as follows:

Douglas reports to his Lordship that nothing has occurred to disturb the tranquility of the settlements on Vancouver Island.

then, we would miss some necessary quotes, which would be added as follows:

Douglas reports to his “Lordship” that “nothing has occurred to disturb the tranquility of the Settlements” on Vancouver Island.

Quotes can serve a handy purpose when it’s difficult to discern exact authorial intention or meaning, or when the writer's phrasing is necessarily specific. Take the following example from Lord Grey's minute in this document:

It is better simply to say that I do not consider the charge to be one [which] ought to be borne by the public.

We could say that “Grey does not want taxpayers to bear the cost,” but this statement is open to debate. Does he refer merely to the British tax base? Or, does he refer to some other body? Would this be a colonial-only cost? It could take considerable time to tease out exactly what Grey means, and heaps of research. This is all well and good, but we’re supposed to be writing abstracts, not following semantic breadcrumbs, seductive as that is. So, why not let Grey speak for himself, in all his potential ambiguity? We could write the following:

Grey does not want the cost “to be borne by the public.”

Remember abstracts summarize, not speculate. What Grey writes is the most accurate representation possible. The incorporation of quotes takes time to master. Be patient, and if you are unsure, then consult your Despatches colleagues!

*Note: It is not necessary to quote words provided by other members of the project if you include them in your abstract. We are all on the same team! This means that you may use your colleagues' descriptions of significant enclosures in your abstract without the use of quotation marks.

9.2.3. Abstract style guide and edicts

These are resolutions determined by the Despatches team in 2020.

  • Write out Colonial Office (instead of CO) or any abbreviations that are not easily understood.
  • Write out first instance of words commonly abbreviated (examples: British Columbia and Vancouver Island) and use abbreviations thereafter.
  • Try to work against the compulsion to make a case or argument in the abstracts: these are summaries, not analytical papers. Do not editorialize. (Historians on the team can let go of the compulsion to show-off every cool quote they found. It’s the readers job to find the quotes.)
  • Avoid verbs that *read into* what you see as the motivation for the document. Tell it like it is, not what you think it to be. If you're using a verb that puts you in the writer's head, then you're off track from a summary and on track for a novel. We cannot know what is in another person's mind. Here's a short list of “neutral” versb:
    • relates
    • conveys
    • notes
    • describes
    Also see Janelle's list of Critical Verbs for some other suggestions.
  • Related to above we have placed a moratorium on the verb “writes,” because, like, duh. Typically, Colonial Officials and people contacting the office do the following:
    • acknowledge
    • confirm
    • instruct
    • request
    • report
    • explain
    • relate
    • refer
    • transmits
    *Note: We do not quote these “verbs” unless they are germane to the intention of the letter in some special way. You may use quotes in cases where the verb is either uncommon or totally badass in terms of interest to modern readers.
  • We are begrudgingly okay with using “minutes” as a verb, or a noun, in order to avoid the wordy and repetitive and lengthy clause of “In the minutes...,” but we need to show the reader the content's origins, in the artifact sense. For example, “Blackwood minutes that Douglas's canoe trip was necessary,” or “Blackwood's minute to Carnarvon reports that Douglas has received funds for supplies.” Some Colonial Office common action scenarios:
    • Recommendations: Blackwood's minute recommends..., or, Blackwood minutes to Carnarvon that he recommends...
    • Authorizations: Blackwood's minute authorizes...
    • Confirmations: Blackwood's minute confirms...
  • We no longer feel the need to always mention recipients in the opening of the abstract because senders and receivers are delineated in the header metadata. Mention recipients only in cases where disambiguation is required.

9.2.4. Reviewing the process

If you feel bogged down by the above details and expectations, remember that the abstract is supposed to provide a helpful summary of the correspondence, and so your overall aim is to do the following:

  • Summarize the salient points of the original correspondence.
  • Mention any minutes particularly relevant to the original correspondence.
  • Mention any enclosures or attachments that provide further context to the original correspondence or the document’s significance to the history of BC.
  • Last step, please record that you have commited a marked up version of the abstract in XML in our ColDesp Abstract Project Tracker. Find the id of the despatch you added the abstract to and fill out the "in XML (NEW)" cell with "Yes" and "(Your Initials)":

    Note that most of the new abstracts won't have an entry in the "OLD" column, which is to be expected. Phase 2 will be to update the old ones, time and resources permitting. In your Google doc, you can also, add a token, "PUBLISHED" to your Google doc entry = [PUBLISHED date-of-entry(ISO)].

9.2.5. Examples

Examples from a range of abstracts:

1. Simple correspondence, no minutes or enclosures:

2. Simple correspondence with mentions of minutes/attachments:

3. Complex (long) correspondence with mentions of minutes/attachments

9.3. Tagging Abstracts

Below is an example of a tagged abstract, and where it should be placed within the <teiHeader>.
<encodingDesc>  <styleDefDecl scheme="css"/> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc>  <abstract>   <p>On behalf of <name key="russell_j">Lord Russell</name>, <name key="layard">Layard</name> forwards to the Under-Secretary of State a letter from the Belgian Minister at <name type="placekey="london">London</name> in which the minister enquires about the “fate” of <name key="noiset">Noiset</name> who was last heard from while living in <name type="placekey="victoria">Victoria</name>. <name key="elliot_tf">Elliot</name>’s minute authorises <name key="blackwood_aj">Blackwood</name> to forward the inquiry to the Governor of <name type="place"     key="vancouver_island">Vancouver Island</name> and to inform the Foreign Office.</p>  </abstract> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc>  <change resp="lyallgwhen="2020-03-16">Added abstract.</change>  <change resp="lyallgwhen="2019-04-10">Inserted revisionDesc.</change> </revisionDesc>

In the example above, there are few things to pay close attention to:

  • Always add your netlink id or equivalent identification to an @resp in a <change> tag within the <revisionDesc> with a date and a text value of "Added abstract."
  • The abstract is placed inside the <profileDesc> tag. If that tag doesn’t exist, you’ll have to create it. It appears after the <encodingDesc> tag within the <teiHeader> tag.
  • Tag the abstract's content just as you would the correspondence. That is, be sure to tag people, places, and vessels in the abstracts (as long as the instance of each already exists in our database), as well as dates. See the mark-up guides for people, places, vessels, and dates, for details and tips.

IMPORTANT: once you’ve committed your abstract to the database, make sure to go online to proofread your work, and ensure that all links work as they should.

Update the ColDesp Abstract Project Tracker and add [PUBLISHED 2020-03-03] note in your Google doc.

9.4. Troubleshooting abstracts

9.4.1. Letterbook copies versus originals

Some documents in the collection appear as both letterbook and original copies. For example, V597067 is the letterbook version of B597067. Notice that the letterbook version is written on lined paper and often contains abbreviations (like "B.C.") as opposed to the original which is not on lined paper and has words typically spelled out in full. In these cases, add the abstract to the original version and then copy and paste the same marked-up version in the letterbook copy. Also write a <note> in the first <div> of the <body> stating that this is a letterbook copy and point to the original despatch with a <ref> tag:

<div type="despatch_from_london">  <note xml:id="V597067_1">The original form of this correspondence <ref type="doccRef="B597067.scx">can be viewed here</ref>. Please note that the original was marked initially as part of the Vancouver Island collection, and changed thereafter, presumably after receipt, to the British Columbia collection.</note> </div>

And the reverse for the original copy:

<div type="despatch_from_london">  <note xml:id="B597067_1">Please note that this document exists as a <ref type="doccRef="V597067.scx">letter-book copy</ref>.</note> </div>

*Note: In the past, we have either omitted an abstract from letterbook copies or copy and pasted an abstract without the note acknowledging and pointing to the original despatch. These will have to be corrected after all abstracts are written.

9.4.2. Adding descriptions to enclosures and other files as needed

In addition to the designation mentioned above, Jim's team also summarized the content within most of the enclosures, and other files. However, some enclosure or other- file summaries may contain merely an author, an addressee, and a date. For example, “Douglas to Lytton, 1 March, 1848.” In these cases, we review the image scans of the document in question and summarize it ourselves below your Google doc abstract. Make a note “SUMMARY NEEDED” above your new summary so that it is easily identified or found by other Despatches team members if necessary. We then add our summary to the XML file, as part of the existing list of enclosure or other-file descriptions. Add this new content to the original summary from Jim's team. This means adding content at the bottom of the XML file as well as in your abstract and marking both up. Note that we will also need to go back and fix earlier abstracts and other file entries that have not added content and mark-up.

10. People

The biographies appear in pop-up windows in a given despatch. Their purpose is to enrich readers' sense of a given despatch by providing historical context.

In general terms, the biographies need a lot of work. It would be a project in itself to finish them all. As of this writing, nearly 1,500 have no content, and nearly 250 need more revision or content.

We also inherited some biographies, mostly for 1858 from Jim’s team back in the 80s. These bios don’t conform to our footnote style, and so at some point we’ll have to dive in and edit them. See the Edits to inherited biographies section below.

10.1. Writing Biographies

Our biographies try to present a given historical figure in the context of their role as described in the despatches. The following list provides general expectations for a given biographical entry:

  • Information relevant to the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia is of primary importance and should be presented first.
  • Frame the person within their role as mentioned in the despatches.
  • Birthplace and death (in the xml file, insert information inside ‘birth when’ and ‘death when’ tags at the top of each bio).
  • And, should the information be available…
    • Some personal background
    • Some educational background
    • Some professional background
    • A choice tidbit, should one emerge
  • In the absence of other source material, use the despatches. For example, in a recent entry for Shahoowha, for whom we could find nothing else, we wrote the following: ‘Shahoowha was a Chief of the Nisga’a people. His name appears in the despatches as one of the Nisga’a Chiefs who signed an agreement “to deliver the property taken from the Schooner “Nonpareil” in October 1861.” The agreement was made in response to “a robbery of goods... by the Nishka Indians, at Nass River.” The conflict was reported to be fuelled by “Drunkenness” however, the Nisga’a stated that “the master’s account of the goods taken [was] much exaggerated.”

10.1.1. Content, structure, and voice

There’s no definite prescription here, except to try and keep it concise and relevant. Two to three paragraphs, or roughly 250 words, is a good length. If you have a compelling narrative, who could blame you if you go over the word count? But make sure you keep it lively. The bio will appear in a pop-up box, so consider what length seems appropriate, and what you would be willing to scroll through if you were on the site. The intended audience is secondary and post-secondary readers and scholars. That said, try and have some fun with it. After all, would you want to read a boring biography? Please read the Style Guide section before you write anything.

When possible, information relevant to Vancouver Island and British Columbia should appear within the first couple of paragraphs. Remember, it’s important to frame the person within their role as it appears in the despatches. Try to include some personal, educational, and professional background information. Balance hard facts with interesting tidbits, or quotes, that illuminate the person’s character or experience.

To keep track of your sources as you draft, note your citations at the end of each sentence in brackets (1). Alternatively, you can use the footnote function in Google Docs and then add the brackets once you’re finished the editing phase so that footnote numbers translate easily to the XML document. At the coding phase, you’ll need to create a list of your sources in a separate paragraph. This process is covered in the Tagging People and Biographies section.

10.1.2. Biography research

The Colonial Despatches website aims to be an academic resource, so please use academic sources for your research, particularly on the web. Wikipedia is a fine starting point, but if you’re unable to find that information in another verified source then we can’t use it. In these instances, you can make a note within the biography XML file that links to the webpage. This way, future researchers will know what, if anything, has been done for this bio, and will have a place to start.

When you begin your research it’s best to check the XML file for any notes that were left. To find these notes, go into the appropriate file where your figure’s biography template is located. Any notes will be commented out in a <note> tag like in the example below:
<person xml:id="wade_j"> <!-- IC, 2019-01-14 -->  <persName type="unavailable">   <surname>Wade</surname>, <forename>John</forename>  </persName> <!--<birth when="1111-11-11"></birth>--> <!--<death when="1111-11-11"></death>--> <!--<note>Private tutor of G. M. Sproat</note>--> </person>

See Research Resources for a list of frequently used sources. To verify names, you can check the lists of ship passengers from local newspapers in port cities. If you find yourself stuck, please consult other members of the Despatches team. There are many e-books available online, particularly when researching people with peerage titles; most e-books are considered a valid resource, but if you have questions, please consult your colleagues.

Additionally, the UVic library has great subject guides for Victoria and Vancouver Island. A good book to consult, particularly in dealing with people and place names, is Captain John T. Walbran’s British Columbia Coast Names. We keep a copy in the office, and it’s available in the library, call number: FC3806 W35 1971a.

IMPORTANT! If you are unable to find any outside information, please construct a short biography based on the information available in the correspondence. After all, something is better than nothing, and we can always add more content later, should a reliable source for a given name suddenly appear.

10.1.3. Example bios and a bit about them

These examples are meant to give you a taste of the “biodiversity” we currently have. Don’t get hung up on trying to recreate them!

  • See Grant, Captain Walter Colquhoun (1822-1861) for a long bio that summarizes well from a single, external source: the Oxford DNB. This one also uses the despatch references well.
  • See Gough, Lieutenant General Lord Viscount Hugh (1779-1869) for another long-form bio.
  • See Adams, John R. for a bio that is, arguably, around the ideal length, and it opens with content immediately relevant to the Despatches collection.

See Alcalá-Galiano, Officer Dionisio (1762-1805) for a long bio written on a rather well-known historical figure. This bio uses multiple sources, both book and digital.

10.1.4. Edits to inherited biographies

Many of the inherited biographies require heavy editing, particularly in the B58_bios.xml file. For a start, please apply our style to citations, spelling, and numbers (see the Style Guide section). Please update language where needed, especially terms for Indigenous Peoples. If possible, do some research to determine the particular Indigenous person or group mentioned, and please consult supervising members of the Despatches team when you encounter questionable markers of Indigeneity.

Some of these bios are rambling behemoths, so please prune, trim, and reorder them so they’re more concise and relevant to the despatches. Also, be sure to keep an eye out for missing or misplaced tags for people, places, and vessels. Once the critical changes are complete, check if the names in B58_bios.xml need to be placed in the file for a different year.

10.2. XML Mark-up for Bios: Getting Started and Workflow


First find your person by searching for the @xml:id of the person in the xml/bios folder by right-clicking on bios and doing a search/replace on the directory. For example, if we wanted to find Joseph Cahill we would do a search for "cahill_j" in all lower-case with Case sensitive toggled on.

Finding Joseph Cahill

10.2.2. Adding Birth and Death Dates

Now that we have found the person you can uncomment the birth and death elements by hitting “'Ctrl'+'Shift'+','” and add the dates.

<birth> and <death> elements commented out.
<birth> and <death> elements have been uncommented with dates filled in.

A couple notes: (1) if you only know a year or a year and month, that is fine, just add that information and delete the zeros for the day; (2) if you don't have a birth or death date just leave the element commented out.

10.2.3. Adding Bio Content

Add your bio content by copy and pasting it into <p> elements in the <note> element. Every paragraph goes in its own <p>.

Content added to bio


Now add your endnotes. In another <p> tag create a <listBibl> element and within that element add your first <bibl> entry with the number "1." which is your first note. Then add a @xml:id to the <bibl> using the formula outlined in 7.2. Notation Numbers. For how to mark-up your citation see 7.3. Basic Endnotes.

One tip: you can copy and paste all the code from the examples and replace the values with your own information, author, title, url, etc.

Added endnotes with @xml:id. Examples are of an online dictionary and a book citation.

10.2.5. Linking Endnote Indicators with their Corresponding Note

To link your indicators with their note we will replace the current indicators (in parenthesis if you formatted them as they are formatted in this example) with this code:

<bibl corresp="#xml:id_b_corresponding number here">  <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">number goes here</hi> </bibl>

Copy and paste this code replacing your first indicator “(1)”. In the @corresp, after the “#” add the @xml:id of your first endnote and replace the text “number goes here” with the number of the note. Repeat this step until all your indicators are replaced with a fully marked-up number.

Original plain text indicators to be replaced.
Indicators with full mark-up including @corresp linking to the endnote.

10.2.6. Marking-up Content

Back to your content... you will need to mark-up all the people, places, vessels, and dates. People, places and, vessels get <name> elements see Steps to tagging names (for newbies), 10.2.1. How to tag places that appear in the correspondence files, and 11.2.1. How to tag vessels that appear in the correspondence files, for details. For tagging dates see 5.8. Date Tags and 5.8.3. Ranges, with from and to.

Or you can consult this example:

Marked-up bio.

Note: do not tag the person whose bio you are writing. This is unnecessary.

10.2.7. Recursive tagging

This issue, depending on the pop-up in question, is a both a style and coding concern. As a general rule, do not tag references to the entry you are already reading. This is true for bios, places, and vessel entries.

For example, in James Douglas’s bio, you need not tag the name “James Douglas,” as this would be recursive—in other words, refer back to the referent—and redundant, as you’re already reading about James Douglas to start with.

Do tag all other references as you would in a despatch. For example, if Douglas's bio refers to Lord Grey, then tag Lord Grey accordingly, as this is an entry external to the Douglas bio.

10.2.8. Final Steps

Finally, erase the @type="unavailable" or @type="incomplete". And add your initials in a comment with a date indicating that you wrote the bio (credit for your work!).

Pointing to @type="unavailable.
@type="unavailable is erased and writing credit comment added.

Make sure you check that your document is valid, save it, and commit it on the svn repo.

10.3. Tagging People and Biographies

10.3.1. Tagging people in the correspondence

This section deals with how to tag mentions of people in the letters. This task breaks down into two parts: (1) tagging people already in the database, and (2) adding new names to the database. This section assumes that you are already familiar with the basics of tagging. If not, then consult a Despatches colleague. Tagging people already in the database

What we mean by “already in the database” is that the name for the person in question has already been added to the biographies files, and that the name can be found on the website. You can find all the names ever added for all years on the biographies index page. Steps to tagging names (for newbies)

  1. Confirm that the name you need to tag is already in the database by going to the biographies index page.
  2. Once you have confirmed that the name is already in the database, you will need to know the person’s key value, or unique ID. In the following example, the unique ID is in quotation marks: <name key="grey_hg">
    • To find a person’s unique ID on the biographies index page hover your mouse over the name and a pop-up will reveal the unique ID, like magic!
  3. Back in your XML document, it’s time to tag the name.
    • Highlight/select the name
    • On the keyboard, hit Ctrl + e and a pop-up will appear
    • Type ‘name’ (without quotes) into the pop-up, then click the ‘OK’ button. This will wrap your name in an open and closed name tag. NOTE: as soon as you type ‘n’ the autocomplete options will appear, and you can select ‘name.’ At this point, you should have something that looks like this example:
      <name>Earl Grey</name>
  4. Add the @key="" attribute after the open <name> tag, as in the following example:
    <name key="XML_ID_here">Earl Grey</name>
  5. Add your unique Id for the name between the quotes in the key="" attribute, as in the following example:
    <name key="grey_hg">Earl Grey</name>
    All done! You now have a fully tagged name. Name tagging practices

  • When you tag names in the correspondence, never add space between the tags and the name. For example:
    • Wrong: <name key="grey_hg"> Earl Grey</name>
    • Wrong: <name key="grey_hg">Earl Grey </name>
    • Right: <name key="grey_hg">Earl Grey</name>
  • Tag the name only, even in the case of possessives. For example, in the case of ‘Earl Grey’s letters,’ the tag would wrap around only ‘Earl Grey,’ as in <name key="grey_hg">Earl Grey</name>'s letter.
  • Tag ‘Mr.’ and its variants if it’s part of the name, as in <name key="blackwood_aj">Mr. Blackwood</name>.
  • DO NOT tag ‘Esquire’ and its variants, such as Esq., Eq., Esque., and so on.
  • DO NOT tag names in notes, footnotes, bibliographic information, or any other content clearly separate from the correspondence. Also, do not tag the name of the person whose bio you’re marking up. Ask your Despatches colleagues if you’re uncertain about whom to tag.
  • You can wrap a name tag on titles, but only in cases where clarity is required. Otherwise, do not tag them. For example, a paragraph might refer to Blanshard and Douglas, who were both governors, and say something like, ‘Blanshard and Douglas both liked crumpets for breakfast.’ But, ‘the governor born in the Caribbean preferred his with jam.’ This is obviously a very rare scenario, but in this case we would tag ‘the governor’ as Douglas in this case, for purposes of disambiguation. But, when in doubt, leave it out, or consult your Despatches colleagues as needed. Adding new names to the database

This section presumes that you have access to the biography XML files, and that you already know how to tag names.

IMPORTANT: Before you add new person to the biography files, make sure that they don’t already exists in the database! Not sure? Check the the biographies index page.

As a rule, we always tag/add people mentioned in the correspondence. That is, names that occur in the text of the transcribed correspondence. Of course, there may be other names tucked into the non-transcribed enclosures, letters, and other files, but we have neither the time nor resources to investigate them further.

The biography files are located in the “bios” folder (files path .../xml/bios). You’ll notice that there are multiple bios files, with file names such as V46_bios.xml and V60_bios.xml. The “V” in the filename stands for Vancouver Island colony, and the number represents the year. We break the bios files into separate years for two reasons: (1) if all the names were in one, huge XML file, it would take too long to load, and (2) we can have several people work on several different files at once without running into file version conflicts.

  1. Open the appropriate biography file in Oxygen.
    • NOTE: we add the person to the file for the year in which the person was first mentioned. For example, Captain Duntze appears in letters spanning several years, but he’s mentioned first in an 1846 letter, so his entry appears in the 1846 bios (V46_bios.xml).
    • If there isn't already an alphabetized section (based on the first letter of the surname) then you need to add one. Let’s pretend that the new name is Peter Parker. First, we add a comment tag, as this is a handy separator: <!-- PPPPPPPPPPPPP -->. Below the tag, we add a <personGroup> tag with the appropriate value: <personGrp xml:id="P"/>. Here’s an example of what it actually looks like in Oxygen:
      <!-- PPPPPPPPPPPPP --><personGrp xml:id="P"/>
  2. Choose an appropriate @xml:id for your new person. In the example below, the unique ID, or name value, is in quotation marks:
    <person xml:id="duntze_ja"/>
    • NOTE: Choose a unique ID of the shortest possible length based on the last name of the person. For example, let’s say you have someone name Constantine Rutherford Gonzoplix. Chances are there is no other person named Constantine Rutherford Gonzoplix, at least in this dimension, so you’re safe to create a unique ID from the last name only, as in <person xml:id="gonzoplix">. However, if you find yet another ‘Smith,’ then you will likely need to incorporate the initials into the unique ID, as in <person xml:id="smith_jp">. As always, if you’re unsure about any of this, consult your Despatches colleagues.
  3. Add a comment tag, with your initials and the date, so we know who wrote the entry, and when. Add your comment tag after before the <persName> tag, as in this example:
    <person xml:id="duntze_ja"> <!-- KSW, 2010-08-13 -->  <persName/> </person>
  4. We have a shortcut key to create a new bio placeholder. Press Ctrl Alt 1 (on Linux or Windows OS). Below is an example of a bio template. Note that this is a placeholder bio, one to which we have yet to add content the cursor will sit waiting for a new unique @xml:id:
    <person xml:id="${caret}"> <!-- added by INITIALS; 0000-00-00 -->  <persName type="unavailable">   <surname/>, <forename/>  </persName> <!--<birth when="1111-11-11"></birth>--> <!--<death when="1111-11-11"></death>-->  <note>   <p/>   <p>    <listBibl>     <bibl>1. </bibl>    </listBibl>   </p>  </note> </person>
  5. Biography tagging practices:
    • The name tags must be entered in the following order: <surname>, <roleName> (if applicable; see below), then any <forename> tags. Always place commas directly after the closed </surname> tag, and in no other place. If you have only a surname, then don’t add a comma.
    • Example with comma:
      <persName>  <surname>Ebden</surname>, <forename>Richard</forename> </persName>
    • Example without comma:
      <persName>  <surname>Ebden</surname> </persName>
    • On <roleName> tags, the TEI writes the following: <roleName> contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank.’ Here’s an example:
      <persName>  <surname>Ebden</surname>, <roleName>Sir</roleName>  <forename>Richard</forename> </persName>
    • Some <roleName> examples include Governor, Lieutenant, Sir, Lord, Earl, Justice, Reverend. With this in mind, ‘Mr.’ is not considered a role, as such, nor is ‘Mrs.’ If the person in question has no ‘role’ as defined above, then do not add the <roleName> tag to the entry.
  6. type=incomplete, complete, and unavailable bios are attributes that are added to indicate the state of a biography’s completeness. When a biography is incomplete, we need to track this for statistics purposes, and for easy searching. The attribute is added to the <persName> tag.
    • incomplete is used when content exists, but it’s unfinished or inadequate, and will be rewritten in future:
      <persName type="incomplete"/>
    • unavailable is used when no content has been written yet:
      <persName type="unavailable"/>
  7. When a biography is complete, neither of the above attributes should appear.
    • <birth> and <death> tags are commented out until we know either or both, as in the following example:
      <!--<birth when="1111-11-11"></birth>--> <!--<death when="1111-11-11"></death>-->
    • Once you know the date(s), fill in the year/month/day (or just year/month, or simply year) and remove the comment tag(s). <birth> and <death> tags with certainty, or cert attribute, are used to alert the read that we aren’t entirely certain that we have an accurate birth or death date. You have three value options with a cert attribute. Here’s what it looks like in code form:
      <birth when="1765cert="low"/> <birth when="1765cert="medium"/> <birth when="1765cert="high"/>

10.3.2. Biography markup for citations

See the Basic Endnotes section.

11. Places

11.1. Writing “Placeographies”

These instructions assume that you have already read several placeographies, and that you have at least a passing interest in the subject!

As with biographies and vessel entries, website readers can click on a place’s name to learn about it. Places appear as mentioned in the letters, but readers can view all the placeographies as a collection on the places index page.

The following is a working list of things to consider for your placeographies:

  • Keep it brief, aim for roughly 200 words.
  • In the first sentence, provide the relative location of the place, as in the following examples:
    • American Bar is located along the Fraser River’s eastern bank, roughly 6 km above Hope.
    • Cape Mudge is located on the south end of Quadra Island, which lies off the eastern coast of Vancouver Island.
    • The Stikine River flows southwest out of Stikine Plateau through Northern BC and the BC-Alaska boundary.
  • Provide the origin for the place’s name.
  • When possible, provide the Indigenous name and name origin.
    • TIP: Most First Nations groups have websites these days. Be sure to check these in order to get the latest spellings.
  • We honour special characters for Indigenous and First Nations names. For example, we write Hawaiʻi with the ʻokina, not an apostrophe.
  • Provide a given place’s historical significance, ideally with respect to local history.
  • Feel free to incorporate quotes or information about a given place from the Despatches collection.
  • Add any fun or significant facts you can find. If you’re not sure about whether or not to include something, consult your Despatches colleagues.
  • See Research Resources for a list of good sources to begin with.

Here’s an example of what a completed places entry looks like, as taken from the indexes page:

11.2. Tagging “Placeographies”

11.2.1. How to tag places that appear in the correspondence files

This one is pretty straightforward: wrap the correct tag around it.
<name type="placekey="vancouver_bc">Vancouver</name>

If you need the unique ID of a given vessel (the “key=” value) refer to the places index page. Hover your mouse over a given place’s name and its key value will appear. The same is true for people and vessels.

11.2.2. How to add a new place to the database

This process is, more or less, the same for adding newly discovered people to the database. See the Adding new names to the database section for details. Note that unlike the biographies, which have separate files for each year, the places are all in one big file!

11.3. Placeholder Template for New Places

Note that this is a placeholder only, one to which we have yet to add content. The short-cut key for this template is Ctrl Alt 3.

IMPORTANT: “Un-comment” things later as you add the necessary content, specifically the <location> tags and the <desc> tags that contain your content and bibliographic information, respectively.
<place xml:id="${caret}"> <!-- Added by INITIALS; 0000-00-00 -->  <placeName>NAME</placeName>  <location type="path">   <geo/>  </location>  <desc/>  <desc>   <listBibl>    <bibl>1. </bibl>   </listBibl>  </desc> <!-- <name type="place" key="KEY">NAME</name> --> </place>

NOTE: As ever, if you're unsure as to what a complete placeography looks like, go to the places file ([...]/xml/places/places.xml) and look at a completed entry!

11.3.1. How to tag placeographies in the places.xml file

We store and place new entries in an XML file called “places.xml.” The following is an example of a completed entry in XML format:
<place xml:id="birch_bay">  <placeName>Birch Bay</placeName>  <location>   <geo>48.895159 -122.789767, 48.894745 -122.784574, 48.897412 -122.778117, 48.900577 -122.774573, 48.903075 -122.771535, 48.905907 -122.767357, 48.906740 -122.763684, 48.907573 -122.758871, 48.909905 -122.752664, 48.914401 -122.748231, 48.918730 -122.745824, 48.923976 -122.745444, 48.929887 -122.745950, 48.933801 -122.748865, 48.936798 -122.752541, 48.940711 -122.761161, 48.942541 -122.769655, 48.931378 -122.787392, 48.931710 -122.791955, 48.894492 -122.793313, 48.895159 -122.789767</geo>  </location>  <desc>Birch Bay is located just south of the Canada-US border in southeastern <name type="placekey="georgia_strait">Georgia Strait</name>. To the west, across the Strait from the bay, sits the southern <name type="placekey="gulf_islands">Gulf Islands</name>. In 1792, <name key="vancouver_g">Vancouver</name> anchored in the bay, and was inspired to name it in reference to the abundant birch on the bay’s shores; the Spanish knew it as Ensenda de Garzon.<bibl>    <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">1</hi>   </bibl>  </desc>  <desc>According to George Davidson, a British painter on <name key="vancouver_g">Vancouver</name>’s expedition, one of the Indigenous names for the bay was, in Davidson’s Anglicization, “Tsan-wuch."<bibl>    <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">2</hi>   </bibl>  </desc> <!-- <name type="place" key="birch_bay">Birch Bay</name> -->  <desc>   <listBibl>    <bibl>1. Lynn Middleton, <title level="m">Placenames of the Pacific Northwest Coast</title> (Victoria: Elldee Publishing Company, 1969), 23.</bibl>    <bibl>2. Ibid.</bibl>   </listBibl>  </desc> </place>

Note that between the <place> </place> tag (the tag that contains the whole entry) <p> tags are invalid. So, we use a <desc> (description) tag instead. If you want multiple paragraphs then use multiple <desc> tags.

11.3.2. How to add <location>/<geo> tags

Each placeography should include a map link. This link takes readers to the Google Maps location for a given place.

We have to add geo coordinates manually, see How to acquire coordinates for instructions. Geo coordinates are literally the longitude and latitude values for a given point, or waypoint, in decimal degrees.

The <location> tag, which contains the <geo> tag, is placed after the closed </placeName> tag, as in the following example:
<place xml:id="birch_bay">  <placeName>Birch Bay</placeName>  <location>   <geo>48.895159,-122.789767 48.894745,-122.784574</geo>  </location>  <desc>Birch Bay is located [...]</desc> </place>

The location appears inside a <geo> tag, and consists of one or more coordinates in lat,long format. Each lat,long pair is delimited by a comma (with no space), and each pair is delimited by a space. How to acquire coordinates

We recommend using Greg Newton’s Mercator Vertexer tool to generate your coordinates. Choose the type of location you need to specify (line or polygon), draw the shape, then copy/paste the coordinates into the <geo> tag. Polygons

Use a polygon, or multiple coordinates, when you wish to draw a bounding box around a given location, as in the following:

  • A political region, such as province or territory
  • Cities
  • Bays and harbours
  • Islands
  • Groupings of islands, as in the Gulf Islands
Here is an XML example of what a polygon looks like. It’s just multiple coordinate-pairs, separated by spaces, which by default become polygons:
<location>  <geo>48.408722,-123.303165 48.40992,-123.307962 48.412258,-123.310184 48.412148,-123.314028 48.410755,-123.314653 48.410502,-123.316737 48.409498,-123.314704 48.40801,-123.314516 48.404392,-123.321147 48.405268,-123.324382 48.407399,-123.326417 48.410007,-123.324949 48.411148,-123.327772 48.410808,-123.329652 48.409657,-123.328475 48.408022,-123.328672 48.406781,-123.331005 48.407489,-123.335755 48.409589,-123.340193 48.40604,-123.347867 48.40259,-123.347078 48.401785,-123.349192 48.402511,-123.350844 48.40529,-123.352553 48.406445,-123.357223 48.406646,-123.362614 48.405282,-123.364127 48.405574,-123.366381 48.407867,-123.373635 48.408181,-123.377414 48.409548,-123.379823 48.412454,-123.381207 48.413308,-123.385434 48.411941,-123.391743 48.413664,-123.394489 48.417399,-123.39239 48.417616,-123.389561 48.418904,-123.388281 48.419886,-123.390184 48.421166,-123.389484 48.422188,-123.389415 48.424431,-123.388846 48.42444,-123.385896 48.423865,-123.379362 48.424709,-123.378568 48.425029,-123.376379 48.4251,-123.373203 48.428176,-123.371851 48.431137,-123.372173 48.433358,-123.377237 48.435465,-123.378868 48.440476,-123.38213 48.457327,-123.376637 48.452318,-123.32119 48.452631,-123.290892 48.447024,-123.288746 48.437316,-123.289776 48.436106,-123.293982 48.436401,-123.296792 48.437664,-123.298573 48.432749,-123.303187 48.430695,-123.302066 48.428868,-123.30412 48.428294,-123.305617 48.425558,-123.305936 48.42718,-123.301467 48.425699,-123.299315 48.420344,-123.296133 48.414292,-123.294714 48.413626,-123.292364 48.411906,-123.292159 48.409976,-123.295569 48.410289,-123.298337</geo> </location>

Below is an example of what a polygon looks like in the “Places” index. Note that it’s also acceptable to repeat the final coordinate in order to clarify that this is a closed shape rather than a path. Lines

Use lines for rivers, streams, and portages, or anything else that runs only point-to-point and beware, you’ll end up with an odd-looking blob in Google Maps if you don’t read this section carefully!

To make a line you need to override the code that automatically converts multiple geo coordinates to polygons.

To perform the override, you need to add a type=path attribute to the <location> tag, as in the following example:
<location type="path">  <geo>49.841433,-121.437864 49.841290,-121.431828 49.840316,-121.429032 49.840574,-121.427302 49.842634,-121.424727 49.842748,-121.420245 49.832190,-121.392565 49.823849,-121.381957 49.811043,-121.377359 49.797728,-121.377838 49.782741,-121.379241 49.768209,-121.381333 49.755055,-121.378814 49.745973,-121.375444 49.739060,-121.374764 49.737644,-121.371080 49.708852,-121.354923 49.692304,-121.348739 49.685304,-121.345646 49.681848,-121.338788 49.681646,-121.334049 49.673524,-121.315724 49.671545,-121.312780 49.666503,-121.309940 49.664242,-121.310521 49.651262,-121.306125 49.643646,-121.301944 49.632702,-121.294378 49.626014,-121.283190 49.620264,-121.262946 49.617220,-121.239976 49.613393,-121.221962 49.614152,-121.211861 49.614448,-121.202692 49.613209,-121.196872 49.613670,-121.191770 49.616433,-121.177789</geo> </location>

Below is an example of what a line looks like in the “Places” index:

11.3.3. How to map a location with the Mercator Vertexer tool

  1. Make sure the place isn’t mapped yet. In the example below, taken from the place.xml file, we can see that there are no geo coordinates within the <geo> tags, so the place isn’t mapped yet.
  2. Determine what type of location you’re working with (e.g. city, province, river) and decide accordingly whether to map it as a point, polygon, or line. Since Bristol is a city in England, we’ll map it as a point.
  3. Assuming you’re working on a computer with two monitors, locate Bristol in Google Maps on one monitor.
  4. Open the Mercator Vertexer tool on the other monitor and locate Bristol. As of February 2019, the tool does not allow searches, even though there’s a search bar in the upper-left corner, so we need to find Bristol manually. The Google Maps page on your first monitor will help you locate Bristol on Vertexer. Tip: if you’re not familiar with Vertexer, click on the big question mark at the bottom-right corner. A Help/Tutorial window will pop up that will walk you through the mapping process.
  5. In the upper-right corner of Vertexer, there’s a drawing panel with four tools: hand cursor (allows you to move around the map), simple marker (for adding points), polygon (for drawing polygons), and polyline (for drawing lines). Since we’ll map Bristol as a point, we’ll use simple marker. To place Bristol on Vertexer, click on the simple marker tool and then click on Bristol. A green marker will appear above the point clicked, and there will be a single pair of lat,long coordinates in the selected feature box.
  6. Now you can add the coordinates to the entry in the place.xml file, which will create a map link. Click on the coordinates in the ‘Selected Feature’ box and copy/paste them into the entry in the place.xml file within the <geo> tags. Remember to save your work.
    Note: when you add the coordinates of a line to place.xml, remember to add the attribute type=path to the <location> tag.
    • When drawing polygons, perfect precision is appreciated but not required. Consult your Despatches colleagues if you have any questions
    • Remember mapping can be controversial. Some places included in the placeographies have been entangled in historical and current territorial disputes. As of February 2019, the project prefers mapping places in accordance with their current locations and boundaries.
    • Places identified as First Nation locations in Canada require particular caution. In these cases, if we can find current ‘official’ maps created by the appropriate group, it’s a good idea to use their maps. If you use a cartographic resource other than Google Maps, please indicate the source as a comment in the place.xml file.

11.3.4. Rules for unique placeography IDs/values

This section assumes that you already know how to add “placeholder,” or content-free, entries to the places.xml file. If not, then consult your Despatches colleagues before you proceed.

This section discusses cases where a new-found place name consists of two or more words. For example, “Beacon Hill”.

Here’s what we’ve done so far:

  • If a place name consists of two or more words, make sure you do not leave a space between words in the key value.
    <name type="placekey="beacon_hill">Beacon Hill</name>
  • Always use the full name of the place in the value so that it’ll sort correctly on the website, though you can also combine two names with an underscore.
    <name type="place"  key="beaver_lake_settlement">Beaver Lake Settlement</name>

11.4. How to Indicate Incomplete Place Entries

When a place entry is incomplete we need to track it for statistics purposes, and for easy searching. To mark a place entry as incomplete, please add the attribute type="incomplete" to the <placeName> tag, as in the following example:
<place xml:id="seleassa">  <placeName type="incomplete">Archer</placeName>  <desc>Content not yet available.</desc> <!-- XML code example: <name type="place" key="seleassa">Seleassa</name> --> </place>
Note that we add the statement “content not yet available” to the content. Or, in cases where we have added a little bit of content, we handle it as in the following example:
<p>According to <ref type="doccRef="V605LN06.scx">this document</ref>, this ship was an HBC party barge. Further content not yet available.</p>

12. Vessels

12.1. Writing Vessel Entries

These instructions assume that you’ve already read several vessel entries, and that you have at least a passing interest in the subject!

As with biographies and “placeographies,” website readers can click on a vessel name to learn about it. Vessels appear as mentioned in the letters, but readers can view all the vessels as a collection on the vessels index page.

The following is a working list of things to consider for your vessel entries:

  • Keep it brief--aim for roughly 200 words.
  • When possible, include date of launch and fate, that is date of decommission, when it was dismantled, or sunk!
  • Pull in interesting content from the despatches, should the ship be mentioned in the collection.
  • Mention who owned the boat.
  • Add any fun or significant facts you can find. If you’re not sure about whether or not to include something, consult your Despatches colleagues.

See Research Resources section for a list of books and websites you can consult for source material.

12.1.1. Usage tips, with examples

The world of ships and vessels has all kinds of weights, measures, and technical details to consider. See the CMOS 8.116 for more information. Here’s a working list of usage tips:

  • We write in metres and tonnes, not yards and tons. See the Preferred Spelling section for more information.
  • Even if your source material is presented in feet convert it to metres. And always round your numbers. For example, a 235-foot ship is 71.628 metres in length, which we would round up, in this case, to 72 metres.
  • As a general rule, ignore the tonnage of ships; it’s an editor/writer’s nightmare. It can be difficult, especially when one deals with old sources, to determine whether or not ‘tons’ refers to Builder’s Old Measurement [BOM or bm] or some other form of tonnage,’ which measure capacity, not weight, and this is not to be confused with displacement tonnage. But, if you have to include it for the sake of disambiguation, then consider the following. Even if your source material is presented in tons, convert it to (metric) tonnes. Where ship weights are concerned, especially for British vessels, these would be in long tonnes. This is all quite confusing to young minds, who grew up as metric-only natives. Here’s a cheat sheet:
    • Tonne = 1000kg, nothing to do with old-timey weights. This is the tonne we use in Canadian weights and writing.
    • British tonne, spelled the same way to confuse you, = 2,240 pounds. Almost certainly this is the weight used for any 19th-century ships.
    • US ton = 2000 pounds. It’s the United States that refer to ‘metric tons,’ or 1000kg, when they want to distinguish it from their tons.
    • So, most Canadian-published books we use, such as Scott’s The Encyclopedia of Raincoast Place Names, already write in metres and tonnes. But, be on alert for US-published books that write ‘tons’ in reference to ships, when they mean (long) tonnes! Arg.
  • We abbreviate ‘metres’ to ‘m.’ E.g. this steam-powered ship was 48 m long and 11 m wide. Note the space between the numbers and the ‘m.’
  • As CMOS notes ‘when such abbreviations as USS (United States ship) or HMS (Her [or His] Majesty’s ship) precede a name, the word ship or other vessel type should not be used.’
    • Wrong: HMS ship Alarm.
    • Correct: HMS Alarm.
  • All ship names must be capitalized and italicized.
  • Do not italicize ‘HMS,’ ‘USS,’ or anything similar.
    • Wrong: HMS Alarm.
    • Correct: HMS Alarm.

Here’s an example of what a completed vessel entry looks like, as taken from the “indexes” page:

12.2. Tagging Vessel Entries

12.2.1. How to tag vessels that appear in the correspondence files

This one is pretty straightforward: wrap the correct tag around it.
<name type="vesselkey="topaze">Topaze</name>

If you need the unique ID of a given vessel, the “key=” value, refer to the vessels index page. Hover your mouse over a given vessel’s name and its key value will appear. The same is true for people and places.

NOTE: In cases where you encounter HMS before a ship name, as in HMS Discovery, tag only “Discovery.” HMS is not part of the vessel name; furthermore, if you tag the HMS it will be rendered in italics along with the ship name, which is counter to Chicago style (see CMOS 8.116).

12.2.2. How to add a new vessel to the database

This process is, more or less, the same for adding newly discovered people to the database. See the Adding new names to the database section for details.

Note that unlike the biographies, which have separate files for each year, the vessels are in two files: vessels.xml (which you will use almost exclusively) and the peripheral_vessels.xml file (which you will use rarely). The latter file is for famous vessels that don’t happen to appear in the collection, or vessels that we mention in our bios or placeographies. Talk to your Despatches colleagues if you are unsure which file to use!

12.3. Placeholder Template for New Vessels

Note that this is a placeholder only, one to which we have yet to add content. The short-cut key for this placeholder is Ctrl Alt 2.

<item xml:id="${caret}"> <!-- Added by INITIALS; 0000-00-00 -->  <label>   <name type="vesselkey="KEY">VESSEL NAME</name>  </label>  <p/> </item>

NOTE: As ever, if you're unsure as to what a complete vessel entry looks like, go to the vessels file ([...]/xml/vessels/vessels.xml) and look at a completed entry!

12.3.1. How to tag vessel entries in the vessels.xml file

Let’s look at an example of a completed vessel entry from the vessels.xml file. This example has all the typical components of a completed entry including all the usual markup, ref links to despatches, and a complete set of footnotes with corresponding superscript indicators.

<item xml:id="bacchante"> <!-- KSS wrote 2013-10-24 -->  <label>HMS <name type="vesselkey="bacchante">Bacchante</name>, <date from="1859to="1879">1859-1879</date>  </label>  <p>The HMS <name type="vesselkey="bacchante">Bacchante</name> was a screw-driven steam frigate with 51 guns and a complement of 560 sailors.<bibl>    <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">1</hi>   </bibl>  </p>  <p>This large ship, at 72 m, frequented <name type="placekey="esquimalt">Esquimalt</name> in the <date from="1860to="1869">1860</date>s under the command of Captain Donald Mackenzie and it served as flagship to <name key="maitland">Maitland</name>, commander-in-chief of the Pacific squadron from <date from="1860to="1862">1860-62</date>.<bibl>    <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">2</hi>   </bibl>  </p>  <p>The <name type="vesselkey="bacchante">Bacchante</name> was launched at <name type="placekey="portsmouth">Portsmouth</name> in <date when="1859">1859</date> and commissioned for service on the Pacific station on <date when="1860-04-18">18 April 1860</date>.<bibl>    <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">3</hi>   </bibl> Its design, along with several other vessels, including the <name type="vesselkey="topaze">Topaze</name>, was based on the lines of the <name type="vessel">Shannon</name> <!-- KSS note: not to be confused with "H.M. Mail Steam Packet 'Shannon'" as seen in B636M02.xml --> (1855).<bibl>    <hi style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 80%;">4</hi>   </bibl>  </p>  <p>   <ref type="doccRef="V627092.scx">This correspondence</ref> from <name key="newcastle">Newcastle</name> to <name key="douglas_j">Douglas</name> notes the absence of guns at <name type="placekey="victoria">Victoria</name> and <name type="placekey="esquimalt">Esquimalt</name> and reports that <q>arrangements have been made for landing two 68 [pounder] Guns which may be spared from H.M.S. <q>     <name type="vesselkey="bacchante">Bacchante</name>    </q> and <q>     <name type="vesselkey="topaze">Topaze</name>    </q>.</q>  </p>  <p>   <listBibl>    <bibl>1. Andrew Scott, <title level="m">The Encyclopedia of Raincoast Placenames</title> (Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2009), 54.</bibl>    <bibl>2. Ibid.</bibl>    <bibl>3. <title level="a">      <ref type="external"       target="">Bacchante</ref>,</title>     <title level="m">Index of 19th Century Naval Vessels</title>.</bibl>    <bibl>4. William Laird Clowes, <title level="m">The Royal Navy: A History</title> (London: Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1901), 6:199.</bibl>   </listBibl>  </p> <!-- XML code example: <name type="vessel" key="bacchante">Bacchante</name> --> </item>

12.3.2. Rules for unique vessel IDs/values

This section assumes that you already know how to add “placeholder,” or content-free, entries to the vessels.xml file. If not, then consult your Despatches colleagues before you proceed.

This section discusses cases where a new-found vessel’s name consists of two or more words. For example, the Mary Dare.

Here’s what we’ve done, so far:

  • If a vessel name consists of two or more words, make sure you do not leave a space between words in the key value.
    <name type="vesselkey="mary_dare">Mary Dare</name>
  • Always use the full name of the vessel in the value so that it will sort correctly on the website, though you can also combine two names with an underscore.
    <name type="vessel"  key="prince_of_the_seas">Prince of the Seas</name>

12.4. Vessels Not in the Despatches

In some cases, you may mention a vessel that doesn’t appear in the despatches. For example, in a biography pop-up about Captain Cook, we may mention HMS Discovery.

First, be certain that the ship isn’t mentioned in the despatch collection. To do this, use the search feature in Oxygen where you can search all files and folders.

Once you’ve established the given vessel's absence from the despatch collection and related files—that is, places.xml, vessels.xml, peripheral_vessels.xml, and all the biography files—add your new vessel to the “peripheral_vessels.xml” file.

See the section above, Rules for unique Vessel IDs/values, for information on creating unique identifiers for vessels, otherwise, please consult your Despatches colleagues on the process required to create a new vessel tag and entry in the “peripheral_vessels.xml” file.

12.5. How to Indicate Incomplete Vessel Entries

When a vessel entry is incomplete we need to track it for statistics purposes, and for easy searching. To mark a vessel entry as incomplete, please add the attribute subtype=incomplete to the <name> tag, as in the following example:

<item xml:id="archer">  <label>   <name subtype="incompletetype="vessel"    key="archer">Archer</name>  </label>  <p>Content not yet available.</p> <!-- XML code example: <name type="vessel" key="archer">Archer</name> --> </item>
Note that we add the statement “content not yet available” to the content. Or, in cases where we have added a little bit of content, we handle as in the example below:
<p>According to <ref type="doccRef="V605LN06.scx">this document</ref>, this ship was an HBC party barge. Further content not yet available.</p>

13. Miscellaneous Notes

13.1. Document Taxonomy

Eventually there will be document categories <catRef> elements to classify documents into types. [In progress 2019-02-14 LM]

13.2. Regular Expressions for Oxygen

These are used in on Oxygen’s find/replace dialogue and can apply to individual files when you Ctrl+F in one document, or on multiple files, when you select folders and right-click > Find/Replace in files.

13.2.1. Lookahead and lookbehind

Use this search type to find phrases excluding certain words. For example, if you want to find Hudson's Bay, but without “Company,” “House,” “Territory,” and so on:

Hudson's Bay (?![Cc]o)(?![Hh]ouse)(?![Tt]er)

Here’s another simpler way to achieve similar results:

Hudson's Bay [^CHch]

The above asks the search to catch “Hudson's Bay” but without words that contain “C” as in “Company” or “H” as in “House,” and the lower case of each. In this search, I wanted to find instances of “Hudson's Bay Territory” or “Hudson's Bay Territories,” and this trimmed the results to a manageable level.

13.2.2. Location independence

Use this template to find two instances on separate lines in the same file or document, as long as the first term appears before the second in a given file:

(?=.*search term).*second search term

For example, let's say we wanted to find all the files that contained the word “Douglas” AND the word “coal”:


The example above was taken from this site.

13.2.3. More regular expression examples

  1. The example below finds instances of ‘1861’ excluding ‘1861’ with a dash, quotation mark or ‘</’ immediately after it (e.g. 1861</).
  2. The example below is used to find instances where any number (the ‘\d’ part, ‘d’ = ‘digit’) is followed by (the ‘+’ part) the letter ‘m.’ I was looking for things such as 37m, 33m, 55m, and so on.
  3. The example below is to find the word ‘Instant’ when it’s the first word on a line.
  4. The example below is used to find a name element followed by a new line that starts with ‘TFE’ (initials).
  5. The example below moves all instances of ‘HMS’ outside of quotes. Note that ‘( )’ gets rid of spaces after ‘HMS’ to satisfy the schematron after it’s been replaced.
    Find: (<name type="vessel" key="[a-z]+?">)(HMS)
    Replace: $2 $1 
  6. The example below finds all initials marked up with square brackets inside tags and moves the brackets out of tags.
    Find: (<name>)(\[)(.+)(\])(</name>)
    Replace: $2$1$3$5$4 
  7. The example below finds all elements that contain only two words.
  8. The example below finds all the dates that are written in the format ‘25 December 2018.’

13.3. Xpath Examples

Use the following examples in the “Xpath in Files...” function in Oxygen to answer each query.

  1. How many <name> elements are there in this doc?
    • //name
  2. How many of these are vessels?
    • //name[@type='vessel']
  3. How many of these vessels are located in a <p> element?
    • //p/name[@type='vessel']
  4. Find all instances where Douglas sent a confidential letter to London in C0/60:
    • //idno[contains(@type,'documentType')][contains(.,'Confidential') or contains(.,'Private')][ancestor::teiHeader/descendant::author[name='Douglas']][ancestor::teiHeader/descendant::idno[@type='coNumber'][.='60']]

13.4. Keyboard Shortcuts: Mac

This list should suffice.

13.5. Keyboard Shortcuts: Windows

This list should suffice.

13.6. Permissions Script

[Martin will fill this section in as of 2019-02-14 LM]

13.7. Snippets

Snippets of particularly interesting passages in the despatches are displayed at random on the Despatches home page. You can click on the snippet and it will link you to the file. However, it’s our job to find the passages. So, should you come across the a juicy tidbit that you think worthy of notice, please ask tag it like this:
<p>...<seg type="snippet"   xml:id="V58002_snippet_1">this is a shocking or interesting fragment of text</seg>...</p>
Create a unique xml:id attribute for the snippet by concatenating the ancestor TEI element's xml:id (without the trailing .scx if there is one) with “_snippet_” and the number of that snippet in the document.

14. Research Resources

There are hundreds of sources that have been used in the Despatches writing. The following resources are only meant as a starting point.

Should you find the author or publication suspect, please consult the Despatches team.

14.2. Books

15. Documentation sandbox


Use this section for test-encoding anything that you want to experiment with in the documentation. We will eventually delete it.

<div>  <head>This is a heading.</head>  <p xml:lang="en">This is a paragraph.</p> <!-- This is a comment. --> </div>

This paragraph mentions the <pb> element, the facs attribute, and the value stuff.jpg. It also uses the <tag> element: <pb facs="stuff">. Because the <pb> element is in our Despatches schema, it is linked automatically to its specification, but because the <tag> element is not in our schema, it isn't linked.

This paragraph talks about entity references, such as &amp; for the ampersand (&), and &#x2014; for the em dash (—). You can see from these examples how to encode an entity so that it shows the actual character, or it shows the entity reference. If you wrap the latter in a <code> element, it will look better: &amp;.

Appendix A

Appendix A.1 Elements

Appendix A.1.1 <TEI>

<TEI> (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, combining a single TEI header with one or more members of the model.resource class. Multiple <TEI> elements may be combined within a <TEI> (or <teiCorpus>) element. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module textstructure
Attributes Attributes att.typed (@type, @subtype) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
textstructure: TEI
May contain
header: teiHeader
textstructure: TEI text
transcr: facsimile

This element is required. It is customary to specify the TEI namespace on it, using the xmlns attribute.

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="">  <teiHeader>   <fileDesc>    <titleStmt>     <title>The shortest TEI Document Imaginable</title>    </titleStmt>    <publicationStmt>     <p>First published as part of TEI P2, this is the P5          version using a name space.</p>    </publicationStmt>    <sourceDesc>     <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>    </sourceDesc>   </fileDesc>  </teiHeader>  <text>   <body>    <p>This is about the shortest TEI document imaginable.</p>   </body>  </text> </TEI>
<TEI version="2.9.1" xmlns="">  <teiHeader>   <fileDesc>    <titleStmt>     <title>A TEI Document containing four page images </title>    </titleStmt>    <publicationStmt>     <p>Unpublished demonstration file.</p>    </publicationStmt>    <sourceDesc>     <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>    </sourceDesc>   </fileDesc>  </teiHeader>  <facsimile>   <graphic url="page1.png"/>   <graphic url="page2.png"/>   <graphic url="page3.png"/>   <graphic url="page4.png"/>  </facsimile> </TEI>
<sch:ns prefix="tei"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="xs"  uri=""/>
<sch:ns prefix="rng"  uri=""/>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <elementRef key="teiHeader"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <classRef key="model.resource"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <elementRef key="TEI" minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="TEI" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element TEI
   ( teiHeader, ( ( model.resource+, TEI* ) | TEI+ ) )

Appendix A.1.2 <ab>

<ab> (anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors]
Module linking
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.typed (subtype, @type)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The <ab> element may be used at the encoder's discretion to mark any component-level elements in a text for which no other more specific appropriate markup is defined.

<div type="bookn="Genesis">  <div type="chaptern="1">   <ab>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.</ab>   <ab>And the earth was without form, and void; and      darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the      spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.</ab>   <ab>And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.</ab> <!-- ...-->  </div> </div>
<s:report test="not(ancestor::tei:floatingText) and (ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab) and not(parent::tei:exemplum |parent::tei:item |parent::tei:note |parent::tei:q |parent::tei:quote |parent::tei:remarks |parent::tei:said |parent::tei:sp |parent::tei:stage |parent::tei:cell |parent::tei:figure)"> Abstract model violation: ab may not occur inside paragraphs or other ab elements. </s:report>
<s:report test="ancestor::tei:l or ancestor::tei:lg"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level divisions such as p or ab. </s:report>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element ab

Appendix A.1.3 <abbr>

<abbr> (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If abbreviations are expanded silently, this practice should be documented in the <editorialDecl>, either with a <normalization> element or a <p>.

<choice>  <expan>North Atlantic Treaty Organization</expan>  <abbr cert="low">NorATO</abbr>  <abbr cert="high">NATO</abbr>  <abbr cert="highxml:lang="fr">OTAN</abbr> </choice>
<choice>  <abbr>SPQR</abbr>  <expan>senatus populusque romanorum</expan> </choice>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element abbr

Appendix A.1.4 <abstract>

<abstract> contains a summary or formal abstract prefixed to an existing source document by the encoder. [2.4.4. Abstracts]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
core: list p
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople
figures: table
linking: ab

This element is intended only for cases where no abstract is available in the original source. Any abstract already present in the source document should be encoded as a <div> within the <front>, as it should for a born-digital document.

<profileDesc>  <abstract resp="#LB">   <p>Good database design involves the acquisition and deployment of      skills which have a wider relevance to the educational process. From      a set of more or less instinctive rules of thumb a formal discipline      or "methodology" of database design has evolved. Applying that      methodology can be of great benefit to a very wide range of academic      subjects: it requires fundamental skills of abstraction and      generalisation and it provides a simple mechanism whereby complex      ideas and information structures can be represented and manipulated,      even without the use of a computer. </p>  </abstract> </profileDesc>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element abstract {, ( model.pLike | model.listLike )+ }

Appendix A.1.5 <add>

<add> (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.transcriptional (@hand) (att.editLike (@source)) (att.written (@hand)) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
place specifies where this item is placed.
Derived from att.placement
Status Recommended
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain

In a diplomatic edition attempting to represent an original source, the <add> element should not be used for additions to the current TEI electronic edition made by editors or encoders. In these cases, either the <corr> or <supplied> element are recommended.

In a TEI edition of a historical text with previous editorial emendations in which such additions or reconstructions are considered part of the source text, the use of <add> may be appropriate, dependent on the editorial philosophy of the project.

The story I am going to relate is true as to its main facts, and as to the consequences <add place="above">of these facts</add> from which this tale takes its title.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element add
   attribute place { list { ( "above" | "below" )+ } }?,

Appendix A.1.6 <addrLine>

<addrLine> (address line) contains one line of a postal address. [3.5.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: address
May contain

Addresses may be encoded either as a sequence of lines, or using any sequence of component elements from the model.addrPart class. Other non-postal forms of address, such as telephone numbers or email, should not be included within an <address> element directly but may be wrapped within an <addrLine> if they form part of the printed address in some source text.

<address>  <addrLine>Computing Center, MC 135</addrLine>  <addrLine>P.O. Box 6998</addrLine>  <addrLine>Chicago, IL</addrLine>  <addrLine>60680 USA</addrLine> </address>
<addrLine>  <ref target="tel:+1-201-555-0123">(201) 555 0123</ref> </addrLine>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element addrLine

Appendix A.1.7 <address>

<address> contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. [3.5.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
derived-module-coldesp: peopleName
header: idno
transcr: fw

This element should be used for postal addresses only. Within it, the generic element <addrLine> may be used as an alternative to any of the more specialized elements available from the model.addrPart class, such as <street>, <postCode> etc.

Example Using just the elements defined by the core module, an address could be represented as follows:
<address>  <street>via Marsala 24</street>  <postCode>40126</postCode>  <name>Bologna</name>  <name>Italy</name> </address>
Example When a schema includes the names and dates module more specific elements such as country or settlement would be preferable over generic <name>:
<address>  <street>via Marsala 24</street>  <postCode>40126</postCode>  <settlement>Bologna</settlement>  <country>Italy</country> </address>
<address>  <addrLine>Computing Center, MC 135</addrLine>  <addrLine>P.O. Box 6998</addrLine>  <addrLine>Chicago, IL 60680</addrLine>  <addrLine>USA</addrLine> </address>
<address>  <country key="FR"/>  <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>  <postCode>69002</postCode>  <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>  <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>  <street>   <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</street> </address>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.addrPart"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element address
   (*, ( model.addrPart,* )+ )

Appendix A.1.8 <appInfo>

<appInfo> (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
header: application
<appInfo>  <application version="1.24ident="Xaira">   <label>XAIRA Indexer</label>   <ptr target="#P1"/>  </application> </appInfo>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.applicationLike"
  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element appInfo

Appendix A.1.9 <application>

<application> provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.datable.w3c (when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)
ident supplies an identifier for the application, independent of its version number or display name.
Status Required
version supplies a version number for the application, independent of its identifier or display name.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.versionNumber
Member of
Contained by
header: appInfo
May contain
linking: ab
<appInfo>  <application version="1.5"   ident="ImageMarkupTool1notAfter="2006-06-01">   <label>Image Markup Tool</label>   <ptr target="#P1"/>   <ptr target="#P2"/>  </application> </appInfo>
This example shows an appInfo element documenting the fact that version 1.5 of the Image Markup Tool1 application has an interest in two parts of a document which was last saved on June 6 2006. The parts concerned are accessible at the URLs given as target for the two <ptr> elements.
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.labelLike"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <classRef key="model.ptrLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element application
   attribute ident { text },
   attribute version { text },
   ( model.labelLike+, ( model.ptrLike* | model.pLike* ) )

Appendix A.1.10 <att>

<att> (attribute) contains the name of an attribute appearing within running text. [22. Documentation Elements]
Module tagdocs
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
scheme supplies an identifier for the scheme in which this name is defined.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
(Text Encoding Initiative) this attribute is part of the TEI scheme.[Default]
(Docbook) this attribute is part of the Docbook scheme.
(unknown) this attribute is part of an unknown scheme.
the attribute is from a non-existent scheme, for illustrative purposes only
the attribute is part of the XHTML language
the attribute is part of the XML language
the attribute is defined in the xInclude schema
Member of
Contained by
May contain
XSD Name

As an alternative to using the scheme attribute a namespace prefix may be used. Where both scheme and a prefix are used, the prefix takes precedence.

<p>The TEI defines several <soCalled>global</soCalled> attributes; their names include <att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>, <att>xml:space</att>, and <att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">type</att> is not amongst them.</p>
Content model
 <dataRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element att {, attribute scheme { text }?, }

Appendix A.1.11 <author>

<author> in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref)
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
header: titleStmt
May contain

Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use a generally recognized name authority file to supply the content for this element. The attributes key or ref may also be used to reference canonical information about the author(s) intended from any appropriate authority, such as a library catalogue or online resource.

In the case of a broadcast, use this element for the name of the company or network responsible for making the broadcast.

Where an author is unknown or unspecified, this element may contain text such as Unknown or Anonymous. When the appropriate TEI modules are in use, it may also contain detailed tagging of the names used for people, organizations or places, in particular where multiple names are given.

<author>British Broadcasting Corporation</author> <author>La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de (1634–1693)</author> <author>Anonymous</author> <author>Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation</author> <author>  <persName>Beaumont, Francis</persName> and <persName>John Fletcher</persName> </author> <author>  <orgName key="BBC">British Broadcasting    Corporation</orgName>: Radio 3 Network </author>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element author

Appendix A.1.12 <bibl>

<bibl> (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, @xml:id, @xml:lang) (rend, rendition, @style) (@corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
type (The type of bibliography item in a bibliography.) characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(A book or monograph)
(A journal article)
(A map)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Contains phrase-level elements, together with any combination of elements from the model.biblPart class

<bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to Literature in English (Yale, 1990)</bibl>
<bibl>  <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>. <publisher>OUP</publisher>  <date>1968</date>. </bibl>
<bibl type="articlesubtype="book_chapter"  xml:id="carlin_2003">  <author>   <name>    <surname>Carlin</surname>      (<forename>Claire</forename>)</name>  </author>, <title level="a">The Staging of Impotence : France’s last    congrès</title> dans <bibl type="monogr">   <title level="m">Theatrum mundi : studies in honor of Ronald W.      Tobin</title>, éd.  <editor>    <name>     <forename>Claire</forename>     <surname>Carlin</surname>    </name>   </editor> et  <editor>    <name>     <forename>Kathleen</forename>     <surname>Wine</surname>    </name>   </editor>,  <pubPlace>Charlottesville, Va.</pubPlace>,  <publisher>Rookwood Press</publisher>,  <date when="2003">2003</date>.  </bibl> </bibl>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.highlighted"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.edit"/>
  <classRef key="model.segLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.biblPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element bibl
   attribute type { "book" | "journal_article" | "map" }?,
    | model.gLike

Appendix A.1.13 <biblScope>

<biblScope> (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@facs) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.citing (from, to, @unit)
Status Optional
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl series
May contain

When a single page is being cited, use the from and to attributes with an identical value. When no clear endpoint is provided, the from attribute may be used without to; for example a citation such as “p. 3ff” might be encoded <biblScope from="3">p. 3ff<biblScope>.

It is now considered good practice to supply this element as a sibling (rather than a child) of <imprint>, since it supplies information which does not constitute part of the imprint.

<biblScope>pp 12–34</biblScope> <biblScope unit="pagefrom="12to="34"/> <biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">12</biblScope>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element biblScope
   attribute type { "startPageImage" | "subject" }?,

Appendix A.1.14 <birth>

<birth> contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
(caesarean section)
(vaginal delivery)
(ex nihilo)
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<birth>Before 1920, Midlands region.</birth>
<birth when="1960-12-10">In a small cottage near <name type="place">Aix-la-Chapelle</name>, early in the morning of <date>10 Dec 1960</date> </birth>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element birth
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.15 <body>

<body> (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. Default Text Structure]
Module textstructure
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
textstructure: text
May contain
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople
dictionaries: entry
figures: table
linking: ab
tagdocs: egXML
textstructure: closer div opener salute signed
transcr: fw
<body>  <l>Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard</l>  <l>metudæs maecti end his modgidanc</l>  <l>uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gihuaes</l>  <l>eci dryctin or astelidæ</l>  <l>he aerist scop aelda barnum</l>  <l>heben til hrofe haleg scepen.</l>  <l>tha middungeard moncynnæs uard</l>  <l>eci dryctin æfter tiadæ</l>  <l>firum foldu frea allmectig</l>  <trailer>primo cantauit Cædmon istud carmen.</trailer> </body>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key=""/>
    <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
   <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key=""/>
    <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key=""/>
     <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key=""/>
     <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <sequence minOccurs="1"
     <classRef key="model.common"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
     <sequence minOccurs="1"
      <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
      <alternate minOccurs="0"
       <classRef key=""/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
     <sequence minOccurs="1"
      <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
      <alternate minOccurs="0"
       <classRef key=""/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element body
      ( model.divTop, ( | model.divTop )* )?,
      ( model.divGenLike, ( | model.divGenLike )* )?,
         ( model.divLike, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
       | ( model.div1Like, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
       | (
            ( model.common,* )+,
               ( model.divLike, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
             | ( model.div1Like, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
      ( model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.16 <catDesc>

<catDesc> (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal <textDesc>. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.canonical (@key, @ref)
Contained by
header: category
May contain
<catDesc>Prose reportage</catDesc>
<catDesc>  <textDesc n="novel">   <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel>   <constitution type="single"/>   <derivation type="original"/>   <domain type="art"/>   <factuality type="fiction"/>   <interaction type="none"/>   <preparedness type="prepared"/>   <purpose type="entertaindegree="high"/>   <purpose type="informdegree="medium"/>  </textDesc> </catDesc>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.catDescPart"/>
Schema Declaration
element catDesc
   ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.catDescPart )*

Appendix A.1.17 <catRef>

<catRef> (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
target specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
Derived from att.pointing
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
(The original document sent by the writer and received by the addressee.)
(The draft of a document (usually, but not always, subsequently transcribed, signed and sent).)
(The letterbook copy of a document kept by the author/sender.)
(A (non-letterbook) copy of the document.)
(A schedule compiled by Colonial Office staff.)
(Documents sent to offices in London, such as the Colonial Office.)
(Documents sent from offices in London, such as the Colonial Office.)
(Documents sent to one of the colonies, normally to the colonial governor.)
(Documents sent from one of the colonies, normally by the colonial governor.)
(The document has a number of some kind, such as a Colonial Office registration number. Many documents will have multiple numbers.)
(The document has a series number, such as the numbering applied to despatches to and from London.)
(The document has a Colonial Office registration number (assigned on receipt in London).)
(The Board of Trade)
(The Colonial Office)
(The Foreign Office)
(The Land Board)
(The War Office)
(A document that discusses financial or economic issues.)
(A document that discusses judicial or legislative issues.)
(A document that discusses economic activity in the colonies.)
(A document that discusses farming.)
(A document that discusses resources other than mining, coal, gold, and lumber.)
(A document that discusses mining.)
(A document that discusses coal.)
(A document that discusses gold.)
(A document that discusses lumber.)
(A document that discusses fishing and fisheries.)
(A document that hunting.)
(A document that discusses taxes and licences.)
(A document that discusses trade.)
(A document that discusses trade imports.)
(A document that discusses trade exports.)
(A document that discusses internal trade (between colonies, between Indigenous groups and peoples, or any combination of the two).)
(A document that discusses colonial security and issues related to the same.)
(A document that discusses policing.)
(A document that discusses arms, weapons, and ordnance.)
(A document that discusses military security, deployment, or protection.)
(A document that discusses the navy.)
(A document that discusses the army.)
(A document that discusses the creation of infrastructure, such as buildings, roads, bridges, etc., in the colonies.)
(A document that discusses the construction and maintenance of buildings.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with the United States.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with Spain.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with Indigenous groups and peoples.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with Great Britain.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with the Hudson's Bay Company.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with the Hudson's Bay Company.)
(A document that discusses relations between one or both colonies and other geopolitical entities, groups, organizations, and peoples.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with Russia.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with the United States.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with Spain.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with Indigenous groups and peoples.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with Great Britain.)
(A document that discusses poltical relations with the Hudson's Bay Company.)
(A personal letter (often a solicitation for an appointment or posting).)
(A private document, normally marked as such in the header.)
(A separate document, normally marked as such in the header.)
(The document contains financial information in some structured format, such as a table of expenditures.)
(The document contains or consists of minutes (usually written by Colonial Office staff).)
(The document contains marginal annotations of some kind.)
(The document is a map, or has a map drawn on one of its pages.)
(The document contains enclosures or attachments. Subcategories for different types of enclosures and attachments are provided for further specificity.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that has been transcribed.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that has not yet been transcribed.)
(The document originally contained one or more attachments or enclosures, which are not in the file.)
(The document contains at least one map as an attachment or enclosure.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that is a draft of another document.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that is an act of parliament. These are usually printed.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that is a legal document.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that is a circular.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that is an article from a newspaper or similar publication.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that is a pamphlet or similar publication.)
(The document contains at least one attachment or enclosure that is an advertisement of some kind.)
(Database-style documents such as personographies, placeographies, lists of page-images, etc.)
(Biographical data on individuals in the correspondence.)
(Information on vessels mentioned in the correspondence.)
(Information on geographical locations mentioned in the correspondence.)
(Lists of images of original correspondence-pages linked from the transcriptions.)
(Website pages (introductions, credits, and the like).)
(Project documentation in XML format.)
scheme identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a <taxonomy> element, or by some other resource.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contained by
header: textClass
May contain Empty element

The scheme attribute needs to be supplied only if more than one taxonomy has been declared.

<catRef scheme="#myTopics"  target="#news #prov #sales2"/> <!-- elsewhere --> <taxonomy xml:id="myTopics">  <category xml:id="news">   <catDesc>Newspapers</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="prov">   <catDesc>Provincial</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="sales2">   <catDesc>Low to average annual sales</catDesc>  </category> </taxonomy>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element catRef
   attribute target
          | "cdt:cdtDraft"
          | "cdt:cdtLetterbook"
          | "cdt:cdtCopy"
          | "cdt:cdtSchedule"
          | "cdt:cdtSentToLondon"
          | "cdt:cdtSentFromLondon"
          | "cdt:cdtSentToColony"
          | "cdt:cdtSentFromColony"
          | "cdt:cdtNumbered"
          | "cdt:cdtSeriesNumber"
          | "cdt:cdtCoNumber"
          | "cdt:cdtBoardOfTrade"
          | "cdt:cdtColonialOffice"
          | "cdt:cdtForeignOffice"
          | "cdt:cdtLandBoard"
          | "cdt:cdtWarOffice"
          | "cdt:cdtFinancial"
          | "cdt:cdtLegal"
          | "cdt:cdtEconomicActivity"
          | "cdt:cdtFarming"
          | "cdt:cdtResources"
          | "cdt:cdtMining"
          | "cdt:cdtCoal"
          | "cdt:cdtGold"
          | "cdt:cdtLumber"
          | "cdt:cdtFishing"
          | "cdt:cdtHunting"
          | "cdt:cdtTaxation"
          | "cdt:cdtTrade"
          | "cdt:cdtImport"
          | "cdt:cdtExport"
          | "cdt:cdtInternalTrade"
          | "cdt:cdtSecurity"
          | "cdt:cdtPolicing"
          | "cdt:cdtArms"
          | "cdt:cdtMilitary"
          | "cdt:cdtNavy"
          | "cdt:cdtArmy"
          | "cdt:cdtInfrastructure"
          | "cdt:cdtBuildings"
          | "cdt:cdtBridges"
          | "cdt:cdtRoads"
          | "cdt:cdtPublicWorks"
          | "cdt:cdtMarine"
          | "cdt:cdtRail"
          | "cdt:cdtCommunications"
          | "cdt:cdtTelegraph"
          | "cdt:cdtMail"
          | "cdt:cdtInternationalRelations"
          | "cdt:cdtRussia"
          | "cdt:cdtUnitedStates"
          | "cdt:cdtSpain"
          | "cdt:cdtIndigenous"
          | "cdt:cdtGreatBritain"
          | "cdt:cdtHudonsBayCompany"
          | "cdt:cdtPersonal"
          | "cdt:cdtPrivate"
          | "cdt:cdtSeparate"
          | "cdt:cdtAccounting"
          | "cdt:cdtMinutes"
          | "cdt:cdtMarginalia"
          | "cdt:cdtMap"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosures"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedTranscribed"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedUntranscribed"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedMissing"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedMap"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedDraft"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedAct"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedLaw"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedCircular"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedArticle"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedPamphlet"
          | "cdt:cdtEnclosedAdvertisement"
          | "cdt:cdtBornDigital"
          | "cdt:cdtDatabase"
          | "cdt:cdtProsopography"
          | "cdt:cdtVesselography"
          | "cdt:cdtPlaceography"
          | "cdt:cdtPageImages"
          | "cdt:cdtWebContent"
          | "cdt:cdtDocumentation"
   attribute scheme { text }?,

Appendix A.1.18 <category>

<category> contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Contained by
May contain
core: desc
<category xml:id="b1">  <catDesc>Prose reportage</catDesc> </category>
<category xml:id="b2">  <catDesc>Prose </catDesc>  <category xml:id="b11">   <catDesc>journalism</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="b12">   <catDesc>fiction</catDesc>  </category> </category>
<category xml:id="LIT">  <catDesc xml:lang="pl">literatura piękna</catDesc>  <catDesc xml:lang="en">fiction</catDesc>  <category xml:id="LPROSE">   <catDesc xml:lang="pl">proza</catDesc>   <catDesc xml:lang="en">prose</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="LPOETRY">   <catDesc xml:lang="pl">poezja</catDesc>   <catDesc xml:lang="en">poetry</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="LDRAMA">   <catDesc xml:lang="pl">dramat</catDesc>   <catDesc xml:lang="en">drama</catDesc>  </category> </category>
Content model
   <elementRef key="catDesc" minOccurs="1"
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.glossLike"/>
  <elementRef key="category" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element category
   ( ( catDesc+ | ( model.descLike | model.glossLike )* ), category* )

Appendix A.1.19 <cell>

<cell> contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
Module figures
Attributes Attributes att.tableDecoration (@role, @rows, @cols) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rendition, @rend, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
figures: row
May contain
<row>  <cell role="label">General conduct</cell>  <cell role="data">Not satisfactory, on account of his great unpunctuality    and inattention to duties</cell> </row>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element cell

Appendix A.1.20 <change>

<change> documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.4.1. Creation 11.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions]
Module header
Attributes Attributes att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
target points to one or more elements that belong to this change.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
header: revisionDesc
May contain

The who attribute may be used to point to any other element, but will typically specify a <respStmt> or <person> element elsewhere in the header, identifying the person responsible for the change and their role in making it.

It is recommended that changes be recorded with the most recent first. The status attribute may be used to indicate the status of a document following the change documented.

<titleStmt>  <title> ... </title>  <editor xml:id="LDB">Lou Burnard</editor>  <respStmt xml:id="BZ">   <resp>copy editing</resp>   <name>Brett Zamir</name>  </respStmt> </titleStmt> <!-- ... --> <revisionDesc status="published">  <change who="#BZwhen="2008-02-02"   status="public">Finished chapter 23</change>  <change who="#BZwhen="2008-01-02"   status="draft">Finished chapter 2</change>  <change n="P2.2when="1991-12-21"   who="#LDB">Added examples to section 3</change>  <change when="1991-11-11who="#MSM">Deleted chapter 10</change> </revisionDesc>
<profileDesc>  <creation>   <listChange>    <change xml:id="DRAFT1">First draft in pencil</change>    <change xml:id="DRAFT2"     notBefore="1880-12-09">First revision, mostly        using green ink</change>    <change xml:id="DRAFT3"     notBefore="1881-02-13">Final corrections as        supplied to printer.</change>   </listChange>  </creation> </profileDesc>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element change
   attribute target { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.21 <choice>

<choice> groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
linking: seg
transcr: supplied

Because the children of a <choice> element all represent alternative ways of encoding the same sequence, it is natural to think of them as mutually exclusive. However, there may be cases where a full representation of a text requires the alternative encodings to be considered as parallel.

Note also that <choice> elements may self-nest.

Where the purpose of an encoding is to record multiple witnesses of a single work, rather than to identify multiple possible encoding decisions at a given point, the <app> element and associated elements discussed in section 12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses should be preferred.

Example An American encoding of Gulliver's Travels which retains the British spelling but also provides a version regularized to American spelling might be encoded as follows.
<p>Lastly, That, upon his solemn oath to observe all the above articles, the said man-mountain shall have a daily allowance of meat and drink sufficient for the support of <choice>   <sic>1724</sic>   <corr>1728</corr>  </choice> of our subjects, with free access to our royal person, and other marks of our <choice>   <orig>favour</orig>   <reg>favor</reg>  </choice>.</p>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="2"
  <classRef key="model.choicePart"/>
  <elementRef key="choice"/>
Schema Declaration
element choice
   ( model.choicePart | choice )+

Appendix A.1.22 <cit>

<cit> (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts Examples]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
dictionaries: def form sense
tagdocs: egXML
transcr: fw
<cit>  <quote>and the breath of the whale is frequently attended with such an insupportable smell,    as to bring on disorder of the brain.</quote>  <bibl>Ulloa's South America</bibl> </cit>
<entry>  <form>   <orth>horrifier</orth>  </form>  <cit type="translationxml:lang="en">   <quote>to horrify</quote>  </cit>  <cit type="example">   <quote>elle était horrifiée par la dépense</quote>   <cit type="translationxml:lang="en">    <quote>she was horrified at the expense.</quote>   </cit>  </cit> </entry>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.qLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.egLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.entryPart"/>
Schema Declaration
element cit

Appendix A.1.23 <classDecl>

<classDecl> (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
header: taxonomy
<classDecl>  <taxonomy xml:id="LCSH">   <bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings</bibl>  </taxonomy> </classDecl> <!-- ... --> <textClass>  <keywords scheme="#LCSH">   <term>Political science</term>   <term>United States -- Politics and government —      Revolution, 1775-1783</term>  </keywords> </textClass>
Content model
 <elementRef key="taxonomy" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element classDecl {, taxonomy+ }

Appendix A.1.24 <closer>

<closer> groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module textstructure
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rendition, @rend, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: list
figures: table
textstructure: body div
May contain
<div type="letter">  <p> perhaps you will favour me with a sight of it when convenient.</p>  <closer>   <salute>I remain, &amp;c. &amp;c.</salute>   <signed>H. Colburn</signed>  </closer> </div>
<div type="chapter">  <p> <!-- ... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p>  <closer>   <dateline>    <name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name>    <date>1914–1921</date>   </dateline>  </closer> </div>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="signed"/>
  <elementRef key="dateline"/>
  <elementRef key="salute"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element closer
    | model.gLike
    | signed
    | dateline

Appendix A.1.25 <code>

<code> contains literal code from some formal language such as a programming language. [22.1.1. Phrase Level Terms]
Module tagdocs
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rendition, @rend, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
lang (formal language) a name identifying the formal language in which the code is expressed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
Member of
Contained by
May contain Character data only
<code lang="JAVA"> Size fCheckbox1Size = new Size(); fCheckbox1Size.Height = 500; fCheckbox1Size.Width = 500; xCheckbox1.setSize(fCheckbox1Size); </code>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element code
   attribute lang { text }?,

Appendix A.1.26 <corr>

<corr> (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the fact that the copy text has been corrected, <corr> may be used alone:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <corr>can we</corr> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
Example It is also possible, using the <choice> and <sic> elements, to provide an uncorrected reading:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <choice>  <sic>we can</sic>  <corr>can we</corr> </choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element corr

Appendix A.1.27 <correspAction>

<correspAction> (correspondence action) contains a structured description of the place, the name of a person/organization and the date related to the sending/receiving of a message or any other action related to the correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type describes the nature of the action.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
information concerning the sending or dispatch of a message.
information concerning the receipt of a message.
information concerning the transmission of a message, i.e. between the dispatch and the next receipt, redirect or forwarding.
information concerning the redirection of an unread message.
information concerning the forwarding of a message.
Member of
Contained by
header: correspDesc
May contain
derived-module-coldesp: peopleName
header: idno
linking: ab
<correspAction type="sent">  <persName>Adelbert von Chamisso</persName>  <settlement>Vertus</settlement>  <date when="1807-01-29"/> </correspAction>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.correspActionPart"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element correspAction
   attribute type
      "sent" | "received" | "transmitted" | "redirected" | "forwarded"
   ( model.correspActionPart+ | model.pLike+ )

Appendix A.1.28 <correspContext>

<correspContext> (correspondence context) provides references to preceding or following correspondence related to this piece of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
header: correspDesc
May contain
core: note p ptr ref
linking: ab
<correspContext>  <ptr type="nextsubtype="toAuthor"   target=""/>  <ptr type="prevsubtype="fromAuthor"   target=""/> </correspContext>
<correspContext>  <ref type="prev"   target=""> Previous letter of  <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName> to  <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:  <date when="1816-12-30">December 30, 1816</date>  </ref>  <ref type="next"   target=""> Next letter of  <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName> to  <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:  <date when="1817-01-05">January 5, 1817</date>  </ref> </correspContext>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.correspContextPart"
  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element correspContext {, model.correspContextPart+ }

Appendix A.1.29 <correspDesc>

<correspDesc> (correspondence description) contains a description of the actions related to one act of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
Module header
Attributes Attributes att.canonical (@key, @ref) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
core: note p
linking: ab
<correspDesc>  <correspAction type="sent">   <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName>   <settlement>Dresden</settlement>   <date when="1817-06-23">23 June 1817</date>  </correspAction>  <correspAction type="received">   <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>   <settlement>Prag</settlement>  </correspAction>  <correspContext>   <ref type="prev"    target="">Previous letter of   <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName>      to <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:   <date from="1817-06-19to="1817-06-20">June 19/20, 1817</date>   </ref>   <ref type="next"    target="">Next letter of   <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName> to   <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:   <date when="1817-06-27">June 27, 1817</date>   </ref>  </correspContext> </correspDesc>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.correspDescPart"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element correspDesc
   ( model.correspDescPart+ | model.pLike+ )

Appendix A.1.30 <date>

<date> contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.6. The Revision Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 15.2.3. The Setting Description 13.3.7. Dates and Times]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.canonical (@key, @ref) att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) att.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source) att.typed (subtype, @type)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<date when="1980-02">early February 1980</date>
Given on the <date when="1977-06-12">Twelfth Day of June in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-seven of the Republic the Two Hundredth and first and of the University the Eighty-Sixth.</date>
<date when="1990-09">September 1990</date>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element date
   ( text | model.gLike | model.phrase | )*

Appendix A.1.31 <death>

<death> contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) att.dimensionsatt.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:

This attribute is not intended to express the cause of death.

Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<death when="1902-10-01"/>
<death when="1960-12-10">Passed away near <name type="place">Aix-la-Chapelle</name>, after suffering from cerebral palsy. </death>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element death
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.32 <def>

<def> (definition) contains definition text in a dictionary entry. [ Definitions]
Module dictionaries
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.lexicographic (@expand, @norm, @split, @value, @orig, @location, @mergedIn, @opt)
Member of
Contained by
core: cit
dictionaries: entry sense
May contain
<entry>  <form>   <orth>competitor</orth>   <hyph>com|peti|tor</hyph>   <pron>k@m"petit@(r)</pron>  </form>  <gramGrp>   <pos>n</pos>  </gramGrp>  <def>person who competes.</def> </entry>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element def

Appendix A.1.33 <del>

<del> (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.transcriptional (@hand) (att.editLike (@source)) (att.written (@hand)) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

This element should be used for deletion of shorter sequences of text, typically single words or phrases. The <delSpan> element should be used for longer sequences of text, for those containing structural subdivisions, and for those containing overlapping additions and deletions.

The text deleted must be at least partially legible in order for the encoder to be able to transcribe it (unless it is restored in a <supplied> tag). Illegible or lost text within a deletion may be marked using the <gap> tag to signal that text is present but has not been transcribed, or is no longer visible. Attributes on the <gap> element may be used to indicate how much text is omitted, the reason for omitting it, etc. If text is not fully legible, the <unclear> element (available when using the additional tagset for transcription of primary sources) should be used to signal the areas of text which cannot be read with confidence in a similar way.

Degrees of uncertainty over what can still be read, or whether a deletion was intended may be indicated by use of the <certainty> element (see 21. Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility).

There is a clear distinction in the TEI between <del> and <surplus> on the one hand and <gap> or <unclear> on the other. <del> indicates a deletion present in the source being transcribed, which states the author's or a later scribe's intent to cancel or remove text. <surplus> indicates material present in the source being transcribed which should have been so deleted, but which is not in fact. <gap> or <unclear>, by contrast, signal an editor's or encoder's decision to omit something or their inability to read the source text. See sections Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription and Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for the relationship between these and other related elements used in detailed transcription.

<l>  <del rend="overtyped">Mein</del> Frisch <del rend="overstriketype="primary">schwebt</del> weht der Wind </l>
<del rend="overstrike">  <gap reason="illegiblequantity="5"   unit="character"/> </del>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element del

Appendix A.1.34 <desc>

<desc> (description) contains a brief description of the object documented by its parent element, typically a documentation element or an entity. [22.4.1. Description of Components]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
<dataSpec module="tei"  ident="teidata.point"  validUntil="2050-02-25">  <desc type="deprecationInfo"   versionDate="2018-09-14"   xml:lang="en">Several standards bodies, including NIST in the USA,    strongly recommend against ending the representation of a number    with a decimal point. So instead of <q>3.</q> use either <q>3</q>    or <q>3.0</q>.</desc> <!-- ... --> </dataSpec>
Member of
Contained by
May contain

When used in a specification element such as <elementSpec>, TEI convention requires that this be expressed as a finite clause, begining with an active verb.

<desc>contains a brief description of the purpose and intended use of a documentation element, or a brief characterisation of a parent entity </desc>
Schematron A <desc> with a type of deprecationInfo should only occur when its parent element is being deprecated. Furthermore, it should always occur in an element that is being deprecated when <desc> is a valid child of that element.
<sch:rule context="tei:desc[ @type eq 'deprecationInfo']"> <sch:assert test="../@validUntil">Information about a deprecation should only be present in a specification element that is being deprecated: that is, only an element that has a @validUntil attribute should have a child <desc type="deprecationInfo">.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element desc
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.35 <div>

<div> (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. Divisions of the Body]
Module textstructure
Attributes Attributes att.divLikeatt.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (@corresp, @next, @prev) (@facs) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: body div
May contain
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople
dictionaries: entry
figures: table
linking: ab
tagdocs: egXML
textstructure: closer div opener salute signed
transcr: fw
<body>  <div type="part">   <head>Fallacies of Authority</head>   <p>The subject of which is Authority in various shapes, and the object, to repress all      exercise of the reasoning faculty.</p>   <div n="1type="chapter">    <head>The Nature of Authority</head>    <p>With reference to any proposed measures having for their object the greatest        happiness of the greatest number [...]</p>    <div n="1.1type="section">     <head>Analysis of Authority</head>     <p>What on any given occasion is the legitimate weight or influence to be attached to          authority [...] </p>    </div>    <div n="1.2type="section">     <head>Appeal to Authority, in What Cases Fallacious.</head>     <p>Reference to authority is open to the charge of fallacy when [...] </p>    </div>   </div>  </div> </body>
<sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = ('enclosure_list', 'enclosures_transcribed', 'marginalia', 'other_files')]"> <sch:let name="divType" value="@type"/> <sch:let name="ancestorDivType"  value="ancestor::tei:div[@type = ('enclosure_list', 'enclosures_transcribed', 'marginalia', 'minutes', 'other_files')][1]/@type"/> <sch:report test="ancestor::tei:div[@type = ('enclosure_list', 'enclosures_transcribed', 'marginalia', 'minutes', 'other_files')]"> This div with @type <sch:value-of select="$divType"/> should not be nested inside a div with @type <sch:value-of select="$ancestorDivType"/>. </sch:report> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = 'minute_entry']"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:div[@type='minutes']"> This minute_entry div should be a child of a minutes div. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = 'enclosure_entry']"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:div[@type='enclosure_list']"> This enclosure_entry div should be a child of an enclosure_list div. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = 'enclosure_transcribed']"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:div[@type='enclosures_transcribed']"> This enclosure_transcribed div should be a child of an enclosures_transcribed div. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = 'marginalis']"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:div[@type='marginalia']"> This marginalis div should be a child of a marginalia div. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = 'other_entry']"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:div[@type='other_files']"> This other_entry div should be a child of an other_files div. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<s:report test="ancestor::tei:l"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div. </s:report>
<s:report test="ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab and not(ancestor::tei:floatingText)"> Abstract model violation: p and ab may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div. </s:report>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
   <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <sequence minOccurs="1"
     <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
      <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
      <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
     <sequence minOccurs="1"
      <classRef key="model.common"/>
      <classRef key=""
       minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <sequence minOccurs="0"
      <alternate minOccurs="1"
       <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
      <classRef key=""
       minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element div
   attribute type
    | "despatch_from_london"
    | "despatch_to_london"
    | "enclosure_entry"
    | "enclosure_list"
    | "enclosure_transcribed"
    | "enclosures_transcribed"
    | "imtAnnotation"
    | "marginalia"
    | "marginalis"
    | "minute_entry"
    | "minutes"
    | "other_entry"
    | "other_files"
    | "public_offices"
    | "schedule"
      ( model.divTop | )*,
            ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )+
          | (
               ( model.common,* )+,
               ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )*
         ( model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.36 <divGen>

<divGen> (automatically generated text division) indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear. [3.8.2. Index Entries]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type specifies what type of generated text division (e.g. index, table of contents, etc.) is to appear.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
an index is to be generated and inserted at this point.
a table of contents
a list of figures
a list of tables

Valid values are application-dependent; those shown are of obvious utility in document production, but are by no means exhaustive.

Member of
Contained by
textstructure: body div
May contain
core: head

This element is intended primarily for use in document production or manipulation, rather than in the transcription of pre-existing materials; it makes it easier to specify the location of indices, tables of contents, etc., to be generated by text preparation or word processing software.

Example One use for this element is to allow document preparation software to generate an index and insert it in the appropriate place in the output. The example below assumes that the indexName attribute on <index> elements in the text has been used to specify index entries for the two generated indexes, named NAMES and THINGS:
<back>  <div1 type="backmat">   <head>Bibliography</head> <!-- ... -->  </div1>  <div1 type="backmat">   <head>Indices</head>   <divGen n="Index Nominumtype="NAMES"/>   <divGen n="Index Rerumtype="THINGS"/>  </div1> </back>
Example Another use for <divGen> is to specify the location of an automatically produced table of contents:
<front> <!--<titlePage>...</titlePage>-->  <divGen type="toc"/>  <div>   <head>Preface</head>   <p> ... </p>  </div> </front>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.headLike"
  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element divGen
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.37 <editor>

<editor> contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.naming (@role) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl series
header: titleStmt
May contain

A consistent format should be adopted.

Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use generally recognized authority lists for the exact form of personal names.

<editor role="Technical_Editor">Ron Van den Branden</editor> <editor role="Editor-in-Chief">John Walsh</editor> <editor role="Managing_Editor">Anne Baillot</editor>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element editor

Appendix A.1.38 <egXML>

<egXML> (example of XML) a single XML fragment demonstrating the use of some XML, such as elements, attributes, or processing instructions, etc., in which the <egXML> element functions as the root element. [22.1.1. Phrase Level Terms]
Module tagdocs
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
valid indicates the intended validity of the example with respect to a schema.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the example is intended to be fully valid, assuming that its root element, or a provided root element, could have been used as a possible root element in the schema concerned.[Default]
the example could be transformed into a valid document by inserting any number of valid attributes and child elements anywhere within it; or it is valid against a version of the schema concerned in which the provision of character data, list, element, or attribute values has been made optional.
the example is not intended to be valid, and contains deliberate errors.
Member of
Contained by
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain ANY

In the source of the TEI Guidelines, this element declares itself and its content as belonging to the namespace This enables the content of the element to be validated independently against the TEI scheme. Where this element is used outside this context, a different namespace or none at all may be preferable. The content must however be a well-formed XML fragment or document: where this is not the case, the more general <eg> element should be used in preference.

<egXML xmlns=""><div>   <head>A slide about <gi>egXML</gi>   </head>   <list>    <item>     <gi>egXML</gi> can be used to give XML examples in the TEI        Examples namespace</item>    <item>Attributes values for <att>valid</att>:    <list rend="collapsed">      <item>       <val rend="green">true</val>: intended to be fully            valid</item>      <item>       <val rend="amber">feasible</val>: valid if missing nodes            provided</item>      <item>       <val rend="red">false</val>: not intended to be valid</item>     </list>    </item>    <item>The <att>rend</att> attribute in the TEI namespace can be        used for recording how parts of the example was rendered.</item>   </list> </div> </egXML>
<egXML valid="feasiblesource="#UND" xmlns=""><text>   <front> <!-- front matter for the whole group -->   </front>   <group>    <text> <!-- first text -->    </text>    <text> <!-- second text -->    </text>   </group> </text> <!-- This example is not valid TEI, but could be made so by adding missing components --> </egXML>
      <egXML xmlns="" valid="false">          <para xml:lang="en">Doubloons are a pirate's best friend</para>       </egXML>     
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element egXML
   attribute valid { "true" | "feasible" | "false" }?,
   ( text | anyElement-egXML )*

Appendix A.1.39 <emph>

<emph> (emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
You took the car and did <emph>what</emph>?!!
<q>What it all comes to is this,</q> he said. <q>  <emph>What    does Christopher Robin do in the morning nowadays?</emph> </q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element emph

Appendix A.1.40 <encodingDesc>

<encodingDesc> (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. The Encoding Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain
<encodingDesc>  <p>Basic encoding, capturing lexical information only. All    hyphenation, punctuation, and variant spellings normalized. No    formatting or layout information preserved.</p> </encodingDesc>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.encodingDescPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element encodingDesc
   ( model.encodingDescPart | model.pLike )+

Appendix A.1.41 <entry>

<entry> contains a single structured entry in any kind of lexical resource, such as a dictionary or lexicon. [9.1. Dictionary Body and Overall Structure 9.2. The Structure of Dictionary Entries]
Module dictionaries
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.entryLike (@type) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
dictionaries: entry
textstructure: body div
May contain
dictionaries: def entry form sense
transcr: fw

Like all elements, <entry> inherits an xml:id attribute from the class global. No restrictions are placed on the method used to construct xml:ids; one convenient method is to use the orthographic form of the headword, appending a disambiguating number where necessary. Identification codes are sometimes included on machine-readable tapes of dictionaries for in-house use.

It is recommended to use the <sense> element even for an entry that has only one sense to group together all parts of the definition relating to the word sense since this leads to more consistent encoding across entries.

<entry>  <form>   <orth>disproof</orth>   <pron>dIs"pru:f</pron>  </form>  <gramGrp>   <pos>n</pos>  </gramGrp>  <sense n="1">   <def>facts that disprove something.</def>  </sense>  <sense n="2">   <def>the act of disproving.</def>  </sense> </entry>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <elementRef key="hom"/>
  <elementRef key="sense"/>
  <elementRef key="pc"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element entry
   ( hom | sense | pc | | | model.ptrLike )+

Appendix A.1.42 <expan>

<expan> (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) (n, @xml:id, @xml:lang) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The content of this element should be the expanded abbreviation, usually (but not always) a complete word or phrase. The <ex> element provided by the transcr module may be used to mark up sequences of letters supplied within such an expansion.

If abbreviations are expanded silently, this practice should be documented in the <editorialDecl>, either with a <normalization> element or a <p>.

The address is Southmoor <choice>  <expan>Road</expan>  <abbr>Rd</abbr> </choice>
<choice xml:lang="la">  <abbr>Imp</abbr>  <expan>Imp<ex>erator</ex>  </expan> </choice>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element expan

Appendix A.1.43 <facsimile>

<facsimile> contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Module transcr
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: TEI
May contain
core: graphic
transcr: surface
<facsimile>  <graphic url="page1.png"/>  <surface>   <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>   <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>  </surface>  <graphic url="page3.png"/>  <graphic url="page4.png"/> </facsimile>
<facsimile>  <surface ulx="0uly="0lrx="200lry="300">   <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>  </surface> </facsimile>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <elementRef key="front" minOccurs="0"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
   <elementRef key="surface"/>
   <elementRef key="surfaceGrp"/>
  <elementRef key="back" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element facsimile
   ( front?, ( model.graphicLike | surface | surfaceGrp )+, back? )

Appendix A.1.44 <fileDesc>

<fileDesc> (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. The File Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain

The major source of information for those seeking to create a catalogue entry or bibliographic citation for an electronic file. As such, it provides a title and statements of responsibility together with details of the publication or distribution of the file, of any series to which it belongs, and detailed bibliographic notes for matters not addressed elsewhere in the header. It also contains a full bibliographic description for the source or sources from which the electronic text was derived.

<fileDesc>  <titleStmt>   <title>The shortest possible TEI document</title>  </titleStmt>  <publicationStmt>   <p>Distributed as part of TEI P5</p>  </publicationStmt>  <sourceDesc>   <p>No print source exists: this is an original digital text</p>  </sourceDesc> </fileDesc>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="titleStmt"/>
   <elementRef key="editionStmt"
   <elementRef key="extent" minOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="publicationStmt"/>
   <elementRef key="seriesStmt"
   <elementRef key="notesStmt"
  <elementRef key="sourceDesc"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element fileDesc

Appendix A.1.45 <forename>

<forename> contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<persName>  <roleName>Ex-President</roleName>  <forename>George</forename>  <surname>Bush</surname> </persName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element forename

Appendix A.1.46 <form>

<form> (form information group) groups all the information on the written and spoken forms of one headword. [9.3.1. Information on Written and Spoken Forms]
Module dictionaries
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.lexicographic (@expand, @norm, @split, @value, @orig, @location, @mergedIn, @opt) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type classifies form as simple, compound, etc.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
single free lexical item
the headword itself
a variant form
word formed from simple lexical items
word derived from headword
word in other than usual dictionary form
multiple-word lexical item
Member of
Contained by
core: cit
dictionaries: entry form
May contain
<form>  <orth>zaptié</orth>  <orth>zaptyé</orth> </form>
(from TLFi)
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key="model.formPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element form
   attribute type
    | "lemma"
    | "variant"
    | "compound"
    | "derivative"
    | "inflected"
    | "phrase"
    | model.gLike

Appendix A.1.47 <funder>

<funder> (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. The Title Statement]
Module header
Attributes Attributes att.canonical (@key, @ref) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
header: titleStmt
May contain

Funders provide financial support for a project; they are distinct from sponsors (see element <sponsor>), who provide intellectual support and authority.

<funder>The National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency</funder> <funder>Directorate General XIII of the Commission of the European Communities</funder> <funder>The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation</funder> <funder>The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada</funder>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element funder

Appendix A.1.48 <fw>

<fw> (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter]
Module transcr
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rendition, @rend, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type classifies the material encoded according to some useful typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Where running heads are consistent throughout a chapter or section, it is usually more convenient to relate them to the chapter or section, e.g. by use of the rend attribute. The <fw> element is intended for cases where the running head changes from page to page, or where details of page layout and the internal structure of the running heads are of paramount importance.

<fw type="sigplace="bottom">C3</fw>
<sch:rule context="tei:fw[@type='catchword']"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., 'catchword')) and not(normalize-space(.) = '')"> Replace the word "catchword" with the actual catchword as seen on original document. This value cannot be empty. If there is no catchword remove the fw element. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element fw
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.49 <genName>

<genName> (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.personal (att.naming (@role) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<persName>  <forename>Charles</forename>  <genName>II</genName> </persName>
<persName>  <surname>Pitt</surname>  <genName>the Younger</genName> </persName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element genName

Appendix A.1.50 <geo>

<geo> (geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation. [ Varieties of Location]
Module namesdates
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain Character data only

Uses of <geo> can be associated with a coordinate system, defined by a <geoDecl> element supplied in the TEI header, using the decls attribute. If no such link is made, the assumption is that the content of each <geo> element will be a pair of numbers separated by whitespace, to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.

<geoDecl xml:id="WGSdatum="WGS84">World Geodetic System</geoDecl> <geoDecl xml:id="OSdatum="OSGB36">Ordnance Survey</geoDecl> <!-- ... --> <location>  <desc>A tombstone plus six lines of    Anglo-Saxon text, built into the west tower (on the south side    of the archway, at 8 ft. above the ground) of the    Church of St. Mary-le-Wigford in Lincoln.</desc>  <geo decls="#WGS">53.226658 -0.541254</geo>  <geo decls="#OS">SK 97481 70947</geo> </location>
<geo>41.687142 -74.870109</geo>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element geo

Appendix A.1.51 <gi>

<gi> (element name) contains the name (generic identifier) of an element. [22. Documentation Elements 22.5. Element Specifications]
Module tagdocs
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
scheme supplies the name of the scheme in which this name is defined.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
this element is part of the TEI scheme.[Default]
(docbook) this element is part of the Docbook scheme.
(unknown) this element is part of an unknown scheme.
this element is from Schematron.
this element is from the HTML scheme.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
XSD Name
<p>The <gi>xhtml:li</gi> element is roughly analogous to the <gi>item</gi> element, as is the <gi scheme="DBK">listItem</gi> element.</p>
This example shows the use of both a namespace prefix and the scheme attribute as alternative ways of indicating that the <gi> in question is not a TEI element name: in practice only one method should be adopted.
Content model
 <dataRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element gi {, attribute scheme { text }?, }

Appendix A.1.52 <graphic>

<graphic> indicates the location of a graphic or illustration, either forming part of a text, or providing an image of it. [3.9. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components 11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@width, @height) att.resourced (@url) (xml:lang, @xml:id, @n) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc

The mimeType attribute should be used to supply the MIME media type of the image specified by the url attribute.

Within the body of a text, a <graphic> element indicates the presence of a graphic component in the source itself. Within the context of a <facsimile> or <sourceDoc> element, however, a <graphic> element provides an additional digital representation of some part of the source being encoded.

<figure>  <graphic url="fig1.png"/>  <head>Figure One: The View from the Bridge</head>  <figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a    series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc> </figure>
<facsimile>  <surfaceGrp n="leaf1">   <surface>    <graphic url="page1.png"/>   </surface>   <surface>    <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>    <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>   </surface>  </surfaceGrp> </facsimile>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.descLike"
  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element graphic

Appendix A.1.53 <head>

<head> (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. Headings and Trailers]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.placement (@place) att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople people peopleName
figures: table
textstructure: body div
May contain

The <head> element is used for headings at all levels; software which treats (e.g.) chapter headings, section headings, and list titles differently must determine the proper processing of a <head> element based on its structural position. A <head> occurring as the first element of a list is the title of that list; one occurring as the first element of a <div1> is the title of that chapter or section.

Example The most common use for the <head> element is to mark the headings of sections. In older writings, the headings or incipits may be rather longer than usual in modern works. If a section has an explicit ending as well as a heading, it should be marked as a <trailer>, as in this example:
<div1 n="Itype="book">  <head>In the name of Christ here begins the first book of the ecclesiastical history of    Georgius Florentinus, known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head>  <div2 type="section">   <head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head>   <p>Proposing as I do ...</p>   <p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four hundred and twelve      years passed.</p>   <trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five hundred and ninety-six      years from the beginning of the world down to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer>  </div2> </div1>
Example When headings are not inline with the running text (see e.g. the heading "Secunda conclusio") they might however be encoded as if. The actual placement in the source document can be captured with the place attribute.
<div type="subsection">  <head place="margin">Secunda conclusio</head>  <p>   <lb n="1251"/>   <hi rend="large">Potencia: habitus: et actus: recipiunt speciem ab obiectis<supplied>.</supplied>   </hi>   <lb n="1252"/>Probatur sic. Omne importans necessariam habitudinem ad proprium    [...]  </p> </div>
Example The <head> element is also used to mark headings of other units, such as lists:
With a few exceptions, connectives are equally useful in all kinds of discourse: description, narration, exposition, argument. <list rend="bulleted">  <head>Connectives</head>  <item>above</item>  <item>accordingly</item>  <item>across from</item>  <item>adjacent to</item>  <item>again</item>  <item> <!-- ... -->  </item> </list>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element head
    | lg
    | model.gLike
    | model.phrasemodel.inter
    | model.lLike

Appendix A.1.54 <hi>

<hi> (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rendition, @rend, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<hi rend="gothic">And this Indenture further witnesseth</hi> that the said <hi rend="italic">Walter Shandy</hi>, merchant, in consideration of the said intended marriage ...
<sch:rule context="tei:hi"> <sch:let name="textContent"  value="xs:string(.)"/> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(child::tei:hi[xs:string(.) = $textContent])">Do not nest hi elements; put multiple CSS rules in the same hi element's style attribute.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element hi

Appendix A.1.55 <idno>

<idno> (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [13.3.1. Basic Principles 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2.5. The Series Statement Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module header
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(A reference number in the university's CONTENTdm system.)
(The sequential number of a despatch within a series.)
(A classifier such as "Judicial", "Financial", or "Miscellaneous".)
(Despatch to London, Despatch from London, Correspondence (private letter), Public Offices document, or Other.)
(Unique document identifier.)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
header: idno
character data

<idno> should be used for labels which identify an object or concept in a formal cataloguing system such as a database or an RDF store, or in a distributed system such as the World Wide Web. Some suggested values for type on <idno> are ISBN, ISSN, DOI, and URI.

<idno type="ISBN">978-1-906964-22-1</idno> <idno type="ISSN">0143-3385</idno> <idno type="DOI">10.1000/123</idno> <idno type="URI"></idno> <idno type="URI"></idno> <idno type="LT">Thomason Tract E.537(17)</idno> <idno type="Wing">C695</idno> <idno type="oldCat">  <g ref="#sym"/>345 </idno>
In the last case, the identifier includes a non-Unicode character which is defined elsewhere by means of a <glyph> or <char> element referenced here as #sym.
<sch:rule context="tei:idno[@type='page']"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '\?\?\?')) and not(normalize-space(.) = '')"> Replace "???" with a page number, this element cannot be empty either. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="idno"/>
Schema Declaration
element idno
   attribute type
    | "coNumber"
    | "coRegistration"
    | "coVol"
    | "despatchNo"
    | "despatchType"
    | "documentCategory"
    | "doc_id"
    | "documentType"
    | "libFileName"
    | "nacRecordGroup"
    | "nacCollection"
    | "page"
    | "penfoldNum"
    | "received"
    | "repoNumber"
    | "repoVol"
    | "repository"
   ( text | model.gLike | idno )*

Appendix A.1.56 <index>

<index> (index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose. [3.8.2. Index Entries]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: index term
David's other principal backer, Josiah ha-Kohen <index indexName="NAMES">  <term>Josiah ha-Kohen b. Azarya</term> </index> b. Azarya, son of one of the last gaons of Sura <index indexName="PLACES">  <term>Sura</term> </index> was David's own first cousin.
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="term"/>
  <elementRef key="index" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element index
   ( term, index? )*

Appendix A.1.57 <item>

<item> contains one component of a list. [3.7. Lists 2.6. The Revision Description]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (xml:lang, @xml:id, @n) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
core: list
May contain

May contain simple prose or a sequence of chunks.

Whatever string of characters is used to label a list item in the copy text may be used as the value of the global n attribute, but it is not required that numbering be recorded explicitly. In ordered lists, the n attribute on the <item> element is by definition synonymous with the use of the <label> element to record the enumerator of the list item. In glossary lists, however, the term being defined should be given with the <label> element, not n.

<list rend="numbered">  <head>Here begin the chapter headings of Book IV</head>  <item n="4.1">The death of Queen Clotild.</item>  <item n="4.2">How King Lothar wanted to appropriate one third of the Church revenues.</item>  <item n="4.3">The wives and children of Lothar.</item>  <item n="4.4">The Counts of the Bretons.</item>  <item n="4.5">Saint Gall the Bishop.</item>  <item n="4.6">The priest Cato.</item>  <item> ...</item> </list>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element item

Appendix A.1.58 <label>

<label> contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.7. Lists]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.typed (subtype, @type)
Member of
Contained by
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
namesdates: location org place
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied surface
May contain
Example Labels are commonly used for the headwords in glossary lists; note the use of the global xml:lang attribute to set the default language of the glossary list to Middle English, and identify the glosses and headings as modern English or Latin:
<list type="glossxml:lang="enm">  <head xml:lang="en">Vocabulary</head>  <headLabel xml:lang="en">Middle English</headLabel>  <headItem xml:lang="en">New English</headItem>  <label>nu</label>  <item xml:lang="en">now</item>  <label>lhude</label>  <item xml:lang="en">loudly</item>  <label>bloweth</label>  <item xml:lang="en">blooms</item>  <label>med</label>  <item xml:lang="en">meadow</item>  <label>wude</label>  <item xml:lang="en">wood</item>  <label>awe</label>  <item xml:lang="en">ewe</item>  <label>lhouth</label>  <item xml:lang="en">lows</item>  <label>sterteth</label>  <item xml:lang="en">bounds, frisks (cf. <cit>    <ref>Chaucer, K.T.644</ref>    <quote>a courser, <term>sterting</term>as the fyr</quote>   </cit>  </item>  <label>verteth</label>  <item xml:lang="la">pedit</item>  <label>murie</label>  <item xml:lang="en">merrily</item>  <label>swik</label>  <item xml:lang="en">cease</item>  <label>naver</label>  <item xml:lang="en">never</item> </list>
Example Labels may also be used to record explicitly the numbers or letters which mark list items in ordered lists, as in this extract from Gibbon's Autobiography. In this usage the <label> element is synonymous with the n attribute on the <item> element:
I will add two facts, which have seldom occurred in the composition of six, or at least of five quartos. <list rend="runontype="ordered">  <label>(1)</label>  <item>My first rough manuscript, without any intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.</item>  <label>(2) </label>  <item>Not a sheet has been seen by any human eyes, excepting those of the author and the    printer: the faults and the merits are exclusively my own.</item> </list>
Example Labels may also be used for other structured list items, as in this extract from the journal of Edward Gibbon:
<list type="gloss">  <label>March 1757.</label>  <item>I wrote some critical observations upon Plautus.</item>  <label>March 8th.</label>  <item>I wrote a long dissertation upon some lines of Virgil.</item>  <label>June.</label>  <item>I saw Mademoiselle Curchod — <quote xml:lang="la">Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus      amori.</quote>  </item>  <label>August.</label>  <item>I went to Crassy, and staid two days.</item> </list>
Note that the <label> might also appear within the <item> rather than as its sibling. Though syntactically valid, this usage is not recommended TEI practice.
Example Labels may also be used to represent a label or heading attached to a paragraph or sequence of paragraphs not treated as a structural division, or to a group of verse lines. Note that, in this case, the <label> element appears within the <p> or <lg> element, rather than as a preceding sibling of it.
<p>[...] <lb/>&amp; n’entrer en mauuais &amp; mal-heu- <lb/>ré meſnage. Or des que le conſente- <lb/>ment des parties y eſt le mariage eſt <lb/> arreſté, quoy que de faict il ne ſoit <label place="margin">Puiſſance maritale    entre les Romains.</label>  <lb/> conſommé. Depuis la conſomma- <lb/>tion du mariage la femme eſt ſoubs <lb/> la puiſſance du mary, s’il n’eſt eſcla- <lb/>ue ou enfant de famille : car en ce <lb/> cas, la femme, qui a eſpouſé vn en- <lb/>fant de famille, eſt ſous la puiſſance [...]</p>
In this example the text of the label appears in the right hand margin of the original source, next to the paragraph it describes, but approximately in the middle of it. If so desired the type attribute may be used to distinguish different categories of label.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element label

Appendix A.1.59 <lb>

<lb> (line beginning) marks the beginning of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. Milestone Elements 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

By convention, <lb> elements should appear at the point in the text where a new line starts. The n attribute, if used, indicates the number or other value associated with the text between this point and the next <lb> element, typically the sequence number of the line within the page, or other appropriate unit. This element is intended to be used for marking actual line breaks on a manuscript or printed page, at the point where they occur; it should not be used to tag structural units such as lines of verse (for which the <l> element is available) except in circumstances where structural units cannot otherwise be marked.

The type attribute may be used to characterize the line break in any respect. The more specialized attributes break, ed, or edRef should be preferred when the intent is to indicate whether or not the line break is word-breaking, or to note the source from which it derives.

Example This example shows typographical line breaks within metrical lines, where they occur at different places in different editions:
<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l> <l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l> <l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>
Example This example encodes typographical line breaks as a means of preserving the visual appearance of a title page. The break attribute is used to show that the line break does not (as elsewhere) mark the start of a new word.
<titlePart>  <lb/>With Additions, ne-<lb break="no"/>ver before Printed. </titlePart>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element lb

Appendix A.1.60 <list>

<list> contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. Lists]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, @style, @rendition) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.typed (type, @subtype)
rend (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
Derived from
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Sample values include
(A bulleted list)
(A numbered (ordered) list)
(A list with no list markers (no bullets or numbers))
type describes the nature of the items in the list.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:

Previous versions of these Guidelines recommended the use of type on <list> to encode the rendering or appearance of a list (whether it was bulleted, numbered, etc.). The current recommendation is to use the rend or style attributes for these aspects of a list, while using type for the more appropriate task of characterizing the nature of the content of a list.

The formal syntax of the element declarations allows <label> tags to be omitted from lists tagged <list type="gloss">; this is however a semantic error.

Member of
Contained by
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain
textstructure: closer opener salute signed
transcr: fw

May contain an optional heading followed by a series of items, or a series of label and item pairs, the latter being optionally preceded by one or two specialized headings.

<list rend="numbered">  <item>a butcher</item>  <item>a baker</item>  <item>a candlestick maker, with  <list rend="bulleted">    <item>rings on his fingers</item>    <item>bells on his toes</item>   </list>  </item> </list>
<list type="syllogismrend="bulleted">  <item>All Cretans are liars.</item>  <item>Epimenides is a Cretan.</item>  <item>ERGO Epimenides is a liar.</item> </list>
<list type="litanyrend="simple">  <item>God save us from drought.</item>  <item>God save us from pestilence.</item>  <item>God save us from wickedness in high places.</item>  <item>Praise be to God.</item> </list>
Example The following example treats the short numbered clauses of Anglo-Saxon legal codes as lists of items. The text is from an ordinance of King Athelstan (924–939):
<div1 type="section">  <head>Athelstan's Ordinance</head>  <list rend="numbered">   <item n="1">Concerning thieves. First, that no thief is to be spared who is caught with      the stolen goods, [if he is] over twelve years and [if the value of the goods is] over      eightpence.   <list rend="numbered">     <item n="1.1">And if anyone does spare one, he is to pay for the thief with his          wergild — and the thief is to be no nearer a settlement on that account — or to          clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>     <item n="1.2">If, however, he [the thief] wishes to defend himself or to escape, he is          not to be spared [whether younger or older than twelve].</item>     <item n="1.3">If a thief is put into prison, he is to be in prison 40 days, and he may          then be redeemed with 120 shillings; and the kindred are to stand surety for him          that he will desist for ever.</item>     <item n="1.4">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,          or to bring him back there.</item>     <item n="1.5">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,          whether to the king or to him to whom it rightly belongs; and everyone of those who          supported him is to pay 120 shillings to the king as a fine.</item>    </list>   </item>   <item n="2">Concerning lordless men. And we pronounced about these lordless men, from whom      no justice can be obtained, that one should order their kindred to fetch back such a      person to justice and to find him a lord in public meeting.   <list rend="numbered">     <item n="2.1">And if they then will not, or cannot, produce him on that appointed day,          he is then to be a fugitive afterwards, and he who encounters him is to strike him          down as a thief.</item>     <item n="2.2">And he who harbours him after that, is to pay for him with his wergild          or to clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>    </list>   </item>   <item n="3">Concerning the refusal of justice. The lord who refuses justice and upholds      his guilty man, so that the king is appealed to, is to repay the value of the goods and      120 shillings to the king; and he who appeals to the king before he demands justice as      often as he ought, is to pay the same fine as the other would have done, if he had      refused him justice.   <list rend="numbered">     <item n="3.1">And the lord who is an accessory to a theft by his slave, and it becomes          known about him, is to forfeit the slave and be liable to his wergild on the first          occasionp if he does it more often, he is to be liable to pay all that he owns.</item>     <item n="3.2">And likewise any of the king's treasurers or of our reeves, who has been          an accessory of thieves who have committed theft, is to liable to the same.</item>    </list>   </item>   <item n="4">Concerning treachery to a lord. And we have pronounced concerning treachery to      a lord, that he [who is accused] is to forfeit his life if he cannot deny it or is      afterwards convicted at the three-fold ordeal.</item>  </list> </div1>
Note that nested lists have been used so the tagging mirrors the structure indicated by the two-level numbering of the clauses. The clauses could have been treated as a one-level list with irregular numbering, if desired.
<p>These decrees, most blessed Pope Hadrian, we propounded in the public council ... and they confirmed them in our hand in your stead with the sign of the Holy Cross, and afterwards inscribed with a careful pen on the paper of this page, affixing thus the sign of the Holy Cross. <list rend="simple">   <item>I, Eanbald, by the grace of God archbishop of the holy church of York, have      subscribed to the pious and catholic validity of this document with the sign of the Holy      Cross.</item>   <item>I, Ælfwold, king of the people across the Humber, consenting have subscribed with      the sign of the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Tilberht, prelate of the church of Hexham, rejoicing have subscribed with the      sign of the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Higbald, bishop of the church of Lindisfarne, obeying have subscribed with the      sign of the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Ethelbert, bishop of Candida Casa, suppliant, have subscribed with thef sign of      the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Ealdwulf, bishop of the church of Mayo, have subscribed with devout will.</item>   <item>I, Æthelwine, bishop, have subscribed through delegates.</item>   <item>I, Sicga, patrician, have subscribed with serene mind with the sign of the Holy      Cross.</item>  </list> </p>
<sch:rule context="tei:list[@type='gloss']"> <sch:assert test="tei:label">The content of a "gloss" list should include a sequence of one or more pairs of a label element followed by an item element</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="item"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <elementRef key="headLabel"
    <elementRef key="headItem"
    <sequence minOccurs="1"
     <elementRef key="label"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <elementRef key="item"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element list
   attribute rend { list { + } }?,
   attribute type { "simple" | "ordered" | "vessels" }?,
      ( model.divTop | | desc* )*,
         ( item,* )+
       | (
            ( label,*, item,* )+
      ( model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.61 <listBibl>

<listBibl> (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain
transcr: fw
<listBibl>  <head>Works consulted</head>  <bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to    Literature in English (Yale, 1990)  </bibl>  <biblStruct>   <analytic>    <title>The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>   </analytic>   <monogr>    <title>The Penny Histories</title>    <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>    <imprint>     <publisher>OUP</publisher>     <date>1968</date>    </imprint>   </monogr>  </biblStruct> </listBibl>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listBibl
      ( model.biblLike | model.milestoneLike )+,
      ( relation | listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.62 <listOrg>

<listOrg> (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
namesdates: listOrg org
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain
core: desc head
namesdates: listOrg org

The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of organizations of a particular type if convenient.

<listOrg>  <head>Libyans</head>  <org>   <orgName>Adyrmachidae</orgName>   <desc>These people have, in most points, the same customs as the Egyptians, but      use the costume of the Libyans. Their women wear on each leg a ring made of      bronze [...]</desc>  </org>  <org>   <orgName>Nasamonians</orgName>   <desc>In summer they leave their flocks and herds upon the sea-shore, and go up      the country to a place called Augila, where they gather the dates from the      palms [...]</desc>  </org>  <org>   <orgName>Garamantians</orgName>   <desc>[...] avoid all society or intercourse with their fellow-men, have no      weapon of war, and do not know how to defend themselves. [...]</desc> <!-- ... -->  </org> </listOrg>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="org"/>
   <elementRef key="listOrg"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listOrg
   ( model.headLike*, desc*, ( org | listOrg )+, ( relation | listRelation )* )

Appendix A.1.63 <listPeople>

Module derived-module-coldesp
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
namesdates: org
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain
core: desc head
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople people
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="people"/>
   <elementRef key="listPeople"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPeople
      ( people | listPeople )+,
      ( relation | listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.64 <listPerson>

<listPerson> (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2. Contextual Information 2.4. The Profile Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
namesdates: listPerson org
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain
core: desc head
derived-module-coldesp: people

The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of people of a particular type if convenient.

<listPerson type="respondents">  <personGrp xml:id="PXXX"/>  <person xml:id="P1234sex="2age="mid"/>  <person xml:id="P4332sex="1age="mid"/>  <listRelation>   <relation type="personalname="spouse"    mutual="#P1234 #P4332"/>  </listRelation> </listPerson>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.personLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPerson"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPerson
      ( model.personLike | listPerson )+,
      ( relation | listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.65 <listPlace>

<listPlace> (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. The Source Description 13.3.4. Places]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
namesdates: listPlace org place
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain
core: desc head
namesdates: listPlace place
<listPlace type="offshoreIslands">  <place>   <placeName>La roche qui pleure</placeName>  </place>  <place>   <placeName>Ile aux cerfs</placeName>  </place> </listPlace>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPlace"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPlace
      ( model.placeLike | listPlace )+,
      ( relation | listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.66 <listPrefixDef>

<listPrefixDef> (list of prefix definitions) contains a list of definitions of prefixing schemes used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using each scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc
Example In this example, two private URI scheme prefixes are defined and patterns are provided for dereferencing them. Each prefix is also supplied with a human-readable explanation in a <p> element.
<listPrefixDef>  <prefixDef ident="psn"   matchPattern="([A-Z]+)"   replacementPattern="personography.xml#$1">   <p> Private URIs using the <code>psn</code>      prefix are pointers to <gi>person</gi>      elements in the personography.xml file.      For example, <code>psn:MDH</code>      dereferences to <code>personography.xml#MDH</code>.   </p>  </prefixDef>  <prefixDef ident="bibl"   matchPattern="([a-z]+[a-z0-9]*)"   replacementPattern="$1">   <p> Private URIs using the <code>bibl</code> prefix can be      expanded to form URIs which retrieve the relevant      bibliographical reference from   </p>  </prefixDef> </listPrefixDef>
Content model
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="prefixDef"/>
   <elementRef key="listPrefixDef"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPrefixDef
   ( desc*, ( prefixDef | listPrefixDef )+ )

Appendix A.1.67 <location>

<location> defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. Places]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source) att.datable.w3c (when, notAfter, @notBefore, @from, @to)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<place>  <placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>  <location>   <geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>  </location> </place>
<place xml:id="BGbuildingtype="building">  <placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>  <location>   <country key="FR"/>   <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>   <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>   <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>   <placeName type="street">    <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>  </location> </place>
<place type="imaginary">  <placeName>Atlantis</placeName>  <location>   <offset>beyond</offset>   <placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>   </placeName>  </location> </place>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="precision"/>
  <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.placeNamePart"/>
  <classRef key="model.offsetLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.measureLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.addressLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element location
   attribute type { "path" }?,
    | model.labelLikemodel.placeNamePart
    | model.offsetLike
    | model.measureLikemodel.addressLikemodel.noteLikemodel.biblLike

Appendix A.1.68 <mentioned>

<mentioned> marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
There is thus a striking accentual difference between a verbal form like <mentioned xml:id="X234xml:lang="el">eluthemen</mentioned> <gloss target="#X234">we were released,</gloss> accented on the second syllable of the word, and its participial derivative <mentioned xml:id="X235xml:lang="el">lutheis</mentioned> <gloss target="#X235">released,</gloss> accented on the last.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element mentioned {, macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.69 <milestone>

<milestone> marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.10.3. Milestone Elements]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rendition, @rend, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
unit provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
Derived from att.milestoneUnit
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

For this element, the global n attribute indicates the new number or other value for the unit which changes at this milestone. The special value unnumbered should be used in passages which fall outside the normal numbering scheme, such as chapter or other headings, poem numbers or titles, etc.

The order in which <milestone> elements are given at a given point is not normally significant.

<milestone n="23ed="Launit="Dreissiger"/> ... <milestone n="24ed="AVunit="verse"/> ...
Content model
Schema Declaration
element milestone
   attribute unit { "section" },

Appendix A.1.70 <name>

<name> (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. Referring Strings]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.personal (att.naming (@role) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) att.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(The person to whom a letter is addressed.)
(This name refers to a First Nations person or group. This value is deprecated. Use "ip" instead.)
(This name refers to an Indigenous person or group.)
(This name refers to a place in the placeography.)
(This name refers to a vessel in the vesselography.)
((Only used in -ography files) Some content exists for this item, but it is unfinished or inadequate, and will be rewritten in future.)
((Only used in -ography files) No content has been written for this item yet.)
(Indicates the sent date of a document.)
(Indicates the sent date of a document.)
subtype provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Some content exists for this item, but it is unfinished or inadequate, and will be rewritten in future.)
(This name or appellation refers to a group.)
(This name or appellation refers to an individual person.)
(No content has been written for this item yet.)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Proper nouns referring to people, places, and organizations may be tagged instead with <persName>, <placeName>, or <orgName>, when the TEI module for names and dates is included.

<name type="person">Thomas Hoccleve</name> <name type="place">Villingaholt</name> <name type="org">Vetus Latina Institut</name> <name type="personref="#HOC001">Occleve</name>
<sch:rule context="tei:name[@key]"> <sch:assert test="matches(@key, '^[a-z0-9_\-]+$')"> The @key attribute must have a value consisting of lower-case letters and underscores, and cannot be empty. The @key attribute must point to a person, place or vessel. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:name[@key] | tei:orgName[@key]"> <sch:assert test="not(ancestor::tei:name[@key] or ancestor::tei:orgName[@key])"> Do not nest one name element inside another. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:name[@type='ip']"> <sch:assert test="@subtype = ('group', 'individual')"> If you make a name @type='ip' (Indigenous People/Person) then you must supply @subtype="group" or @subtype="individual". </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element name
   attribute type
    | "fn"
    | "ip"
    | "place"
    | "vessel"
    | "incomplete"
    | "unavailable"
    | "sent"
    | "received"
   attribute subtype { "incomplete" | "group" | "individual" | "unavailable" }?,

Appendix A.1.71 <note>

<note> contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. Notes and Simple Annotation 2.2.6. The Notes Statement Notes and Statement of Language Notes within Entries]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (xml:lang, @xml:id, @n) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example In the following example, the translator has supplied a footnote containing an explanation of the term translated as "painterly":
And yet it is not only in the great line of Italian renaissance art, but even in the painterly <note place="bottomtype="gloss"  resp="#MDMH">  <term xml:lang="de">Malerisch</term>. This word has, in the German, two distinct meanings, one objective, a quality residing in the object, the other subjective, a mode of apprehension and creation. To avoid confusion, they have been distinguished in English as <mentioned>picturesque</mentioned> and <mentioned>painterly</mentioned> respectively. </note> style of the Dutch genre painters of the seventeenth century that drapery has this psychological significance. <!-- elsewhere in the document --> <respStmt xml:id="MDMH">  <resp>translation from German to English</resp>  <name>Hottinger, Marie Donald Mackie</name> </respStmt>
For this example to be valid, the code MDMH must be defined elsewhere, for example by means of a responsibility statement in the associated TEI header.
Example The global n attribute may be used to supply the symbol or number used to mark the note's point of attachment in the source text, as in the following example:
Mevorakh b. Saadya's mother, the matriarch of the family during the second half of the eleventh century, <note n="126anchored="true"> The alleged mention of Judah Nagid's mother in a letter from 1071 is, in fact, a reference to Judah's children; cf. above, nn. 111 and 54. </note> is well known from Geniza documents published by Jacob Mann.
However, if notes are numbered in sequence and their numbering can be reconstructed automatically by processing software, it may well be considered unnecessary to record the note numbers.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element note

Appendix A.1.72 <notesStmt>

<notesStmt> (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. The Notes Statement 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
header: fileDesc
May contain
core: note

Information of different kinds should not be grouped together into the same note.

<notesStmt>  <note>Historical commentary provided by Mark Cohen</note>  <note>OCR scanning done at University of Toronto</note> </notesStmt>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
  <elementRef key="relatedItem"/>
Schema Declaration
element notesStmt
   ( model.noteLike | relatedItem )+

Appendix A.1.73 <opener>

<opener> groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module textstructure
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: list
textstructure: body div
May contain
<opener>  <dateline>Walden, this 29. of August 1592</dateline> </opener>
<opener>  <dateline>   <name type="place">Great Marlborough Street</name>   <date>November 11, 1848</date>  </dateline>  <salute>My dear Sir,</salute> </opener> <p>I am sorry to say that absence from town and other circumstances have prevented me from earlier enquiring...</p>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <elementRef key="argument"/>
  <elementRef key="byline"/>
  <elementRef key="dateline"/>
  <elementRef key="epigraph"/>
  <elementRef key="salute"/>
  <elementRef key="signed"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element opener
    | model.gLike
    | model.phrase
    | argument
    | byline
    | dateline
    | epigraph

Appendix A.1.74 <org>

<org> (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.3.3. Organizational Data]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.editLike (@source) att.sortable (@sortKey)
role specifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as artist, employer, familyGroup, or politicalParty, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <desc> for each <valItem> element in the schema specification of the project's customization.

Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
namesdates: listOrg listPerson org
May contain
<org xml:id="JAMs">  <orgName>Justified Ancients of Mummu</orgName>  <desc>An underground anarchist collective spearheaded by  <persName>Hagbard Celine</persName>, who fight the Illuminati    from a golden submarine, the <name>Leif Ericson</name>  </desc>  <bibl>   <author>Robert Shea</author>   <author>Robert Anton Wilson</author>   <title>The Illuminatus! Trilogy</title>  </bibl> </org>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.nameLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.orgPart"/>
    <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
  <classRef key="model.personLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element org
   attribute role { list { + } }?,
       | (
      ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link | ptr )*,

Appendix A.1.75 <orgName>

<orgName> (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) att.editLike (@source) att.personal (att.naming (@role) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (type, @subtype)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Incomplete information) We have some information on this organization, but a formal article has not been completed.
(Information is not yet available.) No research has been done to identify or describe this organization.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
About a year back, a question of considerable interest was agitated in the <orgName key="PAS1type="voluntary">  <placeName key="PEN">Pennsyla.</placeName> Abolition Society </orgName> [...]
<sch:rule context="tei:org"> <sch:assert role="error"  test="tei:desc[string-length(normalize-space(.)) gt 10] or tei:orgName/@type"> If there is no descriptive information for an org, please add @type to the orgName. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element orgName
   attribute type { "incomplete" | "unavailable" }?,

Appendix A.1.76 <orig>

<orig> (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. Regularization and Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the original version in the copy text, <orig> may be used alone:
<l>But this will be a <orig>meere</orig> confusion</l> <l>And hardly shall we all be <orig>vnderstoode</orig> </l>
Example More usually, an <orig> will be combined with a regularized form within a <choice> element:
<l>But this will be a <choice>   <orig>meere</orig>   <reg>mere</reg>  </choice> confusion</l> <l>And hardly shall we all be <choice>   <orig>vnderstoode</orig>   <reg>understood</reg>  </choice> </l>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element orig

Appendix A.1.77 <p>

<p> (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. Paragraphs 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rendition, @rend, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<p>Hallgerd was outside. <q>There is blood on your axe,</q> she said. <q>What have you    done?</q> </p> <p>  <q>I have now arranged that you can be married a second time,</q> replied Thjostolf. </p> <p>  <q>Then you must mean that Thorvald is dead,</q> she said. </p> <p>  <q>Yes,</q> said Thjostolf. <q>And now you must think up some plan for me.</q> </p>
<s:report test="not(ancestor::tei:floatingText) and (ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab) and not(parent::tei:exemplum |parent::tei:item |parent::tei:note |parent::tei:q |parent::tei:quote |parent::tei:remarks |parent::tei:said |parent::tei:sp |parent::tei:stage |parent::tei:cell |parent::tei:figure )"> Abstract model violation: Paragraphs may not occur inside other paragraphs or ab elements. </s:report>
<s:report test="ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:p[. = current()])]"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, p, or ab. </s:report>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element p

Appendix A.1.78 <particDesc>

<particDesc> (participation description) describes the identifiable speakers, voices, or other participants in any kind of text or other persons named or otherwise referred to in a text, edition, or metadata. [15.2. Contextual Information]
Module corpus
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
core: p
derived-module-coldesp: people
linking: ab

May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a structured list of persons and person groups, with an optional formal specification of any relationships amongst them.

<particDesc>  <listPerson>   <person xml:id="P-1234sex="2age="mid">    <p>Female informant, well-educated, born in        Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently.        Socio-Economic status B2.</p>   </person>   <person xml:id="P-4332sex="1">    <persName>     <surname>Hancock</surname>     <forename>Antony</forename>     <forename>Aloysius</forename>     <forename>St John</forename>    </persName>    <residence notAfter="1959">     <address>      <street>Railway Cuttings</street>      <settlement>East Cheam</settlement>     </address>    </residence>    <occupation>comedian</occupation>   </person>   <listRelation>    <relation type="personalname="spouse"     mutual="#P-1234 #P-4332"/>   </listRelation>  </listPerson> </particDesc>
This example shows both a very simple person description, and a very detailed one, using some of the more specialized elements from the module for Names and Dates.
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.personLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPerson"/>
   <elementRef key="listOrg"/>
Schema Declaration
element particDesc
   ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personLike | listPerson | listOrg )+ )

Appendix A.1.79 <pb>

<pb> (page beginning) marks the beginning of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. Milestone Elements]
Module core
Attributes (xml:lang, @xml:id, @n) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@facs) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

The Despatches project uses the facs attribute to specify a link to the page-image for the page following the break.

<pb facs="co_60_22/co_60_22_00055r.jpg"/>
<sch:rule context="tei:pb"> <sch:assert test="not(@n)"> Don't use @n for links to page-images. Use @facs instead. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:pb"> <sch:assert test="not(parent::tei:table or parent::tei:row)"> Page breaks cannot appear as children of table elements or row elements. Put them inside cells. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:pb"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(@facs, '\s'))"> Spaces are not allowed in @facs. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element pb

Appendix A.1.80 <people>

Module derived-module-coldesp
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople people
namesdates: listPerson org
May contain
core: desc head
derived-module-coldesp: people peopleName
namesdates: location
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="people"/>
   <elementRef key="peopleName"/>
  <elementRef key="location" minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element people
   ( model.headLike*, ( people | peopleName )+, location*, desc* )

Appendix A.1.81 <peopleName>

Module derived-module-coldesp
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc head
derived-module-coldesp: peopleName
character data
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="peopleName"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element peopleName
   ( model.headLike*, desc*, peopleName*, text )

Appendix A.1.82 <persName>

<persName> (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source) att.datable.w3c (when, notAfter, @notBefore, @from, @to) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Incomplete biography) We have some information, but a formal bio has not been completed.
(Biographical information is not yet available.) No research has been done to identify or describe this person.
(First Nations) This individual is believed to be a First Nations person.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<persName>  <forename>Edward</forename>  <forename>George</forename>  <surname type="linked">Bulwer-Lytton</surname>, <roleName>Baron Lytton of  <placeName>Knebworth</placeName>  </roleName> </persName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element persName
   attribute type { "incomplete" | "unavailable" | "fn" }?,

Appendix A.1.83 <person>

<person> provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
role specifies a primary role or classification for the person.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as artist, employer, author, relative, or servant, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

sex specifies the sex of the person.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or may refer to an external standard, such as vCard's sex property (in which M indicates male, F female, O other, N none or not applicable, U unknown), or the often used ISO 5218:2004 Representation of Human Sexes (in which 0 indicates unknown; 1 male; 2 female; and 9 not applicable, although the ISO standard is widely considered inadequate); cf. CETH's Recommendations for Inclusive Data Collection of Trans People

Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
namesdates: listPerson org
May contain
header: idno
linking: ab
namesdates: birth death persName
transcr: fw

May contain either a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a sequence of more specific demographic elements drawn from the model.personPart class.

<person sex="Fage="adult">  <p>Female respondent, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic    status B2.</p> </person>
<person sex="intersexrole="god"  age="immortal">  <persName>Hermaphroditos</persName>  <persName xml:lang="grc">Ἑρμαφρόδιτος</persName> </person>
<person xml:id="Ovi01sex="1role="poet">  <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>  <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName>  <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC <placeName>    <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>    <country key="IT">Italy</country>   </placeName>  </birth>  <death notBefore="0017notAfter="0018">17 or 18 AD <placeName>    <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>    <country key="RO">Romania</country>   </placeName>  </death> </person>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.personPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
Schema Declaration
element person
   attribute role { list { + } }?,
   attribute sex { list { + } }?,
   ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personPart | | ptr )* )

Appendix A.1.84 <personGrp>

<personGrp> (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
role specifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as movement, employers, relatives, or servants, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
namesdates: listPerson org
May contain
header: idno
linking: ab
namesdates: birth death persName
transcr: fw

May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or any sequence of demographic elements in any combination.

The global xml:id attribute should be used to identify each speaking participant in a spoken text if the who attribute is specified on individual utterances.

<personGrp xml:id="pg1role="audience"  sex="mixedsize="approx 50"/>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.personPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element personGrp
   attribute role { text }?,
   ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personPart | )* )

Appendix A.1.85 <place>

<place> contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. Places]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: listPlace org place
May contain
header: idno
linking: ab
<place>  <country>Lithuania</country>  <country xml:lang="lt">Lietuva</country>  <place>   <settlement>Vilnius</settlement>  </place>  <place>   <settlement>Kaunas</settlement>  </place> </place>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.placeStateLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.eventLike"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="idno"/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPlace"/>
Schema Declaration
element place
       | ( model.labelLike | model.placeStateLike | model.eventLike )*
      ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike | idno | ptr | linkGrp | link )*,
      ( model.placeLike | listPlace )*

Appendix A.1.86 <placeName>

<placeName> contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) att.datable.w3c (when, notAfter, @notBefore, @from, @to) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<placeName>  <settlement>Rochester</settlement>  <region>New York</region> </placeName>
<placeName>  <geogName>Arrochar Alps</geogName>  <region>Argylshire</region> </placeName>
<placeName>  <measure>10 miles</measure>  <offset>Northeast of</offset>  <settlement>Attica</settlement> </placeName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element placeName
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.87 <prefixDef>

<prefixDef> (prefix definition) defines a prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using the scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.patternReplacement (@matchPattern, @replacementPattern)
ident supplies a name which functions as the prefix for an abbreviated pointing scheme such as a private URI scheme. The prefix constitutes the text preceding the first colon.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.prefix

The value is limited to teidata.prefix so that it may be mapped directly to a URI prefix.

Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab

The abbreviated pointer may be dereferenced to produce either an absolute or a relative URI reference. In the latter case it is combined with the value of xml:base in force at the place where the pointing attribute occurs to form an absolute URI in the usual manner as prescribed by XML Base.

<prefixDef ident="ref"  matchPattern="([a-z]+)"  replacementPattern="../../references/references.xml#$1">  <p> In the context of this project, private URIs with    the prefix "ref" point to <gi>div</gi> elements in    the project's global references.xml file.  </p> </prefixDef>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element prefixDef
   attribute ident { text },

Appendix A.1.88 <profileDesc>

<profileDesc> (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. The Profile Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain

Although the content model permits it, it is rarely meaningful to supply multiple occurrences for any of the child elements of <profileDesc> unless these are documenting multiple texts.

<profileDesc>  <langUsage>   <language ident="fr">French</language>  </langUsage>  <textDesc n="novel">   <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel>   <constitution type="single"/>   <derivation type="original"/>   <domain type="art"/>   <factuality type="fiction"/>   <interaction type="none"/>   <preparedness type="prepared"/>   <purpose type="entertaindegree="high"/>   <purpose type="informdegree="medium"/>  </textDesc>  <settingDesc>   <setting>    <name>Paris, France</name>    <time>Late 19th century</time>   </setting>  </settingDesc> </profileDesc>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.profileDescPart"
  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element profileDesc

Appendix A.1.89 <ptr>

<ptr> (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.pointing (@target) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element
<ptr target="#p143 #p144"/> <ptr target=""/> <ptr cRef="1.3.4"/>
<s:report test="@target and @cRef">Only one of the attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on <s:name/>.</s:report>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element ptr

Appendix A.1.90 <pubPlace>

<pubPlace> (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.naming (@role) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
May contain
<publicationStmt>  <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher>  <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace>  <date>1989</date> </publicationStmt>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element pubPlace

Appendix A.1.91 <publicationStmt>

<publicationStmt> (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
header: fileDesc
May contain
header: idno
linking: ab

Where a publication statement contains several members of the or model.publicationStmtPart.detail classes rather than one or more paragraphs or anonymous blocks, care should be taken to ensure that the repeated elements are presented in a meaningful order. It is a conformance requirement that elements supplying information about publication place, address, identifier, availability, and date be given following the name of the publisher, distributor, or authority concerned, and preferably in that order.

<publicationStmt>  <publisher>C. Muquardt </publisher>  <pubPlace>Bruxelles &amp; Leipzig</pubPlace>  <date when="1846"/> </publicationStmt>
<publicationStmt>  <publisher>Chadwyck Healey</publisher>  <pubPlace>Cambridge</pubPlace>  <availability>   <p>Available under licence only</p>  </availability>  <date when="1992">1992</date> </publicationStmt>
<publicationStmt>  <publisher>Zea Books</publisher>  <pubPlace>Lincoln, NE</pubPlace>  <date>2017</date>  <availability>   <p>This is an open access work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.</p>  </availability>  <ptr target=""/> </publicationStmt>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.publicationStmtPart.detail"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element publicationStmt
      (, model.publicationStmtPart.detail* )+
    | model.pLike+

Appendix A.1.92 <publisher>

<publisher> provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.canonical (@key, @ref) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
May contain

Use the full form of the name by which a company is usually referred to, rather than any abbreviation of it which may appear on a title page

<imprint>  <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace>  <publisher>Clarendon Press</publisher>  <date>1987</date> </imprint>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element publisher

Appendix A.1.93 <q>

<q> (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.ascribed.directed (@toWhom)
type may be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
representation of speech
representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
quotation from a written source
authorial distance
linguistically distinct
technical term
rhetorically emphasized
refering to itself, not its normal referent
Member of
Contained by
May contain

May be used to indicate that a passage is distinguished from the surrounding text for reasons concerning which no claim is made. When used in this manner, <q> may be thought of as syntactic sugar for <hi> with a value of rend that indicates the use of such mechanisms as quotation marks.

It is spelled <q>Tübingen</q> — to enter the letter <q>u</q> with an umlaut hold down the <q>option</q> key and press <q>0 0 f c</q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element q
   attribute type
    | "thought"
    | "written"
    | "soCalled"
    | "foreign"
    | "distinct"
    | "term"
    | "emph"
    | "mentioned"

Appendix A.1.94 <quote>

<quote> (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.notated (@notation) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If a bibliographic citation is supplied for the source of a quotation, the two may be grouped using the <cit> element.

Lexicography has shown little sign of being affected by the work of followers of J.R. Firth, probably best summarized in his slogan, <quote>You shall know a word by the company it keeps</quote> <ref>(Firth, 1957)</ref>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element quote

Appendix A.1.95 <ref>

<ref> (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.pointing (@target) att.cReferencing (@cRef) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(A link whose contents should be turned into a full citation of the target document.)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The target and cRef attributes are mutually exclusive.

See especially <ref target="">the second sentence</ref>
See also <ref target="#locution">s.v. <term>locution</term> </ref>.
<sch:rule context="tei:ref[@target]"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(@target, '\s'))"> ERROR: target attributes must not contain spaces. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<s:report test="@target and @cRef">Only one of the attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on <s:name/> </s:report>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element ref
   attribute type
    | "appURI"
    | "citation"
    | "co_ref"
    | "confirm_receipt"
    | "doc"
    | "document"
    | "external"
    | "map"
    | "marginalia"
    | "provisional"

Appendix A.1.96 <reg>

<reg> (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. Regularization and Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the fact that the copy text has been regularized, <reg> may be used alone:
<q>Please <reg>knock</reg> if an <reg>answer</reg> is <reg>required</reg> </q>
Example It is also possible to identify the individual responsible for the regularization, and, using the <choice> and <orig> elements, to provide both the original and regularized readings:
<q>Please <choice>   <reg resp="#LB">knock</reg>   <orig>cnk</orig>  </choice> if an <choice>   <reg>answer</reg>   <orig>nsr</orig>  </choice> is <choice>   <reg>required</reg>   <orig>reqd</orig>  </choice> </q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element reg

Appendix A.1.97 <rendition>

<rendition> supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.styleDef (scheme, @schemeVersion)
selector contains a selector or series of selectors specifying the elements to which the contained style description applies, expressed in the language specified in the scheme attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<rendition scheme="css"  selector="text, front, back, body, div, p, ab"> display: block; </rendition>
<rendition scheme="css"  selector="*[rend*=italic]"> font-style: italic; </rendition>

Since the default value of the scheme attribute is assumed to be CSS, the default expectation for this attribute, in the absence of scheme, is that CSS selector syntax will be used.

While rendition is used to point from an element in the transcribed source to a <rendition> element in the header which describes how it appears, the selector attribute allows the encoder to point in the other direction: from a <rendition> in the header to a collection of elements which all share the same renditional features. In both cases, the intention is to record the appearance of the source text, not to prescribe any particular output rendering.

Contained by
header: tagsDecl
May contain
<tagsDecl>  <rendition xml:id="r-centerscheme="css">text-align: center;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="r-smallscheme="css">font-size: small;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="r-largescheme="css">font-size: large;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="initcaps"   scope="first-letterscheme="css">font-size: xx-large</rendition> </tagsDecl>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element rendition
   attribute selector { text }?,

Appendix A.1.98 <resp>

<resp> (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.canonical (key, @ref)
Contained by
core: respStmt
May contain

The attribute ref, inherited from the class att.canonical may be used to indicate the kind of responsibility in a normalized form by referring directly to a standardized list of responsibility types, such as that maintained by a naming authority, for example the list maintained at for bibliographic usage.

<respStmt>  <resp ref="">compiler</resp>  <name>Edward Child</name> </respStmt>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element resp

Appendix A.1.99 <respStmt>

<respStmt> (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.canonical (@key, @ref) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl series
header: titleStmt
May contain
core: name note resp
derived-module-coldesp: peopleName
namesdates: orgName persName
<respStmt>  <resp>transcribed from original ms</resp>  <persName>Claus Huitfeldt</persName> </respStmt>
<respStmt>  <resp>converted to XML encoding</resp>  <name>Alan Morrison</name> </respStmt>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <elementRef key="resp" minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.nameLike.agent"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <classRef key="model.nameLike.agent"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <elementRef key="resp" minOccurs="1"
  <elementRef key="note" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element respStmt
      ( ( resp+, model.nameLike.agent+ ) | ( model.nameLike.agent+, resp+ ) ),

Appendix A.1.100 <revisionDesc>

<revisionDesc> (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
status (Shows the status of the document.) The @status attribute is used to track the current status of the document with regard to proofing.
Status Optional
Legal values are:
(Not yet proofed.)
(Proofed and clear for publication..)
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain
core: list
header: change

If present on this element, the status attribute should indicate the current status of the document. The same attribute may appear on any <change> to record the status at the time of that change. Conventionally <change> elements should be given in reverse date order, with the most recent change at the start of the list.

<revisionDesc status="embargoed">  <change when="1991-11-11who="#LB"> deleted chapter 10 </change> </revisionDesc>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <elementRef key="list"/>
  <elementRef key="listChange"/>
  <elementRef key="change" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element revisionDesc
   attribute status { "unproofed" | "proofed" }?,
   ( list | listChange | change+ )

Appendix A.1.101 <roleName>

<roleName> contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

A <roleName> may be distinguished from an <addName> by virtue of the fact that, like a title, it typically exists independently of its holder.

<persName>  <forename>William</forename>  <surname>Poulteny</surname>  <roleName>Earl of Bath</roleName> </persName>
<p>The <roleName role="#solicitor_general">S.G.</roleName> is the only national public official, including the Supreme Court justices, required by statute to be “learned in the law.”</p>
<p>  <persName ref="#NJF">   <roleName role="#solicitor_general">Solicitor General</roleName> Noel J. Francisco</persName>, representing the administration, asserted in rebuttal that there was nothing to disavow (...) <persName ref="#NJF">Francisco</persName> had violated the scrupulous standard of candor about the facts and the law that <roleName role="#solicitor_general">S.G.s</roleName>, in Republican and Democratic administrations alike, have repeatedly said they must honor. </p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element roleName

Appendix A.1.102 <row>

<row> contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
Module figures
Attributes Attributes att.tableDecoration (@role, @rows, @cols) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
figures: table
May contain
figures: cell
<row role="data">  <cell role="label">Classics</cell>  <cell>Idle listless and unimproving</cell> </row>
Content model
 <elementRef key="cell" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element row

Appendix A.1.103 <rs>

<rs> (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. Personal Names 3.5.1. Referring Strings]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.naming (@role) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<q>My dear <rs type="person">Mr. Bennet</rs>, </q> said <rs type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day, <q>have you heard that <rs type="place">Netherfield Park</rs> is let at last?</q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element rs

Appendix A.1.104 <salute>

<salute> (salutation) contains a salutation or greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
Module textstructure
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: list
figures: table
textstructure: body closer div opener
May contain
<salute>To all courteous mindes, that will voutchsafe the readinge.</salute>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element salute

Appendix A.1.105 <seg>

<seg> (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the ‘chunk’ level. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 6.2. Components of the Verse Line 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module linking
Attributes Attributes att.segLikeatt.written (@hand) att.notated (@notation) (xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@corresp, @next, @prev) (@facs) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.typed (type, @subtype)
xml:id (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
Derived from
Status Required
Datatype ID
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(This identifies a segment as an "interesting snippet".) "Interesting snippets" are harvested by the build process and turned into a JSON file which is used to drive the home page snippet function.
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The <seg> element may be used at the encoder's discretion to mark any segments of the text of interest for processing. One use of the element is to mark text features for which no appropriate markup is otherwise defined. Another use is to provide an identifier for some segment which is to be pointed at by some other element—i.e. to provide a target, or a part of a target, for a <ptr> or other similar element.

<seg>When are you leaving?</seg> <seg>Tomorrow.</seg>
<s>  <seg rend="capstype="initial-cap">So father's only</seg> glory was the ballfield. </s>
<seg type="preamble">  <seg>Sigmund, <seg type="patronym">the son of Volsung</seg>, was a king in Frankish country.</seg>  <seg>Sinfiotli was the eldest of his sons ...</seg>  <seg>Borghild, Sigmund's wife, had a brother ... </seg> </seg>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element seg
   attribute xml:id { text },
   attribute type { "snippet" },

Appendix A.1.106 <sense>

<sense> groups together all information relating to one word sense in a dictionary entry, for example definitions, examples, and translation equivalents. [9.2. The Structure of Dictionary Entries]
Module dictionaries
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.lexicographic (@expand, @norm, @split, @value, @orig, @location, @mergedIn, @opt)
level gives the nesting depth of this sense.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count
Member of
Contained by
core: cit
dictionaries: entry
May contain
core: note
dictionaries: def

May contain character data mixed with any other elements defined in the dictionary tag set.

<sense n="2">  <usg type="time">Vx.</usg>  <def>Vaillance, bravoure (spécial., au combat)</def>  <cit type="example">   <quote>La valeur n'attend pas le nombre des années</quote>   <bibl>    <author>Corneille</author>   </bibl>  </cit> </sense>
Content model
 <elementRef key="def" minOccurs="1"
 <elementRef key="note" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element sense
   attribute level { text }?,

Appendix A.1.107 <series>

<series> (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
May contain
header: idno
transcr: fw
character data
<series xml:lang="de">  <title level="s">Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen Fachinformatik</title>  <respStmt>   <resp>Herausgegeben von</resp>   <name type="person">Manfred Thaller</name>   <name type="org">Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte</name>  </respStmt>  <title level="s">Serie A: Historische Quellenkunden</title>  <biblScope>Band 11</biblScope> </series>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="title"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <elementRef key="editor"/>
  <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
  <elementRef key="biblScope"/>
  <elementRef key="idno"/>
  <elementRef key="textLang"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="availability"/>
Schema Declaration
element series
    | model.gLike
    | titlemodel.ptrLikeeditorrespStmtbiblScopeidno
    | textLang
    | availability

Appendix A.1.108 <sic>

<sic> (Latin for thus or so) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors]
Module core
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (resp, @cert) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
for his nose was as sharp as a pen, and <sic>a Table</sic> of green fields.
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the apparent problem in the copy text, <sic> may be used alone:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <sic>we can</sic> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
Example It is also possible, using the <choice> and <corr> elements, to provide a corrected reading:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <choice>  <sic>we can</sic>  <corr>can we</corr> </choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
for his nose was as sharp as a pen, and <choice>  <sic>a Table</sic>  <corr>a' babbld</corr> </choice> of green fields.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element sic

Appendix A.1.109 <signed>

<signed> (signature) contains the closing salutation, etc., appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
Module textstructure
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
core: list
figures: table
textstructure: body closer div opener
May contain
<signed>Thine to command <name>Humph. Moseley</name> </signed>
<closer>  <signed>Sign'd and Seal'd,  <list>    <item>John Bull,</item>    <item>Nic. Frog.</item>   </list>  </signed> </closer>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element signed

Appendix A.1.110 <soCalled>

<soCalled> contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Module core
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
To edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance, was what the knowing ones call <soCalled>nuts</soCalled> to Scrooge.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element soCalled {, macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.111 <sourceDesc>

<sourceDesc> (source description) describes the source(s) from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. The Source Description]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
header: fileDesc
May contain
derived-module-coldesp: listPeople
figures: table
linking: ab
<sourceDesc>  <bibl>   <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In  <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>.  <publisher>OUP</publisher>   <date>1968</date>. </bibl> </sourceDesc>
<sourceDesc>  <p>Born digital: no previous source exists.</p> </sourceDesc>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.sourceDescPart"/>
   <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element sourceDesc
    | ( model.biblLike | model.sourceDescPart | model.listLike )+

Appendix A.1.112 <styleDefDecl>

<styleDefDecl> (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. The Default Style Definition Language Declaration]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.styleDef (@scheme, @schemeVersion)
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<styleDefDecl scheme="css"  schemeVersion="2.1"/> <!-- ... --> <tagsDecl>  <rendition xml:id="boldface">font-weight: bold;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="italicstyle">font-style: italic;</rendition> </tagsDecl>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element styleDefDecl

Appendix A.1.113 <supplied>

<supplied> signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason; for example because the original cannot be read due to physical damage, or because of an obvious omission by the author or scribe. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
Module transcr
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source)) att.editLike (@source) att.dimensions
reason one or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The <damage>, <gap>, <del>, <unclear> and <supplied> elements may be closely allied in use. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

I am dr Sr yr <supplied reason="illegible"  source="#amanuensis_copy">very humble Servt</supplied> Sydney Smith
<supplied reason="omitted-in-original">Dedication</supplied> to the duke of Bejar
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element supplied
   attribute reason { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.114 <surface>

<surface> defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
Module transcr
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.coordinated (ulx, uly, lrx, lry, @points)
Contained by
May contain

The <surface> element represents any two-dimensional space on some physical surface forming part of the source material, such as a piece of paper, a face of a monument, a billboard, a scroll, a leaf etc.

The coordinate space defined by this element may be thought of as a grid lrx - ulx units wide and uly - lry units high.

The <surface> element may contain graphic representations or transcriptions of written zones, or both. The coordinate values used by every <zone> element contained by this element are to be understood with reference to the same grid.

Where it is useful or meaningful to do so, any grouping of multiple <surface> elements may be indicated using the <surfaceGrp> element.

<facsimile>  <surface ulx="0uly="0lrx="200lry="300">   <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>  </surface> </facsimile>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <elementRef key="zone"/>
    <elementRef key="line"/>
    <elementRef key="path"/>
    <elementRef key="surface"/>
    <elementRef key="surfaceGrp"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element surface
      ( | model.labelLike | model.graphicLike )*,
      ( ( zone | line | path | surface | surfaceGrp ),* )*

Appendix A.1.115 <surname>

<surname> contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.naming (@role) att.canonical (key, @ref)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<surname type="combine">St John Stevas</surname>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element surname

Appendix A.1.116 <table>

<table> contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
Module figures
Attributes Attributes att.typed (@type, @subtype) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
rows indicates the number of rows in the table.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

If no number is supplied, an application must calculate the number of rows.

Rows should be presented from top to bottom.

cols (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

If no number is supplied, an application must calculate the number of columns.

Within each row, columns should be presented left to right.

Member of
Contained by
dictionaries: def form
figures: cell
linking: ab seg
textstructure: body div salute signed
transcr: supplied
May contain
figures: row
textstructure: closer salute signed
transcr: fw

Contains an optional heading and a series of rows.

Any rendition information should be supplied using the global rend attribute, at the table, row, or cell level as appropriate.

<table rows="4cols="4">  <head>Poor Men's Lodgings in Norfolk (Mayhew, 1843)</head>  <row role="label">   <cell role="data"/>   <cell role="data">Dossing Cribs or Lodging Houses</cell>   <cell role="data">Beds</cell>   <cell role="data">Needys or Nightly Lodgers</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Bury St Edmund's</cell>   <cell role="data">5</cell>   <cell role="data">8</cell>   <cell role="data">128</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Thetford</cell>   <cell role="data">3</cell>   <cell role="data">6</cell>   <cell role="data">36</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Attleboro'</cell>   <cell role="data">3</cell>   <cell role="data">5</cell>   <cell role="data">20</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Wymondham</cell>   <cell role="data">1</cell>   <cell role="data">11</cell>   <cell role="data">22</cell>  </row> </table>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.headLike"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="row"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element table
   attribute rows { text }?,
   attribute cols { text }?,
      ( model.headLike | )*,
      ( ( row,* )+ | ( model.graphicLike,* )+ ),
      ( model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.117 <tagsDecl>

<tagsDecl> (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
partial indicates whether the element types listed exhaustively include all those found within <text>, or represent only a subset.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.truthValue

TEI recommended practice is to specify this attribute. When the <tagUsage> elements inside <tagsDecl> are used to list each of the element types in the associated <text>, the value should be given as false. When the <tagUsage> elements inside <tagsDecl> are used to provide usage information or default renditions for only a subset of the elements types within the associated <text>, the value should be true.

Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
header: rendition
<tagsDecl partial="true">  <rendition xml:id="rend-itscheme="css"   selector="emph, hi, name, title">font-style: italic;</rendition>  <namespace name="">   <tagUsage gi="hioccurs="467"/>   <tagUsage gi="titleoccurs="45"/>  </namespace>  <namespace name="">   <tagUsage gi="paraoccurs="10"/>  </namespace> </tagsDecl>
If the partial attribute were not specified here, the implication would be that the document in question contains only <hi>, <title>, and <para> elements.
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <elementRef key="rendition" minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="namespace" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element tagsDecl
   attribute partial { text }?,
   ( rendition*, namespace* )

Appendix A.1.118 <taxonomy>

<taxonomy> defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Contained by
May contain

Nested taxonomies are common in many fields, so the <taxonomy> element can be nested.

<taxonomy xml:id="tax.b">  <bibl>Brown Corpus</bibl>  <category xml:id="tax.b.a">   <catDesc>Press Reportage</catDesc>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a1">    <catDesc>Daily</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a2">    <catDesc>Sunday</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a3">    <catDesc>National</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a4">    <catDesc>Provincial</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a5">    <catDesc>Political</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a6">    <catDesc>Sports</catDesc>   </category>  </category>  <category xml:id="tax.b.d">   <catDesc>Religion</catDesc>   <category xml:id="tax.b.d1">    <catDesc>Books</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.d2">    <catDesc>Periodicals and tracts</catDesc>   </category>  </category> </taxonomy>
<taxonomy>  <category xml:id="literature">   <catDesc>Literature</catDesc>   <category xml:id="poetry">    <catDesc>Poetry</catDesc>    <category xml:id="sonnet">     <catDesc>Sonnet</catDesc>     <category xml:id="shakesSonnet">      <catDesc>Shakespearean Sonnet</catDesc>     </category>     <category xml:id="petraSonnet">      <catDesc>Petrarchan Sonnet</catDesc>     </category>    </category>    <category xml:id="haiku">     <catDesc>Haiku</catDesc>    </category>   </category>   <category xml:id="drama">    <catDesc>Drama</catDesc>   </category>  </category>  <category xml:id="meter">   <catDesc>Metrical Categories</catDesc>   <category xml:id="feet">    <catDesc>Metrical Feet</catDesc>    <category xml:id="iambic">     <catDesc>Iambic</catDesc>    </category>    <category xml:id="trochaic">     <catDesc>trochaic</catDesc>    </category>   </category>   <category xml:id="feetNumber">    <catDesc>Number of feet</catDesc>    <category xml:id="pentameter">     <catDesc>>Pentameter</catDesc>    </category>    <category xml:id="tetrameter">     <catDesc>>Tetrameter</catDesc>    </category>   </category>  </category> </taxonomy> <!-- elsewhere in document --> <lg ana="#shakesSonnet #iambic #pentameter">  <l>Shall I compare thee to a summer's day</l> <!-- ... --> </lg>
Content model
   <alternate minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="category"/>
    <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="1"
     <classRef key="model.glossLike"/>
     <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <elementRef key="category"/>
     <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="category"/>
    <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
Schema Declaration
element taxonomy
         ( category | taxonomy )+
       | ( ( model.glossLike | model.descLike )+, ( category | taxonomy )* )
    | ( model.biblLike, ( category | taxonomy )* )

Appendix A.1.119 <teiHeader>

<teiHeader> (TEI header) supplies descriptive and declarative metadata associated with a digital resource or set of resources. [2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
textstructure: TEI
May contain

One of the few elements unconditionally required in any TEI document.

<teiHeader>  <fileDesc>   <titleStmt>    <title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title>    <author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author>    <respStmt>     <resp>Originally prepared by</resp>     <name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name>    </respStmt>    <respStmt>     <resp>Revised and edited by</resp>     <name>Christine Avern-Carr</name>    </respStmt>   </titleStmt>   <publicationStmt>    <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>    <address>     <addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine>    </address>    <idno type="OTA">119</idno>    <availability>     <p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p>    </availability>    <date when="1968">1968</date>   </publicationStmt>   <sourceDesc>    <bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile,        1968)</bibl>   </sourceDesc>  </fileDesc>  <encodingDesc>   <projectDesc>    <p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling        concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the        editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p>   </projectDesc>   <editorialDecl>    <correction>     <p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p>    </correction>    <normalization>     <p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured          forms are not encoded.</p>    </normalization>   </editorialDecl>   <refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF">    <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"     replacementPattern="#xpath(//div1[@n='$1']/div2/[@n='$2']//lb[@n='$3'])">     <p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that          listed here: <list>       <item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi>       </item>       <item>a period</item>       <item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi>       </item>       <item>a space</item>       <item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi>       </item>      </list>     </p>    </cRefPattern>   </refsDecl>  </encodingDesc>  <revisionDesc>   <list>    <item>     <date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item>    <item>     <date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item>   </list>  </revisionDesc> </teiHeader>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <elementRef key="fileDesc"/>
  <classRef key="model.teiHeaderPart"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="revisionDesc"
Schema Declaration
element teiHeader
   ( fileDesc, model.teiHeaderPart*, revisionDesc? )

Appendix A.1.120 <term>

<term> contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. Terms, Glosses, Equivalents, and Descriptions]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.sortable (@sortKey) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.canonical (key, @ref)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

When this element appears within an <index> element, it is understood to supply the form under which an index entry is to be made for that location. Elsewhere, it is understood simply to indicate that its content is to be regarded as a technical or specialised term. It may be associated with a <gloss> element by means of its ref attribute; alternatively a <gloss> element may point to a <term> element by means of its target attribute.

In formal terminological work, there is frequently discussion over whether terms must be atomic or may include multi-word lexical items, symbolic designations, or phraseological units. The <term> element may be used to mark any of these. No position is taken on the philosophical issue of what a term can be; the looser definition simply allows the <term> element to be used by practitioners of any persuasion.

As with other members of the att.canonical class, instances of this element occuring in a text may be associated with a canonical definition, either by means of a URI (using the ref attribute), or by means of some system-specific code value (using the key attribute). Because the mutually exclusive target and cRef attributes overlap with the function of the ref attribute, they are deprecated and may be removed at a subsequent release.

A computational device that infers structure from grammatical strings of words is known as a <term>parser</term>, and much of the history of NLP over the last 20 years has been occupied with the design of parsers.
We may define <term xml:id="TDPV1rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as <gloss target="#TDPV1">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss>
We may define <term ref="#TDPV2rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as <gloss xml:id="TDPV2">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss>
We discuss Leech's concept of <term ref="myGlossary.xml#TDPV2rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> below.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element term

Appendix A.1.121 <text>

<text> contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module textstructure
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: TEI
May contain
textstructure: body
transcr: fw

This element should not be used to represent a text which is inserted at an arbitrary point within the structure of another, for example as in an embedded or quoted narrative; the <floatingText> is provided for this purpose.

<text>  <front>   <docTitle>    <titlePart>Autumn Haze</titlePart>   </docTitle>  </front>  <body>   <l>Is it a dragonfly or a maple leaf</l>   <l>That settles softly down upon the water?</l>  </body> </text>
Example The body of a text may be replaced by a group of nested texts, as in the following schematic:
<text>  <front> <!-- front matter for the whole group -->  </front>  <group>   <text> <!-- first text -->   </text>   <text> <!-- second text -->   </text>  </group> </text>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="front"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="body"/>
   <elementRef key="group"/>
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="back"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element text
      ( front,* )?,
      ( body | group ),*,
      ( back,* )?

Appendix A.1.122 <textClass>

<textClass> (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
Module header
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
header: catRef
<taxonomy>  <category xml:id="acprose">   <catDesc>Academic prose</catDesc>  </category> <!-- other categories here --> </taxonomy> <!-- ... --> <textClass>  <catRef target="#acprose"/>  <classCode scheme="">001.9</classCode>  <keywords scheme="">   <list>    <item>End of the world</item>    <item>History - philosophy</item>   </list>  </keywords> </textClass>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="classCode"/>
  <elementRef key="catRef"/>
  <elementRef key="keywords"/>
Schema Declaration
element textClass {, ( classCode | catRef | keywords )* }

Appendix A.1.123 <title>

<title> contains a title for any kind of work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.datable (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.canonical (key, @ref)
level indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:

The level of a title is sometimes implied by its context: for example, a title appearing directly within an <analytic> element is ipso facto of level “a”, and one appearing within a <series> element of level “s”. For this reason, the level attribute is not required in contexts where its value can be unambiguously inferred. Where it is supplied in such contexts, its value should not contradict the value implied by its parent element.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

The attributes key and ref, inherited from the class att.canonical may be used to indicate the canonical form for the title; the former, by supplying (for example) the identifier of a record in some external library system; the latter by pointing to an XML element somewhere containing the canonical form of the title.

<title>Information Technology and the Research Process: Proceedings of a conference held at Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK, 18–21 July 1989</title>
<title>Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles: a machine readable edition</title>
<title type="full">  <title type="main">Synthèse</title>  <title type="sub">an international journal for    epistemology, methodology and history of    science</title> </title>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element title
   attribute level { "a" | "j" | "m" | "s" | "u" }?,

Appendix A.1.124 <titleStmt>

<titleStmt> (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Attributes (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
Contained by
header: fileDesc
May contain
<titleStmt>  <title>Capgrave's Life of St. John Norbert: a machine-readable transcription</title>  <respStmt>   <resp>compiled by</resp>   <name>P.J. Lucas</name>  </respStmt> </titleStmt>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <elementRef key="title" minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.respLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element titleStmt
   ( title+, model.respLike* )

Appendix A.1.125 <unclear>

<unclear> contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text 3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (rend, rendition, @style) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
reason indicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
<div>  <head>Rx</head>  <p>500 mg <unclear reason="illegible">placebo</unclear>  </p> </div>

One or more words may be used to describe the reason; usually each word will refer to a single cause.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

The same element is used for all cases of uncertainty in the transcription of element content, whether for written or spoken material. For other aspects of certainty, uncertainty, and reliability of tagging and transcription, see chapter 21. Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility.

The <damage>, <gap>, <del>, <unclear> and <supplied> elements may be closely allied in use. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

The hand attribute points to a definition of the hand concerned, as further discussed in section Document Hands.

<u> ...and then <unclear reason="background-noise">Nathalie</unclear> said ... </u>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element unclear
   attribute reason
          | "inaudible"
          | "faded"
          | "background_noise"
          | "eccentric_ductus"

Appendix A.1.126 <val>

<val> (value) contains a single attribute value. [22. Documentation Elements 22.5.3. Attribute List Specification]
Module tagdocs
Attributes Attributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@corresp, @next, @prev)) ( (@facs)) ( (@cert, @resp)) ( (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May contain Character data only
Content model
Schema Declaration
element val {, text }

Appendix A.1.127 <zone>

<zone> defines any two-dimensional area within a <surface> element. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
Module transcr
Attributes Attributes att.written (@hand) (n, xml:lang, @xml:id) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (corresp, @next, @prev) (@cert, @resp) (@source) att.coordinated (points, @ulx, @uly, @lrx, @lry)
Member of
Contained by
transcr: surface zone
May contain
linking: seg
transcr: fw surface zone
character data

The position of every zone for a given surface is always defined by reference to the coordinate system defined for that surface.

A graphic element contained by a zone represents the whole of the zone.

A zone may be of any shape. The attribute points may be used to define a polygonal zone, using the coordinate system defined by its parent surface.

A zone is always a closed polygon. Repeating the initial coordinate at the end of the sequence is optional. To encode an unclosed path, use the <path> element.

<surface ulx="14.54uly="16.14lrx="0"  lry="0">  <graphic url="stone.jpg"/>  <zone points="4.6,6.3 5.25,5.85 6.2,6.6 8.19222,7.4125 9.89222,6.5875 10.9422,6.1375 11.4422,6.7125 8.21722,8.3125 6.2,7.65"/> </surface>
This example defines a non-rectangular zone: see the illustration in section [[undefined PH-surfzone]].
<facsimile>  <surface ulx="50uly="20lrx="400"   lry="280">   <zone ulx="0uly="0lrx="500lry="321">    <graphic url="graphic.png "/>   </zone>  </surface> </facsimile>
This example defines a zone which has been defined as larger than its parent surface in order to match the dimensions of the graphic it contains.
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="surface"/>
  <classRef key="model.linePart"/>
Schema Declaration
element zone
    | model.gLike
    | model.graphicLikemodel.globalsurfacemodel.linePart

Appendix A.2 Model classes

Appendix A.2.1 model.addrPart

model.addrPart groups elements such as names or postal codes which may appear as part of a postal address. [3.5.2. Addresses]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.nameLike[model.nameLike.agent[name orgName peopleName persName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart[forename genName roleName surname] model.placeStateLike[model.placeNamePart[placeName] location] idno rs] addrLine

Appendix A.2.2 model.addressLike

model.addressLike groups elements used to represent a postal or email address. [1. The TEI Infrastructure]
Module tei
Used by
Members address

Appendix A.2.3 model.applicationLike

model.applicationLike groups elements used to record application-specific information about a document in its header.
Module tei
Used by
Members application

Appendix A.2.4 model.biblLike

model.biblLike groups elements containing a bibliographic description. [3.11. Bibliographic Citations and References]
Module tei
Used by
Members bibl listBibl

Appendix A.2.5 model.biblPart

model.biblPart groups elements which represent components of a bibliographic description. [3.11. Bibliographic Citations and References]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.imprintPart[biblScope pubPlace publisher] model.respLike[author editor funder respStmt] bibl series

Appendix A.2.6 model.choicePart

model.choicePart groups elements (other than <choice> itself) which can be used within a <choice> alternation. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members abbr corr expan orig reg seg sic supplied unclear

Appendix A.2.7 model.common

model.common groups common chunk- and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.divPart[model.lLike model.pLike[ab p]] model.entryLike[entry] model.inter[model.biblLike[bibl listBibl] model.egLike[egXML] model.labelLike[desc label] model.listLike[list listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace table] model.oddDecl model.qLike[model.quoteLike[cit quote] q] model.stageLike]

This class defines the set of chunk- and inter-level elements; it is used in many content models, including those for textual divisions.

Appendix A.2.8 model.correspActionPart

model.correspActionPart groups elements which define the parts (usually names, dates and places) of one action related to the correspondence.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.addressLike[address] model.dateLike[date] model.nameLike[model.nameLike.agent[name orgName peopleName persName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart[forename genName roleName surname] model.placeStateLike[model.placeNamePart[placeName] location] idno rs] note

Appendix A.2.9 model.correspContextPart

model.correspContextPart groups elements which may appear as part of the correspContext element
Module tei
Used by
Members model.pLike[ab p] model.ptrLike[ptr ref] note

Appendix A.2.10 model.correspDescPart

model.correspDescPart groups together metadata elements for describing correspondence
Module tei
Used by
Members correspAction correspContext note

Appendix A.2.11 model.dateLike

model.dateLike groups elements containing temporal expressions. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 13.3.7. Dates and Times]
Module tei
Used by
Members date

Appendix A.2.12 model.descLike

model.descLike groups elements which contain a description of their function.
Module tei
Used by
Members desc

Appendix A.2.13 model.divBottom

model.divBottom groups elements appearing at the end of a text division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.divBottomPart[closer signed] model.divWrapper[salute]

Appendix A.2.14 model.divBottomPart

model.divBottomPart groups elements which can occur only at the end of a text division. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module tei
Used by
Members closer signed

Appendix A.2.15 model.divGenLike

model.divGenLike groups elements used to represent a structural division which is generated rather than explicitly present in the source.
Module tei
Used by
Members divGen

Appendix A.2.16 model.divLike

model.divLike groups elements used to represent un-numbered generic structural divisions.
Module tei
Used by
Members div

Appendix A.2.17 model.divPart

model.divPart groups paragraph-level elements appearing directly within divisions. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.lLike model.pLike[ab p]

Note that this element class does not include members of the model.inter class, which can appear either within or between paragraph-level items.

Appendix A.2.18 model.divTop

model.divTop groups elements appearing at the beginning of a text division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.divTopPart[model.headLike[head] opener signed] model.divWrapper[salute]

Appendix A.2.19 model.divTopPart

model.divTopPart groups elements which can occur only at the beginning of a text division. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.headLike[head] opener signed

Appendix A.2.20 model.divWrapper

model.divWrapper groups elements which can appear at either top or bottom of a textual division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module tei
Used by
Members salute

Appendix A.2.21 model.egLike

model.egLike groups elements containing examples or illustrations. [22.1.1. Phrase Level Terms]
Module tei
Used by
Members egXML

Appendix A.2.22 model.emphLike

model.emphLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct and to which a specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Module tei
Used by
Members code emph mentioned soCalled term title

Appendix A.2.23 model.encodingDescPart

model.encodingDescPart groups elements which may be used inside <encodingDesc> and appear multiple times.
Module tei
Used by
Members appInfo classDecl listPrefixDef styleDefDecl tagsDecl

Appendix A.2.24 model.entryLike

model.entryLike groups elements structurally analogous to paragraphs within dictionaries. [9.1. Dictionary Body and Overall Structure 1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module dictionaries
Used by
Members entry

Appendix A.2.25 model.entryPart

model.entryPart groups non-morphological elements appearing within a dictionary entry. [9.1. Dictionary Body and Overall Structure]
Module tei
Used by
Members def form sense

Appendix A.2.26 groups high level elements within a structured dictionary entry [9.2. The Structure of Dictionary Entries]
Module tei
Used by
Members cit def entry form

Members of this class typically contain related parts of a dictionary entry which form a coherent subdivision, for example a particular sense, homonym, etc.

Appendix A.2.27 model.formPart

model.formPart groups elements allowed within a <form> element in a dictionary. [9.3.1. Information on Written and Spoken Forms]
Module dictionaries
Used by
Members model.gramPart[model.lexicalRefinement model.morphLike] form

Appendix A.2.28

Appendix A.2.29 groups globally available elements which describe the status of other elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members index

Elements in this class are typically used to hold groups of links or of abstract interpretations, or by provide indications of certainty etc. It may find be convenient to localize all metadata elements, for example to contain them within the same divison as the elements that they relate to; or to locate them all to a division of their own. They may however appear at any point in a TEI text.

Appendix A.2.30 model.gramPart

model.gramPart groups elements allowed within a <gramGrp> element in a dictionary. [9.3.2. Grammatical Information]
Module dictionaries
Used by
Members model.lexicalRefinement model.morphLike

Appendix A.2.31 model.graphicLike

model.graphicLike groups elements containing images, formulae, and similar objects. [3.9. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components]
Module tei
Used by
Members graphic

Appendix A.2.32 model.headLike

model.headLike groups elements used to provide a title or heading at the start of a text division.
Module tei
Used by
Members head

Appendix A.2.33 model.hiLike

model.hiLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct but to which no specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Module tei
Used by
Members hi

Appendix A.2.34 model.highlighted

model.highlighted groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.emphLike[code emph mentioned soCalled term title] model.hiLike[hi]

Appendix A.2.35 model.imprintPart

model.imprintPart groups the bibliographic elements which occur inside imprints. [3.11. Bibliographic Citations and References]
Module tei
Used by
Members biblScope pubPlace publisher

Appendix A.2.36 model.inter

model.inter groups elements which can appear either within or between paragraph-like elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.biblLike[bibl listBibl] model.egLike[egXML] model.labelLike[desc label] model.listLike[list listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace table] model.oddDecl model.qLike[model.quoteLike[cit quote] q] model.stageLike

Appendix A.2.37 model.labelLike

model.labelLike groups elements used to gloss or explain other parts of a document.
Module tei
Used by
Members desc label

Appendix A.2.39 model.linePart

model.linePart groups transcriptional elements which appear within lines or zones of a source-oriented transcription within a <sourceDoc> element.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.hiLike[hi] add choice del seg unclear zone

Appendix A.2.40 model.listLike

model.listLike groups list-like elements. [3.7. Lists]
Module tei
Used by
Members list listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace table

Appendix A.2.41 model.measureLike

model.measureLike groups elements which denote a number, a quantity, a measurement, or similar piece of text that conveys some numerical meaning. [3.5.3. Numbers and Measures]
Module tei
Used by
Members geo

Appendix A.2.42 model.milestoneLike

model.milestoneLike groups milestone-style elements used to represent reference systems. [1.3. The TEI Class System 3.10.3. Milestone Elements]
Module tei
Used by
Members fw lb milestone pb

Appendix A.2.43 model.nameLike

model.nameLike groups elements which name or refer to a person, place, or organization.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.nameLike.agent[name orgName peopleName persName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart[forename genName roleName surname] model.placeStateLike[model.placeNamePart[placeName] location] idno rs

A superset of the naming elements that may appear in datelines, addresses, statements of responsibility, etc.

Appendix A.2.44 model.nameLike.agent

model.nameLike.agent groups elements which contain names of individuals or corporate bodies. [3.5. Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and Addresses]
Module tei
Used by
Members name orgName peopleName persName

This class is used in the content model of elements which reference names of people or organizations.

Appendix A.2.45 model.noteLike

model.noteLike groups globally-available note-like elements. [3.8. Notes, Annotation, and Indexing]
Module tei
Used by
Members note

Appendix A.2.46 model.orgPart

model.orgPart groups elements which form part of the description of an organization.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.eventLike listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace

Appendix A.2.47 model.pLike

Appendix A.2.48

Appendix A.2.49 model.pPart.edit

model.pPart.edit groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial correction and transcription. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.pPart.editorial[abbr choice expan] model.pPart.transcriptional[add corr del orig reg sic supplied unclear]

Appendix A.2.50 model.pPart.editorial

model.pPart.editorial groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial interventions that may be useful both in transcribing and in authoring. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members abbr choice expan

Appendix A.2.51 model.pPart.transcriptional

model.pPart.transcriptional groups phrase-level elements used for editorial transcription of pre-existing source materials. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members add corr del orig reg sic supplied unclear

Appendix A.2.52 model.persNamePart

model.persNamePart groups elements which form part of a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Used by
Members forename genName roleName surname

Appendix A.2.53 model.persStateLike

model.persStateLike groups elements describing changeable characteristics of a person which have a definite duration, for example occupation, residence, or name.
Module tei
Used by
Members persName

These characteristics of an individual are typically a consequence of their own action or that of others.

Appendix A.2.54 model.personLike

model.personLike groups elements which provide information about people and their relationships.
Module tei
Used by
Members org people person personGrp

Appendix A.2.55 model.personPart

model.personPart groups elements which form part of the description of a person. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.biblLike[bibl listBibl] model.eventLike model.persStateLike[persName] birth death idno name

Appendix A.2.57 model.phrase.xml

model.phrase.xml groups phrase-level elements used to encode XML constructs such as element names, attribute names, and attribute values [22. Documentation Elements]
Module tei
Used by
Members att gi val

Appendix A.2.58 model.placeLike

model.placeLike groups elements used to provide information about places and their relationships.
Module tei
Used by
Members place

Appendix A.2.59 model.placeNamePart

model.placeNamePart groups elements which form part of a place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module tei
Used by
Members placeName

Appendix A.2.60 model.placeStateLike

model.placeStateLike groups elements which describe changing states of a place.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.placeNamePart[placeName] location

Appendix A.2.61 model.profileDescPart

model.profileDescPart groups elements which may be used inside <profileDesc> and appear multiple times.
Module tei
Used by
Members abstract correspDesc particDesc textClass

Appendix A.2.62 model.ptrLike

model.ptrLike groups elements used for purposes of location and reference. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References]
Module tei
Used by
Members ptr ref

Appendix A.2.63 groups the child elements of a <publicationStmt> element of the TEI header that indicate an authorising agent. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module tei
Used by
Members publisher

The ‘agency’ child elements, while not required, are required if one of the ‘detail’ child elements is to be used. It is not valid to have a ‘detail’ child element without a preceding ‘agency’ child element.

See also model.publicationStmtPart.detail.

Appendix A.2.64 model.publicationStmtPart.detail

model.publicationStmtPart.detail groups the agency-specific child elements of the <publicationStmt> element of the TEI header. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.ptrLike[ptr ref] address date idno pubPlace

A ‘detail’ child element may not occur unless an ‘agency’ child element precedes it.

See also

Appendix A.2.65 model.qLike

model.qLike groups elements related to highlighting which can appear either within or between chunk-level elements. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.quoteLike[cit quote] q

Appendix A.2.66 model.quoteLike

model.quoteLike groups elements used to directly contain quotations.
Module tei
Used by
Members cit quote

Appendix A.2.67 model.resource

model.resource groups separate elements which constitute the content of a digital resource, as opposed to its metadata. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members facsimile text

Appendix A.2.68 model.respLike

model.respLike groups elements which are used to indicate intellectual or other significant responsibility, for example within a bibliographic element.
Module tei
Used by
Members author editor funder respStmt

Appendix A.2.69 model.segLike

model.segLike groups elements used for arbitrary segmentation. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Module tei
Used by
Members seg

The principles on which segmentation is carried out, and any special codes or attribute values used, should be defined explicitly in the <segmentation> element of the <encodingDesc> within the associated TEI header.

Appendix A.2.70 model.teiHeaderPart

model.teiHeaderPart groups high level elements which may appear more than once in a TEI header.
Module tei
Used by
Members encodingDesc profileDesc

Appendix A.3 Attribute classes

Appendix A.3.1 att.ascribed.directed

att.ascribed.directed provides attributes for elements representing speech or action that can be directed at a group or individual. [3.3.3. Quotation 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts]
Module tei
Members q
Attributes Attributes
toWhom indicates the person, or group of people, to whom a speech act or action is directed.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
In the following example from Mary Pix's The False Friend, speeches (<sp>) in the body of the play are linked to <castItem> elements in the <castList> using the toWhom attribute, which is used to specify who the speech is directed to. Additionally, the <stage> includes toWhom to indicate the directionality of the action.
<castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="emil">Emilius.</role> </castItem> <castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="lov">Lovisa</role> </castItem> <castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="serv">A servant</role> </castItem> <!-- ... --> <sp who="#emil"  toWhom="#lov">  <speaker>Emil.</speaker>  <l n="1">My love!</l> </sp> <sp who="#lov"  toWhom="#emil">  <speaker>Lov.</speaker>  <l n="2">I have no Witness of my Noble Birth</l>  <stage who="emil"   toWhom="#serv">Pointing to her Woman.</stage>  <l>But that poor helpless wretch——</l> </sp>

To indicate the recipient of written correspondence, use the elements used in section 2.4.6. Correspondence Description, rather than a toWhom attribute.

Appendix A.3.2 att.cReferencing

att.cReferencing provides an attribute which may be used to supply a canonical reference as a means of identifying the target of a pointer.
Module tei
Members ptr ref term
Attributes Attributes
cRef (canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a <refsDecl> element in the TEI header
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text

The value of cRef should be constructed so that when the algorithm for the resolution of canonical references (described in section 16.2.5. Canonical References) is applied to it the result is a valid URI reference to the intended target.

The <refsDecl> to use may be indicated with the decls attribute.

Currently these Guidelines only provide for a single canonical reference to be encoded on any given <ptr> element.

Appendix A.3.3 att.canonical

att.canonical provides attributes which can be used to associate a representation such as a name or title with canonical information about the object being named or referenced. [13.1.1. Linking Names and Their Referents]
Module tei
Members att.naming[att.personal[forename genName name orgName persName placeName roleName surname] author birth death editor pubPlace rs] catDesc correspDesc date funder publisher resp respStmt term title
Attributes Attributes
key provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<author>  <name key="name 427308"   type="organisation">[New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council]</name> </author>
<author>  <name key="Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)"   ref="">Victor Hugo</name> </author>

The value may be a unique identifier from a database, or any other externally-defined string identifying the referent.

No particular syntax is proposed for the values of the key attribute, since its form will depend entirely on practice within a given project. For the same reason, this attribute is not recommended in data interchange, since there is no way of ensuring that the values used by one project are distinct from those used by another. In such a situation, a preferable approach for magic tokens which follows standard practice on the Web is to use a ref attribute whose value is a tag URI as defined in RFC 4151.

ref (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<name ref=""  type="person">Seamus Heaney</name>

The value must point directly to one or more XML elements or other resources by means of one or more URIs, separated by whitespace. If more than one is supplied the implication is that the name identifies several distinct entities.

Appendix A.3.4 att.datable

att.datable provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain dates, times, or datable events. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 13.3.7. Dates and Times]
Module tei
Members application birth change date death idno location name orgName persName placeName resp title
Attributes Attributes att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)

This ‘superclass’ provides attributes that can be used to provide normalized values of temporal information. By default, the attributes from the att.datable.w3c class are provided. If the module for names & dates is loaded, this class also provides attributes from the att.datable.iso and att.datable.custom classes. In general, the possible values of attributes restricted to the W3C datatypes form a subset of those values available via the ISO 8601 standard. However, the greater expressiveness of the ISO datatypes may not be needed, and there exists much greater software support for the W3C datatypes.

Appendix A.3.5 att.datable.w3c

att.datable.w3c provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events conforming to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 13.3.7. Dates and Times]
Module tei
Members att.datable[application birth change date death idno location name orgName persName placeName resp title]
Attributes Attributes
when supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
Examples of W3C date, time, and date & time formats.
<p>  <date when="1945-10-24">24 Oct 45</date>  <date when="1996-09-24T07:25:00Z">September 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date>  <time when="1999-01-04T20:42:00-05:00">Jan 4 1999 at 8 pm</time>  <time when="14:12:38">fourteen twelve and 38 seconds</time>  <date when="1962-10">October of 1962</date>  <date when="--06-12">June 12th</date>  <date when="---01">the first of the month</date>  <date when="--08">August</date>  <date when="2006">MMVI</date>  <date when="0056">AD 56</date>  <date when="-0056">56 BC</date> </p>
This list begins in the year 1632, more precisely on Trinity Sunday, i.e. the Sunday after Pentecost, in that year the <date calendar="#julian"  when="1632-06-06">27th of May (old style)</date>.
<opener>  <dateline>   <placeName>Dorchester, Village,</placeName>   <date when="1828-03-02">March 2d. 1828.</date>  </dateline>  <salute>To    Mrs. Cornell,</salute> Sunday <time when="12:00:00">noon.</time> </opener>
notBefore specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
notAfter specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
from indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
to indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@when]"> <sch:report test="@notBefore|@notAfter|@from|@to"  role="nonfatal">The @when attribute cannot be used with any other att.datable.w3c attributes.</sch:report> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@from]"> <sch:report test="@notBefore"  role="nonfatal">The @from and @notBefore attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@to]"> <sch:report test="@notAfter"  role="nonfatal">The @to and @notAfter attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report> </sch:rule>
<date from="1863-05-28to="1863-06-01">28 May through 1 June 1863</date>

The value of these attributes should be a normalized representation of the date, time, or combined date & time intended, in any of the standard formats specified by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, using the Gregorian calendar.

The most commonly-encountered format for the date portion of a temporal attribute is yyyy-mm-dd, but yyyy, --mm, ---dd, yyyy-mm, or --mm-dd may also be used. For the time part, the form hh:mm:ss is used.

Note that this format does not currently permit use of the value 0000 to represent the year 1 BCE; instead the value -0001 should be used.

Appendix A.3.6 att.dimensions

att.dimensions provides attributes for describing the size of physical objects.
Module tei
Members add birth date death del supplied unclear
Attributes Attributes

Appendix A.3.7 att.divLike

att.divLike provides attributes common to all elements which behave in the same way as divisions. [4. Default Text Structure]
Module tei
Members div
Attributes Attributes

Appendix A.3.8 att.editLike

att.editLike provides attributes describing the nature of an encoded scholarly intervention or interpretation of any kind. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes 10.3.1. Origination 13.3.2. The Person Element Core Elements for Transcriptional Work]
Module tei
Members att.transcriptional[add del] birth corr date death expan location name org orgName persName person place placeName reg supplied unclear
Attributes Attributes
Status Optional

The members of this attribute class are typically used to represent any kind of editorial intervention in a text, for example a correction or interpretation, or to date or localize manuscripts etc.

Each pointer on the source (if present) corresponding to a witness or witness group should reference a bibliographic citation such as a <witness>, <msDesc>, or <bibl> element, or another external bibliographic citation, documenting the source concerned.

Appendix A.3.9 att.entryLike

att.entryLike provides an attribute used to distinguish different styles of dictionary entries. [9.1. Dictionary Body and Overall Structure 9.2. The Structure of Dictionary Entries]
Module dictionaries
Members entry
Attributes Attributesatt.typed (type, @subtype)
type indicates type of entry, in dictionaries with multiple types.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
a main entry (default).[Default]
(homograph) groups information relating to one homograph within an entry.
(cross reference) a reduced entry whose only function is to point to another main entry (e.g. for forms of an irregular verb or for variant spellings: was pointing to be, or esthete to aesthete).
an entry for a prefix, infix, or suffix.
(abbreviation) an entry for an abbreviation.
a supplemental entry (for use in dictionaries which issue supplements to their main work in which they include updated information about entries).
an entry for a foreign word in a monolingual dictionary.

The global n attribute may be used to encode the homograph numbers attached to entries for homographs.

Appendix A.3.10 provides attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Global Attributes]
Module tei
Members TEI ab abbr abstract add addrLine address appInfo application att author bibl biblScope birth body catDesc catRef category cell change choice cit classDecl closer code corr correspAction correspContext correspDesc date death def del desc div divGen editor egXML emph encodingDesc entry expan facsimile fileDesc forename form funder fw genName geo gi graphic head hi idno index item label lb list listBibl listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef location mentioned milestone name note notesStmt opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb people peopleName persName person personGrp place placeName prefixDef profileDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref reg rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row rs salute seg sense series sic signed soCalled sourceDesc styleDefDecl supplied surface surname table tagsDecl taxonomy teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt unclear val zone
Attributes Attributes (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@corresp, @next, @prev) (@facs) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
xml:id (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype ID

The xml:id attribute may be used to specify a canonical reference for an element; see section 3.10. Reference Systems.

n (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text

The value of this attribute is always understood to be a single token, even if it contains space or other punctuation characters, and need not be composed of numbers only. It is typically used to specify the numbering of chapters, sections, list items, etc.; it may also be used in the specification of a standard reference system for the text.

xml:lang (language) indicates the language of the element content using a ‘tag’ generated according to BCP 47.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.language
<p> … The consequences of this rapid depopulation were the loss of the last <foreign xml:lang="rap">ariki</foreign> or chief (Routledge 1920:205,210) and their connections to ancestral territorial organization.</p>

The xml:lang value will be inherited from the immediately enclosing element, or from its parent, and so on up the document hierarchy. It is generally good practice to specify xml:lang at the highest appropriate level, noticing that a different default may be needed for the <teiHeader> from that needed for the associated resource element or elements, and that a single TEI document may contain texts in many languages.

The authoritative list of registered language subtags is maintained by IANA and is available at For a good general overview of the construction of language tags, see, and for a practical step-by-step guide, see

The value used must conform with BCP 47. If the value is a private use code (i.e., starts with x- or contains -x-), a <language> element with a matching value for its ident attribute should be supplied in the TEI header to document this value. Such documentation may also optionally be supplied for non-private-use codes, though these must remain consistent with their (IETF)Internet Engineering Task Force definitions.

Appendix A.3.11

Appendix A.3.12 provides a set of attributes for hypertextual linking. [16. Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment]
Module linking
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addrLine address appInfo application att author bibl biblScope birth body catDesc catRef category cell change choice cit classDecl closer code corr correspAction correspContext correspDesc date death def del desc div divGen editor egXML emph encodingDesc entry expan facsimile fileDesc forename form funder fw genName geo gi graphic head hi idno index item label lb list listBibl listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef location mentioned milestone name note notesStmt opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb people peopleName persName person personGrp place placeName prefixDef profileDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref reg rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row rs salute seg sense series sic signed soCalled sourceDesc styleDefDecl supplied surface surname table tagsDecl taxonomy teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt unclear val zone]
Attributes Attributes
corresp (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<group>  <text xml:id="t1-g1-t1"   xml:lang="mi">   <body xml:id="t1-g1-t1-body1">    <div type="chapter">     <head>He Whakamaramatanga mo te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876.</head>     <p></p>    </div>   </body>  </text>  <text xml:id="t1-g1-t2"   xml:lang="en">   <body xml:id="t1-g1-t2-body1"    corresp="#t1-g1-t1-body1">    <div type="chapter">     <head>An Act to regulate the Sale, Letting, and Disposal of Native Lands, 1876.</head>     <p></p>    </div>   </body>  </text> </group>
In this example a <group> contains two <text>s, each containing the same document in a different language. The correspondence is indicated using corresp. The language is indicated using xml:lang, whose value is inherited; both the tag with the corresp and the tag pointed to by the corresp inherit the value from their immediate parent.
<!-- In a placeography called "places.xml" --><place xml:id="LOND1"  corresp="people.xml#LOND2 people.xml#GENI1">  <placeName>London</placeName>  <desc>The city of London...</desc> </place> <!-- In a literary personography called "people.xml" --> <person xml:id="LOND2"  corresp="places.xml#LOND1 #GENI1">  <persName type="lit">London</persName>  <note>   <p>Allegorical character representing the city of <placeName ref="places.xml#LOND1">London</placeName>.</p>  </note> </person> <person xml:id="GENI1"  corresp="places.xml#LOND1 #LOND2">  <persName type="lit">London’s Genius</persName>  <note>   <p>Personification of London’s genius. Appears as an      allegorical character in mayoral shows.   </p>  </note> </person>
In this example, a <place> element containing information about the city of London is linked with two <person> elements in a literary personography. This correspondence represents a slightly looser relationship than the one in the preceding example; there is no sense in which an allegorical character could be substituted for the physical city, or vice versa, but there is obviously a correspondence between them.
next points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

It is recommended that the element indicated be of the same type as the element bearing this attribute.

prev (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

It is recommended that the element indicated be of the same type as the element bearing this attribute.

Appendix A.3.13 provides rendering attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Rendition Indicators]
Module tei
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addrLine address appInfo application att author bibl biblScope birth body catDesc catRef category cell change choice cit classDecl closer code corr correspAction correspContext correspDesc date death def del desc div divGen editor egXML emph encodingDesc entry expan facsimile fileDesc forename form funder fw genName geo gi graphic head hi idno index item label lb list listBibl listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef location mentioned milestone name note notesStmt opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb people peopleName persName person personGrp place placeName prefixDef profileDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref reg rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row rs salute seg sense series sic signed soCalled sourceDesc styleDefDecl supplied surface surname table tagsDecl taxonomy teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt unclear val zone]
Attributes Attributes
rend (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
<head rend="align(center) case(allcaps)">  <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her <lb/>  <hi rend="case(mixed)">New Blazing-World</hi>. </head>

These Guidelines make no binding recommendations for the values of the rend attribute; the characteristics of visual presentation vary too much from text to text and the decision to record or ignore individual characteristics varies too much from project to project. Some potentially useful conventions are noted from time to time at appropriate points in the Guidelines. The values of the rend attribute are a set of sequence-indeterminate individual tokens separated by whitespace.

style contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<head style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps">  <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her <lb/>  <hi style="font-variant: normal">New Blazing-World</hi>. </head>

Unlike the attribute values of rend, which uses whitespace as a separator, the style attribute may contain whitespace. This attribute is intended for recording inline stylistic information concerning the source, not any particular output.

The formal language in which values for this attribute are expressed may be specified using the <styleDefDecl> element in the TEI header.

If style and rendition are both present on an element, then style overrides or complements rendition. style should not be used in conjunction with rend, because the latter does not employ a formal style definition language.

rendition points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<head rendition="#ac #sc">  <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her <lb/>  <hi rendition="#normal">New Blazing-World</hi>. </head> <!-- elsewhere... --> <rendition xml:id="sc"  scheme="css">font-variant: small-caps</rendition> <rendition xml:id="normal"  scheme="css">font-variant: normal</rendition> <rendition xml:id="ac"  scheme="css">text-align: center</rendition>

The rendition attribute is used in a very similar way to the class attribute defined for XHTML but with the important distinction that its function is to describe the appearance of the source text, not necessarily to determine how that text should be presented on screen or paper.

If rendition is used to refer to a style definition in a formal language like CSS, it is recommended that it not be used in conjunction with rend. Where both rendition and rend are supplied, the latter is understood to override or complement the former.

Each URI provided should indicate a <rendition> element defining the intended rendition in terms of some appropriate style language, as indicated by the scheme attribute.

Appendix A.3.14 provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it. [ Sources, certainty, and responsibility 3.4. Simple Editorial Changes Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes 17.3. Spans and Interpretations 13.1.1. Linking Names and Their Referents]
Module tei
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addrLine address appInfo application att author bibl biblScope birth body catDesc catRef category cell change choice cit classDecl closer code corr correspAction correspContext correspDesc date death def del desc div divGen editor egXML emph encodingDesc entry expan facsimile fileDesc forename form funder fw genName geo gi graphic head hi idno index item label lb list listBibl listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef location mentioned milestone name note notesStmt opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb people peopleName persName person personGrp place placeName prefixDef profileDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref reg rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row rs salute seg sense series sic signed soCalled sourceDesc styleDefDecl supplied surface surname table tagsDecl taxonomy teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt unclear val zone]
Attributes Attributes
cert (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.probCert
resp (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

To reduce the ambiguity of a resp pointing directly to a person or organization, we recommend that resp be used to point not to an agent (<person> or <org>) but to a <respStmt>, <author>, <editor> or similar element which clarifies the exact role played by the agent. Pointing to multiple <respStmt>s allows the encoder to specify clearly each of the roles played in part of a TEI file (creating, transcribing, encoding, editing, proofing etc.).

Blessed are the <choice>  <sic>cheesemakers</sic>  <corr resp="#editorcert="high">peacemakers</corr> </choice>: for they shall be called the children of God.
<!-- in the <text> ... --><lg> <!-- ... -->  <l>Punkes, Panders, baſe extortionizing    sla<choice>    <sic>n</sic>    <corr resp="#JENS1_transcriber">u</corr>   </choice>es,</l> <!-- ... --> </lg> <!-- in the <teiHeader> ... --> <!-- ... --> <respStmt xml:id="JENS1_transcriber">  <resp when="2014">Transcriber</resp>  <name>Janelle Jenstad</name> </respStmt>

Appendix A.3.15 provides an attribute used by elements to point to an external source. [ Sources, certainty, and responsibility 3.3.3. Quotation 8.3.4. Writing]
Module tei
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addrLine address appInfo application att author bibl biblScope birth body catDesc catRef category cell change choice cit classDecl closer code corr correspAction correspContext correspDesc date death def del desc div divGen editor egXML emph encodingDesc entry expan facsimile fileDesc forename form funder fw genName geo gi graphic head hi idno index item label lb list listBibl listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef location mentioned milestone name note notesStmt opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb people peopleName persName person personGrp place placeName prefixDef profileDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref reg rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row rs salute seg sense series sic signed soCalled sourceDesc styleDefDecl supplied surface surname table tagsDecl taxonomy teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt unclear val zone]
Attributes Attributes
source specifies the source from which some aspect of this element is drawn.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

The source attribute points to an external source. When used on elements describing schema components such as <schemaSpec> or <moduleRef> it identifies the source from which declarations for the components of the object being defined may be obtained.

On other elements it provides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn.

In either case, the location may be provided using any form of URI, for example an absolute URI, a relative URI, or private scheme URI that is expanded to an absolute URI as documented in a <prefixDef>.

If more than one location is specified, the default assumption is that the required source should be obtained by combining the resources indicated.

<p> <!-- ... --> As Willard McCarty (<bibl xml:id="mcc_2012">2012, p.2</bibl>) tells us, <quote source="#mcc_2012">‘Collaboration’ is a problematic and should be a contested    term.</quote> <!-- ... --> </p>
<p> <!-- ... -->  <quote source="#chicago_15_ed">Grammatical theories are in flux, and the more we learn, the    less we seem to know.</quote> <!-- ... --> </p> <!-- ... --> <bibl xml:id="chicago_15_ed">  <title level="m">The Chicago Manual of Style</title>, <edition>15th edition</edition>. <pubPlace>Chicago</pubPlace>: <publisher>University of    Chicago Press</publisher> (<date>2003</date>), <biblScope unit="page">p.147</biblScope>. </bibl>
<elementRef key="psource="tei:2.0.1"/>
Include in the schema an element named <p> available from the TEI P5 2.0.1 release.
<schemaSpec ident="myODD"  source="mycompiledODD.xml"> <!-- further declarations specifying the components required --> </schemaSpec>
Create a schema using components taken from the file mycompiledODD.xml.

Appendix A.3.16 att.lexicographic

att.lexicographic provides a set of attributes for specifying standard and normalized values, grammatical functions, alternate or equivalent forms, and information about composite parts. [9.2. The Structure of Dictionary Entries]
Module dictionaries
Members def form sense
Attributes Attributes
expand gives an expanded form of information presented more concisely in the dictionary
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<gramGrp>  <pos expand="noun">n</pos> </gramGrp>
norm (normalized) gives a normalized form of information given by the source text in a non-normalized form
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<gramGrp>  <pos norm="noun">n</pos> </gramGrp>
split gives the list of split values for a merged form
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
value gives a value which lacks any realization in the printed source text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
orig (original) gives the original string or is the empty string when the element does not appear in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
location indicates an <anchor> element typically elsewhere in the document, but possibly in another document, which is the original location of this component.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
mergedIn gives a reference to another element, where the original appears as a merged form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
opt (optional) indicates whether the element is optional or not
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Default false

Appendix A.3.17 provides attributes for specifying display and related properties of external media.
Module tei
Members graphic
Attributes Attributes
width Where the media are displayed, indicates the display width
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.outputMeasurement
height Where the media are displayed, indicates the display height
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.outputMeasurement

Appendix A.3.18 att.naming

att.naming provides attributes common to elements which refer to named persons, places, organizations etc. [3.5.1. Referring Strings 13.3.6. Names and Nyms]
Module tei
Members att.personal[forename genName name orgName persName placeName roleName surname] author birth death editor pubPlace rs
Attributes Attributes att.canonical (@key, @ref)
role may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace

Appendix A.3.19 att.notated

att.notated provides an attribute to indicate any specialised notation used for element content.
Module tei
Members quote seg
Attributes Attributes
notation names the notation used for the content of the element.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Appendix A.3.20 att.patternReplacement

att.patternReplacement provides attributes for regular-expression matching and replacement. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers Milestone Method 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration Search-and-Replace Method]
Module header
Members prefixDef
Attributes Attributes
matchPattern specifies a regular expression against which the values of other attributes can be matched.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pattern

The syntax used should follow that defined by W3C XPath syntax. Note that parenthesized groups are used not only for establishing order of precedence and atoms for quantification, but also for creating subpatterns to be referenced by the replacementPattern attribute.

replacementPattern specifies a ‘replacement pattern’, that is, the skeleton of a relative or absolute URI containing references to groups in the matchPattern which, once subpattern substitution has been performed, complete the URI.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.replacement

The strings $1, $2 etc. are references to the corresponding group in the regular expression specified by matchPattern (counting open parenthesis, left to right). Processors are expected to replace them with whatever matched the corresponding group in the regular expression.

If a digit preceded by a dollar sign is needed in the actual replacement pattern (as opposed to being used as a back reference), the dollar sign must be written as %24.

Appendix A.3.21 att.personal

att.personal (attributes for components of names usually, but not necessarily, personal names) common attributes for those elements which form part of a name usually, but not necessarily, a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module tei
Members forename genName name orgName persName placeName roleName surname
Attributes Attributes att.naming (@role) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))

Appendix A.3.22 att.placement

att.placement provides attributes for describing where on the source page or object a textual element appears. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions Additions and Deletions]
Module tei
Members add fw head label note
Attributes Attributes
place specifies where this item is placed.
Status Recommended
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
below the line
at the foot of the page
in the margin (left, right, or both)
at the top of the page
on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
on the other side of the leaf
above the line
at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
within the body of the text.
in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
<add place="margin">[An addition written in the margin]</add> <add place="bottom opposite">[An addition written at the foot of the current page and also on the facing page]</add>
<note place="bottom">Ibid, p.7</note>

Appendix A.3.23 att.pointing

att.pointing provides a set of attributes used by all elements which point to other elements by means of one or more URI references. [ Language Indicators 3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References]
Module tei
Members catRef note ptr ref term
Attributes Attributes
target specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

One or more syntactically valid URI references, separated by whitespace. Because whitespace is used to separate URIs, no whitespace is permitted inside a single URI. If a whitespace character is required in a URI, it should be escaped with the normal mechanism, e.g. TEI%20Consortium.

Appendix A.3.24 att.resourced

att.resourced provides attributes by which a resource (such as an externally held media file) may be located.
Module tei
Members graphic
Attributes Attributes
url (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pointer

Appendix A.3.25 att.segLike

att.segLike provides attributes for elements used for arbitrary segmentation. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Module tei
Members seg
Attributes Attributes

Appendix A.3.26 att.sortable

att.sortable provides attributes for elements in lists or groups that are sortable, but whose sorting key cannot be derived mechanically from the element content. [9.1. Dictionary Body and Overall Structure]
Module tei
Members bibl correspAction entry idno item list listBibl listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace org people peopleName person personGrp place term
Attributes Attributes
sortKey supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
David's other principal backer, Josiah ha-Kohen <index indexName="NAMES">  <term sortKey="Azarya_Josiah_Kohen">Josiah ha-Kohen b. Azarya</term> </index> b. Azarya, son of one of the last gaons of Sura was David's own first cousin.

The sort key is used to determine the sequence and grouping of entries in an index. It provides a sequence of characters which, when sorted with the other values, will produced the desired order; specifics of sort key construction are application-dependent

Dictionary order often differs from the collation sequence of machine-readable character sets; in English-language dictionaries, an entry for 4-H will often appear alphabetized under “fourh”, and McCoy may be alphabetized under “maccoy”, while A1, A4, and A5 may all appear in numeric order ‘alphabetized’ between “a-” and “AA”. The sort key is required if the orthography of the dictionary entry does not suffice to determine its location.

Appendix A.3.27 att.styleDef

att.styleDef provides attributes to specify the name of a formal definition language used to provide formatting or rendition information.
Module tei
Members rendition styleDefDecl
Attributes Attributes
scheme identifies the language used to describe the rendition.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Cascading Stylesheet Language
Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
Informal free text description
A user-defined rendition description language

If no value for the @scheme attribute is provided, then the default assumption should be that CSS is in use.

schemeVersion supplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.versionNumber
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@schemeVersion]"> <sch:assert test="@scheme and not(@scheme = 'free')"> @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>

If schemeVersion is used, then scheme should also appear, with a value other than free.

Appendix A.3.28 att.tableDecoration

att.tableDecoration provides attributes used to decorate rows or cells of a table. [14. Tables, Formulæ, Graphics and Notated Music]
Module figures
Members cell row
Attributes Attributes
role indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
labelling or descriptive information only.
data values.[Default]

When this attribute is specified on a row, its value is the default for all cells in this row. When specified on a cell, its value overrides any default specified by the role attribute of the parent <row> element.

rows indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

A value greater than one indicates that this cell spans several rows. Where several cells span multiple rows, it may be more convenient to use nested tables.

cols (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

A value greater than one indicates that this cell or row spans several columns. Where an initial cell spans an entire row, it may be better treated as a heading.

Appendix A.3.29 att.transcriptional

att.transcriptional provides attributes specific to elements encoding authorial or scribal intervention in a text when transcribing manuscript or similar sources. [ Additions and Deletions]
Module tei
Members add del
Attributes Attributes att.editLike (@source) att.written (@hand)
Status Optional

Appendix A.3.30 att.typed

att.typed provides attributes which can be used to classify or subclassify elements in any way. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes 17.1.1. Words and Above 3.5.1. Referring Strings 3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions 3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 7.2.5. Speech Contents 4.1.1. Un-numbered Divisions 4.1.2. Numbered Divisions 4.2.1. Headings and Trailers 4.4. Virtual Divisions Personal Relationships Core Elements for Transcriptional Work 16.1.1. Pointers and Links 16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 12.2. Linking the Apparatus to the Text Defining Content Models: RELAX NG 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists]
Module tei
Members TEI ab abbr add application bibl birth change cit corr correspAction correspDesc date death del desc div divGen forename form fw genName head idno label lb list listBibl listOrg listPeople listPerson listPlace location milestone name note org orgName pb people peopleName persName place placeName ptr quote ref reg roleName rs seg surface surname table term text title zone
Attributes Attributes
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
<div type="verse">  <head>Night in Tarras</head>  <lg type="stanza">   <l>At evening tramping on the hot white road</l>   <l></l>  </lg>  <lg type="stanza">   <l>A wind sprang up from nowhere as the sky</l>   <l></l>  </lg> </div>

The type attribute is present on a number of elements, not all of which are members of att.typed, usually because these elements restrict the possible values for the attribute in a specific way.

subtype provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

The subtype attribute may be used to provide any sub-classification for the element additional to that provided by its type attribute.

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@subtype]"> <sch:assert test="@type">The <sch:name/> element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype unless also categorized in general with @type</sch:assert> </sch:rule>

When appropriate, values from an established typology should be used. Alternatively a typology may be defined in the associated TEI header. If values are to be taken from a project-specific list, this should be defined using the <valList> element in the project-specific schema description, as described in Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists .

Appendix A.3.31 att.written

att.written provides an attribute to indicate the hand in which the content of an element was written in the source being transcribed. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Module tei
Members att.transcriptional[add del] ab closer div fw head hi label note opener p salute seg signed text zone
Attributes Attributes
hand points to a <handNote> element describing the hand considered responsible for the content of the element concerned.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

Appendix A.4 Macros

Appendix A.4.1 macro.limitedContent

macro.limitedContent (paragraph content) defines the content of prose elements that are not used for transcription of extant materials. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
macro.limitedContent = ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.inter )*

Appendix A.4.2 macro.paraContent

macro.paraContent (paragraph content) defines the content of paragraphs and similar elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
macro.paraContent =
    | model.gLike
    | lg
    | model.lLike

Appendix A.4.3 macro.phraseSeq

macro.phraseSeq (phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and phrase-level elements. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.qLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
macro.phraseSeq =
   ( text | model.gLike | model.qLike | model.phrase | )*

Appendix A.4.4 (limited phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and those phrase-level elements that are not typically used for transcribing extant documents. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Declaration = ( text | model.limitedPhrase | )*

Appendix A.4.5 macro.specialPara

macro.specialPara ('special' paragraph content) defines the content model of elements such as notes or list items, which either contain a series of component-level elements or else have the same structure as a paragraph, containing a series of phrase-level and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key="model.divPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
macro.specialPara =
    | model.gLike

Appendix A.5 Datatypes

Appendix A.5.1 teidata.certainty

teidata.certainty defines the range of attribute values expressing a degree of certainty.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <valList type="closed">
  <valItem ident="high"/>
  <valItem ident="medium"/>
  <valItem ident="low"/>
  <valItem ident="unknown"/>
teidata.certainty = "high" | "medium" | "low" | "unknown"

Certainty may be expressed by one of the predefined symbolic values high, medium, or low. The value unknown should be used in cases where the encoder does not wish to assert an opinion about the matter.

Appendix A.5.2 teidata.count

teidata.count defines the range of attribute values used for a non-negative integer value used as a count.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
teidata.count = xsd:nonNegativeInteger

Any positive integer value or zero is permitted

Appendix A.5.3 teidata.enumerated

teidata.enumerated defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single XML name taken from a list of documented possibilities.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef key="teidata.word"/>
teidata.enumerated = teidata.word

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace.

Typically, the list of documented possibilities will be provided (or exemplified) by a value list in the associated attribute specification, expressed with a <valList> element.

Appendix A.5.4 teidata.language

teidata.language defines the range of attribute values used to identify a particular combination of human language and writing system. [6.1. Language Identification]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="language"/>
   <valItem ident=""/>
teidata.language = xsd:language | ( "" )

The values for this attribute are language ‘tags’ as defined in BCP 47. Currently BCP 47 comprises RFC 5646 and RFC 4647; over time, other IETF documents may succeed these as the best current practice.

A ‘language tag’, per BCP 47, is assembled from a sequence of components or subtags separated by the hyphen character (-, U+002D). The tag is made of the following subtags, in the following order. Every subtag except the first is optional. If present, each occurs only once, except the fourth and fifth components (variant and extension), which are repeatable.

The IANA-registered code for the language. This is almost always the same as the ISO 639 2-letter language code if there is one. The list of available registered language subtags can be found at It is recommended that this code be written in lower case.
The ISO 15924 code for the script. These codes consist of 4 letters, and it is recommended they be written with an initial capital, the other three letters in lower case. The canonical list of codes is maintained by the Unicode Consortium, and is available at The IETF recommends this code be omitted unless it is necessary to make a distinction you need.
Either an ISO 3166 country code or a UN M.49 region code that is registered with IANA (not all such codes are registered, e.g. UN codes for economic groupings or codes for countries for which there is already an ISO 3166 2-letter code are not registered). The former consist of 2 letters, and it is recommended they be written in upper case; the list of codes can be searched or browsed at The latter consist of 3 digits; the list of codes can be found at
An IANA-registered variation. These codes are used to indicate additional, well-recognized variations that define a language or its dialects that are not covered by other available subtags.
An extension has the format of a single letter followed by a hyphen followed by additional subtags. These exist to allow for future extension to BCP 47, but as of this writing no such extensions are in use.
private use
An extension that uses the initial subtag of the single letter x (i.e., starts with x-) has no meaning except as negotiated among the parties involved. These should be used with great care, since they interfere with the interoperability that use of RFC 4646 is intended to promote. In order for a document that makes use of these subtags to be TEI-conformant, a corresponding <language> element must be present in the TEI header.

There are two exceptions to the above format. First, there are language tags in the IANA registry that do not match the above syntax, but are present because they have been ‘grandfathered’ from previous specifications.

Second, an entire language tag can consist of only a private use subtag. These tags start with x-, and do not need to follow any further rules established by the IETF and endorsed by these Guidelines. Like all language tags that make use of private use subtags, the language in question must be documented in a corresponding <language> element in the TEI header.

Examples include

Chinese written in traditional script as used in Hong Kong
English as spoken in Sierra Leone
Spanish as spoken in Mexico
Spanish as spoken in Latin America

The W3C Internationalization Activity has published a useful introduction to BCP 47, Language tags in HTML and XML.

Appendix A.5.5 defines the range of attribute values expressed as an XML Name.
Module tei
Used by
att giElement:
Content model
 <dataRef name="Name"/>
Declaration = xsd:Name

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see for example they cannot include whitespace or begin with digits.

Appendix A.5.6 teidata.numeric

teidata.numeric defines the range of attribute values used for numeric values.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="double"/>
  <dataRef name="token"
  <dataRef name="decimal"/>
teidata.numeric =
   xsd:double | token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal

Any numeric value, represented as a decimal number, in floating point format, or as a ratio.

To represent a floating point number, expressed in scientific notation, ‘E notation’, a variant of ‘exponential notation’, may be used. In this format, the value is expressed as two numbers separated by the letter E. The first number, the significand (sometimes called the mantissa) is given in decimal format, while the second is an integer. The value is obtained by multiplying the mantissa by 10 the number of times indicated by the integer. Thus the value represented in decimal notation as 1000.0 might be represented in scientific notation as 10E3.

A value expressed as a ratio is represented by two integer values separated by a solidus (/) character. Thus, the value represented in decimal notation as 0.5 might be represented as a ratio by the string 1/2.

Appendix A.5.7 teidata.outputMeasurement

teidata.outputMeasurement defines a range of values for use in specifying the size of an object that is intended for display.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
teidata.outputMeasurement =
      pattern = "[\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm)"
<figure>  <head>The TEI Logo</head>  <figDesc>Stylized yellow angle brackets with the letters <mentioned>TEI</mentioned> in    between and <mentioned>text encoding initiative</mentioned> underneath, all on a white    background.</figDesc>  <graphic height="600pxwidth="600px"   url=""/> </figure>

These values map directly onto the values used by XSL-FO and CSS. For definitions of the units see those specifications; at the time of this writing the most complete list is in the CSS3 working draft.

Appendix A.5.8 teidata.pattern

teidata.pattern defines attribute values which are expressed as a regular expression.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"/>
teidata.pattern = token
A regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings. They are usually used to give a concise description of a set, without having to list all elements. For example, the set containing the three strings Handel, Händel, and Haendel can be described by the pattern H(ä|ae?)ndel (or alternatively, it is said that the pattern H(ä|ae?)ndel matches each of the three strings)

This TEI datatype is mapped to the XSD token datatype, and may therefore contain any string of characters. However, it is recommended that the value used conform to the particular flavour of regular expression syntax supported by XSD Schema.

Appendix A.5.9 teidata.point

teidata.point defines the data type used to express a point in cartesian space.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
teidata.point = token { pattern = "(-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)" }
<facsimile>  <surface ulx="0uly="0lrx="400lry="280">   <zone points="220,100 300,210 170,250 123,234">    <graphic url="handwriting.png "/>   </zone>  </surface> </facsimile>

A point is defined by two numeric values, which should be expressed as decimal numbers. Neither number can end in a decimal point. E.g., both 0.0,84.2 and 0,84 are allowed, but 0.,84. is not.

Appendix A.5.10 teidata.pointer

teidata.pointer defines the range of attribute values used to provide a single URI, absolute or relative, pointing to some other resource, either within the current document or elsewhere.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="anyURI"/>
teidata.pointer = xsd:anyURI

The range of syntactically valid values is defined by RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. Note that the values themselves are encoded using RFC 3987 Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) mapping to URIs. For example, is encoded as while http://موقع.وزارة-الاتصالات.مصر/ is encoded as http://xn--4gbrim.xn----rmckbbajlc6dj7bxne2c.xn--wgbh1c/

Appendix A.5.11 teidata.prefix

teidata.prefix defines a range of values that may function as a URI scheme name.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
teidata.prefix = token { pattern = "[a-z][a-z0-9\+\.\-]*" }

This datatype is used to constrain a string of characters to one that can be used as a URI scheme name according to RFC 3986, section 3.1. Thus only the 26 lowercase letters a–z, the 10 digits 0–9, the plus sign, the period, and the hyphen are permitted, and the value must start with a letter.

Appendix A.5.12 teidata.probCert

teidata.probCert defines a range of attribute values which can be expressed either as a numeric probability or as a coded certainty value.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef key="teidata.probability"/>
  <dataRef key="teidata.certainty"/>
teidata.probCert = teidata.probability | teidata.certainty

Appendix A.5.13 teidata.probability

teidata.probability defines the range of attribute values expressing a probability.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="double"/>
teidata.probability = xsd:double

Probability is expressed as a real number between 0 and 1; 0 representing certainly false and 1 representing certainly true.

Appendix A.5.14 teidata.replacement

teidata.replacement defines attribute values which contain a replacement template.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
teidata.replacement = text

Appendix A.5.15 defines the range of attribute values used to identify human or animal sex.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef key="teidata.word"/>
Declaration = teidata.word

Values for attributes using this datatype may be locally defined by a project, or may refer to an external standard, such as vCard's sex property (in which M indicates male, F female, O other, N none or not applicable, U unknown), or the often used ISO 5218:2004 Representation of Human Sexes (in which 0 indicates unknown; 1 male; 2 female; and 9 not applicable, although the ISO standard is widely considered inadequate); cf. CETH's Recommendations for Inclusive Data Collection of Trans People

Appendix A.5.16 teidata.temporal.w3c

teidata.temporal.w3c defines the range of attribute values expressing a temporal expression such as a date, a time, or a combination of them, that conform to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition specification.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="date"/>
  <dataRef name="gYear"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gDay"/>
  <dataRef name="gYearMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonthDay"/>
  <dataRef name="time"/>
  <dataRef name="dateTime"/>
teidata.temporal.w3c =
 | xsd:gYear
 | xsd:gMonth
 | xsd:gDay
 | xsd:gYearMonth
 | xsd:gMonthDay
 | xsd:time
 | xsd:dateTime

If it is likely that the value used is to be compared with another, then a time zone indicator should always be included, and only the dateTime representation should be used.

Appendix A.5.17 teidata.text

teidata.text defines the range of attribute values used to express some kind of identifying string as a single sequence of Unicode characters possibly including whitespace.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="string"/>
teidata.text = string

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘token’ in which whitespace and other punctuation characters are permitted.

Appendix A.5.18 teidata.truthValue

teidata.truthValue defines the range of attribute values used to express a truth value.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="boolean"/>
teidata.truthValue = xsd:boolean

The possible values of this datatype are 1 or true, or 0 or false.

This datatype applies only for cases where uncertainty is inappropriate; if the attribute concerned may have a value other than true or false, e.g. unknown, or inapplicable, it should have the extended version of this datatype: data.xTruthValue.

Appendix A.5.19 teidata.unboundedInt

teidata.unboundedInt defines an attribute value which can be either any non-negative integer or the string "unbounded".
Module tei
Used by
Content model
<content>  <alternate>
  <dataRef name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  <valList type="closed">
   <valItem ident="unbounded"/>
teidata.unboundedInt = xsd:nonNegativeInteger | ( "unbounded" )

Appendix A.5.20 teidata.versionNumber

teidata.versionNumber defines the range of attribute values used for version numbers.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
teidata.versionNumber =
   token { pattern = "[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}" }

Appendix A.5.21 teidata.word

teidata.word defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single word or token.
Module tei
Used by
teidata.enumerated teidata.sexElement:
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
teidata.word = token { pattern = "[^\p{C}\p{Z}]+" }

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace.

Appendix A.5.22 teidata.xpath

teidata.xpath defines attribute values which contain an XPath expression.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
teidata.xpath = text

Any XPath expression using the syntax defined in [[undefined XSLT2]].

When writing programs that evaluate XPath expressions, programmers should be mindful of the possibility of malicious code injection attacks. For further information about XPath injection attacks, see the article at OWASP.

Appendix A.6 Constraints

<sch:rule context="tei:person | tei:place | tei:list[@type='vessels']/tei:item"> <sch:assert test="matches(@xml:id, '^[a-z0-9_\-]+$')"> Only lower-case letters without spaces should be used in @xml:id attributes for people, places and vessels. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:listBibl/tei:bibl"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., 'Ibid([^\.]|$)'))"> "Ibid" must be followed by a period. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:listBibl/tei:bibl"> <sch:assert test="not(contains(., 'ibid'))"> "Ibid" should begin with a capital letter and be followed by a period. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:listBibl[not(ancestor::tei:div[@type='schedule'])]/tei:bibl[not(@type)]"> <sch:assert test="matches(., '^\d+\.\s')"> Bibl entries must begin with a number, followed by a period and a space. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:bibl/tei:hi[matches(., '\d+')]"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(following::text()[1], '^[\.;,:''"\?!\)]'))"> Superscripted footnote numbers must appear after punctuation, not before. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:bibl[not(@type='book')][not(@type='journal_article')]/@xml:id"> <sch:assert test="matches(., concat(ancestor::tei:person/@xml:id, '_b_\d+'))"> The convention for bibl xml:id = "xml:id here_b_number of endnote here". </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:bibl[@corresp]"> <sch:let name="xID"  value="substring-after(@corresp, '#')"/> <sch:assert test="ancestor::tei:TEI/descendant::tei:bibl[@xml:id=$xID]"> bibl @corresp must match corresponding bibl @xml:id in footnotes. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:bibl[@corresp]/tei:hi"> <sch:assert test="matches(., '^\d+$')"> bibl indicator must be an integer with no preceding or trailing spaces. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:listBibl/tei:bibl[@xml:id][not(@type='book')][not(@type='journal_article')]"> <sch:let name="biblNum"  value="tokenize(@xml:id, '_')[last()]"/> <sch:let name="textNum"  value="tokenize(., '\.')[1]"/> <sch:assert test="$biblNum[. = $textNum]"> number of @xml:id must match the number of the citation. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:bibl[@corresp]"> <sch:assert test="not(preceding-sibling::node()[1][matches(., '\s$')])"> bibl indicator must immediately follow a period or a closing q tag. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:title[@level=('a', 'm', 'j', 'u')]"> <sch:assert test="following-sibling::node()[1][matches(., '^[^\w\d]')]"> title elements should not be immediately followed by alphanumeric characters. You need a space or a punctuation mark followed by a space. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@style] | tei:rendition[not(tei:label or tei:code)] | tei:rendition/tei:code"> <sch:let name="css"  value="if (./@style) then ./@style else ./text()"/> <sch:assert test="matches($css, '^(((align-content)|(align-items)|(align-self)|(background-color)|(border)|(border-bottom)|(border-bottom-color)|(border-bottom-left-radius)|(border-bottom-right-radius)|(border-bottom-style)|(border-bottom-width)|(border-collapse)|(border-color)|(border-left)|(border-left-color)|(border-left-style)|(border-left-width)|(border-radius)|(border-right)|(border-right-color)|(border-right-style)|(border-right-width)|(border-spacing)|(border-style)|(border-top)|(border-top-color)|(border-top-left-radius)|(border-top-right-radius)|(border-top-style)|(border-top-width)|(border-width)|(bottom)|(box-decoration-break)|(box-shadow)|(box-sizing)|(caption-side)|(caret-color)|(@charset)|(clear)|(clip)|(color)|(content)|(counter-increment)|(counter-reset)|(display)|(float)|(font)|(@font-face)|(font-family)|(font-kerning)|(font-size)|(font-size-adjust)|(font-stretch)|(font-style)|(font-variant)|(font-weight)|(hanging-punctuation)|(height)|(hyphens)|(left)|(letter-spacing)|(line-height)|(list-style)|(list-style-image)|(list-style-position)|(list-style-type)|(margin)|(margin-bottom)|(margin-left)|(margin-right)|(margin-top)|(mix-blend-mode)|(opacity)|(outline)|(outline-color)|(outline-offset)|(outline-style)|(outline-width)|(overflow)|(overflow-x)|(overflow-y)|(padding)|(padding-bottom)|(padding-left)|(padding-right)|(padding-top)|(position)|(quotes)|(resize)|(right)|(table-layout)|(text-align)|(text-align-last)|(text-decoration)|(text-decoration-color)|(text-decoration-line)|(text-decoration-style)|(text-indent)|(text-justify)|(text-overflow)|(text-shadow)|(text-transform)|(top)|(transform)|(transform-origin)|(transform-style)|(unicode-bidi)|()|(vertical-align)|(visibility)|(white-space)|(width)|(word-break)|(word-spacing)|(word-wrap)|(writing-mode)|(z-index)): [%#a-zA-Z\-\d\. ]+;(\s|$))+')"> This does not seem to be a valid CSS property name. </sch:assert> <sch:assert test="not(matches($css, 'strikethrough'))"> Sydney, "strikethrough" is not a valid CSS value. The correct form is text-decoration: line-through. </sch:assert> <sch:assert test="not(matches($css, 'text-decoration\s*:\s*((bold)|(italic))'))"> Sydney, this is not correct CSS. You probably need either: font-weight: bold; or font-style: italic; </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:name | tei:forename | tei:surname | tei:roleName"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '^\s')) and not(matches(., '\s$'))"> Do not include spaces at the beginning or end of name elements. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:name | tei:forename | tei:surname | tei:roleName"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '(''s$)|(s''$)|(’s$)|(s’$)')) or matches(., '(couver''s$)|(harlotte''s$)|(ra[sz]er''s$)')"> Do not include the possessive suffix inside a name tag. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:name | tei:forename | tei:surname | tei:roleName | tei:listBibl/tei:bibl | tei:title | tei:ref[not(starts-with(@target, '#marg'))][not( @type='appURI')]"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '(''s$)|(s''$)|(’s$)|(s’$)')) or matches(., '(couver''s$)|(harlotte''s$)|(ra[sz]er''s$)')"> Do not include the possessive suffix inside a name tag. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:name | tei:forename | tei:surname | tei:roleName | tei:ref"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '[,;\?!]$'))"> Do not include trailing punctuation inside a name or ref tag. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:seg[@type='snippet']"> <sch:assert test="not(child::tei:lb or child::tei:ref[starts-with(@target, '#marg')])"> Snippets may not contain elements which turn into blocks in the HTML output. Keep your snippets as simple and short as possible, and avoid content which has page-breaks, marginalia or other problematic blocks. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@rend]"> <sch:assert test="not(contains(@rend, ':'))"> @rend should not be used for CSS code. Please use the @style attribute for CSS. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:q"> <sch:let name="smartDouble" value="'[“”]'"/> <sch:let name="straightDouble" value="'"'"/> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $smartDouble))">No double quotes inside a q tag.</sch:assert> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $straightDouble))">No double quotes inside a q tag.</sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:note/tei:p/text()"> <sch:let name="smartDouble" value="'[“”]'"/> <sch:let name="straightDouble" value="'"'"/> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $smartDouble))">No double quotes. Please use <q> and <soCalled> instead.</sch:assert> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $straightDouble))">No double quotes. Please use <q> and <soCalled> instead.</sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:place/tei:desc/text()"> <sch:let name="smartDouble" value="'[“”]'"/> <sch:let name="straightDouble" value="'"'"/> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $smartDouble))">No double quotes. Please use <q> and <soCalled> instead.</sch:assert> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $straightDouble))">No double quotes. Please use <q> and <soCalled> instead.</sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:list[@type='vessels']/tei:item/tei:p/text()"> <sch:let name="smartDouble" value="'[“”]'"/> <sch:let name="straightDouble" value="'"'"/> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $smartDouble))">No double quotes. Please use <q> and <soCalled> instead.</sch:assert> <sch:assert role="error"  test="not(matches(., $straightDouble))">No double quotes. Please use <q> and <soCalled> instead.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:pb[@facs] | tei:biblScope[@facs]"> <sch:assert test="matches(@facs, '((co_\d+)|(rg7_g8c))_\d+_\d\d\d\d\d[a-z]*((-|_)\d+[rv]?)?($|(\.jpg))') and not(matches(@facs, '00000'))"> This image link seems to be incorrect. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:ns prefix="sch"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="tei"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="xs"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="xsl"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="eg"  uri=""/>
Martin Holmes, Gord Lyall, Lily Maase, and Kim Shortreed. Date: 2013-02-05T13:29:28Z