Title: Reduced map of a portion of British Columbia, compiled from the surveys and explorations of the Royal Navy and Royal Engineers at the camp New Westminster, 24 Nov 1859.
Author: Arrowsmith, John, 1790-1873.
Subject: British Columbia -- Maps; Washington (State) -- Maps; Douglas, James, Sir, 1803-1877 -- Travel.
Subject: British Columbia, Washington, 1861
Identifier (repository): FO
Identifier (repoNumber): 925
Identifier (repoVol): 1822
Identifier (libFileName): FO925-1822
Identifier (penfoldNum): 400
Identifier (doc_id): FO 925/1822
Date: 1859
Funder: Funded by a Canadian Council of Archives, Archival Community Digitization Program.
Publisher: John Arrowsmith.
Publisher: National Archives of the UK.
Identifier (CONTENTdm): oai:contentdm.library.uvic.ca:collection5/251