The village of Metlakatla, sometimes spelled Metlakahtla, is located on the northwest
side of Venn Passage (Metlakatla Pass), facing Digby Island, just west of
Prince Rupert.
1 The contemporary spelling is an anglicanized corruption of the Ts’msyan (Tsimshian)
word Metla-kah-thla (Maxłakxaała), meaning
a passage between two bodies of saltwater.
2 Other spellings of the name include Metlah Catlah, Metla-kathla, Methlakahtla and
Metla Catla.
According to Parks Canada, which operates the Metlakatla Pass National Historic site
on Pike Island, the entire region once played host to Tsimshian wintering village
sites and has a rich archaeological record.
4 Metlakatla features in the Despatches, such as
this one, in reference to the founding of the anglican mission, there, by
William Duncan.
By the late
1830’s most of the Tsimshian living at Metlakatla had moved to new wintering grounds surrounding
the HBC camp at
Fort Simpson.
5 It is here, that
Duncan found his calling, amongst the
savage spirits
of the Tsimshian.
6 Concerned with enlightening the Indigenous peoples surrounding the fort,
Duncan began to learn their language and translate the Bible from which he also preached.
7 It soon became apparent to
Duncan that if this enlightenment project was to be successful, the Tsimshian would have
to leave
the evil influences of the heathen homes and surroundings
Fort Simpson behind.
8 In
1862 Duncan and his band of Indigenous followers set out to create a
model Christian village
at Metlakatla.
9 The community grew rapidly, eventually supporting the largest church in the north
west, as well as a school—which went on to become a part of the Canadian Indian Residential
School system—a sawmill, cannery, and many other services.
Duncan and approximately 600 followers left Metlakatla and established New Metlakatla, on
Annette Island in
Alaska, out of the jurisdictional reach of the Dominion of Canada and its
Indian policy.
11 According to Sean Carlton, they were fleeing from what they viewed to be increasing
state intervention
within the community.
12 The community’s population continued to decline following Duncan’s departure. In
1901 a great fire destroyed most of the original buildings.
13 Today, the Tsimshian First Nation own the land, but few of its members live in the
- 1. Andrew Scott, Metlakatla, The Encyclopedia of Raincoast Place Names.
- 2. Ibid.
- 3. Ibid.
- 4. Parks Canada, Metlakatla National Historic Site of Canada, Parks Canada Directory of Federal Heritage Designations.
- 5. Ibid.
- 6. Sean Carleton, Colonialism, Capitalism, and the Rise of State Schooling in British Columbia, 1849–1900, PhD diss., Trent University, 2016, 166.
- 7. Ibid.
- 8. John W. Arctander, The Apostle of Alaska: The Story of William Duncan of Metlakahtla, (Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1909), 151.
- 9. Ibid.
- 10. Scott, Metlakatla, Raincoast Place Names.
- 11. Carleton, The Rise of State Schooling in British Columbia, 1849–1900, PhD diss., Trent University, 2016, 256.
- 12. Ibid.
- 13. Scott, Metlakatla, Raincoast Place Names.
- 14. Community Profile: Metlakatla, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations; Metlakatla First Nation Land Code.