No. 9
1. I have the honor of submitting the following remarks on
the subject of establishing a sea-port Town for the Colony of
British Columbia.
3. That circumstance obviously suggests the necessity of
establishing in
British Columbia for the convenience of trade
more than one seaport Town, where vessels may enter with cargoes
of foreign goods.
4. One sea-port town, and that of the greatest present importance
should be established at the entrance of
Frasers River, and another
in some convenient and
accessible harbour, on the Coast of
Columbia north of
Vancouvers Island.
5. There is unfortunately no convenient harbour for shipping
at or in the near vicinity of
Fraser's River, that is to say
between the boundary of the United States in the 49
th parallel
of latitude to
Point Grey, at the entrance of
Burrard Canal.
6. Extensive sand banks, sweeping five miles from the land
into the
Gulf of Georgia, and reaching from
Point Roberts to
Point Grey, form an open unsheltered anchorage, but there is no
harbour on that section of the coast.
7. The ship channel
Frasers River, winds in a somewhat
tortuous and narrow passage through those sands, and has a depth
of water sufficient for vessels drawing 18 feet.
8. Beyond the sands the river increases in depth and the
current in force and velocity. The banks for the first ten miles
are low being only a few feet above the water level, and there is
a wide extent of wet marshy country on both banks of the River,
intersected by creeks and covered with sedge willows and coarse
9. The low wet District passed, the country presents a new
aspect being
more elevated and covered with Pines and other forest
10. That is the point where the sea port Town can be established
to the greatest advantage, and for this reason that it is accessible
to sailing vessels, which owing to the lofty banks on both sides of
the River, beyond that point, can rarely depend upon a fair wind, or
ascend further without using the warp, or by the help of steam.
11. The "Port of Entry" for all ships entering
Fraser's River for
trade, should be established somewhere about that point, known as
H.B.C. Tree,
the first explorers of the River having marked a
tree with those letters, and the point
has ever since retained this
name, while for the convenience of general trade, and to prevent
the risk and delay consequent on entering the River, a Customs
House Officer might be stationed at
Point Roberts, or at some more
convenient point on the sea coast, outside of
Fraser's River, to
enter ships bound to other Ports in the
Gulf of Georgia, north of
Fraser's River.
12. The accompanying Chart shewing the character of the country
near the mouth of
Fraser's River, and the point where it is here
proposed to place the sea-port Town, will be found useful for
13. I would propose another plan which is however open to
adoption only, should
Vancouver's Island be incorporated with
and this is that the safe and accessible
harbour of Esquimalt
Vancouver's Island should be made the Port of Entry to sea going
vessels for both Colonies, leaving the navigation of the
Gulf of
Georgia and other inland waters for a class of steam vessels
calculated to do the work with safety and despatch. This latter
plan is very popular with the property holders of
Vancouvers Island,
who are generally desirous of having the sea port Town of
Columbia at
Victoria, where it now is, but if that
plan should appear objectionable to Her Majesty's Government, then
there will remain the alternative of selecting the point before
described, about ten miles from
Point Pelly
Fraser's River,
where the land is level, dry and otherwise well adapted as a town
14. One of those two places will I apprehend have to be adopted
in fixing upon the site of the sea port Town of
British Columbia.
With reference to the accompanying
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
A Copy of this Despatch might be sent to the Admiralty with
a request for any observations which they may have to offer on
the practicability of the Gov
rs suggestions? We should send
a Copy or tracing of the annexed plan as it explains the Despatch?
It seems to me of so much consequence to arrive at a right decision
on this point that I s
d be inclined also to send a copy of this
to the B
d of Trade and to request their opinion & advice
(as well as that of the Admiralty) at their earliest convenience.
I suppose that a port of entry will be likely to create a large
commercial town & perhaps a capital for the Colony—and if so it's
removal from the Sea coast to the distance of ten

miles appears
at first sight questionable. Again the channel seems to be from
the annexed tracing somewhat intricate, if indeed it is sufficiently
wide. This is not very favourable to a large marine traffic. The
line of coast is sandy—if any reliance can be placed on the Map,
Cape Grey to
Cape Roberts. This again raises further ground
for consideration before any decision is come to. At the same
time it is clear that our reply to the
Govr should go out with
as little delay as possible, and under any circumstances much must
be trusted to his discretion.
Sent to Admiralty.
Print for Parlt.
Col Moody will be referred to on the subject.
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to Admiralty,
26 January 1859, forwarding copy of the
despatch for consideration.
Minutes by CO staff
With reference to
Sir Ed: Lytton's Minute is it intended that the
Desp: should be referred to the Brd of Trade?