No. 52
1. In consequence of the return of mild weather, the ice on
Fraser's River has broken up and vessels are again plying with goods
and passengers between this place and
Fort Langley.
The Steamers
"Santa Cruz"
2. The Steamers "
Santa Cruz"
and "
Beaver" lately returned from
thence, with upwards of three hundred passengers from the mining
districts, and, as reported on good authority, 7340 ounces of gold
dust, exclusive of the sums in the hands of miners.
3. The passengers who arrived by those vessels suffered much
privation on their journey to
Fort Langley, in consequence of the
freezing of the River, about forty miles above that place, where
they were detained by ice, and imprudently attempted to make their
way through the woods to
Fort Langley without the precaution of
taking guides or food, or in short, providing in any manner for
their own comfort or safety. The poor fellows soon lost their
way, and after wandering for several days through the pathless
forest, were nearly perishing of cold and hunger, before they
could be rescued from their perilous situation.
4. Those people who were principally returning miners,
complain bitterly of the cold, and appear physically disqualified
the enervating effects of a long residence in California, for the
more rigorous climate of
British Columbia.
5. The reports from the upper Country are favorable; confirming
all our previous opinions of the great mineral wealth of the interior
British Columbia.
The want of roads and difficulty of access, are still the great
impediments to the development of the mineral wealth of that region.
6. The Harrison's River road is, after an endless deal of
trouble and anxiety,
from the want of honest and able men to carry
out the plans of Government, fairly open to traffic, and its
advantages will be of incalculable value to the country. We
have had a town site laid out on that road, at
Port Douglas, and
have caused town lots of the usual
to be issued under leases,
to all persons wishing to build there for the present winter, and
about seventy of those lots are occupied.
7. Some specimens of gold procured by sluicing on
River, have lately come into my
possession, adding force to the
opinion that the country in that quarter, is probably not greatly
inferior to
Fraser's River itself, as an auriferous district.
Bridge River is now the favorite gold district: specimens
of copper and a small specimen of silver now in my possession having
recently been brought from that part of the
There was then

a very slender stock of food in his District,
and provisions were selling at a high price; but there was a prospect
of speedy relief, as supplies of flour and other articles of food
were beginning to arrive by the Harrison's River road.
10. Many of the white miners had nevertheless left the country
in despair of being able to get through the winter without suffering
much privation, and those who remained behind were peaceable and
well conducted.
Their conduct towards the Indian population, and of
the latter to the whites had been good, and no serious difficulty
had occurred since the month of October.
11. The Police had in one instance, met with resistance on a
mining bar above
Lytton, from a party of miners who sought to
protect a person named
D. Brown, charged with a criminal offence;
but they succeeded after a hard fight, in capturing the criminal,
who with
four of his friends, had posted themselves in a log house
for defence.
Brown was severely wounded in the struggle and is not yet
12. This is the first and only instance of open resistance to
the Law, that I have had to record in
British Columbia, and I am glad
to say the Police did their duty faithfully on the occasion.
Mr Travaillot's statement of public receipts and
expenditures, exhibits
a deficit of nearly £100 against his District,
and he remarks, that in the present state of things, a more favorable
result could hardly be expected. Food of all kinds has been scarce
and dear, and the sources of supply at a great distance from the mining
bars—the miners were therefore kept continually travelling to and
fro to procure subsistence thereby exhausting their money as well as
their physical energies, in extremely fatiguing journies over a
rugged country,
carrying loads from 80 to 100 pounds on their backs.
And latterly, the cold weather—the Thermometer having fallen
to 10o Fahrenheit, had compelled the miners to suspend work
altogether. In such circumstances, the licence fees could not be
enforced with advantage to the public revenue.
14. There is nothing further of much importance to communicate
respecting the affairs of
Mr Travaillot's District.
15. I have also
lately received satisfactory accounts from
the district of
Fort Yale.
Mr Hicks, the Assistant Commissioner
having failed in carrying out his instructions for collecting the
Mining Licence fee, and being deficient in nerve for the position he
holds, it is my intention immediately to remove him, and to appoint
Mr Inspector Brew to the office he now holds—as Assistant
Commissioner of Crown
16. This arrangement will not interfere materially
Mr Brew's other duties, while to me it will afford an
incalculable degree of relief, as I can implicitly rely on
Mr Brew's firmness and integrity.
17. I forward for your information three numbers
of the Victoria Gazette which contain the latest reports from
the mining Districts, and on that account may be found interesting.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
It is a satisfactory account of the State of the Colony & should
I presume be printed?
And satisfactory also as to
Mr Brew's capability & conduct.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Victoria Gazette, 18, 21??, 23 December
People in this document
Brew, Chartres
Brown, D.
Carnarvon, Earl
Douglas, Sir James
Hicks, Richard
Jadis, Vane
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Merivale, Herman
Travaillot, Oswald Justice
Vessels in this document
Beaver, 1835-1888
incompleteSanta Cruz
Places in this document
Bridge River
British Columbia
Fraser River
Harrison River
Port Douglas
Thompson River
Vancouver Island