Hart to Secretary of State
Colonial Church & School Society
9 Serjeants Inn
Fleet Street, EC
25 September 1858
I am directed by the Committee of the Colonial Church and School Society 1 to inform you that the most urgent appeals have been made to them from a variety of quarters to send Clergymen forthwith to British Columbia, in order to minister to the spiritual necessities of the English speaking population, who are now emigrating to that Colony by thousands.
Although the funds of the Society for the current year had been previously appropriated, yet the Committee have been unableManuscript image to resist these applications, and have therefore ventured forthwith to send one Cleryman and to provide him with a stipend of £300 per annum.
The Committee understand that it is not the present intention of Her Majesty's Government to send out an Army Chaplain with the force about to proceed to British Columbia; whilst therefore the primary object of this Clergyman will be to minister to the general population of the Colony, they are anxious that the military force which may be stationed there, should benefit by such spiritual supervision as it may be in his power to bestow.
Considering the circumstances under which the Committee have adopted the course in question, they are induced to hope that HerManuscript image Majesty's Government will be pleased to forward the object they have in view by sending the Clergyman about to be appointed (as well as a second, should the funds at their disposal enable them to send two) to the new Colony of British Columbia free of expence.
I have etc.
Wm H.A. Hart
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Merivale
Ansr that one Clergyman can have a passage in the Thames City, which will sail on Wedny or Thursday, (I have written privately to ascertain his name, and whether he is a single or married man), but that as for giving a passage to the second Clergyman whom the Society propose to appoint, regret that the Govt will not have the means of facilitating that object. (I assume this, on the ground that we are now giving free passages to two Clergymen, which is as much as we can be expected to do in the present early stage of this Colony.)
With respect to this Clergyman officiating for the R. Engineers, ansr as proposed by myself and Lord Carnarvon in the minutes on 9832. 2
ABd 25 Sepr
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
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Note with above:
Colonial Church and School Society,
9 Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street,
London E.C.
Sep 27 1858
Mr Hart presents his compliments to Mr Blackwood & in reply to his letter begs to state that the Rev H.E. Daniel of Bury St Edwards is the clergyman whom the Committee of this Society have in view for British Columbia, though it is not yet definitely arranged that he will be appointed. In the event of the selection of the Committee falling on Mr Daniel he will be accompanied by his wife.
[No signature]
Other documents included in the file
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Draft, Colonial Office to Secretary, Colonial Church and School Society, 27 September 1858, advising that passage for only one clergyman could be provided.
Minutes by CO staff
Lord Carnarvon
I send this to you direct—for time presses, as usual. If you wd approve, & send it to my room on Monday the Letter cd be sent off at once.
ABd 25 Sepr
Mr Blackwood
I somewhat doubt the expediency of giving a free passage in the "Thames City" toManuscript image the Missionary of this Society. We have already promised a berth to a clergyman to be sent out by the S.P.G. If we embark on the same ship the representatives of the two societies do we run no risk of variance? I leave the matter however to you, as this may be an excess of caution on my part.
Hart, William H. A. to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 25 September 1858, CO 60:2, no. 9830, 151. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria. https://bcgenesis.uvic.ca/B585MI05.html.

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