Aldrich to Lytton

Augt 18th 1858
The Act of Parliament constituting the New Colony of British Columbia will doubtless place many appointments in your gift & as I am anxious to proceed thither I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for one of them & humbly to solicit your generous consideration.
I have been 13 years in the Master's Office, Court of Bankruptcy & beg to refer you to the following Gentlemen Officers of that Court Richard Clarke Esq Accountant in Bankruptcy
John Lucas Esq Master of theManuscript image Courts of Bankruptcy
John Ireland Esq Chief Clerk in the Masters Office I also beg to refer you to the Rev. Wm Gale formerly of Beaufrie Hall near Wisbeach, brother to the late Mr Greaves Townley who represented the County of Cambridge in several Parliaments.
I beg to state that I am & have always been a staunch supporter of the party which acknowledges that distinquished Nobleman the Earl of Derby as its leader & as a [Liveryman?] of London have always voted for the Conservative Candidate or Candidates.
Manuscript image
Doubtless an Insolvent Court will be established in the New Colony—if so I should prefer an appointment in it but should not object to any other feeling convinced that with the energy & perseverence it has pleased Providence to endow me with I might not only be able to obtain a living but at the same reflect credit on those who appointed me.
Should you wish to address any questions to me a letter addressed as per the other side will meet my immediateManuscript image attention.
Soliciting your kind consideration & with the greatest respect
I have the honor to be Sir
Your very faithful Servt
Stephen J. Aldrich

Mr Aldwich
Care of John Ireland
Masters Office
Court of Bankruptcy
Basinghall St E.C.
The Right Honble
Sir E.B. Lytton Bart M.P.
&c &c &c
Her Majesty's Principal
Secretary of State for
the Colonies
Minutes by CO staff
Appt in New Colony.
Aldrich, Stephan J. to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 18 August 1858, CO 60:2, no. 9923, 432. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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