I beg leave most respectfully to bring under your notice
the enclosed statement of my grievances. I think that you will
own that it contains within a short compass as startling
a [rainaused?] and as painful a tragedy as the annuls of real
life afford. I am sure Sir that to a Gentleman of your great
and unrivalled force of Character it will be unnecessary
for me exalted though your position is, to
apologize for intruding upon your valuable time by a detail
of the grievances of the humblest of Her Majesty's
subjects—while those grievances are yet [Inudiable?].
And now Sir presuming that you have already had my
extraordinary tale, the first question that will naturally
suggest itself to your mind is—Is this man an impostor?
or are his intellects perfectly sound? With regard to
the first enquiry I beg to refer you to the enclosed
copies of the certificates of
Chief Justice Lefroy
Mr A. Lefroy, M.P. [and] to
Richard Leavings M.P. as to
my Character & Respectability. With regard to the
second I have little to say but that I have given the
fullest information as to the dates and other particulars [of]
the transactions and that I court the fullest inquirys
to everything connected with it. Nor could I reasonably ask

you to interfere in the matter without applying for
information about me to the Lord Chancellor the Chief
Secretary for Ireland (to both of whose private Secr
s I
am now well—too well—known). And now Sir to the
point without further delay under a pressure of
[accumulate?] wrong and outrage which would induce
most men to harbour very dark thoughts towards
my persecutor, I have thank God, been enabled
to keep myself perfectly free from all illegality
or violence, knowning that if I were even to strike
r Tuite I would be heavily punished and
my story of unexampled oppression would not be
listened to for a moment in a court of justice. But
right is crippled for life—and
Starvation seems [to] be staring us in the
face—my boy has no apparent
prospects for the future & in the [frince?] of
Manly vigor I have [no?] employment.
All I want is the means of earning my bread
& that is everything which I cannot pro[cure]. You will
see by the letter of
Lord Nass private Secretary that
my misfortunes have excited his Lordships Sympathy
but with no further good to me. The editors of the
most influential journals in Dublin are aware
of my story and would gladly publish my case
Keeping clear of the names of the parties: and
it has been suggested to me to print my statement
and send copies of it to the leading independent
Members of Parliament on [sounse?] of whom I can

[two words cut off microfilm] for bringing the whole case before
the House. But to what end? The exposing of M
r Tuite
at the bar of Public opinion would answer no purpose
but the gratifications of a revenge, which I
can heartily say I do not feel; and I shrink from
the meaning of becoming an object of public compassion
and having subscriptions lists opened for me in
the newspapers. Under these circumstances I would
humbly appeal to those sympathies which must
attack such a bosom as yours to procure
me a situation in the Colony of
New Columbia.
In reference to my present qualifications I have
only to say that I am 42 years of age upwards of
6 feet high strong build and blest with uniform
health & strength. Any of the Gentlemen I have
mentioned will I am sure certify this much for me and
in conclusion I am sure I do not over estimate your
sense of humanity and justice when I express my
conviction that without condemning me to resort to
the last desparate step of publicity

You will exert
your high influence to aid one who has been so long
trampled under the iron heel of magisterial ignorance.