King to Lytton
13th July 1858
With reference to former communications which I have done myself the honor to address to you respecting an appointment in one of her Majesty's Colonies
I beg to forward Copies of the Original testimonials you have returned to me.
I have already pointed out my experiences as a Traveller having been in India, Australia the Cape of Good Hope & latterly 2 years in China also my qualifications as a linguist speaking French German Hindoostanee fluently & sufficient Chinese to make myself understood.
I was 7 years in the army as an Officer during which time I filled the important post of Paymaster for upwards of 2 years and 2 years as Superintendent of Constabulary in this Country, in all of which situations certificates now forwarded will I trust prove that I have discharged my duties efficiently and zealously.
Therefore under the above circumstances I solicit the honor of your favorable consideration feeling confident that at the present critical state of affairs in the newly discovered gold regions my services might Manuscript imagebe beneficial to the public service.
Should I be selected for an appointment in a police force & should it be necessary I could procure an efficient and experienced body of trainee police constables willing to enter the public service & accompany me. Being most anxious for employment abroad may I request the honor of as early a reply as your arduous duties will permit you to grant me.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your most obedt Servt
E. Hammond King
Late Lieutt Fusiliers &
Paymaster 59th Regt
Supt. Carmarthenshire
To the Right Honble
The Secretary of State for the Colonies
Colonial Office
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
Include in the ackmt to his lr of the 6th.
ABd. 14 July.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Manuscript image
Copies of nine testimonials of his previous service
King, Edward Hammond to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 13 July 1858, CO 6:28, no. 6814, 162. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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