Colonial Office
13 July 1858
My Lord,
As the
Govt will be sending out troops to
New Caledonia, my experience on that Coast from
1850 to
1853 may be of use.
In England by the West Indian Mail Steamers to
Navy Bay (Aspinwall) in 18 days or by Chartered Steamer in 14. Clipper Ship 27 to 37. over Rail Road
Panama in 4 hours. Cost pr man £2 & the freight charged in Rail Road 5
d pr lb. The Pacific Mail Steam C
o (American) leave
Panama weekly for
San Francisco time 12 to 14 days. Steamers could be chartered at
San Francisco for
Vancouver or
Frazer River or those on the Line could take the men—time 3 to 6 days.
Plenty of Rassions can be had at
San Francisco for the supply of the troops say Biscuit, flour, Beef, Port &c My experience of
passages in Sailing Vessels Clippers or not is 40 to 100 days from
Panama to
San Francisco & 60 to 70 returning, so that Steam then would only do for the troops. If sent out
by W.I. steamers from Southampton 100/to 150 at a time would be enough as there might
not be room for more on the Pacific Steamers &
Panama now is very unhealthy.
Probably the Pacific Mail Steam C
o (British) might have

an idle Steamer at
Panama. The Liverpool Sec
t or agent of the C
o would inform you—or M
r Vanderbilt might—his agent in
London or Southampton may know.
If any further information [is] required I would be happy to give it. Should your
Lordship wish to See me on the Subject I can wait.
Minutes by CO staff
Put by, for future reference.
Mr. Kernaghan is not without an object in his Communications to this office.
He wants employment.