Topographical Office, War Dept
4 New Street, Spring Gardens
25th Octr 1858
I have the honour to state that the amount of my travelling
and other incidental expenses such as Postage telegrams and
cab hire chargeable to the Colonial Service upon which I have
been engaged since the 17h August amount to
£58.5s.4d and
I shall feel oblliged by its being paid to my credit at Messrs
Cox & Co. Charing Cross. In this I have not included the personal
allowance per diem as I do not think it should be asked for if the
Colonial pay be sanctioned from the date of commencing to do duty
vide my letter of this day's date.
I have the honour to be Sir,
r most obedient humble Servant
R.C. Moody
Col. R.E.
The Under Secretary of State
Colonial Office
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Colonel Moody was promised reimbursement of the expences which he
incurred. Recommend payment to Treasy.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
C.E. Trevelyan, Treasury,
11 November 1858,
forwarding copy of the letter and recommending that
Moody be