Rowlandson to Lytton

To The Right Honourable Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton Bart M.P. Secretary of the Colonies  

Right Honourable Sir,
On the departure of the last mail from this City I took the liberty of addressing to you a letter containing some remarks incidental to the prospect of the new Colony of British Columbia accompanied, by an application that desired an appointment suited to my capacity, on the staff of the governor which related to the management of the lands & minerals of that country and also if requisite a connexion with its tidal rivers, the appointment of cities and attention to their engineering hygiene requirements and commercial aptitude.
For my capacity to fill such an office I respectfully forward a copy of testimonials and references.
In my last letter which was rather a hasty melange I alluded to some topics which might most probably appear ratherManuscript image utopian or bordering on the hyperbole.
I have therefore in order to strengthen my position on such points taken the liberty of forwarding to you some San Francisco newspapers
Not recd with letter in Regy Res.
AA 29/10/58
which contain references to some of the objects which I alluded to. The first "the Bulletin" of the 6th instant where in the commercial article it is mentioned that a company is about to be formed for prosecuting the woolen manufacturing in California. I was under the impression that the same paper contained a notice of several rich Chinese having purchased several acres of land at Vancouvers Island in order to erect Wharves for the convenience of their own ships (that is chartered British & American Vessels). [Marginal note: I find I am in error the paragraph must have appeared in some other paper.] A reference also to the article in the same paper of the 20th instant "On the breaking up of Chinese exclusiveness" will offer pretty good evidence that the bulk of Mongol immigration will make its way to the British Possessions.
Incidental to this subject I may allude to the fact that the British Ship Carribeean sailedManuscript image from here yesterday with thirteen Japanese who were picked up at sea by Captain Winchester, who is about to try to get them restored to their Country, and tomorrow one Joseph Hui a most intelligent Japanese one of a crew similarly picked up by an American vessel about eight years ago is to depart on the U.S. Surveying Schooner "Fennimore Cooper" the Captain of which has instructions to put him ashore as near as possible to his native place (about 300 miles from the only port open to foreign Vessels in Japan).
Had Lord Clarendon when an officer chosen, this gentleman "Joseph Hui" might have been most usefully employed as interpreter &c to Lord Elgins Japan Expedition, he may yet be made of great use to British interests in Japan.
I allude to these matters because it will be seen by others on reading the article and notice (what is well known to English residents here) that the Americans will make desperate efforts to obtain the Chinese & Japanese trade; the English will have proven the best choice—owing to the facilities that can be made for this intercourse in British Columbia.
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In conclusion I trust I have shown that I have an earnest desire to promote the interests of my country and I flatter myself I am not devoid of the mental capacity for doing so if placed in a situation such as I seek, whilst my local knowledge will necessarily prove advantageous.
I remain
Right Honourable Sir
Yours most respectfully
Thomas Rowlandson

San Francisco California
21st September 1858

P.S. I also send a newspaper of the 13th instant containing an article "Mr Buchanans Peace Message"
Not recd for Registry.
AA 29/10/58
on something like the late David O'Connels "Pacification." It will show that I by no means made an exaggerated statement about Mr John Nugent.
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Rowlandson has been twice informed that Sir E. Lytton can give him no office in B. Columbia. If this, his third, application is to be ansd it must be to the same effect.
ABd 2 Novr
TFE 2 Nov
Acknowledge & repeat Sir E. Lytton's regret as usual.
C N 3
Other documents included in the file
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Draft, Carnarvon to Rowlandson, 9 November 1858, advising that no appointments were available in the colony.
Rowlandson, Thomas to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 21 September 1858, CO 60:3, no. 11053, 579. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)