No. 89
I have the honor of transmitting for your information the
copy of a letter from the Lieutenant Governor dated,
Fort Yale
17th January, to which allusion was made in my Despatch
80, of the
22nd January last, and which could not, for want
of time, be got ready to foward by the same conveyance.
2. The copy of a subsequent communication from the
Lieutenant Governor dated
22 January is also herewith
forwarded, reporting that the authority of the Law has been
maintained, and that quietness now prevails among all classes
Fort Yale and in the neighbourhood.
3. The Lieutenant Governor had however considered it
prudent to leave the Detachment of Royal Marines under
Lieutenant Howard S. Jones for a week longer, to aid and
support the Chief Inspector of Police. He brought back the Royal
Engineers to
Langley, and also the Seamen, who rejoined Her
Majesty's Ship
Plumper at that place.
4. The Lieutenant Governor and
Judge Begbie returned to
this place a few days ago by the
Plumper, and the former
to address me a special Report upon the subject of the last
disturbance at
5. I gratefully acknowledge the prompt and zealous
co-operation of
Captain Prevost, the Senior Naval Officer,
in furnishing a force for the suppression of those disturbances,
and of
Captain Richards who commanded the Naval Force and
despatched it from
Fort Langley to the support of the Lieutenant
Governor, who notices with especial commendation the services
Lieutenant R.C. Mayne R.N. and of
Mr Ogilvie of the
Hudson's Bay
Company's service.
Minutes by CO staff
I hope that punishment will be inflicted on
McGowan but we
must wait for further information. Send extract to Admiralty?
Send to Admiralty with an expression of thanks.
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to Secretary to the Admiralty,
11 April 1859,
forwarding copy of the despatch for information.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
People in this document
Begbie, Matthew Baillie
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Carnarvon, Earl
Douglas, Sir James
Jones, Lieutenant Howard Sutton
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Mayne, Lieutenant Richard Charles
McGowan, Edward
Merivale, Herman
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Prevost, Captain James Charles
Richards, Captain George Henry
Vessels in this document
HMS Plumper, 1848-1865
Places in this document
Hill's Bar
Vancouver Island