I have duly received your Despatch of the
12th April last
o 50, in reply to my proposal to purchase or build a Steam Vessel
intended for the transport of Troops and Government Stores in
River, and as a means of restraining the refractory, and of
law and order among the population of the Mining Districts.
2. I observe that Her Majesty's Government, without doubting the
judiciousness of the plan for local interests, decline giving it their
countenance or support. I rejoice, therefore, that circumstances
subsequent to the date of my Despatch induced me to defer the execution
of the project until I received your reply. I will now abandon it
altogether, or until such time as the Colony may be in a condition to
defray the cost from her own resources.
3. You again call my attention to the circumstance of the liability
to the Mother Country which the infant Colony of
British Columbia has
incurred in the earliest step taken by the Home Government for her
establishment and protection. Her Majesty's Government may rest
assured that when the Colony can do so, the obligation will be
faithfully repaid. She can only attain to that condition when her
resources are more fully developed, and it is undeniable that her
development has been retarded, and my hands have been tied through
the want of funds to undertake and carry out important
and indispensable
public works. The assistance of a Parliamentary Grant would have
enabled me months ago to have adopted such measures as to settle and
retain a large population in the Country, and to hold out inducements
to British Subjects to flock to this desirable land. Upon the first
intimation of the discoveries of gold, thousands poured into the
country and spread abroad throughout its length and breadth, without
a thought, and apparently without a care, as to how a land hitherto
wild and uninhabited, except by the native Indian, was to provide
with the means of subsistence. Gold was found, and in quantities
beyond the usual yield in the neighbouring and older gold Districts
of California. So long as his scanty stock of Provisions lasted the
adventurous Miner was content, but when the winter approached and the
rugged mountain passes no longer afforded the means for introducing
further supplies, he was exposed to privation and hardships of no
ordinary description. Numerous were the departures from the Country
in consequence, and those leaving did not fail to exaggerate their ills,
and to spread abroad the reports most unfavourable to the Country.
might naturally have been expected to some extent under any
circumstances or condition of the Country, for the wildest notions
being entertained of the facilities which existed for acquiring instant
wealth, disgust and ill feeling soon followed the non-realization of
extravagant expectations; but had the means been at my Command much
might have been avoided. I used the most strenuous efforts to
facilitate the introduction of supplies, but my resources were limited,
and I could only partially open one route, although Fifteen Thousand
pounds from the Revenues of the Colony were expended in the object.
The difficulties to be overcome in opening out the Country of
Columbia, are of no ordinary character, and the expense attending all
works of labor is enormous, but I do not despair of the benefits
resulting in time repaying the outlay. In another Despatch of this
date I have mentioned that the Colony can and will support in a
befitting manner all her Civil Staff—large as that Staff is—in
consequence of the extensive nature of the Country, and the scattered
condition of the inhabitants, but the cost of the Military Establishment
is a charge that she cannot at present find the means to meet,
for it
alone would more than absorb the entire Revenue of the Colony, and
therefore for the present, we must earnestly hope that the Mother
Country will be kind and generous, and will not refuse her aid to
this her youngest but not least valuable Colony; for the day will,
undoubtedly, come, and may not be far distant, when the possessions
of Great Britain in this part of the world will exercise no insignificant
or unimportant influence on the fast spreading
interests in the Pacific
Ocean of other great Nations.