With reference to
Mr Elliots Letter of the
April, expressing the thanks of Secretary
Sir E.B. Lytton
for the Services of the Seamen and Marines sent to prevent
disturbances in
Fraser's River; and stating that the arrival of
the main body of the Engineer Force and of the Gun Boats in
British Columbia will relieve Her Majesty's Ships "
Plumper from duties which necessity alone has compelled
the Governor to ask their Commanding Officers to undertake;
I am commanded

by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to
state, for the information of
Sir E.B. Lytton, that
unforeseen delays have detained the Gun Boats but that they
will shortly be ordered to proceed to
Vancouver Island—also
that My Lords desire to draw attention to the great
inconvenience resulting from the Employment of the Crews of
Her Majesty's Ships on duties which ought properly to devolve
on the Civil Power of the Colony.