Murdoch to Merivale (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Emigration Office
5 January 1859
I have to acknowledge
Mr Elliot's letter of
ultimo, enclosing two despatches from the Governor of
Columbia, the first accompanied by two Proclamations and
a Notice which he had recently issued, and requesting to be
furnished with a Form of Land Grants, the second submitting
for approval a Form of Grant for Town Lots.
2. The proclamations and Notice enclosed in the first
Despatch prohibit the introduction of Spirituous Liquors
among the Natives, announce the approaching sale of Town
Lots at
Fort Langley, and caution purchasers against
fraudulent sales of Crown Lands by unauthorized persons.
To these there can evidently be no objection. In regard
to the form of Grant sent home by
Governor Douglas, I may
point out that it runs in the name of the Governor himself instead
of in the name of
the Queen, as is usual in all
grants made in virtue of powers delegated by Her Majesty,
and that the
condition at the end of it, that the Lands
shall be subject to all Laws and sanitary regulations now
in force, is superfluous and calculated to raise a doubt
on that point rather than to settle it. All grants must
be accepted liable to such laws & regulations as exist
at the time or may subsequently be made by competent
authority, and it is scarcely possible to imagine a case
in which it would be desirable to enforce that liability
as a Contract between the Crown and its Grantee rather
than as a legal obligation on the Landowner.
3. I enclose the Form of a Grant which appears
sufficient for all purposes. All reservations of Timber
Minerals &c are omitted in conformity with the policy
which has been established in other Colonies of late years.
I have pointed out, however, in another report of this date,
that this omission will not entitle a grantee to appropriate
Gold or Silver which may be found on his Grant, although it
will entitle him to the baser metals and Coal.
4. I have adopted in this form the new Title of Her
Majesty published in the recent Indian Proclamation, which
was announced as having been approved by the "Queen in Council."
I am not, however, aware whether it is intended to adopt this
form of Title in all future documents running in Her
Majesty's name, or whether it was to be used only on the
special occasion of the Proclamation to India.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
As this is a proposed form of a deed of grant, it requires your
The grant seems right. The point as to
the Queen's title deserves
consideration. I suppose there can be no objection to our adopting it?
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)