I have to acknowledge your letter of
14th instant
with an Extract of a Despatch from the Governor of
Columbia, enclosing a Proclamation which he had issued to
confer on himself and his successors the power to convey
Crown Lands within the Colony.
2. This Proclamation was issued on the advice of
Begbie, and authorises the Governor to make grants under his
hand and Seal. In all other Colonies
as far as I am aware
grants of Land are made in the name of the Crown & under the
public seal of the Colony, and the power to make such grants
is derived from the Prerogative of the Crown delegated in
this particular to the Governor by his Commission. I am not
aware of any circumstances connected with
British Columbia
which should make it necessary to pursue a different course
in that Colony, and if none such exist it would I think be
much better, and probably safer, to follow the Established
practice in this respect.