With reference to your Letter of the
7th Inst:,
enclosing copy of a Despatch from the Governor of
Columbia, stating that he has drawn a further Bill, on
account of the expenses of the Royal Engineers in that
colony, for the sum of £1,500; I am directed by the Lords
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, to acquaint you,
for the information of
Sir E.B. Lytton, that They have
instructed the Paymaster General, to accept two Bills drawn
by the Treasurer of
British Columbia, for the amount
the Governor's Requisition, viz
No. 12 for £1,000
and 13 "
A copy of a Letter from
Mr Hoffay, dated the
Ultimo, relative to the Bills drawn by the Colonial Treasurer,
on account of Army Services, is enclosed herein; and I am to
request that you will move
Sir E.B. Lytton to instruct the
Governor to furnish an explanation, in regard to the difference
in the amounts of the Military Requisitions, and the amounts
of the Bills drawn.
I am to state that Their Lordship's Letters of the 3
and 13
th Ultimo, referred to by
Mr Hoffay, directed the
acceptance of
Bills to the extent of £2,520.