Mr Merivale
This is most serious not alone as to the expense of
renewing the supplies, if it
shd so be determined, but as to
the delay to the Engineers in receiving the stores. I was
informed that only "Houses" had been sent in the "
On applying at the War Office for a List I find,
however, that Articles of the most necessary description
were sent in her. These are

all lost. But what
surprizes me most is if
Mr Talbot is right, that a
public Dep
t, when employing a Vessel not belonging to
Govt, should not insure. I suppose there are
good reasons against insuring: but they are not apparent
at first sight.
It might be well to ask the War Office officially,
if they insured these stores. If they have not so done I
fear we have no alternative except to renew the order at our
own charges, omitting however the Houses—for the Engineers
will have constructed some for themselves long before the
fresh supply can reach them.