With reference to the letter from this Office of the
Instant, respecting the conveyance for Stores to
British Columbia,
I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to acquaint you
that the Comptroller for Transport Services is desirous to be
informed whether the proposed arrangments for the transmission
of these Stores by way of
Vancouvers Island shall be approved,
as the vessel which is to convey the Stores from this country
is appointed to sail at an early date, and I am therefore to
request you will favour this Office with a reply on this
point as soon

as possible. I am to add that with reference to
my letter of the
11th of April last 063/34 relating to
the insurance of Stores, the Secretary of State would be glad
to be informed whether the Colonial Agent or this Department
should or should not insure them on account of the Colony?