Falk to Carnarvon (Parliamentary Under-Secretary)
32 Leadenhall Street, E.C.
10 January 1859
To the Right Honorable
Earl of Carnarvon
Under Secretary of State
Colonial Office Downing Street
My Lord
I had in due course the honor of an reply to mine of the
September upon British Columbian matters. My Brig "Rapid" Thomas
Jones M
r left this already last Month for
Victoria Vancouvers
Island and I propose to follow her myself next Month via N York and
St Louis over Land so as to meet her there end of
April, my object
being to dispatch the Vessel from Columbia, with Deals, Spars &c the
produce of Columbia to the ports of Japan and Northern China which
will be open to British Trade early next Summer, and to bring back
Chinese Emigrants and in fact make the beginning of a regular direct
trade between Columbia, and the Chinese-Japanese Coasts.
It will under such circumstances be of importance to me and also
forward the Interests of the Trading community if I have when out in
Columbia in
May next the good-will of the British Authorities at
Victoria V.I. and I hope it is not taking too great a liberty, if I
ask the Colonial Office to give me a few Lines to
Governor Douglas to
forward my Views in the above Matters.
Waiting the favor of a reply,
I have the honor to Remain My Lord
Your very obedient and humble servant
Robert Falk
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
The Writer, who is connected with a Trading Company, asks for a
letter to the
Govr of
B. Columbia "to forward his views."
Our usual rule is, either not to give such letter, for fear
Governmt should be regarded as guaranteeing to any extent the
concern, or only to give it subject to full caution on this head.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Minutes by CO staff
I think the answer should be first a caution as
Mr Merivale
suggests as to the effect of a letter of introduction, secondly the
statement that it has been
Sir E. Lyttons invariable rule to give no
letter of introduction without receiving in the first place strong
recommendations from persons whom he can trust or with whom he is
personally acquainted, and thirdly that subject to the first

he will be willing to give
Mr Falk the ordinary
letter of introduction to
Govr Douglas on the receipt of such
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to
21 January 1859, agreeing to provide a letter of introduction to the governor upon completion of
certain pre-conditions.