Lytton requests a full report from Douglas and a report from the Commissioner of Crown Lands on the subject of the Hudson’s
Bay Company land claims in British Columbia before he decides on the Colonial Office’s position.
No. 17
Downing Street,
8 February 1859
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your [Vancouver Island]
Despatch No 50, of the
7th of December last, relative to the claims of the Hudson's Bay
Company to Lands adjoining their trading Establishments in British
I have to refer youto to my Despatch, No 42, of the 16th
and I await the full report which I have called for from you upon this
subject. I should also wish before deciding on these claims to receive
a report through you from the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and I request
therefore that you will consult with Colonel Moody in the matter.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble Servant, E B Lytton