I have received your Despatches, N
os 31 and 66 of the
November and
January in the first of which you recommend, and in the second,
report your actual appointment of
Mr W.A. Young to the provisional
Office of Colonial Secretary of
British Columbia.
Recognising the importance to you of having the Services of an
efficient secretary I have obtained permission from the Foreign Office,
and from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for your employment of
Mr Young in this capacity: and if you can provide him with a Salary,
out of Colonial Revenues of about Five Hundred Pounds (£500) per Annum,
I shall be happy, on that understanding, to submit his name to the
Queen for the Appointment.
I think that the Colonial Secretary might at the
same time perform
the duties of Auditor or Accountant to the Public Revenue and