With reference to my Predecessor's despatch N
o 56 of the
of April, informing you that Her Majesty's Government were about to call
for tenders for the conveyance of the Mails between
San Francisco and
British Columbia,
I have to acquaint you that on subsequent
consideration it has been decided that the advantages which would be
derived by the Colonies of
British Columbia and
Van Couvers Island would not prove equivalent to the large amount of subsidy that would be
demanded for the establishment of this service. The same cause has
precluded Her Majesty's Government from entertaining a proposal
that had
been submitted to them for carrying these mails through Canada and the
Hudson's Bay Company's Territory. I have therefore to instruct you to
endeavour to secure the improvements in the existing service which you
pointed out as desirable in your despatch of the
5th November last
which I trust will suffice to meet the requirements of the two Colonies
till their progress and encreasing importance
shall ensure more
advantages proposals.
I have to add that the Postmaster General has obtained the
permission of the United States Post Office to forward the
correspondence for
Van Couvers Island and
British Columbia in closed
Mails addressed to Her Majesty's Consul at
San Francisco who will
forward them by the first eligible opportunity to their destination.