Downing Street,
5 September 1859
Among the many difficulties with which the organization of
Government in
Columbia has to contend, I cannot but think that
the presence and residence in that Colony of the several Officers who
have been appointed by the Crown to conduct its affairs is
I have not received any special report from yourself on this
subject: but from such information as I collect from other sources
(subject to your better knowledge as to its correctness) it would appear
that this essential duty is very much disregarded.
Being yourself Governor both of
Vancouvers Island and
Columbia you have necessarily a divided duty to perform: but the
unavoidable absence which this occasions

on your part cannot dispense
with the closer attention of other British Columbian functionaries to
their duties.
It is stated that the Judge, the Colonial Secretary, his assistant,
the Attorney General, and the Treasurer, are at present residing in
Vancouver's Island.
This state of things must be put an end to at once, and the
gentlemen in question must be warned that they must repair with the
least practicable delay to the scene of their duties, or, it they decline
to do so, must at once resign their situations. I am aware that there
may be difficulties in finding residences in a colony just commencing
its existence, but

these difficulties must be overcome, as they would by
this time have been overcome had not the close neighbourhood of the
Colony of
Vancouvers Island afforded so easy a means of absenting
themselves for the time from their posts.