No. 86
8 October 1860
My Lord Duke
Having very recently completed a rather protracted journey
exceeding five weeks of almost constant travelling

Columbia, I regret that there is not time to communicate to
your Grace, by the Mail of this day, now about leaving for
San Francisco, the result of my observations on the character
and prospects of that Colony.
3. The lately discovered Gold District in
Shimilkomeen is,

for the time being, attached to the
Hope district, a course
which I was compelled to adopt for want of an efficient
officer at that time, to conduct the public business of the
new District.
4. The fame of the rich diggings discovered at
Rock Creek,
have drawn to that place chiefly from the State

of Oregon,
upwards of five hundred Miners and persons engaged in other pursuits.
I therefore found it necessary to lose no time in making
arrangements to maintain the peace, and to protect the public
revenue by the appointment of a Magistrate and Gold Commissioner
for that District, together

with other officers to enforce
the Customs Laws of the Colony, and that object was, I am
happy to say, effected without creating any dissatisfaction
among the foreign population there present.
5. I am further glad to report that peace and good order
exist everywhere within the Colony, and that a general and
marked feeling of confidence

is exhibited by the resident
population in the resources of the Country.
6. I shall endeavour to prepare a report of my late
proceedings for your Grace's information, before the
departure of the next Mail.