In reply to your Letter of the
6th Instant, relative
to the expenses incurred on the Voyage of the Detachment of
Royal Marines which was transferred from China to
Vancouvers Island; I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the
Admiralty, to acquaint you, for the information of His Grace
Duke of Newcastle, that they have withdrawn the Claim
for the Marines in question, it

having been made through inadvertence.
Minutes by CO staff
This is very satisfactory. I happened to be at the
Admiralty a few weeks ago, when one of the Lords told me
he was quite surprised at our hesitating about paying this
claim, but our letter, it appears, has persuaded them.
They may probably have informed the Treasury, but to
prevent oversight, I should send a very short letter from
hence to the Treasury, saying with reference to ours of the
6th that the Admiralty withdraw the claim.