I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty
to transmit to you herewith, a copy of a despatch, dated the
9 Sept last, from the Commander in Chief of Her Majesty's Ships
and Vessels in the Pacific, respecting the grant of extra Pay to
the Party of Royal Marines doing duty in
British Columbia; and
I am

to request that in laying the same before the
Duke of
Newcastle, you will state to His Grace, that my Lords are of
opinion, taking into consideration the whole circumstances of
the case, together with the laborious nature of the work
performed by the Marines under
Colonel Moody, and their exemplary
conduct as testified by that Officer, that it would be most
desirable that the Party of Marines who have been promised the
s/ per diem, should be allowed

My Lords trust, therefore, that the Secretary of State
will under these circumstances be induced to reconsider his
decision, and issue the necessary directions to the Authorities
Vancouver's Island.