I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury to transmit to you, for the information of the Secretary
of State for the Colonies, with reference to your letter of the
May last copy of a letter addressed to the Commissioners of
Audit on the
11 June last and of a Report from that Board of the
25 Ult (No 380) relative to the adjustment of advances on
account of Pay and Incidental Expenses of the Royal Engineers
sent to
British Columbia under
Colonel Moody and I am to acquaint
you that Their Lordships are of opinion, with reference to the
items of expenditure which cannot be allowed by the
War Department, that Accounts should be furnished by
Captain Parsons in respect to the sum of £500 and by
Captain Grant in respect to the sum of £800, advanced to those officers
respectively, on account of the Incidental Expenses, Their
Lordships do not consider

it necessary to call upon
Moody for an account of the sums of £100 £250 and £58-5-4
issued to him for the passage and travelling expenses of himself
and his family;
With reference to other advances, beyond those abovementioned
Captains Parsons and
Grant, it will be necessary that
these Officers should furnish Accounts, which My Lords consider
may properly be examined by the Commisioners of Audit, when
they have been received.
With regard to the examination of the Accounts to be
furnished by
Colonel Moody for sums received by him, in the Colony, on account of the Royal Engineers, Their
are not at present prepared to give any specific directions.
They will await the receipt of the Accounts and such Report as
Colonel Moody may furnish in respect thereof;
I am also to transmit to you

the draft Instructions for
the Local Auditor, referred to in the last paragraph of the
Report of the Commissioners of Audit and to request that you will
move the Secretary of State to forward them to
British Columbia
for the guidance of that Officer.