With reference to your Letter of the
26th ulto.
together with its enclosures (herewith returned) relative
to the Cargo shipped in the "
Thames City" with the
Detachment of Royal Engineers sent to
British Columbia,
I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to acquaint
you for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle, that the
greater proportion of the stores referred to were not
obtained through this Department but were procured and shipped
under the directions of
Colonel Moody
Colonel Moody.
There is therefore no means, in this Department, of
ascertaining the amount of tonnage, but as far as can be
judged from the list of stores, it would appear that the Broker's
claim for 93 tons 15 Cwt., is not unreasonable.
With regard to the articles stated to be damaged or
deficient, I am to acquaint you that steps have already been
taken for arranging with the owners in regard to the several
items referred to in
Capt Luard's Letter, excepting the four
casks of Brandy shipped by Mess
rs Silver and the 112 lbs
of Tobacco deficient.
Mr S. Herbert

conceives that the
owners should be required to pay for the Brandy; and the
value of the Tobacco has apparently been deducted by the
Admiralty from the amount due for freight. As however it
may be inferred from
Capt Luard's Letter that he has made
good the supply of Tobacco for his men, directions will be
given for placing the amount in question (£7.9.4) to his
credit at Mess
rs Cox & Co, charging the sum to the