I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 218 of the
13th of September enclosing copies of the following Proclamations
issued by you for the Colony of
British Columbia, viz
t No. 1
15th of May 1859,-for the naturalization
of aliens. No.
2 Proclamation dated
19th of May 1859 respecting oaths. No. 3
Proclamation dated
2nd of June 1859, altering in some
respects the Act
for levying duties of Customs on Imports into
British Columbia. No. 4
Proclamation dated
15th of June 1859 imposing tonnage, Pilotage, and
Harbor dues at the Port of
New Westminster. No. 5 Proclamation dated
25th of June 1859 amending the preceding Proclamation. No. 6
Proclamation dated
10th of August amending the law relating to the
licenses for selling spirits &c and for other purposes. No. 7
Proclamation dated
31st of August 1859 entitled
the Gold Fields Act.
On the subject of the Proclamation for the naturalization of Aliens
I shall address you in
a separate despatch. The remaining Proclamations
I have submitted for the sanction of
the Queen, and they have been laid
before Parliament in compliance with the provisions of the Act 21 and 22
Vic: cap: XCIX.
I transmit herewith extract of a report by the Law Adviser of this
Department respecting the form of these Proclamations, and I shall be
glad if you will cause the suggestions therein contained to be followed
in the preparation
of future enactments.